On The Level At Old Town Lodge

On The Level
At Old Town Lodge
The June Stated Meeting was attended by
32 ma-
sons, among them were 2 charter members of OTL, 2-50 year
veterans, 8-25 year masons, 11 Past Masters. One new petition
for the degrees was received and One petitioner for degrees
was elected to receive the degrees. WM Scott Andrews
thanked the JW and kitchen crew for a fine dinner
At the June stated meeting., Old Town Lodge elected Mr.
Joseph Martin Spaugh
to receive the degrees His
first degree is scheduled for June 17.
Mr John Martin Watkins will be initiated at the
June 17th meeting, along with Mr. Spaugh.
OTL staffed an
information booth at the Bethania
Craft Fair. It generated some interest and even some donations.
The donations were not refused even though the purpose of the
booth was not donations, but to explain Masonry to any interested persons
OTL will hold its Fall
Raffle in November.
The commit-
tee is selecting prizes. Send your suggestions to Bro. Danny
Wingo. And Chicken
Stew will be plentiful at the Dis-
trict Cookoff that OTL will host in October. Check the schedule
on page four.
The Grand Lodge of NC will be in annual communication in Winston-Salem NC September 25 and 26. Remember
any and all masons can attend and observe. But, only masters
and wardens of subordinate lodges and certain grand lodge officers can vote.
Sick and bereaved include
WB Billy Joyce DDGL
Brother Dale Doub, and
Volume XXXI Number 5
Publisher Joe Wages
Publisher emeritus Ed Schuller
OTL concluded its
June 2015
Bikes For Books
project for the
school year that ended this month. Since the program cover the
third through fifth grades, and schools have separate award ceremonies for different grades, there were more than 4 to attend. So
it was a bit of a scramble
Eight bicycles were awarded, two each at Rural Hall, Gibson,
Old Town and Old Richmond elementary schools. Teachers and
principals were enthusiastic about the program. The teachers at
each school had
stories of outstanding progress
in reading ability
inspired by the
prizes. We plan to
collect some of
these stories for a
summary article.
This brings our
total bikes
awarded in this
program to 58.
The first bikes
were awarded in
At the June stated
meeting, members began to discuss the possibility of expanding the program by adding more
schools. Some mentioned needs in the reading programs of other
nearby schools. Financing is always an issue in such discussions
and some ideas were mentioned. WM Scott Andrews will appoint
a committee to
explore all aspects of this project.
It is important to
get the bikes on
display early in
the school year so
that teachers can
get an early start
using them to
promote good
reading efforts. It is also important to time the purchase of the
bikes to take advantage of the best pricing. So, it is time to get
started on next year’s program
O E S Chapter #355
June 2015
Hello Sisters & Brothers,
We are back from Grand Chapter and had a wonderful time.
Your new Grand Officers for 2015-2016 are:
Fran Southern
Rex Evans
Linda Hyatt
Jim Tyson.
Libby West
Ellen Brooks
Helen Lentz
Debbie Owen
Peggy Pilson
Walter Highsmith
16th District
Worthy Grand Matron
Worthy Grand Patron
Assoc. Grand Matron
Assoc. Grand Patron.
Grand Secretary
Grand Treasurer
Grand Conductress
Assoc Grand Conductress
Grand Trustee
Grand Chaplain
Sandy Johnson.
Norma Pettus
Betsy Rhew.
Susan Matney
Norma Underwood
Darlene Cox
Sandra Hughes
Don Staley
Grand Marshal
Grand Organist
Grand Adah
Grand Ruth
Grand Esther
Grand Martha
Grand Electa
Grand Warder
Grand Sentinel
We are also proud of our newly appointed 16th District Deputies. Our DDGM is our own Amy-Jo Fischer and the DDGP is our own Fred
Wood. We are very fortunate to have them in our Chapter. They have some fun things planned for us that I will be sharing with you at a later
date. They would also like to revive the Sweet Sixteens instead of once a month to once a quarter. More to come on that later.
Our refreshments for May were supplied by Lucy & Charlie McAlexander.
Our refreshments for June were supplied by Moyra Gunter, Barbara Shields & Amy-Jo Fischer.
Thank you for the delicious goodies we enjoyed.
Please keep the family of Helen Simmons in your prayers. She passed away on June 6th At our stated meeting on June 15th we draped the
Charter for our dear departed Sister.
Thank You:
We wish to thank Sister Sue Frye for the beautiful work she did on preparing this years 2015-2016 Year
Book. She did such a wonderful job putting this together and also for the song sheets she had
Door Prizes:
June 1 - Fruits & veggies from the Farmer’s Market won by Jack Horn & Darlia Tolley
June 15- Half of homemade pound cake won by Barbara Shields & Moyra Gunter
Please come join us for our meetings on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:30 PM. We sincerely miss you and would love to have you back in the
Chapter. Please come join us !
In Star Love,
Linda Wood, WM
Fred Wood, WP
News from Winston-Salem #37
News from the DeMolay
morning, June 13, the
ladies of the WinstonSalem Assembly met
at the lodge at 10:30
am to go to Hanging
Rock State Park for a
day of hiking and
picnicking. Located in
Danbury, NC, the park
has some of the state's prettiest waterfalls east of the
Appalachian Mountains. The group hiked to Hidden Falls
and then on to Window Falls and enjoyed a quick dip in
the cool mountain water before having their picnic lunch.
Everyone enjoyed a wonderful day of transformation in
the great out-of-doors with nature at the height of her
glory (everyone but their Mother Advisor who thought
she’d never make it back up the hundreds of granite stairs
leading back to the parking lot from the waterfalls below).
Saturday evening, June 20, the TMY were invited to serve
at a dinner hosted by the Scottish Rite Valley of WinstonSalem in honor of Most Worshipful Brother Douglas
Caudle, Grand Master, 32° KCCH. The Consistory Feast
was held at the New Philadelphia Moravian Church. It was
a real honor to be included in this special event. The
Grand Master has been a huge supporter of the NCMY.
evening, June 8, NC IORG Grand
Worthy Advisor, Miss Schifra Jordan
Drew, and NC DeMolay State Master
Councilor, Mr. Andrew Williard,
brought greetings to the 2015 NC OES
Grand Chapter Session of “The Seasons of Love”.
GRAND ASSEMBLY 2015: A complete report from Grand
Assembly 2015 will be given in July’s TMY newsletter.
dinner on Thursday evening,
May 28th, as a way to show
appreciation to their parents
for all the many things they
do for them. We were
delighted to have as our
special guest the State
Master Councilor of Delaware, Nick Pierce, and his father.
evening, June 12th, the
Winston-Salem Chapter
traveled to the Asheville
Masonic Temple downtown to
assist with the first installation
of officers since their Chapter
reconstituted. Seven officers were installed that evening.
June 16, the state officers of North Carolina DeMolay along
with the state advisors arrived in sunny Orlando to attend
the 48th International Congress. The delegation enjoyed a
trip to DisneyQuest, an "indoor interactive theme park"
located in Downtown Disney, on Wednesday before
Congress started. On Thursday the event kicked off with
orientation, a special luncheon, and the informal opening at
1:00 pm. The young men got down to business with
Congress legislation and call items that afternoon before
the Grand Opening at 7:15 that night. Friday was filled with
workshops, business meetings, and
electioneering, and Saturday morning
the group elected a new Grand Master,
International Master Councilor, and
International Congress Secretary. A
joint installation was held that
afternoon, and the event concluded with
the Grand Master's Banquet and Hall of
Fame Induction Saturday evening.
Or WinstonSalem37@gmail.com
June 27: TMY to attend the 25th Annual East Bend
God & Country Celebration
July 18: First Official Visit & NCMY Christmas in July
To be one….ask one…...
Old Town Lodge
North Causeway Drive
Winston Salem, NC 27106
PO Box 14, Bethania NC 27010
Phone: 336-924-3864
E-mail: webmaster@oldtownlodge.org
We are on the Web!
Regular practice on Tuesdays, if no meeting is scheduled; special practice on Sunday before degrees. (Contact WM Randy
Young @ 336-924-3741 for information).
OES Stated July 6th and 20th
Rainbow/DeMolay July 13th and 27th
Scottish Rite July 9th
Most York Rite July 20th
OTL Stated Meeting July 21st
October 17th 26th District Chicken Stew Cook Off.
November 7th Raffle Drawing and Dinner
Who to Contact:
Old Town Lodge Contact:
Worshipful Brother Joe Wages joe.wages@gmail.com
Order of the Eastern Star:
Joann Morgan 336-924-4343
International order of DeMolay (Boys 12-21): Worshipful Brother Alan Willard awilliard9599@gmail.com
International Order of Rainbow (Girls 12-21): Dannielle Williard dwilliard14@gmail.com