Hills Hawks Footall Club INC. 2015 Mini Gala Day – Under 6, 7 &8’s 17th May 2015 at Hayes Oval Galston th (Reserve date 24 May 2015 in the event of bad weather) Welcome all to the 2015 soccer season. You and your mini team/s are invited to attend our 2015 Mini Gala Day, a great day for all where all kids get a chance to participate, (at least 3 games) and have lots of fun. We are hoping for the wonderful support we have had from so many clubs in previous years. Closing Date for registration is Friday 8th May 2015 or when maximum team numbers are reached, so get in early and secure your position. If you are responsible for mini football for your club could you please distribute copies of this sheet and the registration forms to your teams ASAP to ensure that the registration forms are received and returned to us by the closing date in order to plan the draw. If you have any queries or require further information please email pgrocott69@gmail.com and we will respond. Note: The emphasis for Hills Hawks Gala Day is for participation and fun. Teams will not be officially registered until monies and registration forms are received. Please note that we do insist that teams wishing to participate consist of the same players registered with the club that they will be representing. There is limit of ten (10) teams per visiting clubs, which we hope that this will allow more clubs to enter. The entry forms attached should be returned via email to pgrocott69@gmail.com to secure your teams entry into the Gala Day. Preferred method of payment is via Electronic Transfer. The cost per team if paying by EFTPOS is $100. The cost of entry per team if not paying by EFTPOS, will be $120, attracting an administration fee of $20 per team. Payment can be made to Hills Hawks Football Club Inc by Electronic Transfer to the Bendigo Bank using the following details (please use your team name as a reference) : BSB No: 633 000 Acct No: 134179712 Acct Name: Hills Hawks Football Club Inc If you post the entry form, please post to: The Secretary, Hills Hawks Football Club INC. P.O. Box 154, Galston NSW 2159 Rules and playing times will be posted on the Hills Hawks website above and sent to team managers after the th final draw has been compiled on Friday 15 of May. Our canteen and BBQ will be fully operational on the day with breakfast available from 7.30am. Please note that for safety reasons Hornsby Council Regulations prohibit alcohol and personal BBQ’s at the oval. Parking will be available in Galston High School ground opposite the oval. A gold coin donation for Galston High School will be required. We look forward to your team/club joining us for a great day. Peter Grocott Vice President Mini Football Hills Hawks Football Club INC Rules of Participation . Under 6, 7, & 8’s will play under the new MiniRoos game format. See http://www.ghfa.com.au/images/documents/coaching/Miniroos_Info.pdf The gala day will be non-competitive (No points or tables will be kept) in accordance with MiniRoos rules and regulations. U/6’s – 4 v 4 no goalkeeper - 20m by 30m field (approx only)Maximum of 8 players per team U/7’s – 4 v 4 no goalkeeper - 20m by 30m field (approx only) Maximum of 8 players per team U/8’s – 7 v 7 including goalkeeper - 50m by 35m field (approx only) Maximum of 10 players per team In the event of a goal being scored the restart will be conducted at the halfway mark by the non scoring team. Goal kicks will be taken by the defending team from the goal circle line. (Not in front of the goals) U6 &U7’s will use the “kick in” method for balls going out of play on sidelines. U8’s will use throw in method for balls going out of play on sidelines. Players are to be encouraged not to hover around either attacking or defending goals within general play the referee will control this area. No corners will be taken by any ages. Indirect penalties only Shin pads and boots are compulsory for all players, (any player who does not have shin pads will not be able to participate) Size 3 balls will be provided for all games. With all restarts of play, all players must be back at least 5 metres before the ball will be restarted. No offsides Unlimited interchange No parents/coaches/managers will be allowed on the field or behind the goals at any time unless asked to by the referee, or in the event of an injury. All games will be 10 minute (approx) halves with no break/rest in between, this will be timed by the official’s tent. Referees will be supplied on the day. The referee/s and official/s decisions are final
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