May 2015 eBridge - Christ Lutheran Church

May 2015 e-Bridge
May Flowers
We've had our share of showers
so I'm happy to welcome back
May flowers.
Although summer is right around
the corner, there are still plenty of
activities going on this month.
Tomorrow night, Saturday May 2,
is our musical fellowship event
featuring the very popular and
talented Tim Malchak. He's been
promoting it on the radio and
based on the calls I've received at
the office this week, there should
be a wonderful turnout so you
may want to come a little early.
Sunday, May 3rd, is a busy
From Pastor Dave
"Pentecost and You"
On Sunday, May 24, we will celebrate the
Day of Pentecost, the day that the
Christian Church, the Body of Christ, is
The world in which God reigns is a marvelous
world. Many things which happen in it cannot be
explained or understood in human terms. When spring
comes around with its growth and beauty, we stand in awe
of our God who designed such a gift that is
unexplainable. When we look at the vast mountains,
forests, seas, and the enormous variety of species which
inhabit this planet, we again hold our Creator in high
esteem for such magnitude. Pentecost is another "a-ha"
moment. God seems to know just when to give us one,
and we pray that we will be open to catch a glimpse when
day. It's the first Sunday of the
month so it is our Deep Well
collection Sunday. Please bring
something to donate and put it in
the bins in the narthex. Sunday is
also our monthly First Sunday
youth Sunday school (That's
quite a mouthful). Our youth,
ages 3-11 are invited to join us in
Heinrich's Hall at 9:40 for activities
and a Bible lesson.
encourage all of our families with
children to join us and bring a
friend! The adult Sunday school
will be as scheduled but will be
held in the Sale Education
The CLC quilters will meet this
month at 10:00 am in Heinrichs
Hall on Tuesday May 5 and May
Our last Backpack Buddies
packing was rescheduled for
Thursday, May 7 at 10:30 in
Heinrichs Hall. Set up will be the
night before prior to choir
practice. Everyone is invited to
join us either or both days to lend
a hand.
The Book Club meets Saturday,
May 9 at 1:30 and Roots Bible
Study will be May 12 and May
26. Finally, the Soup Kitchen is
on May 7 in the morning.
For more information on these
activities and events, see the full
announcements below.
While the visitors are flocking
back to the Island, most of our
seasonal members are returning
the wonder occurs near us.
Just before Pentecost the Book of Acts tells us of the
disciples waiting in Jerusalem, after their last moments
with Jesus, for the gift of the Holy Spirit to come, just as
Jesus told them (1:4). It has been seven weeks since
Easter morning. Jesus has returned from the dead and
assured his disciples of his promises, and then left
mysteriously by ascending into heave in a cloud. With all
these events the disciples were perplexed about what they
should do and where they should be. And as God's great
timing and staging unveils, this week just happens to be
the same week as several Jewish festivals: Pentecost,
which Jews celebrate 50 days after Passover; Shavuot;
and Feast of Weeks. According to the dictionary, these
holidays commemorate as well the revelation of the Law
on Mount Sinai and the celebration of the wheat festival in
ancient times. Therefore, a multitude of Jews from all over
the known world have gathered in the holy city of
Jerusalem for celebration and worship.
So, as the disciples (120 according to Acts 1:15) are
gathered, sitting together in one house, God sends a
gift. And they are overwhelmed with the power, the
wisdom, the knowledge God gives. They are filled upon
seeing the fire and hearing the strong wind. They pour out
into the streets, using languages they had not known
before, telling the wonders of God. Peter is empowered to
explain the happenings culminating in thousands of
converts, and the Christian Church, the Body of Christ, is
So what happens to the Holy Spirit today? Where have
you seen him active? Any miracles? What action does
the Holy Spirit cause within you? Do you believe the
power of God's gift? Will it make a difference in your life?
I believe that the Holy Spirit still comes to us and lives in
us and changes us and empowers us to be different than
we have been. All around us people are becoming
different, people like us who are coming to see themselves
as children of God who are entrusted with the gospel of
Jesus Christ and empowered to do everything that they
need to do.
to their northern homes for the
summer. I wish them God speed
and a wonderful summer!
Many blessings,
Yes, the world in which God reigns is a marvelous
world. In that world when the Holy Spirit is moving, winds
rush, tongues are understood, people are drawn together,
and nothing is impossible!
Peace-Pastor Dave
In our Gospel lesson for this Sunday, Jesus describes
himself through a familiar agricultural image. He is the
vine, and his disciples are the branches. The imagery
goes back to the Old Testament passages where Israel is
viewed as the vine or vineyard. In Jesus' teachings the
vineyard is often the symbol for the kingdom of heaven like
the parable of the laborers in the vineyard (Mt 22:1-16). In
John's Gospel we see Jesus using the image of the vine
for himself: "I am the vine." Jesus is the source of the
Christian life and community. Jesus is one with God and
he is the vine to which all branches (disciples) are
connected-joined to the true vine and to each other.
Youth Sunday School
This Sunday May 3 at 9:40 AM
we will have a lesson and
a service project with our children
in Heinrichs Hall. We will all start
out with music and then the
older youth (12+) will gather in
the youth room in the Sale
Educational Building and will
look into a study that might
encourage them to become
May 9: American Heart
Association Heart Walk - at
Shelter Cove Park
Once again, Wayne Sebulsky is
How do we specifically maintain this connection to
Christ? How do we so abide in Christ? We do when we
practice the presence of God with us, when we commit to
ongoing participation in the life of the church, and when we
bear the fruit of ministry.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Dave
Tim Malchak in Concert at CLC
Tomorrow, May 2, plan to
join us in Heinrich's Hall
at 6:30 PM for a
concert presented by Tim
Malchak. Tim Malchak is
our Team Captain for Christ
Lutheran Church. Why the Heart
Walk? Did you know 1 in 3
Americans have some form of
cardiovascular disease and that
heart disease kills more women
than all forms of cancer
combined? We can change these
statistics by joining together to
walk and fundraise for Heart
Walk. We had such a great time
last year as a team in
Bluffton. Let's strive for another
great turnout and represent CLC!
An online team page to sign up
for the walk or to donate is:
Team CLC!. The ID is CLC2015
and the password is
Lutheran. You can help by
walking or donating. Or you
can donate by check in the
offering plate. Make it out to
American Heart Association
and put Heart Walk in the
memo. For more information,
contact Wayne Sebulsky at 7153287.
music singer/songwriter. He partnered with
Dwight Rucker in 1982 to form the country music
duo Malchak & Rucker. They became the first
black/white duo in country music history. Tim
moved to South Carolina in 1992. In 2001, he
released his first Christian album, Pathway to
Glory, on his own Parable Records. Later that year,
he launched Tim Malchak Ministries. To date he
has released 7 Christian CD's. We encourage you
to bring family and friends. A free will offering
will be collected at the door. This event is
brought to you by CLC's Fellowship Committee.
Celebrating May Birthdays
5/1 - Doug Muephy
5/2 - Amber Olesh and Neil Springer
5/3 - Dick Marth
5/10 - Barbara Johnson
5/13 - Alex Kasten and Sherry White
5/15 - Ben Pyrlik
5/16 - Corey Slater
5/17 - Elsa Felten
5/19 - Frank Aurelio and Jennifer Breland
5/20 - Joyce Sundeen
5/21 - Emily Breland
5/23 - Ken Fetter
5/24 - Patty Gosdin and Richard Johnson
5/25 - Janet Lynn
Celebrating May Anniversaries
5/20 - Matthew & Mardy Burleson 10 years
5/27 - Ted & Irmgard Drilling 54 yeas
5/27 - Doug & LuEllen Robertson 49 years
5/30 - Joe & Amy Aurelio 18 years
If your information is incorrect or not included, please
email the Church Office at with any
Quick Links for You:
Church Homepage
Church Calendar
Facebook Page
spotted out and
in Wichita, our
very own Pastor
Hoyer and long
Pastor Harvey
Peters! Pastor
Peters flew out
last Wednesday
for a visit>
said they had a
very good visit
with "Laughter,
sharing of the old
times." Blessin
gs to you both from your family at Christ Lutheran Church!
In Search of...
Music Director - We will have an opening to replace our current Music Director Karen Osborne
upon Pastor Osborne's retirement at the end of June. At this time we would like to entertain any
recommendations for Music Director so that we may fill this important paid position. Ideally, we
would like to have a replacement prior to Karen's leaving. If you have an interest or know of
someone who might have an interest, please contact the Personnel Committee Chairman, Joe
Etter (342-5947; email: or Council President, John Babbitts (341-2465; email:
Farewell Luncheon June 28
You are invited to attend Pastor Dave's last service on June 28 at
10 a.m. There will be one combined service that Sunday!
Immediately after, we will host a farewell luncheon in Heinrichs
Hall for Pastor Dave and Karen. CLC'S Loyal Chefs will prepare a
beef and potato dish. You are asked to bring the lighter fare
{fruit/cheese, a vegetable side dish, bread or dessert}.
Please RSVP, either on the sign-up sheet in Heinrichs Hall or by
emailing to
Thank you from CLP
This month we want to send out thank you's to the
generous church members who participated with
pledges to our Birdies for Charity fundraiser. We
are hoping the final tally will be approximately
$8500. Our gala Art Show and Silent Auction on
Tuesday, April 28th was a fun filled evening with the
children performing for their parents along with the
wonderful displays of their artwork. Thank you to
the generous and talented church members who
donated to our silent auction and to those who bid. Hard to believe there are only six
more weeks of school!
2015-2016 School Year Registration Open Now!
Early registration is open for friends and family of Christ Lutheran Preschool for the
next school year. CLP enjoyed a full house of children eager to learn this year, and spots
are limited for next year. If you know of anyone with children of preschool age and would
like to know more about our state-accredited program, have them contact Nancy Conder at
Hurry! Spaces are filling up quickly!
Mission Activities
St. James Baptist Church Soup Kitchen - May 14
Every second Thursday of the month, we support the St. James Baptist Church Soup Kitchen by
providing desserts and helping with distribution. Our next opportunity to serve is May
14. Preferred treats include brownies and cookies (packed in individual bags, because most
lunches will be "take-out"). We also can provide fresh fruit (best options are apples, oranges,
bananas). Whenever the kitchen has fruit (usually not a lot), the fruit always goes FIRST! There
seems to be great desire to have something fresh!
We are also looking for volunteers willing to help pack lunch boxes from 9:30 to 10-ish and
distribute meals around noon. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Silke at first to see what is currently needed and how you can serve. We welcome
our newest volunteers, Charles and Carol Lader and Dianne Hillyer! Thank you!
Backpack Buddies - April 9
We are winding down our school year with Backpack Buddies. Our last packing here at the
church will be Thursday, May 7, at 10:30 AM in Heinrich's Hall. Susan Buck's 3rd grade class
from Hilton Head Christian Academy will join us this last time. Our Friday Buddies will continue to
give food to kids through the end of the school year. Thank you to everyone who helped make this
a very successful mission.
Family Promise - April 19-26
Christ Lutheran Church supports All Saints Episcopal Church with Family Promise. They have a
well-developed program to serve their guests with meals, shelter and loving care. We need
volunteers to cook a meal or be an overnight guest at the church. The specific weeks are
April 19-26, 2015; Aug. 23-30, 2015; and Oct. 11-18, 2015. Please call Alan Coyne, Christ
Lutheran's coordinator for Family Promise, for more details. His office number is 843-682-8106;
Cell is 843-290-2124; Home is 843-681-9747. Email is
Congregational Activities
CLC Book Club - May 9
The Book Group will be meeting Saturday, May 9, at 1:30 at the home of Linda Kondor. Please let
her know you are coming at or 681-4962. We will be discussing the book
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande, and Rita Hungate will be
our discussion leader. Please note this is a change from our original schedule.
May 9 - Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
June 13 - The Time Between by Karen White
Sept. 12 - Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng
"Roots" Bible Study
Our "roots" Bible Study meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 10 - 11:15 AM in the
CONFERENCE ROOM just off the church sanctuary. Our study is an in-depth look at the Book
of Daniel. Would you like to understand Bible prophecy concerning the end of the world? Would
you like to study Bible prophecy that predicted exactly when the Jewish Messiah (Jesus) would
appear the first time? Would you like to be inspired by a man of faith? Would you like to know that
God is in control, even though you are going through suffering or persecution for your faith? These
are all reasons to study the book of Daniel. Come and be inspired and, at the same time, lifted up!
Adult Sunday School
The leaders and members of the Adult Sunday School Class invite you to come and join us
every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in Heinrich's Hall. We use the Augsburg Bible Studies, a
quarterly dated Bible Study, which covers a wide range of biblical books and themes. Come share
the fellowship of our members, our open and sincere discussion, and a study of how these
scriptures relate to us in our lives today. We look forward to seeing you.
Leader: Emily & Jim Breland
Location: Heinrich's Hall
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interests. If you would like to contribute to the content
of CLC e-Bridge, please email Mardy with your
picture, quote, or article (ready to cut and paste
the preceding month.
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Christ Lutheran Church | 829 William Hilton Parkway | Hilton Head Island | SC | 29928