Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Risk Allowance for Ebola Response Workers (ERWs) Policy with effect from 1 April 2015 1. Duration of the policy This policy is valid from 1 April 2015 to 31 July 2015. The NERC reserves the right to revise the policy at any time. Any revisions will be published and communicated to District Co-ordinators (DCs) and District Medical Officers (DMOs). 2. Eligibility Staff in the following categories may be eligible for EVD risk allowance from 1 April 2015: o o o o o o o o Staff of approved Ebola Treatment Centres (ETCs) and Community Care Centres (CCCs) Staff of approved Ebola Laboratories Members of health screening teams Members of burial teams Surveillance officers Contact tracers Staff of approved Tertiary and Secondary Hospitals (but not PHUs) who may be exposed to Ebola through the triage and isolation of suspect Ebola patients Selected Staff in District Ebola Response Centres (DERCs) The total number of staff for approved ETCs, Ebola Laboratories, CCCs, burial teams and contact tracers will be capped at the 28th February 2015 levels. The NERC may at any time change the maximum limits based on recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) and World Health Organization (WHO). The number of staff at each approved Triage and Isolation Unit in Tertiary or Secondary Hospital will also be capped based on staffing ratios agreed by the NERC following advice from MoHS and WHO. The DERCs (DCs/DMOs) will be required to submit a list of surveillance officers, screening teams and other essential staff with a detailed description of their functions. DCs/DMOs will provide clear written justification for staff proposed for EVD risk allowance. The NERC reserves the right to cap the number of staff at each DERC who receive risk allowance based on needs or incidence of EVD. MoHS will provide an approved lists of the ETCs, CCCs, Ebola Laboratories and Tertiary and Secondary Hospitals whose staff may qualify for EVD risk allowance. This shall be annexed to this policy. This list may be amended by the NERC in consultation with MoHs/WHO. 1 In the case of other Ebola Treatment Centres, Ebola Holding Centres, and Community Care Centres that are still open on 31 March but scheduled for closure or transfer to non Ebola purposes, staff who were paid hazard pay before 30 March will continue to be eligible for hazard pay at retainer rates until those facilities close or until 15 April, whichever is earlier. Eligibility for EVD risk allowance does not confer any right to be transferred to a permanent payroll once the Ebola epidemic comes to an end. Staff eligible for EVD risk allowance will be issued with contracts. These contracts may be terminated at any time. If necessary, contracts may be extended beyond 31 July 2015. Only staff with valid contracts will be paid EVD risk allowance. Only staff on lists drawn up by their facility managers or team leaders and signed off by their DCs or DMOs, and NERC will be eligible for EVD risk allowance (see Section 7). 3. Rates EVD risk allowance rates are set to reflect the actual risk of exposure to Ebola. The following rates will apply from 1 April 2015: Categories Sub-categories Doctor/Midwife/nurses/nurse aide/CHO Counselor Approved Ebola Treatment Centres and Community Care Centres Risk allowance/ week 500,000 500,000 Waste Zone Manager 500,000 Hygienist 500,000 Sprayer 500,000 Porter 500,000 Dresser 500,000 Ebola Lab Technician 400,000 Surveillance officers in treatment 400,000 Ambulance driver 400,000 Cook 300,000 Laundry worker 300,000 Cleaner 300,000 Logistics 300,000 Watchman/security/guard 300,000 Driver (non-ambulance) 300,000 Carpenter 300,000 Sensitisation/awareness 300,000 Support Staff/Admin 200,000 Radio operator Staff on retainer (all staff in districts that have no confirmed cases in a given week and whose facilities 200,000 200,000 2 have also had no confirmed cases that week) Approved Ebola Laboratories Limited number of Staff at approved Tertiary and Secondary Hospitals who may be exposed to Ebola through the triage and isolation of suspect Ebola patients Lab Technician 400,000 Medical Lab Assistant 400,000 Swabbers 400,000 Dead Body Management 400,000 Documentation 400,000 Driver 400,000 Surveillance officers in Ebola Laboratories 400,000 Same sub-categories as ETC and CCC Same rates for subcategories in ETC and CCC Screener 100,000 Checkpoint staff 100,000 Burial teams All staff 500,000 District Ebola Response Centre staff Selected staff 100,000 Community surveillance officers 100,000 Contact tracers 100,000 Contact tracers - supervisors 200,000 Community mobilisers Drivers Checkpoint staff Staff on retainer (eg contact tracers in a district with no confirmed cases in a given week) 100,000 100,000 100,000 Screening teams Community surveillance teams 50,000 4. Termination and reassignment of ERWs ERWs may have their contracts terminated if they are no longer required for the Ebola response, or for any other reason at the decision of the DC, DMO or NERC. There will be no severance pay. When ERWs are reassigned to new responsibilities, their contract will be modified and risk allowance rates appropriate to their new functions will be applied from the week they are re-assigned. 5. Retainer rates In districts and health facilities that do not have confirmed cases of Ebola in a two-week period, the Ebola hazard faced by some staff will be greatly reduced, but it may still be necessary to employ them. Such staff may be moved onto ‘retainer rates’ of risk allowance, as described in the table above, applied immediately in the week following the two-week period. 3 6. Management and updating of the ERW List The consolidated ERW list All the ERWs who receive EVD risk allowance, including burial teams, contact tracers not paid by the NERC, must be recorded on and managed through the online Payroll System (https://nercpay.sl). Where staff are paid by organisations other than the NERC, those organisations must update the list not later than the 20th of the payment month (or 10 days before payment). Update and management of the list (for ERWs paid by the NERC) Heads of ETCs, CCCs and response teams must update the Payroll System with the details of all ERWs proposed for EVD risk allowance (name, ERW number, deployment/facility, sub-category, risk allowance rate, bank account and/or phone number) not later than the 15th of the payment month (or 15 days before payment); o To heads of ETCs, CCCs and response teams with internet access and trained staff, the NERC Risk Allowance Management Team will provide limited user access rights to the on-line Payroll System (https://nercpay.sl) in order that they can add, delete, and update the list using a unique ID. o To heads of ETCs, CCCs and response teams without Internet, access to a smartphone based data capture application will be provided along with a smart phone for offline data collection. o Any deletion or downward categorisation of staff will be allowed immediately. o In the case of any addition or upward categorisation, the system will allow the entry/change to be done at the district level. However, the changes must be approved by the NERC head office in the system before taking effect. This is to ensure that the NERC can perform a duplicate check and verify the correctness of the upgrade. o For any additions, Pin Numbers and National ID numbers will be mandatory for existing members of the Government payroll. For others, they should provide at least one valid ID issued by the Government. HR Officers (at least two per district) based in the DERC and employed by the NERC will hold meetings with DMOs and DERC coordinators to review, update and sign-off the updated list in the Payroll System by 20th of the payment month (or 10 days before payment); o The HR officers in the DERCs will be authorised to update the list o For lists submitted in a paper or Excel format by heads of ETCs, CCCs and response teams, Splash Agents are responsible (and rewarded) for entering them into the Payroll System and reporting to the HR officers for their clearance. o The HR officers in the DERCs will hold the ultimate responsibility for any delays in submission and misreporting of the ERW list. 4 Clearance of the list for payment Reporting to NERC Risk Allowance Management Team/Fiduciary agent: After the lists have been signed off by the Facility Heads, DC or DMO, the NERC Risk Allowance Management Team will review them in the Payroll System for duplicates and conduct other data-cleaning processes, and will send them to the fiduciary agent by 22nd of the payment month (or 8 days before payment). Fiduciary agent/World Bank Clearance: The fiduciary agent (BDO) will review the list, clear it, and submit for clearance by the World Bank no later than the 24th of the payment month (or 6 days before payment). The World Bank will need to provide ‘no objection’ to the list before payment can take place. 7. Verification and audit District verification and update of the list Random monthly verification by HR officer at DERC and UNMEER district officials: they will check with those in the list, interview with the administrator/medical director, randomly check selected staff to verify the accuracy of the list, and check the daily attendance records of staff. Central verification Monthly random or risk-based verification by the fiduciary agent: The fiduciary agent for NERC will randomly (or based on significance or risk) visit a set of facilities with the beneficiary list of the previous month. They will check with those in the list, interview the administrator/medical director and staff, verify the accuracy of the list, and check the daily attendance records of staff. The fiduciary agent will report the results to NERC, MOFED and associated Development Partners contributing to the payments. Quarterly random verification by internal auditor of MOHS and MOFED: Internal auditors will evaluate and obtain a sufficient understanding of the internal controls related to the transactions, assess control risk, and identify reportable conditions, including material internal control weaknesses. All material instances of non-compliance and all indications of illegal acts should be identified and reported to the Minister of Finance, NERC, and the financiers. The internal auditor will also attend the payment where there are issues in data/numbers. End of year audit Annual audit by external auditor: An appointed external auditor (eg Audit Service Sierra Leone: ASSL, partnering with an audit firm) will visit selected facilities and categories, review registration forms and rosters and gather appropriate evidence to support its assertions. The external auditor will produce an external audit report and provide the report to the NERC, MOFED, and associated Development Partners contributing to the payments. This report will be made public. 8. Re-Verification, Contracts, and IDs Re-Verification 5 The ERW database re-verified from January to March 2015 will be the basis for the list of ERWs after 1 April 2015. In order to avoid the risk of exclusion (eligible ERWs not paid) and inclusion (ineligible ERWs paid or ERWs dual-paid) errors and to re-classify ERWs as necessary, all ERWs will be re-verified by the NERC verification team facilitated by DMOs and DERC coordinators in April 2015. This re-verification will cover not only ERWs on the NERC risk allowance but also ERWs paid by partners such as burial teams and contact tracers. Contract During the re-verification period, all eligible ERWs will enter into a contract with DMO/DERC coordinator, witnessed by the manager of the health center/team – this will be used for verification for payment (a sample contract is attached in Annex 1). The payment information (ie bank account number and phone number) will be cross-checked (if in the Payroll System) or provided (if not in the Payroll System) by the ERWs during the re-verification. ID Cards Together with or after the above contracting, a national ID will be issued by the National Registration Service (NRS), to those who do not have the national ID. This will not only serve for the verification for risk allowance, but also help the ERWs open bank account, and enter into social services (if eligible). 9. Payment mechanisms EVD risk allowance will be paid monthly. To be eligible for risk allowance in a given month, staff must have worked for at least two weeks during that month. ERWs on the Government payroll All payments will be made through the bank transfer. ERWs on the Government payroll must provide their correct bank account number during re-verification. Those who do not provide the bank account number will not be paid. ERWs not on the Government payroll All those who have bank accounts will be paid through by bank transfer. ERWs must provide their correct bank account number during re-verification. Those who do not have bank accounts are encouraged to open a bank account, especially after obtaining the national ID. 6 o o In the meantime, those who have mobile phone will provide correct phone numbers for epayment through the mobile agent. ERWs will be required to show the agent the Contract or ERW ID to cash out. For those without bank account and mobile phone, a mobile agent will liaise with the Heath Center/Team to communicate to the ERWs about the cash-out point. Contract or ERW ID will be required for ERWs to receive cash at the cash-out point. 10. Taxation EVD risk allowance will be exempt from taxation. 11. Penalties The NERC, DC, or DMO can terminate risk allowances to personnel in case of fraud and corruption through the manipulation of the beneficiary list. These cases will be referred to the Sierra Leone AntiCorruption Commission for further action. The NERC can work with the Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Commission and the Attorney General to put in place penalties backed up by the existing law within the country to deal with corruption cases that involve manipulation of the list of ERWs for EVD risk allowances. The Government of Sierra Leone will refund any ineligible expenses, including payment to ghost or fraudulent staff to financiers (ie World Bank, AfDB). 12. Complaints A hotline will be established for each district (2 persons hired by NERC per district), and at the central level (4 persons hired by NERC). ERWs will call the Hotline at the districts. For complaints that cannot be resolved at district-level, ERWs can call the central hotline. Each complaint will be logged and its resolution status recorded and compiled by districts for district-level complaint; and by the Payments Team for other complaints. 7 Annex 1: Approved Facilities Post-March 2015 A. ETCs, CCCs and Ebola Laboratories ETCs Western Area 6 x Core ETCs with 144 beds, scalable to approx. 300 beds PTS 1 (30 beds, scalable to 100) 34 Mil (30 beds) Goderich (30 beds, scalable to 80) ADRA (30 beds, scalable to 62) Jui (22 beds, scalable to 32) Kerry Town (10 functional beds scalable to 50-60 beds) CCCs (or other holding capacity) 0 CCCs Labs 5 x Labs (2 in the East, 2 in the West and 1 back-up): Goderich Chinese Jui Lakka (NICD) EU lab Hastings Kerry Town Specialist capacity: Kerry Town MOD to remain for international HCWs PTS MSF, operated by MSF Spain, will provide 14 Ebola Maternal Delivery suites, located on the former PTS 2 site following closure of Kissy ETS Port Loko 2 x Core ETCs: GOAL ETC (30 beds, scalable to 80) IMC Lunsar (30 beds, scalable to 80) 1 x CCC: Gbaneh-Lol 1 x lab: PHE Port Loko Kambia 0 ETCs 8 x CCCs: Mafari Kanku Bramaia Kamasasa Dintilipan Kychom Mambolo Bamoi Munu to be relocated to enable safe reopening of schools by 14 April Kabaya to be relocated to enable safe reopening of schools by 14 April 1 x lab: Nigerian lab agreed to be placed near the border Bombali 1 x Core ETC: IMC Makeni (30 beds, scalable to 80 beds) 2 x CCCs: Sambaya Makonri 1 x lab: PHE Makeni Tonkolili 0 ETCs 4 x CCCs: Roruks Masingbu Rochen Mamansosamka 1 x lab: Magbaruka (Canadian) 8 Kono 1 x Core ETC: IFRC Koidu (30 beds, scalable to 48) N.B. This requires confirmation from IFRC – Either IFRC needs to be asked by GOSL to maintain this ETC as a Getting to Zero priority, and they confirm they are capable of delivering it, or the facility must be handed over to another partner 2 x CCCs: Gbane Fiama 1 x lab: Dutch lab Koinadug u 0 ETCs 2 x CCCs: Kumala Kasumpe 0 labs Kailahun 0 ETCs 1 x lab Details tbc Pujehun 0 ETCs 3 x EHCs: Daru Bued Koindu 1 x EHC: Zimmi EHC Bonthe 0 ETCs 1 x EHC: EHC at Mattru Jong 0 labs Kenema 0 ETCs 1 x holding facility: Current facility at IFRC ETC to be re-purposed into an isolation and holding facility. N.B. Subject to MSF-OCB agreeing to operate Bo as a Core ETC 0 labs Bo 1 x Core ETC MSF Belgium (30 beds, scalable to 80) N.B. MSF-OCB has been officially requested to operate as a Core ETC 0 CCCs 1 x lab: CDC Bo Moyamba 1 x Standby ETC MDM (10-15 beds, scalable to 80) 0 CCCs 0 labs 0 labs All facilities not listed above have been identified for closure. B. LIST OF TERTIARY AND SECONDARY HOSPITALS To be provided by Ministry of Health and Sanitation 9 Annex 2: Sample Contract for EVD Risk Allowance Name of Ebola Response Worker Title Center/Unit Name ERW Identification Number* Center Description (check one of the options) Treatment and Care Center Laboratory Burial Team Screening Team Triage/Isolation Unit in Government Hospital District Ebola Response Staff Surveillance Team Others (specify) Role & Responsibility (short description) Hazard Pay Category** Start Date End Date*** Signed: Signed: Ebola Response Worker DMO/DERC Witnessed: Health Center/Team Manager * The ERW Identification Number is issued by the Payment System https://nercpay.sl ** Hazard Pay Category refers to the level of risk: High, Medium, Low ***The Government of Sierra Leone may stop paying Hazard Pay anytime that the Government decides, based on prevalence of Ebola in country. Hazard pay is an incentive associated with the risk of the Ebola virus. It is not to be considered as salary. 10 Annex 3: Paper/Excel Format of Hazard Pay Beneficiary List ERW # Name Design ation PIN Telephone District Facility Staff Category Bank Bank Acco unt Contract Start Date Contract End Date Operation (Add/Update /Delete) To be generat ed by NERC Payroll System Note: A manual on how to update/add/delete will be provided to ensure stepby-step guidance by the NERC/UNDP Payments Team for both online and offline Centers/Units 11
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