Advanced Tissue Resource Center MGH - Charlestown Navy Yard B114, 2725D 114 16th Street Charlestown, MA 02129 TEL 617.726.6389 FAX 617.724.2659 Advanced Tissue Resouce Center User Access Form Please fill out the ENTIRE form. You will be unable to schedule appointments until you have done so. User Information Name: Your position: Faculty Post-doc Technician Other: Grad student Email: Tel: Fax: Institution: Department: Building: Room number: Address: City State: NeuroDiscovery Center Member? Zip: No Yes To become a member, please visit: (membership is free & members are entitled to discounts on services) Principal Investigator: PI Email Financial Information Financial contact: Tel: Email: Fax: Project Information Title of current project: If your project concerns neurodegeneration or neuro repair, please indicate the disease: (Please note, this will not limit your access to the facility.) Alzheimer's Parkinson's MS Huntington's ALS Other neurodegenerative disease: Other non-neurodegenerative disease: If your project is not directly focused on a neurodegenerative disease, how is it related to neurodegeneration or neuro repair? Brief research summary: Resouces of Interest LCM Bioanalyzer RT-PCR Luminex Consultation Requested Resources Starting material for LCM: If human tissue, provide IRB protocol #: Desired cell population: Staining method: Antibodies & flourophores to be used: Plan to analyze: RNA miRNA DNA Protein Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center AGREEMENT As a user of the Advanced Tissue Resouce Center, I agree to acknowledge the ATRC and NeuroDiscovery Center in any publications resulting from the performance of the research project described herein. I also agree to abide by the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center's Guiding Principles and the ATRC fee policy in my utilization of the facility. User Signature: DATE: Print Form To send electronically, by checking this box you agree to the terms and conditions described above. Submit by Email
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