SFTP USER GUIDE FCA US INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT EBMX Abstract EBMX was built to be the premier automotive business-to-business message exchange. The Electronic Business Message eXchange (EBMX) allows FCA and its partners to exchange electronic business documents using standard Internet protocols. Message exchange is enabled from individual desktops or via highly integrated machine-to-machine communication. EBMX puts FCA and its Trading Partners in an optimum position to embrace new and developing systems, increase transaction speed, and promote 'just-in-time' processing. EBMX gains are realized through the entire supply chain! FCA US - SFTP User Guide 1 Overview 1.1 Purpose This document will provide information for a Trading Partner (TP) to send and receive transactions to and from the Electronic Business Message eXchange (EBMX), using SFTP. The following details the steps required for the Trading Partner to put files to the EBMX system via the internet using a VPN connection. 1.2 Requirements The requirements assume the Trading Partner already has necessary software to create and send EDI over the Internet. The Trading Partner must provide FCA with the following: Information to setup the SFTP tunnel with a trading partner Setup a connection via the FCA VPN. Instruction can be found: https://ps.extra.chrysler.com/sites/itb-ebus/Pages/Home.aspx Standards based SFTP Client and Server to communicate with. The EBMX system has incorporated SFTP as an add-on process; the current version of the software does not support the SFTP protocol. This integration has many caveats: 1. In order to support the SFTP protocol we have attempted to integrate into the EBMX as close to a real-time processes as possible. Therefore when submitting files (see Section 3) there may be a delay of a few minutes (usually one minute) before the file is processed. 2. EBMX will provide a status of all processed files located in /RESULTS or /ERRORS. The /RESULTS directory contains files describing successful processing. The /ERRORS directory contains files describing unsuccessful processing. 3. Please do not remove these log files. EBMX has taken responsibility to archive and remove result and error files greater than fourteen (14) days old. The removal and archival process will execute at approximately 3:00 am each day. 4. In an attempt to prevent the removal of directories, we have secured and pre-populated the required directory structure that will enable you to conduct business with FCA. We request that you do not in any way change, add, or delete directories or permissions. In doing so we cannot guarantee the processing of your files. 5. When placing a file on the EBMX system using SFTP you are required to put the file in /TMP, once the “put” is complete you must move the file to the appropriate directory path (see Section 3). Be aware that EBMX will remove any and all files with a creation timestamp greater than 24 hours from the /TMP directory. The cleanup process will execute at approximately 3:00 am each day. 04/29/2015 1 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 1.3 Key Sharing In order to make a connection, Public and Private Keys must be exchanged. The following steps and diagrams will assist the Trading Partner (TP) with the exchange. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EBMX sends public key to TP TP stores public key TP generates public/private key pairs TP sends public key to EBMX EBMX stores TP public Key EBMX initiates a session with TP to accept the host key TP initiates a session with EBMX to accept the host key Considerations: Password authentication is not allowed Host based authentication is not allowed SSH 1 (SSH protocol version 1) is not supported – only SSH2 (SSH protocol version 2) is supported If you are originating traffic from multiple hosts using the same user id, you are required to: 1. Duplicate the RSA/DSA keys to each of your hosts or 2. Generate and send FCA each of the RSA/DSA public keys. 04/29/2015 2 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 2 Receiving (FCA Sending) files via SFTP 2.1 System Access 2.1.1 Firewall Considerations If your system is connected to a firewall, you are required to allow FCA access through the firewall. Because all firewall software configurations are different, the trading partner must contact their firewall support staff to determine the proper configuration. The SFTP server on EBMX will use port 50322 to receive. 2.2 File Placement 2.2.1 File Placement when FCA sends files FCA needs to logon to the trading partner’s system in order for EBMX to send data via SFTP. FCA will require a user ID and public/private key pairs for the trading partner’s system to do this. When creating this logon ID, specify a home directory or file set with full read/write capability for EBMX to place files to. Typically, all files created on the trading partner's system will be of the form: <docType>.Annnnn Where: <docType> defines the transaction type contained in the file. (Please see the Application ID Codes document on the EDI website for a list of all EDI application codes). A = the letter A nnnnn = the number 00001 through 99999 Note: the qualifier, (Annnnn) derives the least-significant five (5) digits of a numeric portion from an EBMX internal file name and is not guaranteed to be unique. A high volume-trading partner might see a recurrence of the qualifier – even in the same day. For this reason, any trading partner maintaining logs, audit trails, or file copies should take appropriate steps to ensure that data is not overwritten & confusion does not occur. A suggestion might be to rename the file using the date and time the file arrived as a part of the new name. In addition, the sequence number is not assigned by trading partner. The numbers are assigned across the entire EBMX system, and, therefore, an individual trading partner will see gaps in the sequence number portion of the file name. The trading partner should not expect to see consecutive sequence numbers on a consistent basis. Alternate file naming is supported – please contact: ebusdesk@fcagroup.com for details. 04/29/2015 3 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 3 Submitting files via SFTP In general; the Trading Partner will connect using a standard SFTP client and “put” the file to the EBMX system; we require the user to deposit the file in /TMP located under their home directory. Upon a successful put, you must move the file to the appropriate sub-directory. Once you move the file, the EBMX system has processes that will scan each sub-directory and process the file. After the file is processed, a result file is created in the trading pasterns /RESULTS directory. If at any time an error occurs during process a file, an error file is created in the /ERRORS directory. Please see each of the following sections for specific information pertaining to processing of each type of file. As mentioned above, after the put, the user must move the file to the appropriate sub-directory structure. As stated in the overview section, FCA has loosely integrated the SFTP protocol into the EBMX application. In order to have EBMX process the files, we have developed a directory structure that mirrors the Sender/Receiver/Document Type nomenclature that EBMX uses to transfer files. You will see located in your home directory the following structure: /<sender>/<receiver>/<document type>/ Where: Sender = Trading Partner ID (not your user ID) Receiver = Destination Document Type = A predefined label used to describe the characteristics of the file. Example: /TESTDOC /TESTDOC/LOOPTEST /TESTDOC/LOOPTEST/LOOPBACK /TMP /ERRORS /RESULTS EBMX will recognize two types of EDI transactions – real time and batch. Real time transactions include ASN/ASC (856) and STARS 214. All other EDI and VICS/VISTA transactions are batch processed. It should be noted that multiple types of submissions might be needed based on the nature of business being done with FCA. For example, a production supplier would normally need to send ASN's using the real time submission process and any other document with the batch processes. Similarly, a carrier who is required to send in ASC's and/or STARS 214's would do so using the real time submission process and other documents such as Freight Bills using the batch processes. 04/29/2015 4 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 3.1 File Permissions (access mode) In order to successfully process a file, there are is a minimum required set of file permissions. All files placed on the server must have read and write access at the group level. Most SFTP Client implementations will set the file permissions based on the local file at the time of creation. Please verify that any file created has the following minimum access modes: drwxrwxrwx drwxrwxr-x -rw-rw---- 2 ecx36adm ebmx 3 ecx36adm ebmx 1 testid ebmxsshd 512 Dec 512 Nov 7209 Dec 8 08:57 . 5 10:00 .. 9 10:51 <File Name> If file permissions are not correct, most SFTP clients provide the chmod command, example: sftp> chmod 660 <file name> If your SFTP client does not provide a command to alter the file permissions, please contact your technical support for assistance. 3.2 Results Directory After EBMX successfully processes the file, an entry in written to the /RESULTS directory, this entry is a zero length file with the following naming convention: <sender>.<receiver>.<doctype>.<filename>.<tracking ID>.<timestamp> Where: sender = TP sender ID receiver = the receiver of the file doctype = Document type ID filename = name of file that was placed on the system tracking ID = a unique number that identifies the submission into EBMX timestamp = date and time of the submission in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS An example file: TESTDOC.EDI.EDIX12.prod.test.4782122.20100914142201 04/29/2015 5 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 3.3 Errors Directory After EBMX unsuccessfully processes the file, an entry in written to the /ERRORS directory, this entry is a zero length file with the following naming conventions: <sender>.<receiver>.<docType>.<filename>.ERROR.<timestamp> or <sender>.<receiver>.<docType>.<filename>.FILETOOBIG.<timestamp> Where: sender = TP sender ID receiver = the receiver of the file doctype = Document type ID filename = name of file that was placed on the system timestamp = date and time of the submission in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS ERROR refers to an issue submitting/processing the file; FILETOOBIG is a file in excess of 2Gb. Example files: TESTDOC.EDI.EDIX12.prod.test.ERROR.20100914142202 TESTDOC.EDI.EDIX12.prod.test.FILETOOBIG.20100914142203 3.4 Submitting Initial Loop-Back Test This initial test will be completed by the trading partner to test network configuration and access. The trading partner will submit a file that is immediately sent back to test access through firewalls and ability for data to be delivered through EBMX. 3.4.1 Example Session Trading Partner initiates an SFTP session to EBMX. (Please see Appendix A for a detailed session) Changes directory to /TMP: cd /TMP Transfers a file: put <filename> Moves file to Document Type directory: rename <filename> /TESTDOC/LOOPTEST/LOOPBACK/<filename> At this time, within approximately 1 minute the file is processed and delivered to the requested destination and a result file is placed in the /RESULTS directory. It is recommended you monitor this directory. See section 3.2.1 Expected Results for a description of the results file. 04/29/2015 6 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 3.4.2 Expected Results A successful Loop-back test will result in the following: /RESULTS/<sender>.<receiver>.<doc type>.<filename>.<tracking id>.<timestamp> Where: /RESULTS Sender Receiver Doc type Filename Tracking ID Timestamp 3.5 = Pre-configured directory created at sign-up. (Do Not Remove) = TESTDOC = LOOPTEST = LOOPBACK = Name of file from the put/move command = upon a successful submit, EBMX returns a numeric sequence number = Date and time of the submit Submitting files via SFTP Example 3.5.1 Example Session Connecting to clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com... You are accessing FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) systems. Connected to EBMX SFTP server. Connection accepted. Access to FCA's computer systems is controlled. FCA authorizes use for its business purposes only. Unauthorized access is prohibited due to risk of irreparable harm to FCA. FCA management may monitor use to ensure compliance with its policies. FCA may terminate access privileges, take disciplinary action and/or institute civil or criminal proceedings to enforce this policy. If any part of this policy is unacceptable to you, please disconnect now!!! Thank you. YOUR ACCESS IS BEING LOGGED & MONITORED!!!! sftp> cd /TMP sftp> put prod.test Uploading prod.test to /TMP/prod.test prod.test 100% 103 sftp> rename prod.test /TESTDOC/LOOPTEST/LOOPBACK/prod.test sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.4782122.20100914142201 TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.4783678.20100915093200 sftp> bye 04/29/2015 7 0.1KB/s 00:00 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 3.5.2 Expected Results Check the /RESULTS directory : : sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.4782122.20100914142201 TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.4783678.20100915093200 sftp> bye : : 3.5.3 Unexpected Results – file not in /RESULTS – check /ERRORS Check the /ERRORS directory : sftp> cd /ERRORS sftp> ls TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.ERROR.20100914142202 TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.prod.test.FILETOOBIG.20100914142203 sftp> bye : 04/29/2015 8 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 4 Real Time Data Submission via SFTP 4.1 Submitting ASN/ASC (856) via SFTP EBMX will not process ASN/ASC transactions larger than 300k. If ASN/ASC’s are larger than this they will need to be separated into multiple submissions smaller than 300k. In the case that an Trading Partner submits a large ASN/ASC, EBMX will return an error message in an 824/997 document pair. Note: for Freight Consolidators sending in ASCs element ISA08 should be 04000FC. This instructs the CHASE system to process the 856 as an ASC rather than as an ASN. This is required for Freight Consolidators using the EBMX directly or other VAN). A detailed session for Real Time ASN/ASC transactions is contained in following section: 4.1.1 ASN/ASC (856) Parameter Description Application Directory Structure ASN/ASC Example: <TP ID>/CHASE/EDIX12 56789B/CHASE/EDIX12/<filename> TP ID = EBMX Member Identifier/Account Identifier 4.1.2 Sample Session Connecting to clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com... You are accessing FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) systems. Connected to EBMX SFTP server. Connection accepted. Access to FCA's computer systems is controlled. FCA authorizes use for its business purposes only. Unauthorized access is prohibited due to risk of irreparable harm to FCA. FCA management may monitor use to ensure compliance with its policies. FCA may terminate access privileges, take disciplinary action and/or institute civil or criminal proceedings to enforce this policy. If any part of this policy is unacceptable to you, please disconnect now!!! Thank you. YOUR ACCESS IS BEING LOGGED & MONITORED!!!! sftp> cd /TMP sftp> put chase.asn.asc Uploading chase.asn.asc to /TMP/prod.test chase.asn.asc 100% 103 sftp> rename chase.asn.asc /56789B/CHASE/EDIX12/chase.asn.asc sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls 56789B.CHASE.EDIX12.chase.asn.asc.4782122.20100914142201 sftp> bye 04/29/2015 9 0.1KB/s 00:00 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 4.2 Submitting STARS 214 Transaction via SFTP A detailed session for Real Time STARS 214 transactions is contained in following section: DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE UNTIL DIRECTED TO DO SO BY FCA! 4.2.1 STARS Parameter Description Application Directory Structure STARS 214 Example: <TP ID>/STARS/EDIX12 56789B/STARS/EDIX12/<filename> TP ID = EBMX Member Identifier/Account Identifier 4.2.2 Sample Session Connecting to clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com... You are accessing FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) systems. Connected to EBMX SFTP server. Connection accepted. Access to FCA's computer systems is controlled. FCA authorizes use for its business purposes only. Unauthorized access is prohibited due to risk of irreparable harm to FCA. FCA management may monitor use to ensure compliance with its policies. FCA may terminate access privileges, take disciplinary action and/or institute civil or criminal proceedings to enforce this policy. If any part of this policy is unacceptable to you, please disconnect now!!! Thank you. YOUR ACCESS IS BEING LOGGED & MONITORED!!!! sftp> cd /TMP sftp> put stars.214 Uploading stars.214 to /TMP/ stars.214 stars.214 100% sftp> rename stars.214/56789B/CHASE/EDIX12/stars.214 sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls 56789B.STARS.EDIX12.stars.214.4782122.20100914142201 sftp> bye 04/29/2015 10 103 0.1KB/s 00:00 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 5 Batch Data Submission via SFTP EBMX will recognize two types of EDI transactions – real time and batch. Real time transactions include ASN/ASC (856) and STARS 214. Batch transmissions include EDI and VICS/VISTA 5.1 Submitting Batch Transactions 5.1.1 EBMX Submit Parameter Requirements The following table shows the directory structure for the respective application: Application Directory Structure EDI Example: VICS/VISTA Production (510, 520, 530, 540, 550, & 630) <TP ID>/EDI/EDIX12 34567A/EDI/EDIX12/<filename> <TP ID>/VISTA/EDIX12 Example: 34567A/VISTA/EDIX12/<filename> Example: <TP ID>/VISTA/PHOLD 76543/VISTA/PHOLD/<filename> VISTA 127 – Carrier Baying Order VICS 824, 926, 928, & 997 <TP ID>/VICS/EDIX12 Example: 69832/VICS/EDIX12/<filename> VICS/VISTA – Test (Test VISTA 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, & 630) Example: <TP ID>/VISTT/EDIX12 Test VISTA 127 – Carrier Baying Order Example: <TP ID>/VISTT/PHOLD 69832/VISTT/PHOLD/<filename> Test VICS 824, 926, 928, & 997 <TP ID>/TVICS/EDIX12 69832/TVICS/EDIX12/<filename> Example: Modular Provider Tier 1 to Modular Provider Tier 2 69832/VISTT/EDIX12/<filename> <TP ID>/< Receiver ID, prefixed with ‘MS2’>/MSEDIX12 Example: Modular Provider Tier 2 to Modular Provider Tier 1 MS99661/MS256743/MSEDIX12/<filename> <TP ID>/< Receiver ID, prefixed with ‘MS1’>/MSEDIX12 Example: MS99661/MS156743/MSEDIX12/<filename> TP ID = EBMX Member Identifier/Account Identifier 04/29/2015 11 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 5.1.2 Example Session Connecting to clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com... You are accessing FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) systems. Connected to EBMX SFTP server. Connection accepted. Access to FCA's computer systems is controlled. FCA authorizes use for its business purposes only. Unauthorized access is prohibited due to risk of irreparable harm to FCA. FCA management may monitor use to ensure compliance with its policies. FCA may terminate access privileges, take disciplinary action and/or institute civil or criminal proceedings to enforce this policy. If any part of this policy is unacceptable to you, please disconnect now!!! Thank you. YOUR ACCESS IS BEING LOGGED & MONITORED!!!! sftp> cd /TMP sftp> put prod.test Uploading prod.test to /TMP/prod.test prod.test 100% 103 sftp> rename prod.test /34567A/EDI/EDIX12/prod.test sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls 34567A.EDI.EDIX12.prod.test.4782122.20100914142201 sftp> bye 04/29/2015 12 0.1KB/s 00:00 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide 6 Retry Handling - Undeliverable Messages (FCA to Trading Partner) The EBMX will attempt to send (PUSH) any EDI or proprietary formatted message to a trading partner using SFTP PUSH as soon as the EBMX receives the messages from the source application. The PUSH mode assumes that the trading partner’s SFTP server will be up and running on a 7 x 24 x 365 basis. Recognizing that this cannot always be the case, EBMX has implemented a series of message retry strategies. These strategies operate in such a way that whenever EBMX tries to deliver a message to a trading partner and is unsuccessful, EBMX will wait a configured period of time and try again at the end of that time period. It will try repeatedly until a certain number of retry attempts have been made. When the specified numbers of retry attempts have been made, the message will be logically copied to a directory on EBMX. Upon retry exhaustion, an email message is generated and sent to the trading partner in addition to all concerned parties at FCA. The email message is sent to the address that the trading partner specified in the EBMX subscription submission. This address can be a distribution list if the trading partner so desires. EBMX requests that the notification email be a generalized address for the trading partner’s company rather than an individual. The trading partner can change the current email address by submitting a request to the Help Desk and request that the ticket be routed to the EBMX. The Help Desk can be reached at 1-800-332-9978. When communicating with the Help Desk, please provide the supplier code being referenced and the email address to be used in the future. Failure to provide this information may result in a change not being made because the trading partner’s membership record cannot be found. The retry strategy used for each message will depend on the FCA priority of the message content. An example table is provided below: Priority Attempts Interval (Minutes) 10 [high] 20 [medium] 12 24 5 15 40 [low] 24 30 80 [special] 2 1 04/29/2015 13 Example ASR (response to an ASN) 862 SDS; ASN copies/ASCs [EDI 856] 846 Pay as Built; 830 Release; 850 Purchase Order LOOPTEST file FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide An example of the email that will be sent is as follows: Subject: EBMX Deliver Failure Notice (SFTP_Retry) An EBMX message destined for your server has exhausted a set of pre-defined retry attempts and has been archived. Relevant information regarding the failed transmission: Sender: EBMX Receiver: tpid Doctype: FTP_ACTIVE_RETRY Date/time: 2001-07-26:10:07:43.21 Tracking ID: 6319 To request a re-transmission, forward this email to ebusdesk@chrysler.com Messages are retained for a maximum of 14 days then removed from the system. If you have not requested a re-transmission during that period, it is your responsibility to contact the source application for the data. Please review your system and network to find and fix reasons the message could not be delivered. Further questions or issues should be addressed to the Chrysler Help Desk at 1800-332-9978. Please have the trouble ticket routed to EBMX. Thank you Upon receipt of the email above, the trading partner must contact the EBMX support desk to have the message re-transmitted. EBMX support personnel will make no further attempt to ensure that the message is delivered to the trading partner. It is the responsibility of the trading partner to ensure that this message is delivered. 04/29/2015 14 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide Appendix A – Sample SFTP session Text in bold is user supplied commands/responses. cli007cpsd01:$ sftp -oPort=50322 testdoc@clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com Connecting to clmsd058b.cldc.chrysler.com... You are accessing FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) systems. Connected to EBMX SFTP server. Connection accepted. Access to FCA's computer systems is controlled. FCA authorizes use for its business purposes only. Unauthorized access is prohibited due to risk of irreparable harm to FCA. FCA management may monitor use to ensure compliance with its policies. FCA may terminate access privileges, take disciplinary action and/or institute civil or criminal proceedings to enforce this policy. If any part of this policy is unacceptable to you, please disconnect now!!! Thank you. YOUR ACCESS IS BEING LOGGED & MONITORED!!!! sftp> cd TMP sftp> put test Uploading test to /TMP/test test 100% 8867 sftp> rename test /TESTDOC/LOOPTEST/LOOPBACK/test sftp> cd /RESULTS sftp> ls -ltra drwxr-xr-x 7 31080 973 512 Mar 26 13:02 .. -rw-rw-r-1 31080 973 0 Mar 29 08:49 TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.test.4427541.20100329084933 drwxrwxr-x 2 31080 973 512 Mar 29 08:54 . -rw-rw-r-1 31080 973 0 Mar 29 08:54 TESTDOC.LOOPTEST.LOOPBACK.test.4427553.20100329085429 sftp> 04/29/2015 15 8.7KB/s 00:00 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide Appendix B – File Name Requirements The following rules should be adhered to when creating file names: All filenames must be unique within the Sender/Receiver/Document Type directory. Valid file names should consist of upper and lower case alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores and periods. Embedded spaces are not allowed. Special characters are not allowed. File name length should be no more than 100 characters. 04/29/2015 16 FCA US FCA US - SFTP User Guide Appendix C – Documentation Version Control Current Date 02/08/2010 09/14/2010 01/05/2011 12/11/2013 04/29/2015 Author GLC9 GLC9 GLC9 KJH26 Change from Previous Version Initial Version Update per Group Review Added File Permissions Section Updated – added documentation for ERRORS directory & updated retry categories 17 FCA US
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