Town Council/Community Association Rocky Ripple E-News MAY, 2015 RRCA CALENDAR Sat., May 2nd Canal Westbank Floodwall/River Levee Repair Brainstorming Bring your ideas for what should be done; learn what is going on. 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Town Hall Sat., May 2nd Annual Plant Exchange Bring plants to exchange. 2:00 – 4:00 pm Community Garden at Hohlt Park Tues., May 12th Rocky Ripple Town Council Meeting 7:30 pm Town Hall Tues., May 19th Rocky Ripple Community Association Meeting 7:30 pm Town Hall RRCA Elections will be held and bylaws voted upon for update. Tues., Jun. 9th Rocky Ripple Town Board Meeting 7:30 pm Town Hall Tues., Jun. 16th Rocky Ripple Festival Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Town Hall VOLUME 6, NUMBER 2 ENews Will Now Share News from both Rocky Ripple Town Council and Community Association As resources are very limited for both the Rocky Ripple Town Council and for the Rocky Ripple Community Association, we have decided to combine efforts and distribute news and notifications from both groups through this ENewsletter. In this way, Rocky Ripple residents will have access to information pertinent to their town council activities, as well as community events and information provided by the Community Association, all in one place. ENews at a Glance Click the links below to take you directly to information of interest in this edition. Town Council Sponsored Canal Westbank Floodwall/River Levee Repair Brainstorming/Information Exchange on May 2nd Rocky Ripple Annual Plant Exchange on May 2nd Rocky Ripple Community Association Officer Election on May 19th Rocky Ripple Town Council Elections – Candidates Needed; deadline is 15-Jul-2015 2015 Rocky Ripple Festival on Sept. 26th – Volunteers Needed Summer Art Classes in Rocky Ripple Newspaper Recycling Information ENews Email Distribution List Town Council Sponsored Canal Westbank Floodwall/River Levee Repair Brainstorming/Information Exchange on May 2nd The Rocky Ripple Town Council will sponsor a Canal Westbank Floodwall/River Levee Repair Brainstorming/Information Exchange on Saturday, May 2, 2015. All interested parties are invited to participate. Town Councilor Mandy Redmond will facilitate the information exchange and provide the latest information obtained from the City of Indianapolis’ proposed Westbank Floodwall. For residents new to these issues, information on the history of the Rocky Ripple levee and proposals for flood protection since the inception of the town in 1927 will be shared. Bring your questions. We will also discuss the formation of advisory/action committees related to this topic. Sat. Jun. 13th Townwide Garage Sale All households are invited to participate. RRCA will place newspaper ad. Published hours for sales: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Rocky Ripple Town Contact Information Carla Gaff-Clark, Town Council CoPresident (317) 441-5263 Term: through December 2015 Mandy Redmond, Town Council CoPresident (317) 319-7865 Term: through December 2015 Town Marshal Mike Kiefer (317) 257-7962Mandy Redmond, Treasurer 259-7512 Rocky Ripple Plant Exchange on May 2nd Bring your plants, seeds and seedlings. House plants welcome too! Trade and share with neighbors. We will have some plants for a small donation to the garden. At 3:00 we will offer YOGA IN THE GARDEN for a small donation to the garden. The exchange takes place at the Burkhart Community Garden located in Hohlt Park, 53rd and Sunny Meade. **************************************************************** Rocky Ripple Community Association Board Elections on May 19th; Vice President Office to be Voted Upon The Rocky Ripple Community Association (RRCA) annual elections will be held at the May Community Association meeting on Tuesday May 19th. RRCA terms of office for the association’s board of directors are staggered three year terms. The office that will be elected this year is Vice President. Any member of the community can run for RRCA office. However, to vote for RRCA board member candidates, you must be a member of the community association. To be a member, you must have attended at least one community association meeting during the past year. The May RRCA meeting is also the time when current association bylaws will be reviewed and changed, as voted upon by the officers. Suggested changes to the bylaws must be submitted in writing for review 30 days in advance of the meeting to the secretary of the association. To review the Rocky Ripple Community Association Bylaws, go to or contact secretary, Alex Redmond, at 340-5700. ....RRCA is not the same as the Town Council The community association should not be confused with the Rocky Ripple Town Council, which is comprised of Rocky Ripple’s elected representatives. The Rocky Ripple Community Association is a separate organization whose mission is to provide social, cultural, recreational, and educational services to the Town of Rocky Ripple and its residents, and in so doing strengthen the bonds of civic unity and provide for the common welfare of all residents. The RRCA has been in existence since November 12, 1948 when the Ladies Auxiliary of the Rocky Ripple Volunteer Fire Department was formed. Through the next four decades, the Ladies Auxiliary raised money to fund the volunteer fire department as well as provide social events for the residents of Rocky Ripple. With the dissolution of the Volunteer Fire Department in 1989, the Ladies Auxiliary adopted new bylaws on February 6, 1990 and renamed the organization the Rocky Ripple Community Association. In March of 1998, the Community Association incorporated and became a Not For Profit organization in order to apply for grants, increase revenues and thus be able to provide additional support to our community. Rocky Ripple Community Association Contact Information Officers: Karen Stone, President 252-5786 Dhyana Raynor, Vice President 414-5018 Mandy Redmond, Treasurer 259-7512 Alex Redmond, Secretary 340-5700 Diane Householder, Sergeant at Arms 2541454 Address: 930 West 54th Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 E-mail: We’re on the Web: We’re on Facebook RRCA Newsletter: The Rocky Ripple Community Association newsletter is published by the Rocky Ripple Community Association, a not for profit 501 (c) (3) organization, which exists to provide social, cultural, recreational and educational services to the town of Rocky Ripple and its residents. Editor: Mandy Redmond 2015 Rocky Ripple Festival to Be Held on Sat. September 26, 2015 Festival Committee Needs Your Help A volunteer is needed to chair raffle donations for the festival. Volunteers in other areas are also needed. Contact Festival Coordinator Dhyana Raynor at 414-5018 to find out where you can help. **************************************************************** Summer Art Classes in Rocky Ripple Rocky Ripple resident and local artist Vandra Linder is interested in starting some art classes for residents in Rocky Ripple over the summer. Options could include adult lessons, children and children and parents. Classes would be held at the town hall. Vandra is thinking of three hour sessions weekly focusing on several types of drawing - observational, cartooning, etc. depending on interest. Her artwork can be found on her website: If interested let Vandra know by email: Pricing for the sessions will depend on how many people are interested. She will post details later once she has confirmation that enough people are interested. ****************************************************************** Rocky Ripple Town Council Elections This November; Registration for Candidates is 15-Jul2015 2015 is an election year for the Town of Rocky Ripple government offices, which include three town councilor positions and a secretary/treasurer position. Terms for each office are four years. No Democrat or Republican candidates have registered for the May primary election. Democrat and Republican parties may appoint candidates on their ticket for the November elections, if no one in their party runs for a position in the May primaries. Rocky Ripple residents who are not affiliated with a party can still register as a candidate for the November election with the Marion County Election Board until 15Jul-2015. They must submit a candidate form, economic interest form and a petition containing signatures supporting their candidacy from other residents of the community. For more details on this process, visit the Marion County Election Board website: Current town councilors Carla Gaff-Clark and Mandy Redmond encourage you to consider a town councilor or the clerk/treasurer position. This is one way of giving back service to your community, so that our town continues to exist as an independent entity. We need candidates! Please consider running. For more information, please contact Carla at or Mandy at Recycling Reminder Don’t forget to recycle your newspapers, magazines and other paper at the newspaper recycling bin located next to the Town Hall garage. Proceeds from the recycling effort go to offset the cost of the Port-o-Let in Hohlt Park. The more paper we recycle in the bin, the more money that goes to this effort. Not Receiving Email Notification of the Rocky Ripple Community Association E-News? If you or someone you know wants to be added to the Rocky Ripple E-News distribution list, please send or have them send an email to and request being added to the Rocky Ripple E-News distribution list. We promise not to use your email addresses for purposes other than communicating information regarding our community and will not share the email distribution list with others. We will also post a hard copy of each issue at the town hall bulletin board for those that do not have access to email and/or the web. Let us know of any suggestions you may have for things you would like to have included. Contact the newsletter editor at
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