April H, 1962 THE WESLEYAN DECREE P ag e 3 Bishops Win Second Diamond Battle Brady's Single In 9th Inning Tops Ferrum Institute, 7 To 6 PITCHER DON SESSOMS, credited with Friday’s gam e, exhibits skill on the mouitd. m W esleyan’s Battling Bishops tooli th e ir firs t b aseb all win of the se a son—and the second sports triu m p h in their b aseb all history, as - tliey d efeated F e r ru m Institute, 7-6, F r i d ay on cam pus. The winning ru n ca m e on a pinch liit single by D ave B rady in the bottom of the nintli inning with two imen out. At the end of the second inning, W esleyan hold a 1-0 lead. F e rru m tied it U(p with an un ea rn ed run in the top of the seventh, bu t the Bislio(ps b attled b a c k with fo u r in the b o ttom of th e inning. T he four-irun seventh (featured tliree walks, a c a tc h e r ’s in terfe r ence ruling, a single by Don E vere tte and a two-run single by L\ndy Neville. In a nightmaz'ish ninth inning, F e r ru m scored five ru n s without (getting a liit to igo ahead by five. T h ere w ere six walks, a sacrifice fly and an error. Then cam e the W esleyan rally in the bottom of the ninth. Dickie Moore and Wayne Cooper drew walks to open the surge, and after a pop up, P e te House was safe on e r r o r to load the bases. Neville w alked to force in the tying run, and after a s'rikeout, B rad y cam e llirough witli his big hit to win the g am e. The Bishops’ six hits w ere all shigles, by six different p lay ers. F e r ru m w as limited to four liits, three of them by c a tc h e r Steve H arriss. Don Sessoras, who relieved G arlow in the ninth inning with the bases loaded and one out, w as the winning pitcher. R H E FERRUM 000 000 105 - 6 4 0 WESLEYAN 010 000 402 - 7 6 4 Compliments Of BULLUCK CLOTHING CO. Mebane Shoe Co. For That New Look In Shoes Phone GI 2-2689 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THE M lk 'S i sIlOP We Welcome Your Charge Account PETE HOUSE, CATCHER, backs up fielder Dickie Moore in one of the many practice sessions. GAY’S HARDWARE Telephone Gibson 2-1482 122-24 South Howard St. P. O. Box 928 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. T H E JEW EL B O X 128 S. Main St., Rocky Mount 414 Main St., Tarboro, N. C. Building- Material, Artist Sup plies, Guns & Ammunition, Gifts, Paints, Household Furnishings, Picture Framing YOUTH SHOP’S CAMPUS RDOM 223 S. Main ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Q U IL L E N ’S RESTAURANT At The Holiday Inn “All Experience in Fine Dining.” For Reservations Call Quillen Ward at GI 6-6510 425 N. Church St. Rocky Mount, N. C. BUNTING, HARDY & MINGES M E N ’S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS “ EXCLUSIVE—BUT NOT EX PEN SIV E” ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. P eoples B ank AND TRUST COMPANY Rocky Mount’s ONLY Complete Department Store % % HOME FURNISHINGS SPORTSWEAR ® APPLIANCES 9 TELEVISION-RADIO STEREO-RECORDS O SPORTING GOODS • WEARING APPAREL Extends Best Wishes To POWELL BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO. Office & School Supplies — Gifts — Hallmark Cards 127 Sunset Avenue Rocky Moimt, N. C. Phone Gibson 6-6815 “When you care enough to send the very b est” NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” And Its Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students SEARS
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