
New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (NECOEM)
presents a dinner and CME meeting entitled
Novel Infectious
Diseases and
May 14, 2015
Maine Medical Center, Dana
Center, Classroom 7
what occupational medicine
providers need to know
5:00 gathering
5:15 donning/doffing
6:00 dinner
6:30 speakers
8:00 adjournment
Explain the employee health services role in Ebola and ID management
Practice donning and doffing personal protective equipment
Discuss practical aspects of emergency preparedness specific to Ebola
Relate the importance of training, planning and exercising specific to Ebola preparedness
Describe Ebola and its effect on local and regional healthcare
Explain how Maine compares to other states and how the federal CDC works with states
Review the assessment, treatment and transport issues relevant to Ebola.
David W. Dickison DO, MPH is the Medical Director of Corporate Benefits, MaineHealth and the Director of Employee
Health and Wellness at Maine Medical Center.
Joshua C. Frances, MPH, is the Director of Emergency Management at the Maine Medical Center Corporation. Josh is in
charge of Emergency Preparedness for Maine Medical Center, a multi campus hospital with several associated clinics He
has worked as project manager at the Southern Maine Regional Resource Center and received his Master’s in Public
Health from the University of New England.
Paul Weiss, MS, BS is the Director of the Southern Maine Regional Resource Center for Public Health Emergency
Preparedness ( in Portland. Paul is responsible for leading a team that supports all aspects of
emergency planning, support, and training of our regions hospitals, medical centers, public health, laboratories,
pharmacies and federally qualified health centers.
Directions and Parking:
The Dana Center address is 22 Bramhall Street, on the Bramhall (Main) Campus. The building is just beyond the “South
Entrance” to the hospital.
After 5:00, there is plenty of free parking anywhere on campus including on street parking. The closest lot to the Dana
Center is on 880 Congress Street. You may also park at the hospital garage opposite the main hospital entrance at 22
Bramhall Street. To view a map of the campus, and for
driving directions,
Registration: Deadline is Monday, May 11
NECOEM is pleased to offer half price registration if you have not attended a
dinner meeting before. Invite your colleagues!
Credit card registration at or send a check with the following information
All reservations must be accompanied by payment
Fee:* ______$45 Physicians
______$25 Physicians if you’ve never attended a NECOEM CME
______$25 RN/NP/PA or other affiliated clinician
______$15 for Residents and Students and MMC employees
*includes dinner from Aurora Provisions
Payment Options:
____check ___MasterCard ____Visa ____Am. Express
Exp. Date________________ Sec. Code_______________
Name on Card____________________________________
Street Address, Zip Code of Card Holder_______________________________________________
Inquiries: Voice/fax: 978-373-5597 or
Registration Policies
• Advance registration with payment is required.
• The cancellation deadline is at the close of business on May 11 .
• Participants who register, but do not attend, are not eligible for a refund.