WORK SESSIONS- First Quarter 2015 Chairman Mark Harvey:

WORK SESSIONS- First Quarter 2015
Chairman Mark Harvey:
The Upper Mississippi River Basin
NOM Board members have met
Association (UMRBA) is a regional
study to review impact
multiple times since December to
on all areas implicated
review 2014 and begin planning
by the river, before
for 2015. A general discussion
further changes or
was held reviewing successes in
permits are allowed.
2014. Much was learned through
working with all entities. This
was approached in a good faith
effort to share all items in a
NOM Members Attend UMBRA
Members have
experienced many
unexplained changes in
interstate organization formed by the
Governors of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota,
Missouri, and Wisconsin to coordinate the
states' river-related programs and policies
and work with federal agencies that have
river responsibilities. UMRBA is
involved with programs related to
commercial navigation, ecosystem
restoration, water quality,
aquatic nuisance species, hazardous
spills, flood risk management, water
Members Nancy Guyton & Jane Rushford attended the
Mississippi River Flood Control Association Meeting in New
Orleans. NOM appreciates their attendance and representation.
Five State Do No Harm Comprehensive Plan
Equitable Risk For All Stakeholders
Independent Cumulative Impact Study before changes!
supply, and other water resource issues.
NOM Members Janet Neustadt,
Andy Burkemper, Harris & Nancy
Guyton, Curt Loesing, and Ed
Keeven attended the UMBRA on
Feb. 10 at Rock Island, IL. NOM
has been represented for quite
some time at UMBRA meetings.
transparent manner. NOM
flooding and water
continues to realize success
levels over the past few
through being open and honest
years. We need to know
opportunity for individuals to
in our efforts to strive for a five
what future changes will
network and promote a tenor of
state do no harm comprehensive
occur and not become an
openness between five states in
plan. Essential components must
experiment, based on
include equitable risk and an
the guise of a comp.
independent cumulative impact
These meetings are a great
the Upper Mississippi River Basin.
Upcoming Events – Member Interest
March 23 Mississippi River Commission - New Madrid 9:00 a.m.
March 25 USACE River Update – Winfield MO Fire Dept. 6:00 p.m.
SUMMER 2015 – Event Planned
A committee of the membership and board is currently making plans to secure event space for summer 2015.
There will be an opportunity for NOM members, community members and friends to gather for a NOM
Update and the First Annual NOM Event. Donations for a silent auction and raffle will be solicited. If you or
your corporation is interested in being an event sponsor please contact Myra Beauchamp , Adam Jones or one of your board members. Watch
your email for details. This will be a casual time with activities as well as general information.
U.S. Capitol Fly In
NOM was represented by Myra
Beauchamp and Mark Harvey
during the February U.S.
Capitol Fly In - Washington
D.C. Appointments were made
with elected officials from
Missouri, those from
neighboring states, and staffers
from various governmental
agencies. This was a two day
event. Member input and
concerns are shared during
each meeting. The Five State Do
No Harm Comprehensive Plan,
Equitable Risk and
Independent Cumulative
Impact Study were shared.
explored. The United States
Army Corps of Engineers
408 Permit…
(USACE), elected officials, and
The Hunt-Lima Drainage &
bureaucrats are interested in a
Levee District permit is still a
plausible solution. This requires
major concern for those to the
some engineering be put in
south of Hunt-Lima. Members
place to begin the process, so
are involved with the USACE
that NOM has input into the
Headquarters on a regular basis
to voice concerns. Contact a
member of the NOM Board if
Year End Donations
you would like to make
Thank you to those who made
additional calls or send
additional donations for 2014.
Your added support is greatly
MO Levee & Drainage
NOM Board Members Harris
2015 Dues Structure
Guyton & Myra Beauchamp
represented our organization at
the Missouri Levee and
We have made great strides
Individual $50.00
100-250 Acre Farm $100.00
251-500 Acre Farm $250.00
500+ Acre Farm $500.00
Business/Corp. $250.00
Hunt Club $250.00
Levee District $250.00
Attached is a membership form for
over the past years. Being
you to fill out and return with
fairness in an effort to enhance
PROACTIVE is an integral part
your dues. Additional copies will
understanding in Mississippi
of NOM’s continued success. A
be available on the website
River issues.
P.O. Box 314
Clarksville, Missouri 63336
Check out the web updates!
Potential timelines for a
funding stream will also be
Engineer for NOM
plan is necessary to achieve
results. Therefore, hiring a
consulting engineer is
something that is being
Board of Directors
Mark Harvey, Ch.
Janet Neustadt, Vice Ch.
Nancy Guyton, Secretary
Kim Hunter, Treasurer
Pike County
Mark Harvey
Jo Anne Smiley
Harris Guyton
Myra Beauchamp
Drainage District Association
Meeting in Columbia Missouri.
They made contact with many
supporters of NOM, state
officials, and other groups that
are in favor of equity and
Lincoln County
Andy Burkemper
Mike Padella
Brian Wehde
Craig Koch
St. Charles County
Janet Neustadt
Chuck Williamson
John Boerding
Adam Jones