China and Regional Economic Integration For Doctoral Students in

China and Regional Economic Integration
For Doctoral Students in Asia-Pacific Studies
Spring 2015
2/16/ 15 version
Professor: Linjun Wu
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to introduce and investigate the
implications of the rise of China for Asia-Pacific economic regionalism.
The format of the course will be that of a seminar requiring substantive
discussions by members of the class. Success of the class will depend on
informed participation by each person, and students should keep up with
the reading schedule throughout the semester.
Course Requirements:
(1) The course will be conducted as a seminar. Class participation is
essential to the seminar format. Students are expected to attend
classes or arrange absences in advance.
(2) 10 weekly short article reviews. A 2-3 page critical review of
assigned articles is due by Wednesday at 12:00. Reviews should
include three parts: (i) Examination of authors’ backgrounds; (ii)
Discussion of the articles’ most important points; (iii) Analysis of the
significance of the article for current economic integration in
Asia-Pacific. Reviews must be typed, double-spaced, and in line
with any common academic style guide. Late reviews will either not
be graded or be marked down substantially.
(3) One book review. One 30-minute book presentation or research
proposal will be scheduled between week 10 and week 11. (Books for
the review are flexible. Please discuss your choice of books with Dr.
Wu in advance.) Reviews should also include three parts. Power
points should be submitted a week before the presentation.
(4) One final report. One 8-page research report is expected before the
end of the semester. The report must be typed, double-spaced, and
in line with any common academic style guide.
Seminar Participation 30 %
Critical Article Reviews 30 %
Book Review 15 %
Final Report 25 %
Course Outline
Week 1 2/26 Introduction
The contents of China and East Asian/Asia-Pacific Economic Regionalism
Week 2
Asia-Pacific/East Asian Regional Economic Integration:
Christopher M. Dent (2013) “Paths ahead for East Asia and Asia–Pacific regionalism,”
International Affairs 89:4.
Philippa Dee (2008) “The economic effects of PTAs, ” Australian Journal of
International Affairs,” 62:2, 151-163.
Heribert, T. Dieter (2009) “Changing patterns of regional governance: from security
to political economy?” The Pacific Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, Mar, 73–90.
Week 3 3/12 East Asian Regionalism
T. J. Pempel (2010) ‘‘Soft Balancing, Hedging, and Institutional Darwinism: The
Economic-Security Nexus and East Asian Regionalism.”, Journal of East Asian
Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 2, May-Aug, 209-238.
Mark Beeson (2009) “Geopolitics and the Making of Regions: The Fall and Rise of
East Asia,” Political Studies, 2009, Vol, 57, 498-516.
Karuhiko Kuroda (2013) “The Role of Asia in globalized Era,”
Asia-Pacific Review, Vol.20. No.2, pp.101-115.
Week 4 3/19 The Rise of China and the East Asian Community
Hidetaka Yoshimatsu (2009) “The Rise of China and the Vision for an East Asian
Community” Journal of Contemporary China, Nov2009, Vol. 18 Issue 62, pp.
Min Xia, Linan Jia and Jie Chen ( 2014) “Northeastern Asian Perceptions of China’s
Rise: To What Extent Does Economic Interdependence Work? Modern China
Studies , Vol. 21, No. 2. 87-132.
Suisheng Zhao (2011) China’s Approaches toward Regional Cooperation in East Asia:
motivations and calculations,”Journal of Contemporary China, 20(68), January,
pp. 53-67.
China’s Multilateral Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific &
Domestic Constraints on Free Trade Policy
Pearson, Margaret M. (2010) “Domestic Institutional Constraints on China's
Leadership in East Asian Economic Cooperation Mechanisms, “ Journal of
Contemporary China, Sep. Vol. 19 Issue 66, p621-633.
Ka Zeng (2010) “Multilateral versus Bilateral and Regional Trade Liberalization:
Explaining China’s Pursuit of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs),”Journal of
Contemporary China, 19, 66, Sep, 635-652.
Week 5
Week 6 4/6 China and ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Region
Geoffrey Cockerham (2010) “Regional Integration in ASEAN: Institutional Design
and the ASEAN Way,” East Asia: An International Quarterly, Vol. 27 Issue 2,
Hidetaka Yoshimatsu “ASEAN and evolving power relations in East Asia: strategies
and constraints,” Contemporary Politics , Vol. 18, No. 4, December 2012, 400–
Week 7 4/9 China and Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation
Takashi Terada, (2010) “The origins of ASEAN+6 and Japan’s initiatives: China’s
rise and the agent–structure analysis,” The Pacific Review, Vol. 23 No. 1 March
2010: 71–92.
T. J. Pempel(2007)“Northeast Asian Economic Integration: A Region in Flux,”
Asia-Pacific Review, 14, 2.
Gilbert Rozman(2007)”South Korea and Sino-Japanese Rivalry: A Middle
Power’s Options within the East Asian Core Triangle,” The Pacific Review,
Vol.20, No.2 (June 2007), 197-220.
Week 8 4/16 US and the Asia-Pacific Region
Xiaosong TANG (2012) “ The future role of the United States in the
Asia-Pacific region: dead end or crossroads?” Australian Journal of
International Affairs ,Vol. 66, No. 5,pp. 592605, November 2012.
Takashi Terada(2013)“The US Struggles in APEC's Trade Politics:
Coalition-Building and Regional Integration in the Asia-Pacific,” International
Negotiation, 2013, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p.49-66.
Guoyou Song and Wen Jin Yuan, “China’s Free Trade Agreement Strategies” 2012
Center for Strategic and International Studies, The Washington Quarterly, 35:4,
pp. 107119.
Week 9
Week 10
Mid-term week (no class)
Book Reports
Week 11
Book Reports
Week 12 5/14 ASEAN and RCEP
Geoffrey B. Cockerham (2010) “Regional Integration in ASEAN: Institutional Design
and the ASEAN Way,” East Asia, 27:165–185
Cheong, Inkyo and Cho, Jungran(2013)”The Evaluation of East Asian Regionalism
rom APEC to RCEP, Journal of International Logistics and Trade, Vol. 11.Issue
1 (Apr 2013): 99-112.
Week 13 5 / 21 TPP and Asia-Pacific Regionalism
Ann Capling and John Ravenhill, “ The Multilateralising regionalism: what role for
the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement?” Pacific Review, Vol. 24 No. 5
December 2011: 553–575.
Kelsey, Meredith Lewis, (2010)The Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Paradigm or
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?”Boston College International & Comparative Law
Review, Vol. 34:27 pp.27-52.
Evelyn S. Devadason (2014) “The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): the Chinese
perspective,” Journal of Contemporary China, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 87, 462–479.
Week 14
The Political Economy of China and Taiwan’s Economic
Jianwei Wang (2010) “United States and Evolving Cross-Strait Relations,” Journal of
Chinese Political Science, October 2010.
Ching-Chang Chen (2010),”Understanding the Political Economy of Cross-Strait
Security: A Missing Link,” Journal of Contemporary Chinese Political Science,
Evelyn S. Devadason (2010) ASEAN-China Trade Flows: moving forward with
ACFTA. Journal of Contemporary China. Sep. 2010, Vol. 19 Issue 66,
Week 15 6/4 The Nature of Free Trade in the Asia Pacific?
Sangkyom Kim, Innwon Park and Soonchan Park, “ A Free Trade Area of the Asia
Pacific (FTAAP): Is It Desirable?” Journal of East Asian Economic Integration,
Vol. 17, No. 1 (March 2013) 3-25.
Richard W. X. Hu (2009) , “ APEC and Future Asia-Pacific Regional ,” Architecture,
American Foreign Policy Interests, 31: 12–22.
Week 16
Case Presentations (I)
Week 17
Case Presentations (II)
Week 18
Final report week
Suggested Books for Review:
Nesadurai, Helen E. S. (2003) Globalization, Domestic Politics and Regionalism─
The ASEAN Free Trade Area, Routledge.
Huang, Yashing (2008) Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship
and the State, Cambridge University Press.
Bhagwati, Jagdish (2008) Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential
Agreements Undermine Free Trade, Oxford University Press.
Cai, Kevin G. (2010) The Politics of Economic Regionalism: Explaining Regional
Economic Integration in East Asia, Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Halper, Stefan (2010) The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model will
Dominate the Twenty-First Century, New York: Basic Books.
Kang, David (2007) China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia, Columbia
University Press.
Keohane, Robert (1984) After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World
Political Economy, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Krasner, Stephen (1983) International Regime, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Maclntyre, A. J.; Pempel, T. J. and Ravenhill, J. (2008) Crisis as Catalyst: Asia’s
Dynamic Political Economy, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Overholt, William H. (2007) Asia, America, and the Transformation of Geopolitics,
Cambridge University Press.
(Please let Dr. Wu know in advance the books you want to review.)