UAL / E I N TE RN A M AN MU N ICI D E AL ACADEM Y U SC ON TI OF International Academy of Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine KELETA LOS LM Brussels 2015, November 6th and 7th Combined 10th Annual Academy Science Board Conference and 7th bi-annual Academy Conference SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: CALL FOR PAPERS AND PRELIMNARY LIST OF SPEAKERS Prof. Johan DeMey (Belgium), Prof. Erik Cattrysse (Belgium), Prof. Aldo Scafoglieri (Belgium), Dr. Simon Vulfsons (Israel), Dr. Amir Minerbi (Israel), Dr. Michael Fischer, (Austria), Prof. Vlasta Tosnerova (Czech Republic), Prof. Lothar Beyer (Germany), Prof. Cristoph Anders (Germany), Dr.Kay Niemier (Germany), Dr. Michael Ammermann (Germany), Dr. Bettina Küsgen (Germany), Dr. Heiner Biedermann (Germany), Nynke van den Hoogen, (Netherlands), Dr. Wouter Schüler (Netherlands), Dr. Maarten van Eerd (Netherlands), Dr. Jean-Yves Maigne (France), Dr. Marinko Rade (Finland), Dr.Iina Tuomainen (Finland), Dr. Janne Pesonen (Finland), Prof Olavi Airaksinen (Finland), Dr. Jens Foell (United Kingdom), Dr. Michael Hutson (United Kingdom), Dr. Sjef Rutte (Netherlands), Prof. Jacob Patijn (Netherlands) The conferences are organised in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Master after Master Program Manual Therapy: Profile Manual Medicine. Applications for papers can be send to Further information is available on the website and next announcements.
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