DE SCHAKEL Nieuwsblad van de Federatie van NZ Netherlands Societies ISSN 2230-3456 April/Mei 2015 Negentiende Jaargang - Nummer 3 Whangarei Auckland Hamilton Rotorua New Plymouth Wanganui Wairarapa Palmerston North Wellington Christchurch Inhoud: Van de Voorzitter - Kees Dorresteijn We have had our first executive meeting this year and this was the first time we conducted our meeting via “group Skype”. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised that it was such Va n d e Vo o r z i t te r a good way to communicate with each other. How meetings with participants from all over the country have changed over the years. Pa g i n a 3 : Va n d e S e c ret a re s s e Some years ago we had to travel to an allocated place and that was not only a costly but Va n d e also a time consuming exercise. Group telephone meetings were a big improvement Net h e r l a n d s although you missed the personal contact and with Skype that has somewhat returned. S o c i et y Wa n g a n u i This meeting was also the first time that we had the Dutch Connection Trust officially included in our discussions. Pa g i n a 4 : There are a couple of important items on the agenda in the coming months. Firstly, the Kleurplaat Netherlands Society Christchurch is celebrating their 50th Jubilee. The Netherlands Society Christchurch is the only Society in the South Island affiliated to the Federation. Pa g i n a ’ s 5 & 6 : We wish them well in their celebrations. As this goes to print, our Federation South Uit de email bus Island Vice-President, Marian Martens, will have presented the Christchurch Society Pa g i n a 7: with a plaque from the Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies as part of their A d d re s s e s S o c i et i e s festivities. D e We g K w i j t Secondly, at the end of April “Kings Day” will be celebrated in many parts of the country. C o n t a c t s E xe c u t i ve s The date is 27th April, but as Waitangi Day on the 25th of April is on a Saturday, it will be celebrated with a public holiday on Monday 27th of April. Therefore, some “Kings Day” celebrations will be held on an alternative date. In Foxton there will be a big “Dutch Day Out”, on Sunday the 26 April 2015. No doubt the town will have a lot of Orange on that day. In the coming months the Dutch Societies will be having their Annual General Meetings. I wish them well in electing in electing their committees for the coming year to keep the Dutch tradition and culture alive in NZ. Pa g i n a 2 : Kees Dorresteijn Wei In de wei, in de wei ligt een mooi gespikkeld ei. Hé, zeggen de mezen van wie zou dat nou wezen? Nou, zeggen de meeuwen ‘t is vast van de spreeuwen. Tsjip, zegt een musje is het van mij zusje? Of is het van de hazen straks voor het feest van Pasen? Nee, zegt de kievit blij, dat mooie eitje is van mij! Vrolijk Pasen Er huppen honderd kleine haasjes met een mandje in het rond en ze leggen waar ze komen steeds een eitje op de grond. Bij de vijver, bij het schuurtje, op het gras en bij de heg, maar als ze mensen aan zien komen rennen alle haasjes weg. Honderd kleine haasjes met een mandje op hun rug en zijn de mensen weer verdwenen komen alle haasjes terug. The editor always acts in good faith when publishing material supplied by others and does not accept any liability for inaccuracies or for unsubstantiated statements, and reserves the right to hold over any material which could discredit the name of the Federation, or which contravenes any New Zealand laws pertaining to that material or which due to lack of space, cannot be placed in the current or requested issue. “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 2 Van de Secretaresse - Anne-Marie Knibbeler Congratulations to the Netherlands Society Christchurch, celebrating its 50th Jubilee this year. I’ve just returned from attending their reception that was held on Friday 20 March and was followed by a weekend of singing, theatre and dancing, a market day and an official dinner on Sunday. Our Ambassador, Mr Robert Zegwaard, together with a founding Club committee member, Mrs Tonny van der Velden, unveiled a plaque to commemorate the occasion. Mrs Marian Martens, the Federation’s South presented the club’s president Mrs Olga wooden plaque with inscription on behalf of the gave a short speech, saying: “Dear Olga and all Thank you for the invitation. It’s a real honour to be here and to with you. It’s great to see the Dutch community in Christchurch doing has a lot of members and activities for young and old, organised by wonderful? Yes it is! That’s why the Federation is very proud and token of our appreciation.” Island Vice-President, Verstappen with a rimu Federation. Marian committee members; celebrate this milestone so well. The club still a great team. Is it not presents this gift as a I’ll leave it to the Christchurch club to report on their celebrations in this or the next issue of De Schakel. I’ve really enjoyed the club’s hospitality, meeting new people, and being at the market day on Sunday. Thank you. Best wishes to you all, Anne-Marie Knibbeler Van de Netherlands Society Whanganui Hallo NZ hier Wanganui eventjes. Woensdag 8 april om 10 uur Koffie in de Marist Hall. Neem iets mee voor lunch en een gold coin. De laatste Donderdag van iedere maand spelen we weer Rummy-cup. En wat betreft het vieren van Koningsdag dit jaar, daar over hoor je meer op de koffiemorgen. Tot zover dan weer. Hele fijne Paasdagen en geniet zo veel mogelijk van ‘t mooie weer. Riekie Advertisement European Solid Timber Kitsets: Sleep-outs. studios, houses, sheds, garages, cabins, retreats, granny flats, saunas, holiday homes, playhouses. Visit our website or contact us on (022) 160 0342 “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 3 Kleurplaat V R O L IJ K PASEN “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 4 Uit de email bus Speech on Johan Warners by Ambassador Rob Zaagman, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wellington, 16 February 2015 A warm welcome to you, Mrs Alexandra Goodwin, to your sister Kahrin, your husband Trevor, your children Michelle with her daughter Elizabeth, David and Joanne with her son Aidan. What a very nice crowd to receive here today at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands! I also welcome Colonel Brust and his three brother officers of the Royal Navy and the Marine Corps. It is a fortunate and appropriate coincidence that they are in Wellington on this day. First, these forces played a prominent role during the Second World War, both in Europe and in East Asia. And, of course, Johan Frederik Warners served with the Royal Navy. It was in the Dutch East Indies, Mrs Goodwin, that your father Johan Warners did his bit for his country, both in the Second World War and immediately after during operations against insurgents. Today, we honour his memory and the Dutch government expresses its respect and appreciation for his services under extraordinarily difficult circumstances by awarding him two decorations. The first decoration is the Mobilisation War Cross, in Dutch: het Mobilisatie-Oorlogskruis. The Cross can be awarded to military and former military personnel having served on active duty in the Dutch armed forces between 6 April 1939 and 3 September 1945. That is to say, during the Second World War, when Dutch armed forces fought both in Europe and in East Asia. It was a very difficult time, because the Netherlands was occupied by Germany and the Dutch East Indies by Japan. But the fight went on until these lands were liberated. The medal has to be applied for. For a long time, Dutch people did not realise that many mobilised soldiers were eligible for the war cross. That is why after all these years it still being awarded to veterans, who now are of course very old. Importantly, the medal can also be awarded posthumously. Many veterans passed away, like Johan Warners, your father, grandfather and great grandfather. Isn’t it fortunate, Mrs Goodwin, that some years ago you contacted my colleague Christine Hofkens to apply for a war pension for your mother? One thing led to another and then you asked whether your father would be eligible for the war cross. And here we are today! “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 5 Uit de email bus Just a word on the medal itself. There are many details worth describing but I would just mention one. The reverse of the medal carries the words “DEN VADERLANT GHETROUWE”, in English: “Faithful to the Fatherland”. These are, of course, words from the first stanza of the Wilhelmus, the national hymn of the Netherlands, which is the oldest national hymn in the world . The full line reads: “Den Vaderlant ghetrouwe blijf ick tot inden doot” – “I remain faithful to the fatherland until death” – because these veterans were prepared to lay down their lives for their country. Of course, many soldiers did make that ultimate sacrifice. The second decoration is the Star for Order and Peace, in Dutch: Ereteken voor Orde en Vrede. Quite literally, “Ereteken” means “mark of honour” but the medal has the form of a star. It is intended for those who between 3 September 1945 and 4 June 1951 served at least three months in the Dutch East Indies as military personnel of the Dutch army, navy or air force or of the Royal Dutch Indies Army. That was the period of military operations against insurgents in the Dutch East Indies and of its aftermath. In the end, the Dutch East Indies became independent – the country is now called Indonesia. Obviously, this medal, too, can be awarded posthumously. By the way, I have seen the Ereteken, the Star, before: my father was awarded one for serving as a conscript sergeant tasked with defending airfields on Java. And an uncle from my mother’s side was with the Dutch marines over there. Mrs Goodwin, it is improbable that our fathers ever met, but I do feel connected to you through these events from Vakantie in Nederland long ago. Lelystad Comfortabele appartementen en kamer te huur, met TV, telefoon en internet; 45 min. van Schiphol en Amsterdam. Huur, 1 pers. vanaf €28 euro per nacht. Huur, 2 pers. vanaf €44 euro per nacht. incl. lakens en handdoeken. Korting bij een langer verblijf en 60+ korting. Brochures en foto’s: Ria Luikink-van Uum Moezelstraat 12 8226 LA Lelystad, Nederland. Tel: + 31 320 254316 E-mail: Web: “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 6 ADDRESSES SOCIETIES DE WEG KWIJT?? DUTCH CLUB WHANGAREI (INC.) A van der Heyden 2 Sutton Close, 15 Puriri Park Road Maunu - Whangarei 0110 ph. (09) 430 8487 email: Mocht U op de een of andere manier de weg zijn kwijtgeraakt en/of wanneer U hulp nodig heeft dan kunt U bellen: N.Z. NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE AUCKLAND (INC.) 26 Katavich Pl., Mt.Roskill Auckland 1041 Rita van Pelt email: ph. (09) 620 4226 N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. WAIKATO (INC.) P O Box 9252, Hamilton 3240 Wies van den Berg ph. (07) 827 9395 ROTORUA NETHERLANDS SOC. (INC.) P O Box 1526, Rotorua Jo Harvey Ph. (07) 348 2280 email: N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE WANGANUI 12 Dorset Road, Wanganui Riekie Dijkstra Ph. (06) 345 2420 email: DE SCHAKEL The Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc. was founded in 1966 CHRISTCHURCH (03) Tini de Winter 352 5317 HAMILTON (07) Jos Jongenelen 827 3313 Willy Kleijburg 854 0868 It is governed by the National Council, a body of the Affiliated Societies, who meet once a year at the Annual National Council Meeting, which is held usually in October and each year in a different centre in New Zealand. KAIKOURA (03) Chris Heuting 319 6036 The day to day well being is in the hands of an elected committee comprising, at present, of the persons listed below: PALMERSTON NORTH (06) Gretha van Brakel 358 8421 Jo Bos 350 3097 PRESIDENT Kees Dorresteijn 26 de Menech Grove Avalon - LOWER HUTT 5011 ph. (04) 938 2378 email: ROTORUA (07) Ina Kroese 347 0251 Anneke Meerkerk 357 4273 SECRETARY Anne-Marie Knibbeler 21 August Street Lower Hutt 5019 ph. (04) 971 7571 mob. 027 951 5770 email: TARANAKI (06) Jo & Roel Hoogenberg 761 7172 WELLINGTON (04) Paula Klaassen 477 0514 Mary Boonen 237 3925 VICE-PRESIDENT NORTH ISLAND Albert Ruijne Bethesda Village, Villa 23 743 Great South Road Manakau City 2104 ph. (09) 262 1337 email: WHANGANUI (06) Cis Huijs 344 1121 N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE TARANAKI (INC.) 29c Fenton Street, Stratford 4332 Riet Weel ph. (06) 765 0343 N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. MANAWATU & DISTRICTS 621 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North 4410 Greta van Brakel ph. (06) 358 8421 email: NETHERLANDS SOC.WELLINGTON (INC.) P O Box 30060, Lower Hutt 5040 Anne-Marie Knibbeler ph. (04) 971 7571 email: WHANGAREI (09) Sien v.d. Veeken 437 7947 Cathy Verkuylen 437 0822 Guus & Riki Karels 438 2363 VICE-PRESIDENT SOUTH ISLAND Marian Martens 173 Walkers Road RD 7 Rolleston Christchurch Ph. (03) 347 8337 email: If you have copy for “De Schakel” please make sure that it reaches the editor no later than 23 May 2015 De Schakel will be available on the Federation’s website in the last week of May TREASURER Dr Joost de Bruin 18 Bertelsen Court, Otaki 5512 email: EDITOR “DE SCHAKEL” Reina Vijselaar 9 Chandler Crescent Clyde 9330 Central Otago ph. (03) 449 3387 email: ISSN 2230-3456 NETHERLANDS SOC. CHRISTCHURCH (INC.) P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8140 Marina McGurk-Wijlaars ph. (03) 323 4465 email: IMPORTANT LINKS: The Dutch Connection PO Box 60423 Titirangi, Auckland 0642 “De Schakel” April/Mei 2015 - 7
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