Hook Neighbourhood Plan – Employee Survey – 2015 Hart District Council are supporting a Government planning initiative to give businesses, employees and residents more influence over how the area in which they reside/work develops in the future. This is called the Neighbourhood Plan. Hook has started work on a Neighbourhood Plan, run by a Steering Group made up of residents and representatives from Hook Parish Council. The scope of the Neighbourhood Plan includes all buildings and the infrastructure required to support them now and in the future. The Hook Neighbourhood Plan will be incorporated as part of the wider Hart District Plan. The policies and specific plans adopted will influence planning decisions affecting businesses in Hook for many years in the future. Hence, we are very keen, through this survey, to ensure that we take account of your needs and preferences. To support the first stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process, we need to establish what residents, employees and businesses think about Hook. We not only want to know about the existing facilities and services available in Hook, but also those which will be required to sustain our community and businesses/workforce in the future. Residents received a separate survey in December. A separate survey will be running in parallel, to collect inputs from the businesses. This is the Employee Survey and is dedicated to finding out what employees think and need. As someone who works in Hook, we would like your views on what makes Hook a good place to work. Please will you take a few minutes to complete the survey form by visiting: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Hook_Employee_Survey Alternatively, return this completed questionnaire to the collection boxes in Tesco or Hook Post Office. Please return the survey by 17 APRIL 2015 Please note that all data supplied will be treated as confidential and will be anonymised before being published in a summary form. If you have any questions or would like any help completing the survey, please contact Surveys@neighbourhoodplan.hook.gov.uk Your views are invaluable and your time is much appreciated. THANK YOU Published by Hook Parish Council, Hook Community Centre, Ravenscroft, Hook, RG27 9NN About You 1 How long have you worked in Hook? 1-12 months 1 -2 years 1. 5-10 years 10-20 years 2-3 years 2. 20 + years 5. 7. 2 Y Ye es s eY se s N o20 11- N o N N 6-10 o 9. o101+ 12. 13. 10. Post code ofY where you travelYfrom 5 Postcode ofsewhere you work in es Hook 6 On average,show long is your journey to work? eY N 0 – 15 minutes oN 46 – 60 minutes o Ye Y Y ______________________ e e ______________________ s s s N 16 –N o30 minutes 14. overo an hour 15. N 31 – 45 minutes o N o 16. 18. 17. Do you usually travel to Ywork? (tick all that apply)Y On foot Bus service Taxi Y e s N o N 21-50N o 11. o 4 8 4. Ye es s How many miles do you travel into work? 0-5 8. 51-100 7 3-5 years Y What company do Yyou currently work for? __________________ Your Journey to work 3 3. 6. Ye es Bicycle s Private car Ye es s Train Y e s 21. 23. 25. Car share 22. 24. 26. A lift from another person N N 20. Y Y Y N 19. N o that are applicable to o journey to work, please For each of the following Ye N Ye your Ye o rank your o o experience using thee scale below: es es sY Y 1 very satisfied se s s e 2 satisfied s N N s 3 neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedN N N N o o o 4 dissatisfied N o o o 5 very dissatisfied N o o Footpaths Cycle paths 34. Reliability of trains Frequency of buses 35. Workplace parking Central Hook parking 31. Y Congestion: YeOn A30 At M3 roundabout 27. Ye s Exiting office car park 28. es Other issues you experience - please specify Frequency of trains 36. 38. Reliability of buses 37. 39. On street parking 33. Y 32. Y Ye In Hook Centre Ye 29. Ye 30. Ye s s es es Ys Ys Ys N N N eN eN eYN _____________________________________________________________________ o o o seN s s N N o o o so o o N N N oN o o o 9 If your travel by car, where do you park? Company Space 42. Public car park 41. Street parking 40. Y Private driveway 43. eY Other, please specify _____________________________________________ 10 11 12 sYe es for your work needs? Yes Is the available public transport sufficientY No 44. 45. eN s If you do not currently use public transport to get to work, why is this? so N Y Y N o Cost of transport e 48.Time it takes 50. Frequency of trains e 46. N o Reliability of trains Frequency of buses Reliability of buses s s 49. 51. 47. Overcrowding Distance from office Quality of public transport o 53. Y 52. Y 54. Y Other, please specify ___________________________________________________ N N eY Ye Ye In a typical week, which days do you work in Hook & what are your normal working Yes Yes o o sYe hours? (Please use the 24 hour clock format) es es es sN s s N N Day Start time Finish Time pm am pm o N am N N o o Mon N N N o o o Tues o o o Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 13 Do you have the opportunity to work from home? 14 If yes – on average, how often do you take this opportunity? Once a week 57. More than once a week 58. At least once a fortnight 59. Y At least once a month 60. Y eAt least once every three months 61. Y esNever Yes 55. 62. Y se eYs Where do you live? N Yes N olive in Hook? 15 Do youe Yes No sN 63. 64. If yes, o sN o Nwork in Hook because you already Do youo lived Y Y in Hook? N o Did you relocate to live in Hook because e your ework is in Hook? o If you work from home, is the internet s sufficient s to meet your needs? N question N 18 If you live in Hook, please proceed to o o No 56. Y e s Y e s N o N o Yes Yes Yes No 65. 67. No No 69. Y Ye eYs se sN N o 66. 68. 70. Y Ye eYs se sN N o If no, do you not live in Hook because: (tick all that apply) Cost of houses in Hook is too high 16 17 85. Cost of rent in Hook is too high 84. Lack of availability of houses to buy in Hook 83. Y Lack of availability of houses to rent in Hook 82. eY Lack of availability of affordable (government assisted) houses in Hook 81. eYs Worked outside of Hook but have since relocated to work in Hook 80. seY Family commitments outside of Hook 79. seY NLack of facilities in Hook 78. Yse NLack of quality education in the area 77. o eYsNLack of ambience in Hook 76. o eYN sTransport issues in Hook 75. o seYoCongestion in Hook 74. N YseN Lack of availability of pubs/ restaurants 73. o seYo NLack of availability of shops 72. Yse NShortage of choice of other activities such as sports facilities, clubs etc. 71. o eYsOther, please specify_______________________________________________ N 86. o seYN o Would you ever consider relocating to Hook? Yes No seYN o 87. 88. Y seN If yes,o would you expect to relocate within e so N Y Y s year N o the next 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years e 92. 90. 89. 91. e N o s s Nwould consider moving to Hook, what accommodation would you look to rent/ If youo Y Y rank your top 4Ypreferences e.g.Yfirst choice is number buy?oUsing the list below, 1, second N N e e choice is number 2, third e choice is 3, fourth choice 4 e o s s s so Rent N or apartment N One / two bed flat o One / two bed bungalow o Three or more bed bungalow One / two bed house Three bed house Four bed house House with over four bedrooms Social housing Shared ownership house Fixed “mobile” home Other 112. 111. 110.Y 109.Y 103.e Y 108.se Y 107.esY se Ye 106.N s o 105.N eYs N 104.o esY N YseN 114.o o seYo N seo YN eo sN sN o o N N o o Buy N o 102. 101. 100.Y 99. Y 93. e Y 98. se Y 97. esY es Ye 96. N s o 95. N Yes o 94. N seY N 113.o seYN o eYN so YN seo eo sN sN o o N N o o N o Facilities in Hook 18 During the working week do you use any of the following? (tick all that apply) Parks and open spaces 19 115. Footpaths in and around Hook 116. Cycle ways in and around Hook 117. Y Gym 132.eY Squash Court 131.seY Tennis court, basketball court 130.Yes Dentist 129.Yes Doctors N 128.eYs N restaurants Pubs/ 127.eYso N Garages o 126.seY o Mobile library N 125.Yse Other N services e.g. dry cleaners 124.o YseN Childcare facilities 123.o Y e s Hairdresser/ Barber N 122.o YseN supermarket- Tesco Main 121.o eYN s Other chain shops e.g. Boots, Londis 120.o Y e s Other independent shops e.g. butchers N 119.o Yse Other N business services – e.g. solicitors, accountants, estate agents 118.o Yse N o YsN If no, is e oit because eYso N You don’t The shops are too far away seo tend to take a break N 134. 133. Lack of variety of shops Quality of shops s N o 136. 135. Parking N in the centre of Hook o 137.Y Y Other, please specify ___________________________________________________ N o Ye Ye o eYs es se s If you consider working in Hook as ‘working away from home’ sN N N N o o Do you stay overnight in Hook? Yes No N o o 138. o If Yes, what sort of accommodation do you stay in? Y Y Hotel or B&B Rent 139. 140. 141.With family or friendse Is there appropriate accommodation to stay in? Yes e No 143. s s142. Y Y Y If No, is accommodation inappropriate because: eY type required Y Too expensive the e Not the e quality required N Not 147.N 148. 149. Fully booked Not close enough to your workplace s e e s s 145. 146. o o Hook does not have the facilities required s s 144.Y Y Y Other, please specify N N ___________________________________________________ N Ye Ye e N N o o e o es sY s o o e s s sN N N N N o o o N o o o 20 What additional/improved facilities would you like to see in Hook? Better variety of shops- independent stores 157. Better variety of shops – chains 156. Greater selection of restaurants – eat in 155.Y Greater selection of restaurants – take away 154.Y eArt / culture- galleries 150.eY sImproved parking 153.YesPlaces to hire for events (work or social) 152.eYs NFitness & sports facilities 151.sYe NPicnic areas to sit out whilst taking a break 158.o YesN o YN eo s Yse Please add any comments on additional/enhanced facilities that you would use. N o es o N __________________________________________________________________________________ sN o N o N o Comments: o Please tell us anything else that you feel is good / bad about working in Hook About you: Gender Male Female 160. 159. Y Y Age Under 17 41-50 17-21 22-30 31- 40 167. 51-60 e 166.61-70e 165. 70+ 164. 161. s 163. s 162. Y Y Y Y Ye Ye Ye N N Ye If you would be willing to help take part in future focus groups to help develop the Neighbourhood Plan, es es es o o es please supply your name and contact details or email Surveys@neighbourhoodplan.hook.gov.uk s s s s 168. Name: Email Address: Phone Number: N N N ____________________________ N N o o N o ____________________________ o o o ____________________________ N N o o
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