Cafeteria Incentive Programs and Ideas Salem Avenue Elementary Washington County School Demographics Approximately 700 Students (Pre-K-5) FARM rate is 74% Over past 4 years FARM have risen about 10% Diverse Population Diverse SWD Population 2 Summit Programs (Inclusion and Seclusion) County wide Alternative Instructional Setting (ISS) 5 round K-4 8 fifth grade classes CES and Olweus bullying program school General PBIS Information Sub-committees within PBIS Committee Monthly meetings for main and subcommittee groups Monthly activities Moving to Quarterly activities due to funding and time Facilitate staff incentive programs SWIS is used for tracking data in all areas of school including the cafeteria PBIS Tiger tickets for students PBIS practices in ALL classrooms Respect and Responsibility General Cafeteria Information 10 Classes and over 200 kids in cafeteria at one time PBIS expectations posted on every table in the cafeteria Utilize a “time-out” table Presence of administration in cafeteria at all times Professionalism with all staff and open communication Cafeteria Incentive Programs Respect Patrol (Inside/Outside/Encore) Milk Volunteers (recycling program) Holiday Books for K-2 Snack Shack (3-4 times per year) Silver Spoon Award (Stopped to experiment with Apple Award) Given for cleanest area Good Apple Award Daily Apples20 Apples =Ice Cream Funding for PBIS No funding in budget Donations from local businesses and parents Assign a “beggar” to speak with administration to find extra funds PBIS Gently Used Book Sale Denim Day on Monday for those who donate at least $1.00 Submit Grant Applications Set a PBIS budget for Activities Do not over budget Grant School: Submitted by: Date: WCPS PBIS Mini Grant Application 2009-10 Salem Avenue Elementary Jennifer Luisi March 5, 2010 Title of Proposed Intervention: Cafeteria Disruption/Disrespect Brief Description of Proposed Intervention and Attach “3-circles planning” Sheet: Our cafeteria is the third most common location for students to receive incident slips or major referrals. 62% of those incident slips/referrals are written due to disrespect and/or disruptions by the students, and are received by yellow zone students. Our plan is to record various PBIS and school-wide activities throughout the school year using both video and photographs. We plan to interview students and staff on camera about those various activities as well. Once the recordings have been made we will use the print shop program to create a slide show and set it to music, it will then be broadcast in the cafeteria on a jumbo screen for the students to watch during lunch. Our hope is that by having this play during lunch it will reduce the disruptions that are occurring, and therefore reduce the disrespect shown toward the staff when those disruptions are addressed. This will benefit all students within Salem Avenue Elementary, but will target the yellow zone students, as those are the students receiving the bulk of the incident slips/referrals. The classes in each grade level with the fewest behavior issues, over a 1 month period, will receive an ice cream incentive. Budget request (not to exceed $800) should include estimated amounts for any of the following that is critical for implementation of the proposed yellow-zone intervention: teacher additional pay, workshop pay, substitute pay, materials, and incentives. Monies must be spent by June 30, 2010. Video Camera ~ $250.00 Memory Card ~ $40.00 Camera Case ~ $30.00 Tri-pod ~ $30.00 Photo Shop ~ $150.00 Incentives (Ice Cream) ~ $300.00 Total Amount Requested ~ $800.00 (For Central Office only) Approved by: PBIS “3-Circles” Problem-Solving Worksheet Grant Continued Targeted Problem: Cafeteria Disruption/Disrespect Step 4: What will we do to support staff? Staff will be trained in the use of the video system so that they are able to utilize the program. Also, administration will be present to monitor and demonstrate appropriate behaviors within the cafeteria. SYSTEMS – Support Staff Behavior Step 3: What will we do to support student behavior? We will broadcast videos and photographs of student activities school-wide on a large screen during lunch hours in the cafeteria. The photographs will be set to music in order to capture the attention of the students and reduce their disruptive behaviors. Step 1: What does the data say? The cafeteria is the third most common location for incident slips and referrals throughout the school. 62% of the incident slips/referrals in the cafeteria are for disruption and disrespect. DATA – Supports Decision Making PRACTICES – Support Student Behavior Step 2: What is the goal? The goal is to reduce the average monthly incident slips/referrals in the cafeteria by 50%. The average right now is approximately 12 per month, the goal is to reduce this number to 6 per month. Grant Approval-April 29, 2010 $800.00 Grant Video Camera and Memory Card Tripod and Camera Case Photo Shop Remaining funds go toward incentives for PBIS Proposed Ideas for 2010-2011 Make PBIS video to show during Lunch Booster Trivia for rewards during lunch (PBIS Questions) Book/Magazine Baskets (3-5) Bi-weekly drawings for prizes Lunch Bunch (for teachers) Bring back Silver Spoon Award Discussion/Ideas THE END
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