2 Conference Recognitions and Expectations We would like to thank the Northeast Network Advisory Group. The NAG is supported by NE PBIS Center Partners Jen Freeman, Bob Putnam, Brandi Simonsen, & George Sugai; evaluation coordinator Susannah Everett; and APBS Network liaison Satish Moothy. State Members CT DE Michelle Weaver, State Education Resource Center & Eben McNight, State Education Resource Center Debby Boyer, Center for Disability Studies, University of Delaware & Linda Smith, Delaware Department of Education Shawn Connelly, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education & Mary-Ellen Efferen, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Jim Artesani, University of Maine & Pat Red, University of Southern Maine JoAnne Malloy, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire & Howard Muscott, NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports at SERESC Sharon Lohrmann, NJ PBIS, The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center—RWJMS Stephen Merchant, Office of Special Education, New York State Education Department & Erin Brewer, Northeastern Regional Information Center Tina Lawson, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network & James Palmiero, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network John Eagle, Rhode Island College & Lavonne Nkomo, Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities, Rhode Island College MA ME NH NJ NY PA RI VT Sherry Schoenberg, Center on Disability and Community Inclusion, University of Vermont & Josh Souliere, Vermont Department of Education While at the Forum, please be safe, respectful, and responsible. Presentations (Keynotes/Sessions) Be Safe Hydrate Sit up with uncrossed legs to maximize circulation Networking (Poster Session) Transitions (Breaks, Meals, Etc.) Hydrate and eat healthy snacks Hydrate and eat healthy snacks Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Walk on the right side Stand to the side of the crowd when using cell phone to talk or text Be Respectful Engage in active listening Ensure cell phones etc. are off or on silent Actively engage in poster presentations (view, ask, discuss) Wait patiently to talk with presenters Be Responsible Use conversational voice volume Introduce yourself to other Northeast PBIS colleagues Take notes or handouts to share with your team members Take notes or handouts to share with your team members Ensure your Wear your name tag Wear your name tag Wear your name tag Complete evaluations for each session 3 personal needs are taken care of during transitions Conference at a Glance B. School-Wide C. Class-Wide D. Advanced Tiers E. Linking to Academic Systems Marriott Ballroom Salon B Marriott Ballroom Salon C Mystic Ballroom Salon F Mystic Ballroom Salon E Conf. Room 7 Mystic Ballroom Salon D Time Activity 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 1G 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G G. Special Topics A. PBIS Implementation Marriott Ballroom Salon A F. Integrating Mental Health Keynote and Group Activities Marriott Ballroom Salon D, E, & F Strand Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast Welcome & Orientation Keynote 10:30 AM Break 10:45 AM Session 1 12:00 PM 1:30 PM Lunch and Team Time Session 2 2:45 PM Break 3:00 PM Session 3 4:15 PM – 6:00 PM Poster & Networking Session 8:30 AM ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Friday, May 22 2015 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast Keynote 9:45 AM Break 10:00 AM Session 4 11:15 AM Break 11:30 AM 12:45 PM Closing Keynote Wrap-up 1:00 PM Adjourn ALL ALL ALL ALL Important Conference Information Drawing for 2 FREE REGISTRATIONS for next year’s conference, contingent on completing session evaluations (and including your name). Drawing will be held during Wrap-up on Friday. All materials will be posted at www.neswpbs.org and www.pbis.org. Check neswpbs.org for site and date for next year. 4 Strand Overview: Descriptions and Titles A. PBIS Implementation Marriott Salon A The PBIS Implementation strand provides an opportunity for PBIS coaches, trainers, and district/regional administrators to explore issues related to implementation. Sessions 1 2 3 4 Scaling Up PBIS: A Focus on District Leadership Teams Courtney Pachloski & James Artesani What’s Data Got to Do with It? The VTPBIS State Team’s Approach to Supporting Schools Through Data-Based Decision Making and Problem-Solving Josh Souliere, Cassandra Townshend, & Jim Drown Universal Screening for Behavior: Pennsylvania’s Collaboration with Researchers and District-Level Implementers Tina Lawson Evaluating SWPBIS Implementation with the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (SWPBIS TFI) Susannah Everett & Martha Wally B. School-Wide PBIS Marriott Salon B The School-Wide PBIS strand provides an overview of the first tier of School-Wide PBIS and highlights issues of contextual fit in rural and urban settings. Sessions 1 Getting Started with Tier 1 School-Wide PBIS 2 3 4 George Sugai High Schools and School-Wide PBIS: Perfect Together Sharon Lohrmann & Scott McMahon The Who, What, How, and Why of Authentic Parent and Student Involvement in School-Wide PBIS Implementation JoAnne Malloy & Kathy Francoeur Using a PBIS Framework to Build Supportive Relationships and Environmental Structure Sara Whitcomb & Sarah Fefer C. Class-Wide PBIS Marriott Salon C The Class-Wide PBIS strand provides an overview of PBIS in the classroom and shares proactive strategies to support teachers’ implementation of class-wide PBIS. Sessions Classroom PBIS: Overview of Critical Practices and New Decision-making Guide for K-12 Classrooms 1 2 3 4 Brandi Simonsen & Jennifer Freeman Managing Escalating Behavior: Avoiding Restraint and Seclusion Terry M. Scott Applying the PBIS Triangle to the Classroom with Pom-poms and Fanny Packs Pat Red, Beth Bell, & Debbie Chapman Reframing the Top of the Triangle: Implementing PBIS in Alternative Classrooms within Public Schools Ravit R. Stein, Erin Dunn, Rose Jaffery D. Advanced Tiers Mystic Salon F The Advanced Tiers of PBIS strand focuses on targeted group (Tier 2) and intensive individualized (Tier 3) PBIS. Presenters share practices, systems, data structures, and outcomes . Sessions 1 Building Capacity to Implement Advanced Tiers: Planning, Training, and Coaching Sharon Lohrmann & Paula Raigoza 2 Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: A Research-Supported Tier 3 FBA/BIP Process that Works in Schools Debby Boyer, Eileen Baker, & Susan Veenema 5 D. Advanced Tiers (Continued) 3 4 Simplified FBA: A Tier II Teacher-Teaming Process Terry M. Scott RENEW: School-to-Career Transition Planning for Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Jonathon Drake & JoAnne Malloy E. Linking to Academic Systems Mystic Salon E The Linking to Academic Systems strand focuses on the connection between PBIS and academic supports provided within a Response-to-Intervention framework. Sessions 1 Academic Seminar: Building Strong Social/Emotional and Academic Skills for Middle Schoolers 2 3 4 Margie Borawska & JoAnne Malloy PBIS in High School: Reaching Fidelity and Enhancing Tier One Jennifer Freeman Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies in Reading: A Peer-Mediated System for Improving Academic and Social Behavior Devin Kearns Building Literacy Leadership Teams to Support K-3 Reading Success within an MTSS Framework Ashley Oldham & Mike Coyne F. Integrating Mental Health Conference Room 7 The Integrating Mental Health strand focuses on ways to successfully integrate school mental health supports (including interventions for trauma) and PBIS. Sessions 1 Evidence-Based Practices to Support Trauma-exposed Students 2 3 4 Sharon Stephan Integrating Mental Health Supports in VTPBIS Schools at All Tiers Tracy Harris, Michaela Martin, & Susette Bollard Best Practices for Selecting Mental Health Practices for a Multi-tiered System of Support Sharon Stephan Creating Trauma-Informed Schools within MTSS Sherry Schoenberg & Kym Asam G. Special Topics Mystic Salon D The Special Topics strand focuses on topics relevant across strands, including positive psychology and school climate. Sessions 1 Positive Psychology: Applications to Practice 2 3 4 Rebekah Bickford & Pat Red One Team! One Family! Improved School Climate Scores: SWPBS Activities at William Henry Middle School that Mattered and Moved Us Toriano Giddens, Melissa Voshell, Tiffany Brown, & Megan Pell YOUth Are the Future: Youth Leadership Training to Improve School Culture & Climate Heidi Cloutier & Hannah Raiche Using School Climate Data for PBIS Decision Making Tamika La Salle 6 Keynote Address (9:00AM-10:30AM) Marriott Ballroom Managing Challenging Students: Effective Teaching Behavior Presenter: Terry M. Scott, University of Louisville, KY Session Description: This session provides a logic for talking to teachers and other school personnel about working with students with challenging behaviors in the classroom. The focus will be on effective teacher strategies that can be applied in any classroom setting. Session 1 (10:45AM-12:00PM) 1A. Scaling Up PBIS: A Focus on District Leadership Teams Marriott Salon A Presenters: Courtney Pacholski & James Artesani, University of Maine, ME Strand: PBIS Implementation Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Researchers, Parents/Families, Community Members, School/District Administrators, Pre-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: Presenters will discuss efficient ways to scale up PBIS implementation by sharing experiences in regards to staffing, coaching, and professional development needs, as well as meeting design and frequency, self-assessment, goal and action planning, increasing visibility and support, and important outcomes related to PBIS. 1B. Getting Started with Tier 1 School-Wide PBIS Marriott Salon B Presenter: George Sugai, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: School-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: Initial Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff Session Description: This session is intended for participants who are relatively new to getting started with SWPBS implementation (Tier 1 – Universal). I will discuss (a) key practices (what the kids get and do), (b) important supporting systems (what the adults get and do), (c) data decision making guidelines (what we need to know to make decisions), and (d) main expected outcomes (what will improve). Examples will be included to illustrate implementation. 1C. Classroom PBIS: Overview of Critical Practices and New Decision-making Guide for K-12 Classrooms Marriott Salon C Presenters: Brandi Simonsen & Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: Class-wide PBIS Implementation Level: ALL Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators Session Description: We will present an overview of Classroom PBIS that is particularly appropriate for (a) practitioners who are new to PBIS or (b) PBIS coaches/administrators looking to support teachers. Specifically, we will review critical practices, supporting evidence, and a new decision-making guide from an upcoming Classroom PBIS Technical Assistance Brief. 7 Session 1 (10:45AM-12:00PM) Continued 1D. Building Capacity to Implement Advanced Tiers: Planning, Training, and Coaching Mystic Salon F Presenters: Sharon Lohrmann & Paula Raigoza, NJ Positive Behavior Support in Schools, The Boggs Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NJ Strand: Advanced Tiers Implementation Level: Advanced Intended Audience: PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff Session Description: This session will illustrate how NJPBIS is supporting school personnel to implement functionbased problem solving a the secondary and tertiary tiers. Special emphasis will be placed on how to coach implementation pilots to support first time implementers. Planning tools will be described and available electronically for participants. 1E. Academic Seminar: Building Strong Social/Emotional and Academic Skills for Middle Schoolers Mystic Salon E Presenters: Margie Borawska, School Psychologist, Rundlett Middle School, NH & JoAnne Malloy, Institute on Disability at University of New Hampshire, NH Strand: Linking to Academic Systems Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators, Researchers, Parents/ Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers Session Description: This session will describe how a Tier 2 group intervention, structured as a small class (6:1 student teacher ratio), was implemented in a middle-school in New Hampshire. The class, called Academic Seminar, was adapted from the High School Behavior Education Program (Swain-Bradway, 2011). The presentation will describe the student population, eligibility criteria, structure and process, curriculum and instructional methods, tools, assessments, and include data on student behavior and academic outcomes. 1F. Evidence-based Practices to Support Trauma-exposed Students Conference Room 7 Presenter: Sharon Stephan, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for School Mental Health, MD Strand: Integrating Mental Health Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Community Members, Teacher, School/ District Administrators, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: There is a significant literature documenting the negative impact of trauma exposure on learning and student success. Several school-based interventions have been developed and found effective to support students exposed to trauma. The presentation will provide an overview of the impact of trauma on student success, and review evidence-based programs to support a continuum of trauma-informed practices and trauma interventions in schools. 1G. Positive Psychology: Applications to Practice Mystic Salon D Presenters: Rebekah Bickford, The Alliance School, ME & Pat Red, University of Southern Maine, ME Strand: Special Topics Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Pre-School Implementers , High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers Session Description: Positive psychology has a wealth of evidence supporting its efficacy. Along with some basic theory, we will focus on activities that can be taken back to schools for use in everyday practice. In addition, examples of student interns applying these practices will be shared. 8 Session 2 (1:30PM-2:45PM) 2A. What’s Data Got to Do with it? The VTPBIS State Team’s Approach to Marriott Salon A Supporting Schools through Data-Based Decision-Making and ProblemSolving Presenters: Josh Souliere, VT Agency of Education, VT; Cassandra Townshend, University of Vermont, VT; Jim Drown, VTPBiS District Coordinator for Burlington Schools, VT Strand: Strand: PBIS Implementation Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: This session will provide an overview of how the VTPBiS State Team supports schools and Supervisor Unions in using implementation fidelity data and student outcome data for problem solving and decision-making. Participants will learn about VT’s process for analyzing data through established “data days,” the role of Data Analyst, and practical strategies for sharing data. 2B. High Schools and School-Wide PBIS: Perfect Together Marriott Salon B Presenter: Sharon Lohrmann & Scott McMahon, NJ Positive Behavior Support in Schools, The Boggs Center, Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NJ Strand: School-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, School/District Administrators, High School Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders Session Description: This session will reflect on implementation of PBIS in New Jersey high school settings. Planning considerations, implementation patters, and outcome data will be shared. This session will be packed with lots of practical ideas and examples of implementation from multiple high schools. 2C. Managing Escalating Behavior: Avoiding Restraint and Seclusion Marriott Salon C Presenter: Terry M. Scott, University of Louisville, KY Strand: Class-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, Parents/Families, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Per-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Alt Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: This session provides an overview of effective strategies to use when dealing with students whose behavior is volatile and prone to escalation. The focus will be on prevention and intervening prior to dangerous behavior. 2D. Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: A Research-Supported Tier 3 FBA/BIP Process that Works in Schools Mystic Salon F Presenters: Debby Boyer, Eileen Baker, & Susan Veenema, University of Delaware, DE Strand: Advanced Tiers Implementation Level: Advanced Intended Audience: PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff Session Description: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) is a research-based FBA/BIP process. This session will describe the PTR process and the job-embedded coaching method used state-wide to build the skills of educators in facilitating PTR with school-based teams. Outcomes showing how PTR has improved FBA/ BIPs will be shared. Capacity building strategies will also be discussed. 9 Session 2 (1:30PM-2:45PM) Continued 2E. PBIS in High School: Reaching Fidelity and Enhancing Tier One Mystic Salon E Presenter: Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: Linking to Academic Systems Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, Researchers, School/District Administrators, High School Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/ District Leaders Session Description: I will discuss the results of implementation fidelity research from a large, nationwide sample of high schools. Specifically, I will describe patterns of strengths and weaknesses for high school implementation, based on an analysis of sub-scale scores on the SET. I will share suggestions for enhancing tierone practice based on these findings, including strategies for expanding students’ college and career readiness. 2F. Integrating Mental Health Supports in VTPBIS at All Tiers Conference Room 7 Presenters: Tracy Harris, Vermont Agency of Education, VT; Michaela Martin & Susette Bollard, Orange North Supervisory Union, VT Strand: Integrating Mental Health Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, Parents/Families, School/District Administrators Session Description: This workshop will describe how one Vermont Supervisory Union partners with its local mental health agency to create staffing supports at Tiers 2 and 3. Participants will learn how the SU/MH team provides supports for all students, the structures needed to support clear and continuous communication, and how capacity can be enhanced to provide year-round supports for students and their families. Presenters will also share lessons learned such as the need for a strong Universal foundation that is proactive and not reactive as well as the benefits of a supervisory union-wide approach. 2G. One Team! One Family! Improved School Climate Scores: SWPBS Activities at William Henry Middle School that Mattered and Moved Us Mystic Salon D Presenters: Toriano Giddens, Melissa Voshell, & Tiffany Brown Capital School District, DE; Megan Pell, University of Delaware (CDS), DE Strand: Special Topics Implementation Level: Initial Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teaches, School/District Administrators Session Description: One Team! One Family! This is more than a motto for William Henry Middle School (WHMS). Members of the WHMS SW-PBS team will share details regarding what SW staff-, student-, community-centered activities they led and feel contributed most to the school’s improved Delaware School Climate Survey scores in 2014. 10 Session 3 (3:00PM-4:15PM) 3A. Universal Screening for Behavior: Pennsylvania's Collaboration with Researchers and District Level Implementers Marriott Salon A Presenter: Tina Lawson, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, PA Strand: PBIS Implementation Implementation Level: Advanced Intended Audience: PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, School/District Administrators Session Description: This session will provide an overview of how Pennsylvania integrated Universal screening for Behavior within a Multi-tiered System of Support. This description will highlight a partnership between the state and higher education. 3B. The Who, What, How, and Why of Authentic Parent and Student Involvement in School-Wide PBIS Implementation Marriott Salon B Presenters: JoAnne Malloy & Kathy Francoeur, Institute on Disability at University of New Hampshire Youth Leaders: Nute High School NH Strand: School-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators, Researchers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers Session Description: This session will focus on how high school students participated on their school’s PBIS Leadership Team to revise and teach the school’s behavior expectations, and create celebrations that would engage students. In addition, this presentation will demonstrate how family members on a middle school SWPBIS Leadership Team rewrote the school’s handbook and Code of Conduct. 3C. Applying the PBIS Triangle to the Classroom with PomPoms and Fanny Packs Marriott Salon C Presenters: Pat Red, University of Southern Maine, ME, Beth Bell & Debbie Chapman, South Portland Public Schools, ME Strand: Class-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, Parents/Families, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Pre-School Implementers Session Description: This presentation will share an elementary classroom application of Tier 1 Universals to address significant problem behavior disruptions. Revamped and enhanced expectations, procedures and an innovative acknowledgement system with student involvement will be shared. 3D. Simplified FBA: A Tier II Teacher-Teaming Process Mystic Salon F Presenters: Terry M. Scott, University of Louisville, KY Strand: Advanced Tiers Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Pre-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Alt Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: This session provides an overview of how a FBA might be used as a first-step assessment for students not responding to Tier 1 interventions. The focus will be on teacher teaming and simplified strategies to build a classroom-based intervention plan. 11 Session 3 (3:00PM-4:15PM) Continued 3E. Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies in Reading: A Peer-Mediated System for Improving Academic and Social Behavior Mystic Salon E Presenter: Devin Kearns, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: Linking to Academic Systems Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: Parent/Families, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Alternative Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) has been shown to have a positive impact on student achievement by allowing children to work together to perform reading activities. This approach to instruction has the potential to benefit children improve their social behavior at the same time as their reading skills. The procedures involved in conducting PALS activities will be explained, modeled, and practiced. 3F. Best Practices for Selecting Mental Health Practices in a Multitiered System of Support Conf. Room 7 Presenter: Sharon Stephan, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for School Mental Health, MD Strand: Integrating Mental Health Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators, Researchers, Parents/ Families, Community Members, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Pre-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: Once student mental health needs and intended outcomes are specified, schools must be strategic in their selection of evidence-based practices. This presentation will review best practices for prudent selection of mental health interventions, including strategies for ensuring that (a) evidence exists to support effectiveness of practice, (b) outcomes associated with practice align with stated need and intended outcome, and (c) selected practice is consistent with other practices and initiatives already in place. 3G. YOUth are the Future: Youth Leadership Training to Improve School Culture & Climate Mystic Salon D Presenters: Heidi Cloutier, University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability, NH & Hannah Raiche, Youth Move New Hampshire, NH Strand: Special Topics Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Parent/Families, Community Members, Teachers, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: To make lasting change in the culture and climate of schools, youth must lead the charge. For the past 6 years, NH has sponsored youth leadership training as part of the annual Conference of Positive School Culture and Climate and recruited youth across all tiers to participate. The Youth Leadership Training engages students in experiential activities to teacher empathy, and understanding themselves and people with different experiences, self-determination skills, leadership, goal setting, and collaborative decision making.. The youth are responsible for planning and implementing the closing Keynote session of the conference and tasked with bringing what they learn back to their schools to make positive changes. Poster and Networking Session (4:15PM-6:00PM) Grand Ballroom P1. Fidelity of Tier 1 SWPBIS: A Close Examination of Implementation Presenters: Sarah-Anne Nicholas & Michelle Weaver, State Education Resource Center, CT 12 Poster and Networking Session (4:15PM-6:00PM) Continued P2. Connecticut’s Fourteen-Year Expansion to a CT PBIS Model for Training, Coaching, and Evaluation Presenter: Eben McKnight, State Education Resource Center, CT P3. Spaulding Stars Care: Promoting Social Skills through Tier 1 PBIS Implementation Presenters: Megan Blais and Cali McGinn, A. Ward Spaulding School, Suffield, CT P4. Effective and Efficient Rollouts: Using Technology to Teach School-wide Behavior Expectations in Elementary Schools Presenters: Melisa Scott & Toni Crosby, Beaver Meadow School, Concord, NH P5. Building District Wide Capacity in a Large Urban Setting: Internal Coach Development and Networking in NYC Presenters: Caryn DePinna & Rodrigo Campos, NYC Regional Special Education-Technical Assistance and Support Center Behavior Specialists, NY P6. Braiding Initiatives: Vermont’s Approach to Working Smarter Not Harder within MTSS Presenter: Josh Souliere, Vermont Agency of Education, VT P7. Review of Tier 1 Interventions for School-based Violence Presenters: Laura Kern & George Sugai, University of Connecticut, CT P8. Implementation Patterns in New Jersey: Process and Outcome Data Presenters: Paula Raigoza & Jolie Battista, NJ PBIS, The Boggs Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Memorial School, NJ P9. Coaching Young Leaders: Engaging Students in Universal Tier Implementation Presenter: Scott McMahon & Bill Davis, NJ PBIS, The Boggs Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Memorial School, NJ P10. Effects of a Professional Development Intervention for After School Professionals Support the Adaptation of PBIS Presenter: Sheera Hefter & Sara Whitcomb, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA P11. Using Existing Literature on Motivation to Inform PBIS Implementation with Adolescents Presenters: Cynthia Shuttleton & Sarah Fefer, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 13 Poster and Networking Session (4:15PM-6:00PM) Grand Ballroom P12 Results of a Survey on Adolescent Perceptions of Acknowledgement in PBIS Schools Presenters: Sarah Fefer & Julie DeMagistris, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA P13. School Implementation of Pivotal Response Treatment: A Systematic Literature Review Presenter: Jennifer Kowitt & Joe Madaus, University of Connecticut, CT P14. Conducting a Needs Assessment to Guide the Implementation of Tiered Supports: A Case Study Presenter: Rachel Diorio & Rose Jaffery, EASTCONN, CT P15. Training of Trainers Opportunity for Multi-tiered Behavior Framework Presenter: Connecticut School Climate Grant Partners, CT P16. “Ownership of All Students”: Linking Inclusion and Positive School Climate Presenter: Megan Pell & Debby Boyer, University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies, DE P17. Mindfulness: A Review of the School-based Literature and Conceptualization as a Self-Management Strategy Presenters: Marlena Minkos & Sandra Chafouleas, University of Connecticut, CT P18. A Triangle for Teachers: Evaluating a Multi-tiered System of Support for Adult Behavior Change Presenters: Ashley Wisniewski & Lisa Sanetti, University of Connecticut, CT; Melissa Collier-Meek, University of Massachusetts– Boston, MA P19. Implementing a System-wide Positive Behavioral Intervention Initiative in a Special School– Success Four Years On Presenters: Vance Austin, Manhattanville College & The Summit School, Nikki L. Josephs & Micheline Malow, Manhanntanville College; Anne D’Andrea & Bill Leone, The Summit School; Andrew J. Ecker, Lower Hudson RSE-TASC, NY 14 Keynote Address (8:30AM-9:45AM) Integrating School Mental Health and PBIS to Promote Student Success Marriott Ballroom Presenter: Sharon Stephan, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for School Mental Health, MD Session Description: To fully realize the potential of mental health supports in academic settings, we must strategically integrate the mental health and education systems and their respective resources, staffing, and structures. This presentation will review best practices for school and community partners to systematically integrate mental health interventions within a school’s multi-tiered system of student support. Session 4 (10:00AM-11:15AM) 4A. Evaluating SWPBIS Implementation with the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (SWPBIS TFI) Marriott Salon A Presenter: Susannah Everett, University of Connecticut, & Martha Wally, MA Strand: PBIS Implementation Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators Session Description: This session will provide an overview of the purposes of the TFI and how it fits with other PBIS fidelity measures. We will discuss administration procedures and use specific examples to review how to support schools using this self-assessment tool designed to evaluate progress and guide implementation and action planning. 4B. Using a PBIS Framework to Build Supportive Relationships and Environmental Structure Marriott Salon B Presenters: Sarah Whitcomb & Sarah Fefer, University of Massachusetts– Amherst, MA Strand: School-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Pre-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: The purpose of this session is to share a data-based decision-making framework, promising case examples, and a future research agenda for the efficient integration of social-emotional learning and behavioral support systems and practices. 15 Session 4 (10:00AM-11:15AM) Continued 4C. Reframing the Top of the Triangle: Implementing PBIS in Alternative Classrooms within Public Schools Marriott Salon C Presenters: Ravit R. Stein, Erin Dunn, & Rose Jaffery, EASTCONN Regional Education Service Center, CT Strand: Class-Wide PBIS Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Trainers, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers Session Description: Despite widespread implementation of PBIS within public schools, the extension of PBIS to specialized classrooms within these schools is rare. This session describes phases of planning/ implementation required to effectively implement PBIS in alternative classrooms house within public schools. A case study will highlight steps to garnering buy-in and unique components of implementation. 4D. RENEW: School-to-Career Transition Planning for Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Mystic Salon F Presenter: Jonathon Drake & JoAnne Malloy, Institute on Disability at University of New Hampshire, NH Strand: Advanced Tiers Implementation Level: Advanced Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators, Researchers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Leaders, Special Services Staff, High School Implementers Session Description: RENEW is an evidence-informed tertiary practice, designed to help disengaged high school students to develop their school-to-career goals and re-energize their interests in order to complete high school, start working, enter post-secondary education and training programs, and establish their independence. This session will include experiences of youth and data from 8 years of implementation within high school in New Hampshire. 4E. Building Literacy Leadership Teams to Support K-3 Reading Success within an MTSS Framework Mystic Salon E Presenters: Ashley Oldham & Mike Coyne, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: Linking to Academic Systems Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, PBIS Evaluators, Researchers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Urban School/District Leaders Session Description: The purpose of this session is to describe a CT state reading reform effort designed to train school and district literacy leadership teams to support the implementation of comprehensive multitier, or RTI, systems of support. Features of the leadership team training model will be described. Evaluation data suggest that implementation of multi-tiered literacy supports associated with the reading reform model accelerated students’ beginning reading. 4F. Creating Trauma-Informed Schools within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Conf. Room 7 Presenter: Sherry Schoenberg, Vermont PBIS Project Coordinator, University of Vermont, VT & Kym Asam, Regional Director of Schools and Clinical Programming, NFI Vermont, VT Strand: Integrating Mental Health Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Team Members, PBIS Coaches, PBIS Trainers, Parents/Families, Community Members, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Special Services Staff, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: This workshop will provide an overview of the impact trauma has on childhood development and access to learning. Strategies for identifying and supporting children who have experienced developmental trauma at all three tiers of the MTSS framework will be presented. Participants will understand the importance of integrating mental health supports within the school to help mitigate the impact developmental trauma has on functioning across all environments. 16 Session 4 (10:00AM-11:15AM) Continued 4G. Using School Climate Data for PBIS Decision Making Mystic Salon D Presenter: Tamika La Salle, University of Connecticut, CT Strand: Special Topics Implementation Level: All Intended Audience: PBIS Evaluators, Teachers, School/District Administrators, Pre-School Implementers, High School Implementers, Alternative Setting Implementers, Urban School/District Leaders, Rural School/District Leaders Session Description: Given the increased attention of school climate in the context of issues related to school violence prevention, disproportionality, and bullying, school climate is presented as an important consideration. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss how positive behavioral interventions and supports might conceptualize school climate so that measurement, progress monitoring, and evaluation can be sensitive and meaningful. Closing Keynote (11:30AM-12:45PM) What’s Next for PBIS? Marriott Ballroom Presenter: George Sugai, University of Connecticut, CT Session Description: In this presentation, the current state-of-PBIS will be described. Topics will include Safe and Healthy Students, School Mental Health, and School-Climate and Discipline, and Juvenile Justice. This information may be used to enhance future funding efforts, action planning, policy decision-making, implementation fidelity and sustainability, and student benefit. 17 Hotel Map with Strands D. Advanced Tiers in Mystic Ballroom Salon F B. School-Wide in Marriott Ballroom Salon B C. Class-Wide in Marriott Ballroom Salon C E. Linking to Academic Systems in Mystic Ballroom Salon E G. Special Topics in Mystic Ballroom Salon D A. PBIS Implementation in Marriott Ballroom Salon A F. Integrating Mental Health in Conference Room 7 18 Conference Planning Tool Sessions Big Ideas Thursday, May 21, 2015 Keynote 1 (9:00-10:30) Title: Managing Challenging Students: Effective Teaching Behavior Presenter: Terry M. Scott Location: Marriott Ballroom Salon D, E, & F Session 1 (10:45-12:00) Title: ___________________________ ________________________________ Presenter(s):______________________ ________________________________ Location: ______________________ Session 2 (1:30-2:45) Title: ___________________________ ________________________________ Presenter(s):______________________ ________________________________ Location: ______________________ Friday, May 22, 2015 Session 3 (3:00-4:15) Title: ___________________________ ________________________________ Presenter(s):______________________ ________________________________ Location: ______________________ Keynote 2 (8:30-9:45) Title: Integrating Mental Health & PBIS to Promote Student Success Presenter: Sharon Stephan Location: Marriott Ballroom Salon D, E, & F Session 4 (10:00-11:15) Title: ___________________________ ________________________________ Presenter(s):______________________ ________________________________ Location: ______________________ Keynote 3 (11:30-12:45) Title: What’s Next for PBIS? Presenters: George Sugai Location: Marriott Ballroom Salon D, E, & F 19 Action Plan Items 20
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