Prince Hall Grand Lodge Prince Hall Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Souvenir Journal Ad Contract Deadline May 1, 2015 This Deadline will be strictly enforced. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Full page: w/photo………...…….…………........$110.00 ] Full page: w/o photo…….....………………....... $100.00 ] Half page: w/photo………...………………..........$65.00 ] Half page: w/o photo ……...………………..........$55.00 ] Quarter page: w/o photo…...……………..........…$40.00 ] Outside back cover...............................................$300.00 ] Inside back cover..................................................$250.00 ] Inside front cover..................................................$400.00 Make Checks/Money Orders Payable to: Grand Lodge Committee Mail Check and Ad to: PM Mary G. Watts 249 Shiloh Road Jenkinsburg, GA 30234 770-315-3717 Please Print or Type: Fill out this contract and return it with ad. This Committee reserves the right to edit all ads as deemed necessary or appropriate. Please note that all pictures will be printed in black & white except for cover pages. Ads may be emailed but will not be included until payment is received. Name______________________________________________________ (Lodge/Chapter/Districts/Houses/Business/Individual) Lodge/Chapter#__________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________ Phone#__________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City & State_______________________ Email address________________________________________________ Please type or print the text for your ad below or attach a copy of your ad. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR COMMITTEE USE ONLY: Date received______________ Size______________ Amount received______________Ck/mo#________________ ***Masons and Eastern Stars must be in proper Masonic and or OES Attire for photos to be included in journal. RETURNED CHECKS ARE SUBJECT TO A $35.00 PROCESSING FEE. Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, Jurisdiction of Georgia Honorable Bruce A. James 33° Most Worshipful Grand Master 2015 Grand Lodge Souvenir Journal Committee Brother C.E. Alexander Journal Overseer 142 Spradley Drive Macon, GA 31211 478-951-6565 PWM Mary G. Watts Journal Coordinator 249 Shiloh Road Jenkinsburg, GA 30234 770-315-3717 Greetings, As you are aware, we are gearing up for one of BEST Grand Sessions in the Jurisdiction of Georgia. One of the Grand Master's vision for 2015 is to publish a souvenir journal that is a true representation of the lodges, chapters, districts and other houses in the jurisdiction. In order to make this vision come to fruition, we need your help. Brother C.E. Alexander has been appointed by the Grand Master as overseer of this project and has asked me to serve on this committee as the Souvenir Booklet Coordinator. This project will also be promoted through our Publicity Committee and Social Media to ensure that every opportunity is afforded to meet our goal. Attached is a copy of the 2015 ad contract for your convenience. It will also be available on The Grand Lodge and Chapter websites. Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Let’s make 2015 a stellar year by working together to ensure our Grand Master’s Vision become a reality. If you have questions or need more information, feel free to contact me at 770-315-3717 or email at Thank you in advance for your support. Fraternally, Sister Mary Goodman Watts Journal Coordinator
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