Netherthong News 01484 222487 Dates for the diary May 1st – Non uniform day 4th – May Day – school closed 6th - Neiley Races 11th – 15th -SATs & Assessment week 20th – Neiley Races 22nd – Last day of half term 25th – 29th – school closed June 1st – School re opens st th 1 – 4 Y5 Bikeability 5th – Y2 Eden’s Forest trip 5th – KS2 Cycling Workshops 8th – Y4 Longshaw Estate Trip 9th – Y1 The Deep Trip 10th – Class Photos 18th Reception Butterfly House 29th April 2015 Welcome back. We hope you have had a restful break. We have already had a busy time sportswise with the Year 5/6 football team playing in tournaments last Friday and last night where they showed great determination and team spirit. We also had lots of our pupils take part in the cross country races at Salendine Nook last night. Well done everyone. Welcome to our new pupils who started after the Easter break. Neiley Races It was great to see so many pupils from Netherthong running in this year's first Neiley Race. The sun was shining, children were smiling and lots of red t shirts seemed to be at the front! We did brilliantly with lots of exceptional individual performances as well as great early team successes. It is always so nice to see our pupils cheering each other on and a feeling of togetherness among parents and pupils from our school. It is a final chance of success for Year 6 and new opportunities for our Year 3s. Nepal Disaster – Non uniform day In light of the recent earthquake in Nepal, we have decided to hold a non uniform day this Friday. Children are asked to bring £1 to school if they would like to come in non uniform. I am sure you will agree that this is a worthy cause. Holmfirth Festival of Folk This year, the children who play in the Netherthong School Ukulele Orchestra and the children from Year 4 who sing in the Ukulele choir, have been invited to take part in the Holmfirth Festival of Folk on Saturday 9th May. The orchestra will perform in the grounds of Holmfirth Methodist Church at 12pm. The Reception children have also been invited to perform their country dance at the same place at 12.15pm. Please come along and support our children. trip 18th – Y5 The Lowry Trip 24th – Y3 Stirley Farm trip 25th – Holme Valley Swimming Gala 30th – Y4 Sports Barn July 2nd – Taster sessions for new starters 2nd - Sports Day 1pm 3rd – Reserve Sports Day 1pm 4th – PTA Summer fair 7th – Taster sessions for new starters Reading Friends As you may be aware we are lucky enough to have a group of volunteers who come in to read with individual children for half an hour on Thursday and/or Friday mornings (9-9.30am). These valued volunteers help encourage children to enjoy reading and build their confidence. We are currently looking for new volunteers and would welcome any help. Please note that you do not need to attend both sessions. If you are interested, please contact Mrs Johnson. Drop and Go Zone Again we have had reports that parents are parking in the drop and go zone in the mornings and leaving their cars there to take children into school thereby preventing other parents who want to drop their children safely at the top of the drive from doing so. Please can I remind you that the drop and go zone is purely for parents pulling in and dropping their children and if you want to accompany your child in to school please do not park in this area. Thank you for your support in helping us make this a safe environment for our children. Community News PTA News Summer Fair – 4 July We have started planning for this year’s Summer Fair. If anyone would like to get involved please let us know or come along to our next meeting. PTA Disco Thank you to all those who supported this event, we raised over £600! A big thank you also to everyone who helped out. Next PTA Meeting Thursday 11th June 2.15pm - Staff room Please come along, have a coffee and get involved! PTA Facebook Page Safeguarding Our Facebook page is: Netherthong Primary Pta Please ‘friend request’ us to receive updates and PTA news. Comments/ Suggestions For the safety of our pupils, please can we remind parents/carers that any film/photographs taken at any concerts/events are for personal use only and Please drop us an e-mail at must not be placed on the internet. Absences/Lateness Medicines and illness School Meals *Unplanned absence - please remember to *Pupils must remain away from school for 48 *Changing meal plan? Make sure you hours after the last occurrence of complete a form and hand in at the office sickness/diarrhoea and be eating again before a holiday for the change to take inform the office by 9.15am on the day * Planned absence – please submit a letter/email to request the absence in advance place after a holiday *A medication consent form must be completed before any medication can be *Payable in advance via ParentPay. Ongoing administered. Forms are available from the debts must be referred to Kirklees for *Doors open 8.50am. Morning registration is website or in the office. Medicines must be collection at 8.55am. Afternoon registration is named/labelled 1.00pm. Pupils arriving after these times will be recorded as late. Road Safety Communication Belongings/Lost Property *For the safety of our children, please *Are your contact details up to date on our *Please ensure all uniform items are labelled drive and park considerately around school system? Are you receiving texts/newsletter by email fortnightly? Please inform us if not! *Don’t forget to use our one-way system (8.30-9.15am and 2.45-3.30pm) and drop & *Please check book bags regularly for go zone (8.30-9.00am). For details please homework and letters – some letters may have see Parent Information Leaflet – available deadlines/require a response on website or from office) *Please check the lost property box in the office for any missing items – lost property is disposed of at the end of each half term *Please ensure PE Kits are kept in school all week
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