Information Flyer - Nevada Grand Chapter

Committee Reports
Please limit to three minutes or less
Welcomes and Responses
Please limit your Welcome or Response to two
minutes or less.
Two typewritten copies of all reports, remarks,
welcomes, responses, or any communication
must be filed with the Grand Secretary either
prior to your speaking or immediately after.
Please note: if copies are not provided, it will
be noted in the proceedings that you spoke,
however your remarks will not be printed.
Hotel & Transportation Information
You are responsible for making your own
housing reservations. You should contact the
Texas Station at the phone numbers listed on
the Housing letter. Transportation will be
provided to and from the airport provided a
request form has been completed and sent in.
Rehearsal Schedule
Saturday September 26, 2015
1:00 PM 2014-2015 Grand Officers
and escorts
Sunday – September 27, 2015
8:30 AM Flag Presentation
9:15 AM All Grand Representatives
10:30 AM All Pages
4:00 PM Bible and Emblem Bearers
Tuesday September 29, 2015
7:30 PM – Installation
To our Distinguished Guests
We extend to you an Invitation to attend the
110th Session of the Grand Chapter of Nevada to
be held from September 27-30th, 2015 at the
Texas Station Casino and Hotel in North Las
Vegas, Nevada. We would love to have you join
us at the “Anchor of Hope and Friendship
Session”. The members of Nevada are looking
forward to renewing friendships, making new
ones and sharing our Eastern Star hospitality
with each of you. All Distinguished Guests will
be introduced on Monday evening, September
28, 2015.
Extends Fraternal Greetings
Cordially invites you to attend
September 28, 29 and 30, 2015
Texas Station Casino and Hotel
North Las Vegas, Nevada
If you arrive after Monday evening, please
report to the distinguished guest committee
upon your arrival and they will let you know
when you will be presented.
Reserved seating will be provided for the
General Grand Chapter Officers, Worthy Grand
Matrons, Worthy Grand Patrons, Past Grand
Matrons and Patrons.
Picture Schedule
Monday Evening September 28, 2015
5:00 PM Grand Officers of Other Jurisdictions
5:10 PM Nevada PGMS & PGPS
5:20 PM Visiting PGMS & PGPS
5:30 PM 2014-2015 WGMS & WGPS
5:40 PM General Grand Chapter Officers,
Ambassadors and Committee
Shilora Hudlow
Worthy Grand Matron
Don Drawver
Worthy Grand Patron
Donna Giles
Grand Secretary
Tentative Schedule
Sunday, September 27, 2015
10:00 AM 50 Year Member Tea
12:00 PM Honor 50 year members
Civic Greetings
Youth Leader Greetings
Fraternal Greetings
ESTARL awards
Vesper and Memorial Service
5:30 PM Reception Honoring MWGM, MWGP
and Nevada’s GGC Officer,
Ambassador and Committee
6:30 PM Flintstones Banquet (Fun Night)
Monday, September 28, 2015
7:00 AM AM/AP Breakfast
9:00 AM Ritualistic Opening
Annual Reports of the
Worthy Grand Matron
Worthy Grand Patron
Jurisprudence Committee
Finance Committee
12:00 PM Distinguished Guest Lunch
2:00 PM Reports of the Grand Secretary
Grand Treasurer
Honor all Chapter Secretaries and
Honor our Grand Officers from 25
plus years ago
Legislation and Reports
6:30 PM Emblem Ceremony
Introduction of Grand Officers
Informal Opening
Presentation of Flags
Presentation and
Introduction of Distinguished Guests
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
C/AC Breakfast
Report of the
Registration/Credentials Committee
Election of Grand Officers
Associate Grand Matron Report and
School of Instruction
Introduction of 2015-2016 Grand
12:00 PM Grand Representatives Lunch
2:00 PM Session Resumes
Honor Chapter Ruths and Marshals
Report of the Grand Trustees
Presentation of Chapter General
Fund Awards
Legislation and Reports Continued
6:00 PM All Members Banquet
PGM/PGP Banquet
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
7:00 AM PAGO Breakfast
8:30 AM Report of the Grand Chaplain
Fraternal Correspondence Report
Presentation of Ritual Competition
Legislation and Reports Continued
12:00 PM All Member Lunch
2:00 PM Afternoon session if needed
6:30 PM Installation of 2015-2016 Grand
Registration Information
The registration fee for everyone is $20.00 in US
currency. A current dues card must be
presented at the registration to pick up or
complete your registration. All members must
be registered before being admitted to the
Business Session. We urge you to pre-register.
Information, Registration and Meals Forms
All forms can be downloaded from the Nevada
Grand Chapter website:
All pre-registration and meals forms must be
received by the chairman by September 15,
Registration, Meals & Distinguished Guest
Saturday September 26, 2015
1-4 PM
Sunday, September 27, 2015
8 AM-4 PM
Monday, September 28, 2015
8 AM-4 PM
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
8-9 AM
Closed during election of Officers
1-4 PM
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
8 AM-Noon
Silent Auction
Everyone is invited to participate in our Silent
Auction to benefit our Charities. Bidding will
open on Sunday and will close at the end of the
Tuesday afternoon session.