1 2 APRIL 2015 SAVE THE DATE April 9, 2015 James Fox “Bolts from the Blue” Art in Bloom 2015 April 30 – May 3 May 14, 2015 Glenn Lowry! “In Between Places: Contemporary Art and the Middle East” Ticketed Luncheon Following THE FRIENDS LECTURE SERIES | THURSDAY, APRIL 9 | PILLSBURY AUDITORIUM, 11 A.M. Sponsored by the Mark and Mary Goff Fiterman Lecture Fund James Fox “Bolts from the Blue.” Blue is the world's favorite color. In fact, a staggering 40 per cent of people rank it above all other hues. But it isn't only popular. Blue also exerts a strange hold over us. Scientists have proved it can lower blood pressure and increase creativity. Psychologists have found that we are significantly more likely to trust companies with blue logos. Market researchers say that Google's links are blue because that color makes it irresistible to click on them. With such evidence, it's hard to deny that all of us seem to be suffering from a global case of the blues. James Fox's lecture explains why. Ranging from Afghanistan to India and from Venice all the way to the dark side of the moon, it explores the vast and fascinating history of blue. Fox will explore the discovery of lapis lazuli, and how the great Renaissance painters turned it into a color more expensive than gold. He will look at how Gainsborough, Cezanne and Picasso used blue to shake up the arts establishment. He will tell the tragic story of the French artist Yves Klein, a man who devoted to his life to blue, but may well have been killed by it. And he will conclude in the middle of the Space Race, when astronauts finally confirmed that we were, in fact, living on a blue planet. Dr. James Fox is a British art historian and British Academy Film Awards-nominated broadcaster. He is a Fellow of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, having previously held positions at Harvard and Yale. When not teaching at the University of Cambridge, he writes and hosts art documentaries for the BBC. In 2012 a three-part series called 'A History of Art in Three Colors' was broadcast to widespread critical acclaim. He is currently writing a major book about the history of color for Penguin. But his favorite color has always been blue. Fox's lecture will shed light on many enduring cultural questions: why the ancient Greeks appeared to be blind to blue; why the Virgin Mary is always shown wearing deep blue robes; why we always associate having the blues with being sad; and why in the twentieth century blue emerged as the most celebrated color of them all. By the end of his talk, those who didn't originally like blue may find themselves changing their minds. They will certainly never choose a wall paint, a car, or even a pair of denim pants without thinking twice about blue. All lectures from the Friends Lecture Series are now available with our own direct email. It provides easy access to all lectures both past and present. http://new.artsmia.org/third-AV/ /lectures ! Ticketing for Friends Lectures Free tickets are available for seating in the Pillsbury Auditorium for Friends lectures. Doors open for ticket holders at 10:30 a.m. Please be seated by 10:50 a.m. Any available seats will be filled at that time. Lectures begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. Guests without tickets may attend a live broadcast of the lecture in overflow seating in the Wells Fargo Community Room on the first floor. To reserve your ticket call at (612) 870-6323. Going forward, tickets will be available for Friends members on the 15th and 16th of each month preceding the lecture. General ticketing will be available to the public beginning the 17th of the month. ! We Thank the Rochester Friends At all Friends monthly lectures during the 2014–2015 season, guests will enjoy coffee and treats provided through funds donated by the Rochester Friends. Please thank them for this welcome gesture of hospitality. ! ! ! ! ! ! Art in Bloom 2015 Meet Our Honorary 2015 Art in Bloom Chairs Come One, Come All to the Preview Party! Allow us to introduce you to Art in Bloom 2015 Honorary Chairs, Joan T. Smith and Teresa Vickery Pfister. Mark your calendars for the fabulous fun-filled Preview Party Gala on Wednesday, April 29. Enjoy live music, cocktails and a sumptuous garden-inspired dinner. Partake in the special opportunity to view the pedestal floral art at its freshest. Browse the unique floral inspired items in the Pop-up Garden Shop and bid on some of your Fabulous Favorites at the silent auction. Tickets start at $150. On the second Thursday of the month, you can usually find Joan T. Smith at the Friends Lecture Series. She is a long-time member of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Friends, and Patrons’ Circle. Joan is honoring her parents, Marie Thiede Smith and Charles E. Smith, with her donation. Her love of art Joan T. Smith and stems from her mother who was a honorary docent talented watercolor artist and a skilled Tom Byfield, as the AIB Flower Gardner musician. Joan said she followed in her father’s footsteps as a business major, and she earned several degrees at the University of Minnesota. Her philanthropy extends to her alma mater where she has underwritten two scholarships. Joan retired as a vice president at Wells Fargo Corporation. She serves on the board of the Twin Cities Opera Guild, and is an enthusiastic supporter of the arts. What Are Your Fabulous Favorites? Find Them at the Silent Auction! It'll be easy to find your own favorites at our Fabulous Favorites Silent Auction -- so easy that we hope you can't choose just one! Is dining out a Favorite? Imagine dinner at Vincent or The Kenwood! If cooking is your Favorite, imagine spending a day on the line with Iron Chef contestant, Sameh Wadi at his Saffron Restaurant! Fine wine your Favorite? Celebrate each of the four seasons with a handselected case of wine from Haskell's. If fashion is your Favorite, you'll be delighted with auction items from Babette, OSKA, Fawbush's, Athleta and Hubert White. If being active is your Favorite, bid on a private, in-store yoga lesson for twelve at Prana or Lululemon, golf for four at Golden Valley Country Club or a one-month membership at Title One including free fitness boxing gloves! Are the Arts your Favorite? Bid on an opening-night dinner, performance and cast party at the Guthrie or an original painting. Our Fabulous Favorite Auctioneer, Pat Brenna, will add her special brand of energy to the mix with the Almost Live Auction and special surprises that include some of the MIA's Fabulous Favorite curators! Long-time Friends member Teresa Vickery Pfister is honoring her mother, Sally Mathieu, who brought her to the Friends and to Art in Bloom. Beginning in the mid1980s, both Teresa and her mother have been active members of the ! Art in Bloom committee, always working together as coTeresa Vickery Pfister and her chairs of whatever committee it mother Sally Mathieu happened to be that year – Commercial Florists, Lunches, Mailings, and many more. Formerly the owner of Marketing By Design, a marketing communications consulting firm, she now uses her vast knowledge of mechanical design and engineering to run Source Engineering. Teresa serves on the boards of the Courage Center Kenny Foundation and the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities. Teresa is very excited to be one of this year’s Honorary Co-Chairs in remembrance of her mom. Want to make it possible for a youngster to experience the wonder of art? Support Fund-a-Need this year for transportation for K-12 students to come to the MIA. We are proud to announce that this year the Fund-a-Need project will go to cover transportation costs for students in K-12 to come to the museum, giving them the opportunity to be exposed to great works of art in the museum’s permanent collection as well as in its special exhibits. Students will have the chance to see the artwork and share their thoughts and ideas under the guidance of trained guides or with their own classroom teachers. We have learned that many schools want to bring their students to the museum but the cost of transportation has made it out of reach. Field trips like this make a memorable impression on a youngster and you can help! Art in Bloom 2015 Special Offer Be entertained and learn something new! This year Art in Bloom has a very special offer for you. Bring a group of ten of your friends to one Art in Bloom lecture/demonstration. With the purchase of ten or more tickets, your group will be eligible for a private, docent-led tour with the theme of your choice - a $125 value. Tickets are $30 for the Thursday and Friday lecture/demonstrations. This year we are offering a special lecture on Saturday afternoon featuring Dr. Marla Spivak. This lecture is offered at $20/adult and $10/student. The group ticket offer also applies to Dr. Spivak’s presentation. Tickets purchased by April 16 are eligible for the docent-led tour. For more information and to set up your tour with the chosen tour theme, please email aib2015groups@gmail.com. ! Art in Bloom and Bachman's Visit the Spring Revival Idea House from March 19th-April 19th to see a complete transformation of the historic Bachman family house. Self-guided tours are $5.00. Mark April 23rd on your calendar to register for the Bachman's Floral Design Workshop and learn how to create an arrangement inspired by the Art in Bloom image. Visit bachmans.com for more information. Bachman's is generously donating partial proceeds from both the Workshop and the Idea House to the Friends of the Institute. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Honor a Special Person with an Art in Bloom Dedication! The Art in Bloom Pop-Up Garden Shop Art in Bloom 2015 Pop-Up Garden Shop is bigger and better than ever this year. Some really exciting changes have been planned so that the shop reflects the 100 Year Birthday Celebration! The first big change is location. The shop will now be located in a bigger, brighter and more browse-able space creating a relaxing shopping experience. The shop’s atmosphere is not unlike the floral displays you will see throughout the museum--unique, creative and breathtaking! The new shop location is in the Wells Fargo Community Room (just off the ground floor lobby, to your left and up the ramp). Our buyers have sought out and found unique, distinctive and timeless merchandise. There will be a wide assortment of items that make wonderful gifts or great souvenirs of your Art in Bloom experience. You will recognize many of these items from the high-end catalogues you receive at home but at much better prices. The Pop-up Garden Shop is organized in three departments to make browsing more fun and shopping easier-a children’s department, a book department and a home and garden department. Stop and see what treasures await you! Art In Bloom Family Event Experience the delight of being a kid again! Bring the children in your life to the Art In Bloom FREE Family Event on Saturday, May 2, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Target Reception Hall. Try to imagine skipping through a prairie. This year’s fun event is inspired by the book, Plant a Pocket of Prairie by Phyllis Roots, wherein she takes young children on a trip of Minnesota’s important ecosystem--the prairie. Family Day will include a variety of activities for children ages three through eight. They can go on a scavenger hunt on the museum’s third floor or join Brian, the Story Man from England, as he explores the Minnesota prairie. To get ready for spring, children will also be able to do a special craft activity by creating their own wildflower seed pockets. Free snacks will also be available. This is an event for the whole family! Art in Bloom Needs You! More than 200 volunteers are needed to make Art in Bloom a successful fundraiser! Proceeds support transportation to bring school children to the MIA, exhibitions, art restoration, and initiatives designed to reach youth in a wide variety of communities. Most volunteer jobs require standing for up to three hours. Limited seated positions are available. We love volunteers who sign up for more than one time slot, but please do not sign up for more than one job during the same time slot. This year, signing up is easier than ever! Log on to our new electronic sign-up system: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F094BABA729A2F85-aib2015 If you are not online, no problem! You can email or call either Kathleen Steiger ksteigermpls@gmail.com 612-824-3337 or Michele Yates yatesfrg@aol.com 952-239-8868. Make an Art in Bloom Dedication to honor a friend or loved one. A dedication plaque with the recipient’s name and your name will be placed on the pedestal of your chosen artwork and floral arrangement. Just follow these simple steps: • • • All dedications are fully tax deductible and support Friends events and activities. For more information, call (612) 870-3045 or email: friends@artsmia.org. ! ! ! Hope you were there for the Kick-off Event! The Art in Bloom Kick-off Brunch and Fashion Show was the place to be Saturday, March 7th! One hundred and thirty guests were greeted by a complimentary glass of champagne or sparkling cider, and guests enjoyed a delicious brunch while chatting with friends. The twenty-five different styles showcased on the runway were provided by local shops Edelweiss Baby, Judith McGrann & Friends, Juniper, Hammer Made, & Primrose Park. Nineteen volunteer models working the runway included men, women, and babies – six of whom were our very own Friends members! Our emcee, Wes Amann, kept the atmosphere relaxed and fun while describing the fashions. Music was provided by D.J. Del6, who volunteered his time and talents and kept the mood light. There was plenty of time to shop at the pop up shops, the MIA’s museum shop, visit the Friends Membership desk, or purchase a Dedication to be placed on a pedestal during Art in Bloom. Many thanks to co-chairs Kris Bjorklund and Erika Wood for this wonderful event! Hope you were there! To!see!more!great!photos! of!the!Art!in!Bloom! ! Fashion!Show!check!out! !!! the!gallery!on! City!Pages!Blog:! ! ! ! http://www.citypages.co m/slideshow/spring@ returns@at@the@m@i@a@s@art@ in@bloom@fashion@show@ 42134091/! ! ! From Left to Right: AIB Cochair Arna Yetter, Friends president Pam Friedland, AIB Co-chair JeanMarie Burness, Tom Byfield, ! ! ! Select your favorite work of art from the objects that will be interpreted this year. For the complete list go tohttp://aibflorists.wordpress.com/dedication-artwork/ Print and fill out the dedication form and include your tax deductible donation of $50/dedication. Send in the completed form along with your payment by April 10, to Friends of the Institute, 2400 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404. ! ! ! ! ! ! COLLECTION CONNECTION Something Blue April Friends-Only Book Club In our April lecture, Dr. James Fox will speak on the color blue. Choosing a blue piece to explore ! from our own collection was a daunting task as, surprisingly, so much of what is exhibited in the MIA is blue. A long-time favorite painting uses blue for power and strength, and creates form and structure from the sole use of color. Friends members are invited to attend Friends-only Book Club on April 17, to discuss Flight Behavior: A Novel by Barbara Kingsolver. ! Robert Delaunay, French, 1885-1941 Saint-Severin Oil on Canvas Saint Severin, considered to be one of the most beautiful churches in Paris, is named for a pious hermit who lived on the site in the sixth century. The church dates from the thirteenth century and a restoration was completed by the fifteenth century. Saint Severin, withstanding the ravages of time, still stands in all its splendor on the left bank of the River Seine in the Latin Quarter of Paris. Delaunay’s painting shows us ! the interior of a gothic cathedral, a bit distorted and very abstract. The immense, soaring columns gain form from the use of color alone, predominantly blue, and make us believers of this off-kilter interior, even inviting us to enter. Delaunay credits his paintings of this lovely church to his personal style, coined Orphism by the poet Guillaume Apollinaire, referring to Orpheus, the Greek poet whose lute could charm wild beasts. Depicted in this painting is the choir, where the service is sung, and the profoundly musical feeling created by the painting is not by accident. Delaunay and his wife, the Russian painter Sonia Terk, created a method called “simultaneity,” a color concept of interlocking planes of colors. The result is an overlapping of subtle harmonious effect, creating this soothing, melodious atmosphere, felt as much as seen in this paining. Delaunay’s writings on color are intuitive and can be sometimes random statements based on the belief that color is a thing all of itself with its own powers of expression and form—radically different from his contemporaries. This MIA painting is the second of seven Saint Severin paintings by Delaunay, and the first to be publicly exhibited. His success as a painter was meteoric, and his study of light and color afforded him great celebrity. Though Orphism was short-lived, it had considerable influence on other art movements. “Flight Behavior is a brilliant and suspenseful novel set in present day Appalachia. The novel is a heady exploration of climate change, along with media exploitation and political opportunism that lie at the root of what may be our most urgent modern dilemma. Its suspenseful narrative traces the unforeseen impact of global concerns on the ordinary citizens of a rural community. As environmental, economic, and political issues converge, the residents of Feathertown, Tennessee, are forced to come to terms with their changing place in the larger world.” –from the author’s website. To attend this thought-provoking discussion, contact the Friends office at (612) 870-3045. Attendance is limited to twenty-five members so RSVP soon. Book club meetings are held in Studio 114 at 10:30 a.m. and include a tour and discussion of the book. Art and Architecture in Duluth! Friends Art and Architecture Tour June 17 and 18, 2015 Journey to Duluth for an insider’s tour of renowned Architect David Salmela’s home and office; several stunning homes; the University of Minnesota Bagley classroom building; and the award winning Hawksboots Sustainable Manufacturing Facility. Enjoy touring the fabulous, historic Glensheen Mansion and gardens on the shore of Lake Superior. This exclusive Friends tour will be lead by Glensheen Director Dan Hartman, who tells us that he has the keys to places rarely seen by the public…what an opportunity to see hidden gems! We’ll also hear from the staff of Hess Roise Historical Consultants about the vast art and decorative art collections at the mansion. Check out these links for a peek of what’s in store: http://www.salmelaarchitect.com http://www.architectmagazine.com/architects/david-salmelaarchitect.aspx http://www.hawksboots.com https://glensheen.wp.d.umn.edu Registration information will be in the May Friends newsletter. Robert Victor Felix Delaunay was born in Paris and was highly influenced by Paul Cezanne. After completing his Saint Serverin collection he began an Eiffel Tower and window series. He explored Cubism as a means to see beyond the surface of things and eventually moved away from its hard edges toward pure abstraction. If we were we able to turn over this painting, we would see that a sketch of the Eiffel tower is painted there. Lecture Day Tour for Friends-Only Join fellow Friends members for a private docent-led tour offered before the Thursday, April 9, lecture by James Fox. The docent tour is titled Absolutely Fabulous: Highlights of the MIA’s Collection and complements speaker James Fox’s lecture Bolts from the Blue. These popular tours fill quickly and space is limited, so reserve your place soon with Friends-Only co-chair Diane Skrien at dianeskrien361@msn.com or 651-222-0054. Tours begin promptly at 10:00 a.m., so please arrive early in the Third Avenue Lobby. Tour participants also receive tickets and reserved seating for the 11:00 a.m. lecture in the Pillsbury Auditorium. Historic Glensheen Mansion Duluth, Minnesota Art in Bloom 2 01 5 H I G H LI G H TS ART IN BLOOM 2015: TIMELESS ART • FRESH FLOWERS Join our 32nd annual Friends of the Institute’s celebration of spring with over 150 floral arrangements designed to interpret the diverse artworks in the museum’s collection. Art in Bloom is free and open to the public. Funds for Art in Bloom are raised by donations from our generous sponsors and also from revenue from ticketed events, selling Art in Bloom programs, dedications on Pedestal Floral Arrangements, and wonderful items from the Pop-up Garden Shop. Check the following daily schedule for details. Proceeds raised provide educational tours and transportation for school children as well as support for exhibitions, acquisitions, and museum opportunities throughout the year. Last year over 82,000 students made trips to the MIA for guided tours! We thank all those whose generous support and hard work make Art in Bloom possible. With kindest regards, Arna Yetter and JeanMarie Burtness Art in Bloom 2015 Co-Chairs Martin Engelbrecht, German, 1684–1756, A Flower Gardener, from Des Manouvriers habilles (detail), c. 1735, hand-colored engraving, The Minnich Collection, The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund, 1966 P.14,813 FEATURED SPEAKERS in Pillsbury Auditorium LECTURE | THURSDAY, APRIL 30 | 10 A.M. | $30 Dean Norton, “Welcome Home, George Washington” Dean Norton is the Director of Horticulture at Mount Vernon. Norton oversees the preservation of the most accurate 18th century gardens and landscapes in America, including the most recently restored pleasure garden. Norton’s lecture is an entertaining look at the gardening world of George Washington. LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION | THURSDAY, APRIL 30 | 2 P.M. | $30 Emily Thompson, “Classical Design with Wildly Beautiful Organic Materials ” Emily Thompson is Manhattan’s celebrated florist to the stars. Thompson’s flowers and banquet décor balance the uncultivated organic world with the delicacy of classical ornamental design. They burst with unconventional materials like wild smilax, peaches, butterflies, and always maintain sculptural grace. LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION | FRIDAY, MAY 1 | 10 A.M. | $30 Debra Prinzing, “The Slow Flower Movement--from the Field to the Vase” Debra Prinzing, award-winning author and outdoor living expert, will demonstrate designing with domestic, homegrown botanical elements--from flowers and foliage to stems, buds and branches, and how to use flowers from your own backyard. Prinzing will share her best ideas from her book Slow Flowers. HANDS-ON FLORAL WORKSHOP | FRIDAY, MAY 1 | 2 P.M.–4 P.M. | $100 Debra Prinzing, “Cultivating a Slow Flowers Bouquet” in Studios 112 &113 Participants will create a seasonal arrangement using their own vase. The vase needs to be approximately 8-inches by 5-6 inches either as a vertical or horizontal vase. Fee includes flowers, materials, and instruction. Please provide your own tools. Take home a masterpiece! Limited to 25 participants. LECTURE | SATURDAY, MAY 2 | 2 P.M. | $20 ADULTS, $10 STUDENTS Dr. Marla Spivak, “State of the Bees” Dr. Marla Spivak, world-renowned scientist and expert on bees, is a McKnight Professor of Entomology at the University of Minnesota. The UMN Bee Squad cares for the healthy and productive hives of honeybees on the MIA’s roof. Spivak’s message to flower gardeners, students, and food producers is “People want good clean food. So do bees! Art in Bloom 2 01 5 H I G H LI G H TS For reservations or more information, visit new.artsmia.org. Register online at tickets@artsmia.org or register by phone: (612) 870-6323 All ticketed events require tickets to be presented at the door. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 5:30 p.m. PRE-PARTY PATRON RECEPTION General Mills Lobby (Patron levels at $250, $500, and $1,000) 5:30 p.m. Art in Bloom Pop-up Shop opens Wells Fargo Community Room 6 p.m. Gala Preview Party Tickets start at $150 7 p.m. Silent Auction and Art in Bloom Pop-up Garden Shop closes GALA DINNER and Fund-a-Need to follow in the Target Reception Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 30 FRIDAY, MAY 1 Museum galleries open 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Museum galleries open 10 a.m.–9 p.m. 9 a.m. Agra Culture Coffee Shop opens 9 a.m. Agra Culture Coffee Shop opens 9:30 a.m. Coffee in Regis Fountain Court for ticketed lecture guests 9:30 a.m. Coffee in Regis Fountain Court for ticketed lecture guests 10 a.m. Art in Bloom Pop-up Garden Shop opens Wells Fargo Community Room 10 a.m. Art in Bloom Pop-up Garden Shop opens Wells Fargo Community Room 10 a.m. Museum galleries open for viewing Floral displays and FREE docent-led tours 10 a.m. Museum galleries open for viewing Floral displays and FREE docent-led tours 10 a.m. LECTURE: Dean Norton, “Welcome Home, George Washington” Pillsbury Auditorium $30 10 a.m. LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION: Debra Prinzing “The Slow Flower Movement–From the Field to the Vase” Pillsbury Auditorium $30 (Live auction of floral arrangements after the demonstration) 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Box Lunches Friends Community Room in the Target Wing Limited seating available $30 Reserved ticket required Noon–2 p.m. FORMAL LUNCHEON Target Wing Reception Hall $45 Reserved ticket required 2 p.m. LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION: Emily Thompson, “Classical Design with Wildly Beautiful Organic Materials” Pillsbury Auditorium $30 (Live auction of floral arrangements after the demonstration) 5:30–9 p.m. FLOWERS AFTER HOURS Regis Fountain Court Rotunda FREE event & Cash bar 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Box Lunches Target Wing Reception Hall Abundance of seating available $30 Reserved ticket required 2 p.m.–4 p.m. HANDS-ON FLORAL WORKSHOP: Debra Prinzing “Cultivating a Slow Flowers Bouquet” Studios 112 & 113 $100 Reserved ticket required SATURDAY, MAY 2 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Museum galleries open for viewing Floral displays and FREE docent-led tours 10 a.m. Art in Bloom Pop-up Garden Shop opens Wells Fargo Community Room 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. FAMILY EVENT: Crafts, storytelling, scavenger hunt Target Wing Reception Hall 3rd floor & Target Park courtyard FREE 1 p.m. MUSICAL PERFORMANCE: Madeline Island Music Camp presents Cordova String Quartet Performance Regis Fountain Court FREE 2 p.m. LECTURE: Dr. Marla Spivak, “State of the Bees” Pillsbury Auditorium $20 Adults $10 Students SUNDAY, MAY 3 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Museum galleries open for viewing Floral displays and FREE docent-led tours 11 a.m. Art in Bloom Pop-up Shop opens Wells Fargo Community Room Winners of People’s Choice Awards will be announced. ! ! ! ! April AT THE MIA April floral arrangements at the Visitor & Member Services Desk are created by Wisteria. Please call the Friends office for more information about our florists. Friends President Pamela Friedland Newsletter Editors Terry Edam Barbara Scott NEW MEMBERS GIFTS TO THE FRIENDS LECTURE SERIES Michele Anderson Richard Avey Janice Halerson Sophie Kuusisto James Madigan Julia Wilson In Honor of Nicole Bern’s Birthday: Katie Searl April 9, 2015 James Fox “Bolts from the Blue” Office Administrator Kate Smith In Memory of Lucille Franke, Linda Boelter’s Mother: Margene Fox May 14, 2015 Glenn Lowry “In Between Places: Contemporary Art and the Middle East” Ticketed Luncheon Following Friends Fax (612) 870-6315 In Memory of Pamela Gillette Silver: Addie Ingebrand In Memory of Amy Silverman’s Mother: Katie Remole In Memory of Anna Mae Wade, the Mother of Shirley Wade Hayhurt: Paullie Bullock Friends Office (612) 870-3045 Friends E-mail friends@artsmia.org MIA Info (612) 870-3000 MIA Ticket & Phone Center (612) 870-6323 Friends Web Site www.artsmia.org/friends Live Lecture Videos new.artsmia.org/third-av/ #/lectures
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