You did it!
Community Fundraising Reaches €2.5m.
he people of Wicklow have
donated a massive €2.5
Million and are well on way to
achieving our target.
Hospice has been going on now
for over three years and during
that time there has been a huge
range of events all over the
county. Christy Moore could
make a song out of this. We have
had a skydiving granny, pre
school hill walkers, boats rowed
from Wales to Ireland, kayaks
in the opposite direction, lads
cycling from Arklow to Biarritz,
and many other events.
busmen walking, vintage car
rallies, vintage tractor rallies,
sunflower days and Christmas
fairs. We have sold crystal
decorations and Christmas cards.
Gun clubs and soccer clubs,
rugby, golf and GAA clubs have
all been brilliant.
Supporters have organized big
birthdays, recipe books, bag
packs, art sales, Harp recitals,
strings pulled, Halloween fairs,
parish fetes, pub quizzes, leg
waxing and dinner dancing. Ok
the dinner did not dance but there
was dancing after the dinner.
Thanks to all the volunteers,
event organizers who gave their
time freely to make this possible.
Thanks to you the generous
donors who are helping our
community partner with health
service providers to ensure that
Wicklow people have dignity
and comfort at end of life.
Brendan Cuddihy, Chairman,
on behalf of Wicklow Hospice
Foundation Committee.
A lake of coffee has been
consumed at coffee mornings,
afternoon teas, ICA gifts and
bridge evenings. There have been
sponsored shaves, non uniform
days, carols and concerts, fashion
shows and marathon runners by
the hundreds.
We have had Victorian field days,
Bray summer fest, golf outings,
(note: All funds raised to date are placed on deposit. The Foundation is a registered charity and audited accounts are available to
the public on request by emailing info@wicklowhospice.ie)
Daniel Day-Lewis
Donates “Lincoln”
Premiere to Wicklow
ctor Daniel Day-Lewis, generously
donated the international movie
premiere of his Oscar winning performance
in the blockbuster “Lincoln”, to help fund the
building of the long-awaited Hospice for Co.
Steven Spielberg donated several props
(including Lincoln’s white gloves, handmade
knife and miniature soldiers featured in the
movie) for auction at the Gala Dinner attended
by Steven Spielberg, Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally
Field and a host of celebrities
- including Bono, the Edge, Sinead O’Connor,
Shane McGowan, Jim Sheridan, Chris De
Daniel Day-Lewis and Steven Spielberg
Burgh, Katie Taylor and Barry McGuigan. It was a
fantastic day and evening for over 1000 supporters
of the Wicklow Hospice Building Project.
In addition to raising over €250,000 the extensive
media coverage created huge national awareness
of the need to address the paucity of hospice
services in County Wicklow. Daniel is a patron of
the Wicklow Hospice Foundation.
Several props made for the movie, and autographed by
Daniel Day Lewis and Steven Spielberg, have been donated
to the Wicklow Hospice Foundation for auction, including
Lincoln’s white gloves and a replica of Lincoln’s penknife.
he site for the Wicklow
Hospice, donated by the
Columban Sisters, overlooks
the sea at Magheramore just
outside Wicklow town
With €2.5m. raised to date,
outline planning permission in
progress we are preparing to
have a sod-turning cermony in
the early summer of 2013.
The Foundation has entered
an operation agreement with
a highly reputable voluntary
provider, St John of Gods, with
wide ranging experience of
inpatient care of the frail older
We are hopeful that the
to funding approved health
facilities by a system of “the
money follows the patient”
will enable Wicklow Hospice
services to recover the ongoing
costs of providing hospice
care. The Hospice was initially
included in HSE plans in 2009
for completion in 2012.
blocks for
the Wicklow
Hospice site at Magheramore, Donated by Columban Sisters
Progress to date:
coastal site for the hospice
at Magheramore just outside
Wicklow town which was
generously donated by the
Columban Sisters. This location
has been assessed and approved
as suitable by HSE Estates.
process for the appointment
of project architects. (Stephen
been appointed – they are the
architects on a 24 bed long
stay nursing home currently
under construction at the same
site). A submission for outline
planning permission is currently
in preparation.
Developer and lawyer,
Noel Smyth has been advising
the project team and has agreed
to take on the role of honorary
building project manager on
behalf of the foundation. Noel
has extensive experience of
major building projects and was
responsible for financing and
building Blackrock Hospice.
widely with other hospices on
design best practice to ensure
that we learn from the experience
of others and can give state of
the art guidance to the building
project team.
How To Access
The Palliative
Care Service In
The Community
he easiest and most direct
way to access palliative care
within your area is through your
G.P. Your G.P in most situations
will understand the need of the
patient and family to have as much
support as possible and G.P’s work
closely with the Clinical Nurse
Specialist as well as the General
Nursing Services.
The first step is to contact your G.P
who will fill in a form, contact the
Nurse Specialist who will arrange
a visit with you. The first visit
with the Specialist Nurse is to
assess the needs of the patient. He
or she will with agreement of the
patient and family decide what is
needed and will also liaise with
the General Nursing Services.
Why Would I Need A
Palliative Care Team
Sometimes when people are ill, they need to know there is
someone they can call on if they have difficult symptoms, or
have problems sorting medication. It is also a great support to
family members who are caring for someone and they can be
reassured that they are doing a good job caring for someone,
which is a great commitment.
The role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist is to assist in symptom
control, and to empower the family or carers in their role. All
services, link in together to provide a high standard of care.
The Following organisations have generously supported Wicklow Hospice.
Amergin Consulting Ltd, An Garda Siochana, Annamoe Community, Arklow Bay Hotel, Arklow Charity Horsehow, Arklow Lions Club, Arklow
Office Supplies, Arklow Womens Group, Aras Lorcain Arklow, Avondale Sports, Avoca Active Retirement, Avoca Hand Weavers, Avoca Recycling
Centre, Bla�
Blueprint Print & Design, CABS (Charity Awareness Bus atha Cliath Staff), Collins (Michael) Pharmacy, Conway Media, Coolagad Bridge Club,
Curtains and Blinds, Curves, Daly SuperValu, Dunnes Stores, Delgany Golf Club, Devitt and Devitt Printers, Donnellis café/restaurant, East Coast
FM, Eire Og GAA, Enniskerry Victorian Festival, Errigal Bridge Club, Glendalough Hotel, Glenhaven Foods, Glen Mill Golf Club, Graham Goodwin
Signs, Greystones Art group, Greystones Bowling Club, Greystones Cancer Support, Greystones Church of Ireland, Greystones First Responders,
Greystones Golf Club, Greystones Lawn Tennis Club, Greystones Rugby Club, Hunters Hotel, ICA Delgany Guild, Irish Hospice Foundation,
John Swans Jewellers, Jenerate, Kavanaghs Pub, Kilmac Horse Show, Kilcoole Ladies Golf Club, Leinster Motor Club, Loreto Secondary School,
Mystic Celt, P.Boland Ltd, Pettitts SuperValu, Powerscourt Colt Club, Rathdrum Darts Club, Ronan Rose Roberts Architects, Roundwood Gun Club,
Roundwood NS, Rython, Servier Ltd., Signs of the Times.ie, Smurfit Kappa, Sugarloaf Bridge Club, Superquinn, Three Trout Bridge Club, Wicklow
Golf Club, Wicklow Solicitors Association, Wicklow Marathon Runners, Wicklow Times, Wild Swans Golf Club, Woodenbridge Golf Club.
The Case for Hospice
Care in Co Wicklow
ack in 1989, a Department
of Health needs assessment
highlighted the lack of hospice
beds in Wicklow. In 2009, the
Five Year Palliative Care Plan
provided for a 12- bed Wicklow
hospice by 2012. The regional
HSE palliative care committee
approved the plans and location.
St. John of Gods, a reputable
provider of clinical care, is ready
to operate the hospice, subject to
agreed ongoing funding. But due
to the current economic climate
progress has stalled.
We will raise funds for building
our own hospice, if you fulfill
your promise in the Programme
for Government to let the ‘money
follow the patient’ to their
preferred place of care”. The
approved Wicklow hospice allows
this, at no additional cost to the
health service.
The Department of Health’s 2001
national palliative care policy
envisaged integrated palliative
community care services. National
policy is that 1% of all hospital
beds should be hospice beds and
that there would be 1 hospice
bed per 10,000 of population.
However, Dublin’s Blackrock 12place Hospice is the only hospice
for people in the Dublin East
Coast Area and County Wicklow.
This is only one third of the
agreed bed numbers for the area’s
350,000 population. The new
12 bed Wicklow Hospice will
reduce Dublin/East Coast Area’s
hospice bed deficit and care for
the hundreds of Wicklow people
dying in Dublin’s acute hospitals
every year.
National Access to
Specialist Hospice Care
Hospice care access is greatly
influenced by regional expenditure.
The HSE spend €35 per capita on
specialist hospice care in the Mid
West and North West, compared to
€17 in the Dublin East Coast Area
and €3 per capita in Wicklow.
patients are four times more likely
to die in an acute hospital than
Mid-West homecare patients.
supported by a hospice inpatient
unit, provides the best quality and
most cost effective end of life care.
Where comprehensive hospice
services are provided, 90% of
patients are in homecare and just
10% in hospice beds. The hospice
inpatient unit is the service’s “hub”
which also supports patients in
day-care, at home and in long stay
nursing home beds. Most people
prefer to die at home, surrounded
by loved ones. Only 25% of all Irish
deaths are at home. In contrast, 42%
of patients with hospice homecare
die at home. The cost of hospice
homecare, per patient, over the
last six months of life is less than
€1,000 – the equivalent cost of
one day in hospital. The absence of
a hospice in Wicklow forces many
patients who are actively dying and
in need of complex care to travel to
Dublin’s busy acute hospitals.The
HSE’s 2013 service plan promises
that 92% of referrals to hospice
beds will be met within 7 days.
Unfortunately, where there are no
beds there can be no referrals.
This is really good news for
communities like Co Wicklow.
This new funding system will
facilitate patients to avail of
approved care facilities, meeting
clinical needs and personal
preferences. We expect the
Government to provide the same
funding model for palliative
care as promised for patients
with chronic illness, disabilities,
mental illness and the older frail
population. There should be no
discrimination between patients
based on where they live.
Let The Money Follow
the Patient
In spite of the current economic
crisis, there is an opportunity
to end the current regional
inequity in hospice services. The
Government’s newly published
“Future Health” strategy proposes
a new funding model for patient
care. The model involves “the
money follows the patient”
Equal access to services
for patients.
The patient is cared
for in their own community at
the appropriate lowest level of
Local GPs lead primary
integrated patient care.
The hospice service ethos is
to deliver the highest possible
standard of care, allowing people
to maintain their dignity and
quality of life. Palliative care
encompasses the patient’s mental,
spiritual, physical and emotional
Coming to the end of life is a
very special and privileged time.
In Wicklow, community support
for a hospice is so overwhelming
that hundreds of volunteers,
local organizations, clubs and
businesses have come together to
fund the building of a hospice so
that families, carers, friends and
neighbours can
rest assured that
their loved
�� ones will receive the
end of life�� care that they rightly
deserve. ��
�� charts clearly illustrate
between the
patient access
to hospice beds and the
of cancer
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Shane Byrne, Valerie Cox, Phil Coulter, Daniel Day-Lewis, Chris De Burgh, Phelim Drew,
George Hamilton, The Hon. Mr. Justice John Murray, Katie Taylor.
Postal Address:
Contact Us
The Wicklow Hospice Foundation
Miriam McGrath, 087 9943206, email – info@wicklowhospice.ie
28 Seapoint, Wicklow Town, Wicklow
Donate by credit card online at:
Or contact: Marie Kindlon 0863768898
Designed by: Paul Francis Design
email - marie@wicklowhospicefoundation.ie
Printed by: Sooner Than Later Ltd.
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