DUNGOG & DISTRICT NEIGHBOURCARE INC Ph. 4992 3348 Fax 4992 2120 EM AIL kerr y@n eighbourcare.org.au BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: Chair: Lea Mitchell Vice: Elizabeth Price Treasurer: Doug Maddock Secretary: Leslie Wright Members: Jann Booth Noeleen Carrol Steve Gorton Cindy Fisher OFFICE STAFF: General Manager Kerry Broad Service Manager Cherylin Brown COORDINATORS : Yvonne Puse Debra Redman Lurline Trustum Kath Watkinson Kim Windebank FINANCE - Jennie Sullivan - Ruth Byrne ADMIN - Julie Saunders DRIVERS : Emma Pritchard Colleen Jones SUPPORT STAFF : Jennifer Dunn Tracy Green Marisa Groves Sharon Halpin Carol Neilson Louise Payne Doreen Perrin and Admin Cathy Shepherd Jenny Thiecke Mellissa Ward LAUNDRY ASSISTANT : Kathy Smith What's inside your newsletter; Message from the General Manager Kerry Opportunity to Win an IGA voucher. Lots of News for Volunteers Information for carers Mandatory Reporting information. Frozen Meals information Work Health and Safety Seniors Information Service What's on in the near future; Stepping on in Clarence Town Down Memory Lane @ The James 5th March How to Marry a Millionaire 7th May Rear Window 25th June The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Social outings 2015 25th March Gloucester Gander. 29th April Honeysuckle Hike. 27th May Magical Mystery Meander? 24th June Meeting Maitland Again! Volunteer Events 2015 11th to 17th May National Volunteers Week 10th February Volunteer Meeting 14th April Volunteer Meeting Weekly events Monday Tai Chi Gresford & Dungog Tuesday Clarence Town Seniors, Dungog Therapy Wednesday Gresford Yoga, Men's Group at the RSL Club Thursday Shopping Bus Friday Dungog to Maitland/Raymond Terrace/ Green Hills Bus Gresford to Maitland Bus Care & Share To access Home and Community Care phone the Community Care Access Point on 1300 731 556 From the General Manager—Kerry Welcome to 2015. The year when all funding was supposed to cease and we all went out of business. Late last year just prior to Christmas we received the good news from the Government that our funding contracts would remain in place until 2017. Below is part of a transcript from Assistant Minister for Social Services the Hon. Mitch Fifield. “The Government has announced that two years of funding will be offered to the majority of service providers with contracts under existing programmes that will form the CHSP. This will provide a degree of continuity and certainty for providers and their clients. The introduction of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is one of the changes the Australian Government is making to help older people to stay independent and in their homes and communities for longer. From 1 July 2015, the CHSP will bring together the: Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program ; National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP); Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program; and Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program The new CHSP will build on the strengths of the programmes it replaces and will continue to support around 550,000 older people and their carers, every year. Importantly, people receiving services under the existing programmes will continue to receive the same level of support now and when the CHSP begins. CHSP funding will be around $1.7 billion in 2015-16, which will continue to grow over the coming years, resulting in more services for more people. The CHSP will be the entry level of Australia’s aged care system for older people who need assistance with daily living to remain living independently at home. Carers of these clients will also benefit from services provided through CHSP. From 1 July 2015, older people and carers seeking assistance will benefit from a single entry point for services through MY AGED CARE, and a standardised national assessment process delivered through the “My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service.” I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Anne McDonald for her dedicated service, on the Board of Management of Dungog & District Neighbourcare. Anne’s knowledge of Aged Care and Government Policy has been invaluable in steering Neighbourcare into the future. Anne resigned as it was felt she had a conflict of interest due to the amalgamation of Lara with RSL Lifecare and her future involvement as a member of the Advisory Committee, which has been set up to improve Aged Care in our local area. We wish her well for the future. Tick-It Program Funding has been received to enable Community Transport to assist with after hours and weekend transport for individuals and families in crisis who need to access the Maitland area. Funding will provide a safe alternative for families experiencing domestic violence as the nearest refuge is in Maitland. This funding will also assist families to have their children attend medical appointments. For further details please contact Dungog & District Neighbourcare Inc. 49923348 Be in the draw for a $50 IGA Voucher* Do you receive Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, Meals on Wheels, Respite, Linen or Homecare Packages or attend social outings with Neighbourcare? Then sign up for Direct Debit to pay your accounts before the 31st March you will go in the draw for a $50 IGA voucher*. If you have already signed up you will automatically be in the draw. This is a great way to take the worry out of remembering to pay on time. Your account balance will automatically be debited from you nominated bank or credit union account on 21st of each month, or the next business day. All you need to do is ensure there are funds in your account to cover it. As with all aspects of Neighbourcare service provision, there are strict guidelines we have to follow regarding this for your protection and ours. If you have questions please speak to the staff in the finance department or to your banking institution. Sign up by 31st March and you will be in the draw for $50 IGA voucher*. Contact the office for a copy of the forms needed or the Dungog Commonwealth Bank have copies available. *Voucher cannot be used for cigarettes or alcohol or exchanged for cash. Did you know? You are eligible for a Seniors Card when you turn 60 if you are a permanent resident of NSW and are retired or work less than 20 hours a week. This card entitles you to NSW Government transport concessions, travel and business discounts. Call Service NSW on 137788 for more information. The Department of Human Services has GRANDPARENT ADVISORS who can help grandparents with fulltime care responsibility for their grandchildren, access payments and services. Contact a grandparent advisor by calling 1800 245 965 Seniors Information Service Need information about options as you, or a friend or family member, grow older? Seniors Information Service can help you find answers to questions like these: What concessions am I entitled to for transport, health care or general living costs? Where can I go to learn to use a computer and the Internet? How do I go about applying for a pension? What are my housing options? How do I find out about retirement villages and what they offer? And how do they differ from hostels or nursing homes? Where can I go to volunteer my time and skills, now that I’ve retired? How do I organise support in my home to help me with self-care, housework or gardening? If or when the time comes, how do I find a good nursing home in my local area? We can give you information and will send you fact sheets on a range of issues. We can also provide contact details for legal, health or financial services that are qualified to advise you, ideally within your local community. Information is available on the website www.ageing.nsw.gov.au/ages_65/ seniors_information_service and if you want more assistance, call us on13 77 88 (for the cost of a local call from throughout NSW). If English is your second language and you would like an interpreter to help you with your enquiry, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50. This information is from the Seniors Information Services web site www.ageing.nsw.gov.au/ Social Support/Day-care Outings All of our Social Support/Day-care Outings are now set at the one price of $40 per person, which is invoiced to you at the end of each month. This makes the outings much easier to arrange, and for you, as attendees to access and there is no extra waiting time at the departure points collecting and sorting money, as well as being much more secure for everyone. The outings we have arranged, hopefully, provide you all with an opportunity to visit somewhere you haven’t been for a while. If you would like to attend any or all of them, please contact our office on 49923348 as soon as possible to put your name on the list, to ensure your place. Also if you require a transport pickup to the departure areas, please let staff know when you book. Our current list of outings is on page 10 of this newsletter. Chicken, apple, celery and pecan lunch snack Recipe by Chrissy Freer thanks to Taste.com Ingredients 75g cooked skinless chicken breast, shredded 1/2 red apple, cored, diced 1 celery stick, trimmed, diced 2 teaspoons chopped fresh chives 1 tablespoon low fat mayonnaise 2 Vita-Wheat style crackers 1 tablespoon pecan nuts, chopped Combine the chicken, apple, celery, chives and mayonnaise in a medium size bowl. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spread chicken mixture evenly over cracker. Sprinkle with the chopped pecan nuts. Serve. This will serve one, double it and invite a friend to lunch. Volunteers News What do you think about volunteering with Neighbourcare? A few Volunteers have provided feed back about their experience of Volunteering with us, so we thought we would share these extracts; “Volunteering for this organisation has been a very pleasant and rewarding experience for me and I would urge anyone who is in a position to give some time, to do so and become a part of this friendly and welcoming team. I think you will enjoy it, I know I have.” “Volunteering for Neighbourcare can lead you into a variety of roles, all providing help and support to people who need it and will value both your practical contribution and contact with you. I have volunteered for meals on Wheels, assisted with transport and as a driver.” Volunteer Driver Meetings The next Volunteer Drivers meeting will be 10th February 2015 2pm till 3pm at the SES building The following meeting will be on 14th April This is a great opportunity to meet fellow drivers share information and have some training to assist you with your role as a volunteer and gain information Looking forward to seeing you there. VOLUNTEERS The arrival of the New Year can mean something different to all of us, but for two of our Volunteers it means retirement. Gloria Morris and Shirley Hampton have been Volunteers with our Meals on Wheels Service and will be sorely missed by both NeighbourCongratulations to the following volunteers who care and our consumers in the community. have completed 20 years of volunteering for Meals on Gloria and Shirley have been partners since Wheels. 2004 and have formed a close friendship Helen Atkins through role. We at Neighbourcare sincerely Margaret Shearman thank Gloria & Shirley for the kindness and Irene Muddle dedication shown throughout the years and Pat Penman Awesome effort, thank you for your commitment to wish them both all the best for the future. our community THANK YOU Volunteers play a very important role in our organisation and are often our eyes and ears to the world we therefore encourage you to reVolunteer surveys out shortly! port all concerns you may have or happenings As part of our commitment to provide quality whilst out on your delivery run. We thank you services to our consumers, we will shortly be for all care taken. New Volunteers welcome. sending out a simple survey to ALL volunteers to seek your input about what it is like to be a volunteer with Dungog & District Neighbourcare Inc. We will want to know about your role and any issues you may have. We know you are busy and it’s just another thing to be done, but we will appreciate you taking the time so we can be sure that your experience of volunteering is the best it can be. It will come with a selfaddressed envelope or you can drop it in at the office. Volunteers News A bit about your safety ! Work Health and Safety plays a big role in our daily working life, with Government setting the Standards and Regulations for all to follow. Baskets – we encourage you to use a basket to assist carrying the meal items from the vehicle to the home of the consumer . The use of a basket is for your safety and helps to prevent any items being dropped or burning/ scalding to yourself. Hand Sanitiser – can assist against the spread of germs and bacteria, especially when visiting a number of homes consecutively. A quick pat of a friendly dog, cat etc. can increase the risk for vulnerable people and yourself, please use sanitizer in-between deliveries. Sunscreen – helps to prevent against UVA and UVB radiation from the sun, by not using it, it places you at a greater risk of skin damage and skin cancer. Please SLIP SLOP SLAP. Neighbourcare hats are available, please ask at the office Badges –You are strongly encouraged to wear your Neighbourcare name badge when volunteering. Our new badges have only your first name and not your surname on them. If yours is the older style or lost or damaged, please add your name to the sheet provided at the sign in book and you will be issued with a new one. Safety Vest – are now used by Volunteer’s across Australia while delivering services. When, you are out on the road and need to be seen and kept safe a vest will assist to do this. We are currently looking at implementing vests on our runs, so we will keep you informed. The baskets, sunscreen and sanitiser can be found at the Volunteer cupboard on the veranda of the Hospital Kitchen. At Tocal College, they are in the foyer in the pick-up area If you would like to speak about this or any other issues please phone the office on 49923348. Work Health & Safety information January 2015 Duties of Workers under the WHS Act 2011 We need to remember that under the WHS Act 2011, Workers includes paid staff and volunteers. The duty of care of workers is to take reasonable care in relation to their health and safety and the health and safety of others as per the WHS Act 2011, s28 (a) & (b) For example: Bullying is a breach of that duty along with psychological harm which is as much an offence as physical harm. Workers also have an additional duty to follow the reasonable directions of the person conducting the business in relation to work health & safety matters. There are at least six elements of the workers duties which are set out below. (please note that worker duties is a separate item to due diligence) KNOW – A Worker must make themselves aware of their legal obligations. They should know what rights they have, such as the right to stop work if it is unsafe. LEARN – A Worker has the obligation to participate in the training provided by the person conducting the business and to acquire the relevant knowledge, skill or instruction provided. ENGAGE – A Worker has the obligation to engage with the person conducting the business in relation to work health and safety matters. This may include participating in consultation about their relevant working environments, completion of risk assessments, safe work practices and consumer support plans. REPORT – A Worker has an obligation to report risks and to report incidents. COMPLY – A Worker has an obligation to comply with requirements of any safety management systems that is in place. That is to comply with work health & safety policies and procedures that the person conducting the business has in place. VERIFY – A Worker has an obligation to inspect and verify that the immediate working environment is safe before commencing work activities. We are seeking Short Term Volunteers – If your New Years Resolution was to volunteer some of your time we can accommodate you for a 12 month commitment. Call Kim on 49923348 March 2015 Mon 2 Tai Chi Tu e 3 Gresford / Dungog 9 Tai Chi 10 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 16 Tai Chi 17 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 23 Tai Chi 24 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 30 Tai Chi Tuesday Therapy We d Thu 4 Men’s Group 5Shopper Bus Yoga How to Marry a Millionaire 11Men’s Group 12 Thursday Yoga Shopper Bus 18 Men’s Group 19 Thursday Shopper Bus Yoga 25 Yoga 26 Thursday Shopper Bus Daycare/social support Outing Fri 6 Care & Share Friday Shopper 13Care & Share Friday Shopper 20Care & Share Friday Shopper 27Care & Share Friday Shopper 31 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog April 2015 Mon Tu e We d 1 Men’s Group Yoga 6 Easter Monday 13 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 20 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 27 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 7 Tuesday Therapy 14 Tuesday Therapy 21 Tuesday Therapy 28 Tuesday Therapy Thu 2 Thursday Shopper Bus 8 Men’s Group 9 Yoga Thursday Shopper Bus 15 Men’s Group 16 Thursday Yoga Shopper Bus 22 Men’s Group 23 Thursday Yoga 29 Yoga Daycare/social support Outing Shopper Bus Fri 3 Good Friday 10Care & Share Friday Shopper 17Care & Share Friday Shopper 24Care & Share Friday Shopper 30 Thursday Shopper Bus This calendar may change due to unforeseen circumstances, please check with the Neighbourcare office to confirm or if unsure of details. May 2015 Mon Tu e We d Thu Fri 1 Care & Share Friday Shopper 4 Tai Chi 5 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 11 Tai Chi 6 Men’s Group 7 Shopper Bus Yoga 12 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog Rear Window 13 Men’s Group 14 Thursday Yoga Shopper Bus 8 Care & Share Friday Shopper 15Care & Share Friday Shopper National Volunteers Week 18 Tai Chi 19 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 25 Tai Chi 26 Tuesday Therapy Gresford / Dungog 20 Men’s Group 21 Thursday Yoga 27 Yoga Daycare/social support Outing Shopper Bus 28 Thursday Shopper Bus 22 Care & Share Friday Shopper 29Care & Share Friday Shopper June 2015 Mon 1 Tu e 2 8 Queen’s Birthday 15 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 22 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 29 Tai Chi Gresford / Dungog 9 Tuesday Therapy Tuesday Therapy 16 Tuesday Therapy 23 Tuesday Therapy We d 3 Men’s Group Yoga Thu 4 Thursday Shopper Bus 10 Men’s Group 11 Thursday Yoga Shopper Bus 17 Men’s Group 18 Thursday Yoga 24 Yoga Daycare/social support Outing Shopper Bus Fri 5 Care & Share Friday Shopper 12Care & Share Friday Shopper 19Care & Share Friday Shopper 25 Shopper Bus 26Care & Share The man who shot liberty Valance Friday Shopper 30 Tuesday Therapy This calendar may change due to unforeseen circumstances, please check with the Neighbourcare office to confirm or if unsure of details. Did You Know that Neighbourcare is a Mandatory Reporting Agent….? This means that if we are aware or informed of abuse or suspected abuse to the elderly (and children) we must report it to the authorities for investigation. Listed below is an overview of what is classified as abuse. Forms of Abuse of Older People: Financial and Material Abuse: the illegal or improper use of an older person's finances or property. It may include stealing, misappropriating money, forcing changes to a will or other legal documents or misusing Power of Attorney. Emotional and Psychological Abuse: inflicting mental anguish through actions that cause fear of violence, isolation or deprivation, and feelings of shame and powerlessness. It may include threats of physical harm, threats of institutionalisation, withdrawal of affection (e.g. refusing access to grandchildren), removal of decision-making powers, or preventing access to services. Physical Abuse: the infliction of physical pain or injury. This can include inappropriately restraining or confining, inappropriately medicating, and damage to property. Sexual Abuse: unwanted sexual behaviour including rape, indecent assault, sexual harassment or inappropriate touching. Neglect: the failure of a carer to provide the necessities of life to a person for whom they are caring. Neglect can be intentional or unintentional Social Abuse: preventing a person from having contact with friends or family, or access to social activities. If you are concerned phone; 1800 628 221 - Anyone can make the call The NSW Helpline & Resource Unit offers a helpline that provides information, support and referrals for people who experience, witness or suspect the abuse of older people living in community in NSW ( from http://www.myagedcare.gov.au/) Carers – who are they? Carers play a significant and valuable role for the person they care for and support, as well as for the broader community. Many people who are frail or have a disability can only continue to live at home because of the practical, emotional and economic support their carer provides. The Australian Government has funded a Carer Resource to provide information and advice to carers. Commonwealth Carer Resource Centres can assist with referrals, counselling, support and resources on a wide range of topics including: ■ carer support groups ■ home help ■ financial entitlements ■ support services and ■ arranging respite. Most of the services provided are free. The NSW Carer Resource Centre is operated by Carers NSW and can be contacted on 1800 242 636 (free call). Don’t forget to sign up, before the end of March, for direct debit payment of your account and be in the draw for a $50.00 IGA voucher. See page 2 for details. Down Memory Lane at the James Theatre Join us for the following Movies at the historic James as part of Down Memory Lane 2015. 5th March How to Marry a Millionaire staring Marilyn Munroe and Lauren Bacall & Betty Gable 7th May Rear Window staring James Stewart & Grace Kelly. 25th June The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Staring John Wayne Jimmy Stewart & Lee Marvin Cost is just $15 and includes the movie and Devonshire Tea. 930 am start, transport can be provided. Booking Transports! It would be helpful if when booking transport you gave the coordinator ALL the details of your request. These includes additional stops you would like to make such as the chemist, corner shop for milk or the Library to get a book. Often you will be travelling with others or the driver may have other bookings or things to do. This would enable the services to support you , our Volunteers and the staff more efficiently. Thank you for your help. When Making Appointments For all our Transport consumers when you are travelling to Medical/Hospital appointments please advise the medical receptionist that you are travelling with Community Transport as this will assist with your appointment times. GOING OUT ON A MEALS ON WHEELS DAY If you are heading out for the day and won't be home to receive your Fresh Meal on Wheels delivery, please phone the office so arrangements can be made, likewise for any holiday's, family stays or trips out of town or to hospital all information helps us provide a better service to you Stepping On We will be conducting a Stepping On program at Clarence Town shortly. These classes are designed to rebuild your confidence, restore your balance and improve your lifestyle by working together with simple effective exercises, shared knowledge to assist you in your day to day life. These classes are free and are to be conducted one day per week over seven weeks for approximately two hours. You will receive up to date information in relation to personal safety and awareness, what to be aware of with your medications, lifestyle, household layout, in the community, etc., and a host of other very valuable material to assist you to continue to live your life in the manner you wish. If you or someone you know is interested in attending these classes please call our office and speak to Yvonne or Kath. We have a large variety of Frozen Meals to choose from including breakfast items, Soups, Beef, Veal, Pork, Chicken, Fish, and Vegetarian along with Desserts. We are also able to cater for Specialised Diets, Low Salt, Low Potassium, Gluten Free and Cut Up or Pureed Meals. All are available to order and a booklet is available, if you wish to receive a copy please contact the office. 49923348 We also keep a selection of frozen meals at the Neighbourcare Office which you are able to purchase straight from our freezer. Aider Programme Is designed to reduce bush fire hazards on people’s properties that are in a bush fire prone area. They provide a one-off service to support vulnerable residents on bush fire prone land to live safely and confidently in their homes. For details phone either the office or Aider direct on 0287414955 25th March 2015 Gloucester Gander Departure: Dungog Railway Station 9 a.m. Return: 3 p.m. Join us for a trip to Gloucester, a gander of the museum and a glimpse of the town, before having a great lunch! 29th April 2015 Honeysuckle Hike Departure: Dungog Railway Station 9 a.m. Pick up at Clarence Town by 9.30 a.m. Return: 3 p.m. Let’s take a (bus) hike into Honeysuckle, an hour to hint at what is to offer, then time for hungry people to hunker down for lunch! What a honey of an idea!!! 27th May 2015 Magical Mystery Meander Departure: Dungog Railway Station 9 a.m. Return: 3 p.m. You never know where we might end up, but it will include a bus trip, some terrific food and hopefully somewhere where you have not been for a while…. Curious? The only way to find out is to book yourself in for this one! 24th June 2015 Meeting Maitland Again! Departure: Dungog Railway Station 9 a.m. Pick up at Clarence Town by 9.30 a.m. Return: 3 p.m. A meeting to reacquaint you with some of the majestic historical buildings and heritage of the Maitland area, followed by a marvellous pub lunch! What more could you ask for? Consumer Survey Results Towards the end of last year we asked consumers to complete a satisfaction survey to identify any ways we could improve the services we provide to you. Here is a summary of what you told us. From those who returned a survey, 86% said they were very satisfied with their service and 13% said they were mostly satisfied with their services. The only comment made about how we could improve services was a comment about the meat provided in the Meals on Wheels meals. 100% stated they are receiving services they require to remain living at home. 89% of consumers said they feel very comfortable with our staff and 11% said they feel quite comfortable with our staff. 89% of consumers said they found the information provided by Neighbourcare very useful and 11% said it was mostly useful. 97% of consumers said we assist them to meet their goals and lifestyle choices. 97% of consumers said if they had a complaint or suggestion about the service they would feel comfortable ringing the office to discuss it. 65% of the consumers, who answered this question, said they were aware that someone could be their advocate and 22% said they did not know about advocacy. Thank you to all who responded to the survey the outcomes will enable us to assist you better. This is a new small group designed to give you an opportunity to meet and chat with friends over a meal. Read Meet ’n’ Eat 12th March then on the 2nd Thursday of each month Dungog Day Care Centre Hospital Road 11am-1pm You will have the opportunity to chat about topics of interest to you Share a fresh cooked meal Borrow large print books. Free transport available with the hoist bus in the Dungog area. For bookings contact Kim 49923348 Eating together is so much more enjoyable than eating alone! What is an Advocate? Who can be my Advocate? If you would like to ask someone to be your advocate, the following information will explain what is involved If you appoint an Advocate it may mean that their attendance or involvement will be required when your assessments and reviews are being conducted. You may ask your Advocate to communicate or negotiate with us around the services you receive or lodge a complaint on your behalf. You are able to change your Advocate whenever you wish and we request that a new Authority Form is completed each time so that we are clear on who your current Advocate is. A copy of an Authority Form is to be completed by you and your Advocate and returned to Neighbourcare before they can commence this role of Advocate. Our staff can give you additional copies of this form if required. You and your Advocate should be aware of the following: Advocate must give their authority to act on your behalf and can relinquish the role at any time Neighbourcare must be aware of who is acting as an Advocate An Advocate is required to act in the best interests of the person they are representing An Advocate is made aware of any issues or developments which the consumer may be involved in. Consumer to provide feedback to Advocate about matters you, consumer, is involved in. Advocate to advise services about any changes in the consumers circumstances and/or changes in their care needs Advocate is prepared to relinquish the role of Advocate should the person wish this to occur. Quotable Quotes To thinking without acting is thoughtless, to think without acting is wasteful. - Anon Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. — Betty Friedan Did you know… The Advanced Care Planning Workbook can help you think about the health decisions you may need to make and how to discuss your wishes with your carer and family. A copy of the workbook is available from www.cclhd.health.nsw.gov.au Preparing for emergency situations Your assessment process will involve a discussion of Please remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the plans you have in place for emergency situations like floods & fires and any assistance you may require day, especially in our warmer months. Being hydrated during such an event. We will discuss ways you can can assist with good bodily function. Common symptoms of Dehydration are:prepare for these events and/or put you in touch with dizziness, tiredness, irritability, thirst, dark yellow urine, organisations that can assist you in this regard. Your loss of appetite, fainting. (Health Direct Australia) emergency plans will also be noted on your Support Plan. More than 6 million Australian volunteers give happiness to others each year. And research says that those volunteers are happier as a result. So this National Volunteer Week (11-17 May 2015), help us make Australia the happiest place on earth, by giving as much of your time as you can. Give Happy. Live Happy EMAIL CONTACT We at Neighbourcare recognise that many of you are connected to the internet so we would love to be able to send you the newsletter and other relevant information by email. If you would like to do this please reply by email to kerry@neighbourcare.org.au This would be a much more cost effective way to keep you informed and communicate. JOKE CORNER … A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. ''But why?'' they asked, as they moved off. ''Because,'' he said ''I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.'' There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest.. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. I tried water polo but my horse drowned. Dungog & District Neighbourcare is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and NSW governments. It is managed by Board made up of local community members. For further information Contact the General Manager Kerry Board or the Service Manager Cherylin Brown on 49923348
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