Spring-Summer 2009 Heart-to-Heart Volume 22 / Number 1 Newsletter for Friends and Supporters of Hospice of San Luis Obispo County at the Dorothy D. Rupe Center New voices for Hospice of San Luis Obispo County Our first graduating class of volunteers from Mission View Care Center Steve Willey, Volunteer Coordinator Sometimes we work and work at something we just know is important, and after much effort and many twists and turns we stand back, our project completed, and wonder ways to strengthen this support. That the education process has been mutual goes without saying. One cannot fail to grow and be touched in the presence of so much soulful history and experience. Rosemary: Graduation Day at Mission View. Seated, from left, new Hospice volunteers Gloria Smith, Debbie Pryor, Margaret Dooley, Davie Bochnak, Monica Satterwhite, Alma Mazman, Rosemary Julien, Sandy Ennes, Steve Willey of Hospice, and Becky Platz. Standing from left, Donna Kean and Jim Healy, and Mission View staff Sally Payne and Marjon Albert. how it was able to come about at all. This was not the case with the Mission View Care Center Volunteer Program. In fact, this wonderful program seemed to be simply waiting out there for us to stumble across. One afternoon, as Jim Healy and I listened to Mission View Executive Director Matthew Lysobey tell us about some very creative programs in place there, I thought, “Well, why couldn’t the residents be Hospice Volunteers?” Actually, I said it out loud and Matthew responded with, “When can we start?” About two weeks later we were beginning a seven-week training with nine residents and two staff members; some kind of record for new program development. Though these folks come from many different backgrounds, they each have brought a strong desire to be of support to their fellow residents. They each come to this work with a deep sense of community, and we are very proud to have been able to help them explore new When someone was grieving or sick, I used to be afraid I would hurt their feelings if I said the wrong thing. I was always told that losing someone was private – that you shouldn’t bother them. Now I know how important it is just to be present. I can just take their hand or listen to New graduates Monica and Rosemary them. I don’t have to say anything or I can pray to say the right things. --------------------------------------Donna Kean, Executive Director Steve, Jim and I are joyous to have new Mission View Care Center volunteers. Throughout my social work career, I have always had a special feel for nursing home residents and have been involved in a number of ways in validating their lives in institutional settings. As a social work intern, I used to take a notebook or tape recorder with me to each patient, encouraging them to write or record significant life memories for family members or for themselves as a way to integrate their life experiences. I loved hearing the stories and seeing the depth of each individual emerge in the process. Our hospice continues to deepen our relationship with care facilities. For their staff, we have developed educational presentations. group support, and debriefing sessions following the impactful death of Continued on page Heart-to-Heart is published twice yearly by Hospice of San Luis Obispo County. —Our Mission— Hospice of San Luis Obispo County, committed to the dignity of the human experience, provides volunteer support, education, and counseling to those living with life-threatening or terminal illness, their families, and the bereaved. —Contact Us— Hospice of SLO County 1304 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-544-2266/805-434-1164 805-544-6573 fax www.hospiceslo.org hospiceslo@hospiceslo.org —Staff— Donna Kean, LCSW Executive Director Steve Thayer, LMFT Director of Counseling Chris Aho Director of Development Steve Willey Volunteer Coordinator Jim Healy Volunteer Coordinator Lidia Arango McCune Latino Program Coordinator Mary Kunz, MFT Bereavement Counselor, Educator Katie Manley Events Coordinator Tia Glickman, MFT Intern Bereavement Counselor Marilyn Greenberg Executive Assistant Christina Allen Office Assistant Darla Sammons Office Manager —Board of Directors— Cindy Wolcott, President Paul Wolff, Past President Chris Schulz, Vice President Sandra Garth, Secretary Herb Stroh, Treasurer Marcy Adams Dr. Grace Crittenden Lee Ferrero Susan Hirsch Rabbi Norman Mendel Layout and typography by Russell Stewart, Wilkins Printing Heart-to-Heart “New Voices” continued a resident. For their residents, we have developed bereavement counseling and in-home volunteer support, life review and legacy workshops. Training their first group of residents to become hospice volunteers for one another is an exciting new step. They will provide support for fellow residents who are dying, grieving, or living with life threatening illness. Mission View Care Center leadership already emphasizes the empowerment of their residents and we are happy to add this program as another dimension to their life affirming philosophy. Our own Spring 2009 graduates Becky: I took the training to help myself feel more comfortable with being around someone who is dying – I wanted Jim presents certificate to to learn what to say new volunteer Sandy and how to act. I think I probably knew this already, but going through the training helped me to confirm it. Being and listening are most important. And giving as much comfort as you can. volunteers with over 15 years of service Jim Healy, Volunteer Coordinator One of the most unique and rewarding experiences from 2008 was our volunteer training at Mission View Care Center. The resident volunteers dedicated themselves to the training and refused to be defined by any physical limitations. During one of our sessions, it was shared by one trainee that she missed her home. This statement was immediately followed by another who said that she was trying to make “here” her home. These two statements are examples of the truthfulness and resiliency that were demonstrated during the training. The volunteers have drawn upon this source of strength to support their fellow residents in dealing with the many issues of loss and bereavement that they deal with on a daily basis. Our monthly volunteer meetings have continued to be an integral part of the important work these volunteers do. Debbie: Volunteering seemed like a good way to give back to others who live here and to God. That’s important to me because God has been good to me my whole life! Spring-Summer 2009 Thanks for your donations in 2008! As the only volunteer hospice in San Luis Obispo County, we rely completely on donations, fund raising events, grants, and bequests. Your generosity makes it possible for us to offer our services free of charge to the community. Thank you! AARP, Arroyo Grande Area Marcy Adams Adams Living Trust Therese Agrusa Airflow Filter Service Helene Aist Lisa Allardyce Cathy Allee Virginia Allen Allstate Giving Campaign Marsha & Ira Alpert Betty Lou Alvarado Deborah Anderson Nancy Anderson Regina Anderson Judith Andrews Elizabeth Apfelberg Arnie’s ATV Rental Sharon Aronovici Cindy Ashton AT&T City of Atascadero Barbara Attinello Carol & Donald Aurand Awakening Interfaith Spiritual Community Elie Axelroth John & Tracy Baas Anne Bachmann Michele Bagby Mary Ellen Baker Leslie Baker-Mojica Beth Bales Beverly Balla Stacy Ballard Nancy K. Ballinger & Ron Schow Marilyn Banducci Joan Barbieri Marsolin Barnet Dorothy Barrios Edna Barthe Betty Bastian Marlyse Battistella Russell Bays Evelyn Beaule Jean Beck Nancy & Doug Beckett Pamela Beery Belmont Family Trust Gary Belt Mary Benner Geoff & Cindy Bequeaith Henry Bernard Andrea Bersie Linda Bertelsen Renee Besta Harold Biaggini Leon Bierly John D. Blattner Casey & Kathy Blitt Nancy & Peter Bloch Virginia Bonaly Ines Bongio Rhaelyn Bonham Jeffrey Bonner R. John Boomsma Fern Borgsdorf Ruth Bowman Serena Bowman Margaret Bowman-Kelley Ann Brenizer Michael & Anita Brennler Brown Family Estate Trust Eva M. Brown Michelle Brown Judith Brown Linda Brownson Terry Brumbraugh Dorothy Brunson Brunwin Living Trust Kathryn Bukowski Russell Bunge Judy Burcher William Burkhardt Ken Burtner Marilynn Bustya Jolynn Butera Miriam Butler Julia Byllsby Lorene Cabrera Lorraine Cagliero Calzyme Laboratories Mary Ann Campbell John & Andrea Caplan Paulette Carlsgaard Bill Carpenter Judy Carroll Cars 4 Causes Steven & Suzanne Carter Denny Carvalho Lucille Carvelho Joy & Lorin Cary Robert & Karen Cary Catholic Healthcare West D.C. Caulfield Cayucos Lions club CCC Arabian Horse Association Donald Cecchi Oscar Celli Central Calif. Coast Fed. Capg Central Coast Women’s League Alexandra Chamberlain Cecil & Mary Chambers Chandler’s Palos Verdes Sand & Gravel Margaret Ann Chase Eric Chesterman Chevron Employees Chicago Title Mary Alice & Dugald Chisholm Chorro Lodge #168 Christian Women’s Fellowship Lucia Cleveland John Cliff Jeff & Carla Cole Foundation Dr. Zorus & Judy Colglazier James Colsell Debra Compton Susan Conheim Catherine P. Cook Fred W. Cook Paula Marie Cook John Cortellessa Mrs. G. Courion Alyce Crawford Rome Criddle Dr. Grace Crittenden Jim Crook Cuesta Title Gerda Culwell Boyd Cunningham Gladys Cunningham Norma Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cusack Katharine Cushman Susan Cutts James Daly Jim & Wendy Daly Edward Davidson Beatrice Davis Debby Davis Beverly Del Martini Jill Denton Donald & Barbara DeWitt Diane Diamond Paul Dickenson Diehl & Rodewald Eunice Dieter Marion Dietz Sandra Dixon-Lee Laura DiZerega Angela Donath Jayne Donkin Stephen Dorsi Barbara Dougall Rose Drago Elaine Dutra Nancy Dye Steve Eabry Jim & Carlen Eckford David Edge Marian Edman David Edwards Jeanne Eggert Madeline Ekegren Karen Elam Barbara Ellerbroek Entravision Communications EPDR Joni S. Epperson Richard & Sally Equinoa Dorothy Erickson Dorothy Ermel Wayne Estelle Jennifer Faltz Linda Shibuya Farbstein Susan I. Fassiotto William & Anita Fehlen Rivian Feldstein Delvis & Norine Fernandez Ferrini Enterprises Fidelity National Title Company Arline Fierstine First American Title Company First Christian Church of Morro Bay First Unity Church of Cambria Daryl Flood James Flook Jane Ford Foundation for Spirituality and Medicine Dorothy Fountain Evelyn Frame Elinor Franey Fraternal Order of Eagles Morro Bay Aerie Gladys Fraund Sandra Fredericks Fred Friedman Mary Jo Gabel Jacqulyn H. Gaither Robert Galbraith Ethel Galloway Luisa Garcia Larry Garner Richard Garrett Bonnie Garritano Sandra & David Garth Gazin Foundation Helen Gedayloo Cindy Geihs Angeline Geissinger Glenn Geissinger Alan Gerard Jane & Roy Gersten Eileen Giannini Bruce Gibson Pam Gillette Barbara Gillson Margaret Giltner Marie Glaze Karen Gleason Claire Goedinghaus Gold Family Trust Melody Goldiner Barbara Goldman Al & Rosa Goldwyn Caryl Gonsalves Doris Goodill Sherri Gooding Patty M. Gourley David Grady Myron Graham Marilyn Greenberg Jean & Andrew Greenfelder Stacey Gregory Victoria Grostick Karin Groteluschen Rena Gunnare R.P. Gwin Robin Haas Hairport Linda Halisky Hall & Hieatt Jean E. Hall Patricia Hallock Gail & Sandra Halvorson Carol Hamill Joannie Hamm F. Eldridge Hammond Keith Handley Joan Hanel Therese & Arthur Hanlon Karen Harbers Paul Hardy L.M. Harris Orlo Harris Rod Hatch Leslie Mosson & Jim Healy James Hedlund Christopher Helenius Don Henderson Kristi Henderson Kathie Hendricks John Hennessy Florence Henson Gene Hershberger Cheryl Hertan R. Jeffrey Herten, MD Heart-to-Heart Gina Vander Linden Hess Grace E. Hill Mary Hitt Eric Holland Istar Holliday Audrey Hooper Christine Hoover Sally Hopkins Nancy Horton Jeanne Hoyt Donna Huckins J.E. Huckins Lyn Hunstad Michael Hunt Susan Hunter Jeff & Nancy Huston Jeanne Hutchinson Darlene Hutchison Paul & Nancy Hyman Idler’s Jason Ien George Ikenoyama Karen Israel J.W. Design & Construction, Inc. Gottfred Jacobsen Teresa & Ken Jacques James Jamieson Robert H. Janssen Foundation Gary Jenks J.M. Johanson Philip Johnson Carrie Johnson Joseph Johnson Richard F. Johnson Billie Jones Benjamin Jordan Jane Jorgensen, Jane Just Resolutions JustGive Justin Winery Debbie Kachidurian Fumiko Kanbara Katherine Karikka Donna & Doug Kean Adell & Worth Keene Katherine Keeney Shirley Keif Craig Kincaid Doris King Cecilia Kitsch Rosemary Kley Joanne Knauss Virginia Knauss Nancy S. Knoll Hans Koch Kon Tiki Inn Valerie Koos James & Kathleen Kowal Mary M. Kunz Julie Labarbera Nancy Lamb Anita Lamkin Janet Land Haley Marie Landis Esther Landreth Robert Lane Madelyn Lannan Linda Larsen Latino Outreach Council Janet Lawhon Jan Lawrence Marvin Lee Dawn Legg Laura Lehmann Vicki Leon William Leslie Marjorie Park Li Spring-Summer 2009 Lidow Foundation Paula Lieske Henry Lima Erin & Chris Lindvall Kenneth Lintz Stephen Lister Joan Livingstone Claretta Longden Williard Loper Los Osos Auto Body Carolyn Losier Robert Lucas Nikki Lughi Cindy Luis Lutheran Church Of America Ray & Eileen Lynch Deborah Lyon, DDS Robert A. Lytle Madonna Inn Arthur Madson Betty & Vernon Maino Patti Mallory Syble Mandeville Harriet Margulies Debbie Marseilles Marseilles Plumbing Thomas Martindale Frank Martinez Barbara Mason Carol Maxwell Ralph & Paula McAlavery Gaylene McCarty McCollum & Associates Jim McCoy Irene & Melvin McColloch Patrick D. & Shirley McCullough H.W. McDonald Gloria McGehee Carol McGlothlen Shirley McKee Dorothy McLain Gertrude McMasters Virgil McNanna Connie McNoble Sara Medzyk, Sara Betty Lou Meier Laureen Menesez K. Noel Middlecamp Joan Mihay Priscilla Mikesell Michael J. Miller Judy Miller Mike & Susie Miner Mission College Preparatory Donald Mohr Deborah E. Molina Pauline Monson Tim Montgomery Le Ella Moorer Joseph Moreno Mary Ann Morgan Laura Morgan Patti Morgan Martin & Diane Moroski Victoria Morris City of Morro Bay Morro Bay Senior Citizens Jeanette Mossinger Leslie Mosson & Jim Healy Helen Mott Coral Mudgett Pat & Don Mueller Maria Mulder James & Myra Murphy Randall Murray National Reined Cow Horse Assn. Native Trails Inc. Elizabeth Nelson Shannon Nelson Network for Good Laurie Neumann Barbara Nichols Helen M. Nichols Christy L. Noble Louise Noel Tom & Nancy Norwood Michele & Philip Novoa Frederick G. Novy III, MD Barbara Nunes Oceano/Five Cities Elks # 2504 Robert Oldenkamp Mary Oldham O’Neill Law Firm Elvia Ontiveros Ramona Osborne Robbie Osterberg Antoinette Osweiler Kenneth & Carolynne Palmer The Palms Residents Assn. Lisa Parillo Richard Parker Gerard L. Parsons Roy Alan Parsons Pat Butler Social Committee Nelda Patman Mr. & Mrs. James Patnode Peggy Payne Ruth Pemble Mabelle Pence Helen Penwell Ross Pepper Adrienne Peterson Suzanne Petrie Kathryn Pezo PG&E PG&E Retired Employees Club Judy Philbin Phyllis Phillips Ingrid Pires Carol Maulhardt & Joseph Piscotty Richard Placak Fred Plotkin David Podhorsky Virginia Polin Alice Pollard Janis & William Pollard Virginia Polin Paul Poulson Marissa Prandini Presbyterian Women Joan & Doug Prestine Joan & Carroll Pruett Putnam Family Trust Quota International of Morro Bay Rabobank Joseph Randolph Marjorie Raymond Real Estate Group Ann Ream Theresa Reed Rentacrate B.H. Retzloff Jane Revel Douglas & Suzy Reynolds Carol Rich Leroy Richards Francee Rios Terry Roberts R. Janet Robinson Lynn Robinson Rodgers Construction Lita Rojas David Romero Kimberly Rosa Nettie Rosburg James A. Ross Rossi Enterprises Karlie Rossi Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Joe Ruiz Arthur N. Rupe Foundation Theresa Rush Robert Ryan S&M Restaurant dba Burger King Marilyn Sage St. Barnabas Church Thrift Shop St. James Episcopal Church San Luis Adult School City of San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Community Foundation San Luis Obispo Symphony San Luis Sports Therapy Dave Sanchez Kevin Sanchez Phyllis Sandoval Santa Barbara Foundation Sandra Santini Joan Sargen Henry Schaufus Tim Schenberg Maryann Schiller Dolores Schilpp Barbara Schoenike Gary & Nancy Schonfeldt Elizabeth Schulman Chris & Kirk Schulz Joseph Scolari Scolari’s Cheryl Seibert Sharon Seitz Charlotte Shafer Shirley Shapiro Patti Sheldon Frank Sherrill Theresa Sherwin Gerald Shipsey Delphine Silva Lena Silva Sinsheimer Juhnke Lebens & McIvor, LLP Norma Sinton Kathy Slater Florence Slaughter SLO Plastering, Inc. SLOC Employees Assoc. Inc Jacqueline Smalley Smiling Dog Yoga Lorraine Smith Mornie Smith Gail Smith-Deegan Eleanor Smullen Pauline Souza Therese Souza Kathy Spero Dr. Dawn Starr Mary Stenbeck J. Thomas Stenovec Dexter Stevens Henry & Linda Stewart Jeanette Stewart Mary Lou Stewart Jim Stewart Herb Stroh Anne C. Stubbs Tomoko Sugano Donna Sullivan Berta Sue Summers From the Counseling Corner By Steve Thayer, LMFT Director of Counseling One of the foundations of our Hospice is the offering of support groups for those going through the pain of grief, or a life threatening illness. The common element has been providing a time and place to share one’s experience with others who are in their own process of loss. That sharing can give comfort, direction, and hope to the participants. For some, their group involvement is a supplement to their individual counseling at Hospice. Our trained facilitators are as varied as the participants. They range from long time volunteers, to Interns who are pursuing state licensure. Grief Support Groups in SLO, North County, and South County, for anyone who has experienced a death. Widowed Support Groups in SLO, North County, and South County, for women or men of any age who have been widowed. Survivors of Suicide Support Group in SLO, for those left behind. Wellness Support Group in SLO, for those with a serious illness. Please call 544-2266 or 434-1164 to confirm dates and times of all groups. All Hospice of San Luis Obispo services are offered without charge. Continued from page Joan Swanson Genevieve Sweet T BY D Foundation Douglas Tait Evelyn Talmage Harold Tartaglia Richard Tartaglia Denise Taylor & Neal MacDougall Janet Taylor Marisa Teel Tenet Healthcare Foundation Carol Tetz Phil Tews Thoma Electric, Inc. Pearl Thoma Wilma Thomas William Thompason Marsha Thorlakson Sheila Tiber Olive Tilley Ronald W. Tilley Sally Tippman Juanite Tolle Douglas Tom Les & Yvonne Toma Marjorie Toone Transitional Guidance Gloria Trett Trinity United Methodist Women Sally Tschannen Alice Turano Lorna Turnier UBS Financial Services, Inc. Judge & Mrs. Donald Umhofer Carolyln Underwood United Methodist Women United Van Lines United Way Susan & Craig Updegrove Karen Vail Florence Vaillancourt Leon Van Beurden Paul Vanderheyden, DDS Irene Vantress Anthony Victor Vision Unida Arnold & Diana Volny Bob & Debbie Wacker Yolanda Waddell Bernadette Walker Patricia Walker T. Dean Walker, DDS Wal-Mart Foundation Ronald Walter Linda Wampler William Warren Kay Washburn Washington Mutual Susan Watts Diane Wehner Burruss & Donna Weiss Robert Welborn Roger Welles Patricia Wells Wells Fargo Bank Patricia Wells Patricia Wenzelburger Lois Werner Lois M. West Diorothy Westerfield Barbara Weymann Jo Ann Wheatly Chuck & Jacque Wheeler Doris White Widowed Persons Assoc. of CA Linda Wilhelmi Williams & Ribb Jeanette Williams Kay Williams Daniel Williamson Max T. Wills Cindy & Jeff Wolcott Donna E. Wolfe Lilliam Wolff Women’s Alliance for Hospice of SLO County Women’s Fellowship of the Community Church Jeane & James Wood Nancy Wood Patrice Wyse Nina Freitas Zardeneta Richard Zeiger While participation in our fund raising events and Light up a Life program is not reflected in this list, we appreciate your ongoing generosity. If we missed your name, please let us know so we can update our records. Thank you! And thanks to our major event sponsors Our winning Women’s Alliance Bingo Team! The Auto Gallery City of Arroyo Grande Avila Beach Lighthouse Suites Avila Beach Golf Resort Central Coast Distributing Central Coast Magazine Coalesce Bookstore Courtyard Marriot, Paso Robles El Dorado Broadcasting Ferrari Club of America Firestone-Walker Brewing First Bank of San Luis Obispo Gardens of Avila G-Rides Harris Valley Ranch J.W. Design & Construction Kaleidoscope Inn Kevin Main Jewelers KSBY-TV 6 Luxury 4 Play Maserati Mission Linen Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Pacific Beverage City of Paso Robles Pewter Plough Playhouse Rabobank NA Rabobank, Paso Robles Spring St. Branch River Oaks Hot Springs & Spa Rossi Foundation San Luis Ambulance Service Shore Cliff Lodge Sycamore Canyon Mineral Springs Thoma Electric Wal-Mart Foundation Wells Fargo Investments, San Luis Obispo Wilkins Creative Printing Heart-to-Heart A Message from our Board President HOW CAN I HELP HOSPICE? Spring 2009… Although the world is currently challenging all of us in regard to growing unemployment, in addition to decreased home and asset values, we at Hospice of San Cindy Wolcott Luis Obispo County continue to rise up to meet the challenges that are presented to us. There has certainly been no decrease in the request of our services based on the economy, and thus we find ourselves needing to be ever more resourceful as to how to assure our services in the future. Residents at the Mission View Skilled Nursing facility in SLO have asked for and undergone the training to provide hospice counseling services to their peers, having seen the value and benefit they provide. We were blessed by a grant from the Arroyo Grande Hospital to establish a vigil program where our ‘in-home’ volunteers would provide bedside vigil in the hospital so that no patient has to die alone. We are in the process of establishing a similar program at both Sierra Vista Hospital and French Hospital in San Luis Obispo. At the end of last year we made the decision to move our Hospice up to the next level, through hiring an individual focused not only on current donations but on future planning through the revitalization of our Endowment Campaign. We’re pleased to announce that we have hired Chris Aho, our former event coordinator, as Director of Development. We are thrilled to have Chris out in the community representing us with his grace and passion for our mission. Our two main fundraisers, Festival of Beers, held in May, and our fairly new event, Concours de Elegance continue to provide us with our much needed annual operating income. Beer fest tickets sold out in 4 hours, and we’re all looking forward to our ‘revamped’ event. Our third year Concours planning, scheduled for late Oct, 2009, is already underway. Please support us in our fundraising anyway you can, and when you answer your phone and it’s Chris Aho on the other end, listen to the options he’ll have for you to support us so we can continue providing our services at no charge to the public. Spring-Summer 2009 By Chris Aho Director of Development Leaving Your Legacy One of the best ways of “leaving your legacy” in our community is to remember Hospice of San Luis Obispo County in your will or estate plan. These gifts (commonly called bequests) have helped sustain our organization through tough economic times, and have helped us to provide all of our services free of charge for the last 31 years. Bequests can be for fixed dollar amounts, or a percentage of the remaining assets. They can also take the form of real estate, or even the assets of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. All of these gifts are fully tax-deductible, and allow you to give back to the community (now or even after your lifetime) through our services. If you have any questions about any of these or other types of donations, please call our office at 805-544-2266 and ask for Donna Kean (Executive Director), or Chris Aho (Director of Development). Checks and Credit Card Donations If you would like to give a monetary gift you can mail your donation to: Hospice of San Luis Obispo County, 1304 Pacific Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, or you can log on to our website: www.hospiceslo.org and click on the “Donate” tab where your donation is securely processed through PayPal. Besides cash, you can also donate stocks, bonds, life insurance, appraised jewelry, and real estate. All donations are fully tax-deductible as well. With your generous support, we are able to fulfill our mission of providing care to anyone experiencing the impact of life-threatening illness or grieving the loss of a loved one. As the only volunteer hospice organization in our county, we provide all of our services free of charge to the community, and do not receive any reimbursement through insurance or Medicare. We are very proud to be 100% supported by your donations, as well as grants and fund raising events. Our Memorial Tile Garden provides a tranquil setting for a lasting tribute to loved ones. For information please call Donna or Marilyn at 544-2266 “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill A Benefit for Hospice of San Luis Obispo County Hosted by the Rossi Foundation a 501 (c)(3) Avila Beach Concours d’Elegance Avila Beach October 22–25, 2009 For more information: w w w. a v i l a b e a c h c o n c o u r s . c o m (805) 544-2266 o r ( 8 0 5 ) 5 4 3 - 15 3 8 A United Way Agency Cl assic and Modern Automobile Showcase Serving the community for 30 years ...because love never dies Return Service Requested 1304 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-544-2266 PERMIT NO. 157 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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