WHAT HAPPENS IN HIS DEPENDSON YOUD IN YOUR C.Lb & hk e.r.nk. For most of hls rita he! neededblood trans/usrds to nerpDar caner HolyFamily BloopCnNrnn,= ParishBloodDrive o/w rscoN srN " 4825 N.Wildwood, Whitefish Boy- Porish Holl Monday,March24,2014 3:00to 7:00p.m. Toschedule please anappointment callMissy Cookson at 414-962-3757. Todonateblood,youmust: . Bein goodheath . WeiSh at least110lbs. . Havea photo .D.withyoLfbnthdate. . Beat east17yearsold (16yearsoldwith parental consent), no upperase imit AldonorsshouldI€e lngoodhealthonihedayof dona|on. Thereafesomereasons whyyoumaynot be abl€ro oonare. Pl€ase be prepared to shareyourlst of prescription bcuedu/blood medications, discussyour medicahisiory andhavel outsdeoftheUniiedStates f,sn ""ii:,,ilti ;ri;::13 REST from - comewellrested a goodnlght's sleep. EAT- havea gooddinnerthe nightberore,anda goodbreakfast lh€ morning of yourdonation. HYDRATE - doube yourfluidintake the morf ngofyourdonailon. Water ard juicearerecommend€d. RELAX-doratingblood s slmpe, youaresavinga life. andremember, Most people can donate blood. Below are a few reasons you may not be able to donate. Antibiotics - youcandonaiethreedaysafterfin sh ng antibiotics for an (bacteriaor vira) Youcandonateif youaretakingantiboiicsto lnlection prev€nt an infectlon, for example, foilowing dentalprocedures or for acne. Aniibiotics for acnedo notdisquafy youfromdonating. Dentalwork-youcandonateifthereis no infection. Heartdisease- a hisioryof hearidiseasemay requirea etterof approva tromyourphyslcian Finaapprovais subjecito reviewby a B oodCenter ol Wisconsin physiclan. Thiswil be deterrnined duringyoufhealthhtstory wfrenyoucomen io donate. Infections- yoLrmust be nfectionjree. Menstruation - womencandonaiedLrlingtheir peroos. Piercings - earor bodypiercfg uslngs ng e-useequtpment in an apgroved settingis acceptable. Pregnancy - wornenwho arepregnantshoud not donate.p easewait to donate|rntil6weeksaltersivingblrth.Womenwhoarebreast-feed ng are eligibe to donate. Tattoos- il yo!r tattoowasappliedbya licensed you facilityin W sconsin, car donateb ood.lfyourtatioowasapplied by an unlicensed lacilityor a iacilityoutsideWisconsin, we require a t2-rnonth wattingpertodfromthe tirnethetattoowasappiied. Travel- f you havetraveiedto a ma ariousareatn the pastyear,you maynot donateunill'12monthsafterr€turnfromtravelto ihe nraartous area.tf you haveevefhadmalaria,you mustbe synrptorn{re€for 3 years. t"a, wwwbcw.edulblood i.i.'B DGR{020Copyiqhto20t0losr]Bbodr.nrerofwisconsin,n.A ,.$ a BroonCnurnn'q ol w ' s.oi sr^ dohrrcseNed.
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