Beating Cancer from the Inside Out Beating Cancer from the Inside Out

VOL. 12, ISSUE 1
Focusing on the Discoveries and Innovations Faculty and Students Are Making at
Beating Cancer
from the Inside Out
Making More Lanes
on the Information
Superhighway—page 4
Why Wearable Computers
Will Change the Way
We Work—page 14
Coral Reefs and
the Impact of Global
Warming—page 16
Humankind progresses by discovering the
new and building upon the known.
Both of these processes are at the heart of our
mission here at Florida Tech, and the variety,
depth and scholarship our faculty and students
put into them are on brilliant display in the 2015
edition of our research magazine, Discovery.
As you’ll see in the wonderful photos and
compelling articles that follow, our scientists and
researchers are tackling some of society’s biggest
challenges: cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, global
warming, space, our digital world and more.
It is a mix of nature and technology, of seascapes and
outer space, of age-old ailments and challenges that
could only arise in the modern era. Together, these
myriad issues reflect the amazing variety of learning
taking place within our classrooms and laboratories.
So we are both discovering the new and building
upon the known here at Florida Tech, and I am
delighted that with Discovery, you will experience
and understand this for yourself, as well.
Sincerely yours,
A.J. Catanese, Ph.D., FAICP
President & Chief Executive Officer
Florida Institute of Technology
DISCOVERY is published once a year by Florida Tech’s Office of Marketing and
Communications and is distributed to over 50,000 readers.
EDITOR Adam Lowenstein,
ART DIRECTOR Judi Tintera,
ASSISTANT EDITOR Christena Callahan,
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ashley Carnifax, Adam Lowenstein
PRODUCTION Kristie Kwong
WEB LAYOUT Joshua Culver
PHOTOGRAPHY Dominic Agostini
There is no substitute for learning by doing.
In my years in academia, and in my decades as an
engineer and research scientist, I found that always
to be the case. It certainly remains so today.
The research and discovery carried out in the classrooms and
laboratories of Florida Tech—and brought to compelling
life in the magazine you now hold in your hands—may
be guided by our world-renowned faculty members, but
the success and achievements laid forth here would often
not be possible without the involvement of our students.
From undergraduates through our master’s and doctoral
candidates, students play a key role in our research
here. Whether working in a lab or kayaking along
the Indian River Lagoon, operating an unmanned
aerial vehicle or monitoring vital signs during a
clinical test, our students definitely learn by doing.
That’s because Florid Tech understands the
importance of taking learning beyond the classroom.
After reading Discovery, I think you will, too.
T. Dwayne McCay, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Florida Tech, Office of Marketing and Communications, 150 W. University Blvd.,
Melbourne, FL 32901-6975, 321-674-8548, Fax 321-674-8598,
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Cover Photo: Michael Fenn, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Florida Institute of Technology, with the
university’s custom-made Renishaw Raman micro-spectrometer, an essential tool for his cancer research.
Florida Institute of Technology is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, education specialist and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur,
Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida Institute of Technology. Florida Institute of Technology does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, disability, sexual
orientation, protected veterans status or any other discrimination prohibited by law in the admission of students, administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment policies, and athletic or other university sponsored programs or activities.
Minor Takes Off
Unmanned Aerial Systems
program offers skills
for aviation to come.
Some of the vehicles and
equipment used with Florida
Tech’s newest aviation minor.
4 Optimizing Fiber Optics
As devices, streaming content and applications
gobble up more and more digital bandwidth, Syed
Murshid has a way to eliminate slowdowns.
6 Up in the Sky, Down on the Ground
18-credit-hour minor among growing
academic focus on pilotless aerial vehicles.
8 Search and Destroy
Michael Fenn is developing ways to use
nanoparticles to detect cancer—and then stop it.
11 A Murky Existence, in the Water and Out
Scientists, conservationists and researchers are
teaming up to better understand, and protect,
the Florida east coast diamondback terrapin.
14 Head’s Up
Wearable computers like Google Glass could
reshape our relationship to technology. Florida
Tech, NASA and other partners are exploring
what this could mean in the workplace. 16 Coral Reefs and Warming Oceans
Two studies involving coral have helped us understand
climate change’s impact, and also how to survive it.
18 A Deeper Understanding of Concussions
NSF-funded research at Florida Tech may shed light
on one major effect of these serious head impacts.
20 The View from Above
From growing protein fibers on the International
Space Station to studying the sun’s interaction
with the far reaches of our solar system, Florida
Tech faculty continue to strengthen the university’s
heritage as a leader in astronomical research.
22 Research in Brief Safer aviation, harnessing the power of waves and
an assignment from Homeland Security are among
the ongoing research projects at Florida Tech.
View past issues of Discovery at:
W E ’ R E L I S T E N I N G . Please send any comments or suggestions to Adam Lowenstein,
Optimizing Fiber Optics
If you have siblings or roommates, you probably know
the telltale signs of reaching the bandwidth limits
on your Internet connection: online gaming lags,
streaming video won’t load, frustration rises.
Total Internet traffic is increasingly globally, so slowdowns like this are
afflicting apartments, houses and offices from Melbourne, Florida, to
Mumbai to Milan. In fact, if traffic continues to increase at the pace it is rising
now, we can expect to see a 10,000-fold increase in data traffic in the next 20
years, according to Syed Murshid, a professor in the department of electrical
and computer engineering at Florida Tech.
But Murshid isn’t just monitoring
that growth. He and his team of
graduate students are responding
of tearing into walls to remove
the old ones is just too much.
This is a wasteful process that
to it with research and products that
leaves a large amount of installed
could drastically reduce, or even
fibers unused. So Murshid and his
eliminate, these irritating slowdowns.
team developed something called
Because even with the
Spatial Domain Multiplexing that
fastest mode of data transfer
would allow these older fibers, as
available—fiber optics—the current
well as the new ones, to continue
infrastructure cannot support
to be utilized as the demand for
this kind of data increase. As the
high-speed Internet increases.
technology develops and demand
Spatial Domain Multiplexing, or
rises, many buildings, including
SDM, is a method within fiber optics
critical centers such as the Pentagon,
that allows many channels of light to
are simply laying higher-speed
go through a fiber and, in the part of
fibers down because the cost
the process that earned Murshid and
Sending data in two directions—
clockwise and counterclockwise—
allows it to exist in the same circle
at the same time, Florida Tech
Professor Syed Murshid found. This
orbital angular momentum allows
for more data transmissions.
“As this technology continues to
mature, we expect to see many
benefits, such as improved signal
strength, increased capacity and
heightened digital capabilities
in the business world.”
­ Syed Murshid | Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Syed Murshid, seated, works with his graduate student, Saud Alanzi, on an
experimental demonstration involving his ground-breaking work in fiber optics.
his team a U.S. patent, be separated at
benefits, such as improved signal
in the same circle at the same time,
the end. The channels are separated
strength, increased capacity and
which further doubles the amount
in a way that allows the capacity of
heightened digital capabilities in
of data that can be transmitted.
current optical fibers to be multiplied.
the business world,” Murshid said.
The multiplexer device connects
As if that wasn’t enough of
All told, Murshid’s invention,
when implemented, could initially
to the start and end of fibers and
a discovery, Murshid also proved
speed up existing Internet by
allows data to pass through in a
the existence of something called
tenfold, and even more in the
series of concentric circles, rather
orbital angular momentum in
future, meaning your next movie
than just one stream of data at a time,
fiber optics. By sending some data
night and your roommate’s gaming
increasing the data rate by five times
streams in a clockwise motion
marathon could peacefully coexist.
what unmodified fibers can do.
and others in a counterclockwise
“As this technology continues
to mature, we expect to see many
motion, he has been able to show
Ashley Carnifax
that these two sets of data can exist
Up in the Sky, Down on the Ground
Though unmanned aerial vehicles are, as the name suggests, lacking onboard
taking newpilots,
these aircraft do not fly themselves.
But operating UAVs, which can range from lightweight quadcopters to Global Hawks weighing 15,000 pounds, is not
like operating a remote-controlled helicopter from the hobby shop. Flying is part of the necessary skill set, to be sure,
but so, too, is building, programming and modifying the vehicles—even planning missions.
All of those areas are taught
The World Unmanned Aerial
searches. Another will investigate
in the Unmanned Aerial Systems
Vehicle Systems, Market Profile
the efficacy of “geofencing” at
program at Florida Tech, an
and Forecast 2014 from Teal Group
airports, a technique that creates a
18-credit-hour minor that positions
estimates that UAV spending
GPS barrier meant to prevent UASs
the Melbourne-based university
worldwide will nearly double over
from entering particular airspace.
among a handful of schools
the next decade, from $6.4 billion
that understands the future of
annually to $11.5 billion, with nearly
even yet to be discovered, and
aviation, aeronautics and many
$91 billion spent over that time.
the technology is only going to
other fields will involve unpiloted
Even before the launch of the
“There are so many applications
improve,” Moore said. “People
aerial vehicles—and people
minor program in fall 2014, Florida
haven’t really cracked the code
skilled in the ways to use them.
Tech faculty have been exploring
on the best practices for different
the potential uses of unmanned
applications—what the challenges
the students to be, because
aerial systems. For example, College
are, how to mitigate risk—and
they are getting into an industry
of Engineering faculty members L.
we’re excited about exploring these
on the ground floor,” said Julie
Daniel Otero and Paul Cosentino
areas and leading the way in this
Moore, a major in the U.S. Air
received a $250,000 grant from the
important research and discovery.”
Force and assistant professor of
Florida Department of Transportation
aviation science at Florida Tech’s
to research the use of UAVs in
College of Aeronautics, who is
inspecting bridges
leading the UAS minor program.
and tall lights, called
“It’s an exciting place for
And already that ground floor
is crowded: scientific research,
high mast luminaries.
And Moore’s
infrastructure inspection, firefighting,
students in the UAS
agricultural monitoring, law
minor are pursuing
enforcement—all current or
other areas as team
potential uses for unmanned aerial
projects. One will use
vehicles. There are geophysicists who
an unmanned aerial
use them to predict the location of
system to simulate
mineral deposits and NOAA scientists
search and rescue
who hunt hurricanes with UAVs.
efforts to determine
And the list will only grow.
how that method
compares with on-foot
Adam Lowenstein
Leading the UAS minor program is Julie Moore, a
major in the U.S. Air Force and assistant professor of
aviation science at Florida Tech’s College of Aeronautics.
“It’s an exciting place for the students to be,
because they are getting into an industry
on the ground floor.”
—Julie Moore | Assistant Professor of Aviation Science
Unmanned Aerial Systems lab assistant Dennis Dalli flies an unmanned
aerial vehicle at the Center for Aeronautics and Innovation lab at Florida
Tech. Through the goggles, he can see the UAV’s camera feed.
Michael Fenn, right, assistant
professor of biomedical
engineering at Florida Tech,
in the lab with Gengbo
Liu. Fenn and his students
are working on cuttingedge methods of cancer
detection and therapy.
Search and Destroy
The relentlessness of cancer is renowned, and terrifying.
In 2015, more than 1.6 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the U.S., according to the American
Cancer Society. And with nearly 590,000 Americans expected to die of cancer this year, the disease remains the second
most common cause of death in America, accounting for nearly one of every four deaths.
Put another way, most
the most deadly type of brain tumor.
honest manner, ‘Well, Mike, we
of us have had cancer touch
At the time recently graduated
try our best with all of this fancy
our lives in some way.
with his undergraduate degree in
equipment, but it’s really still not
chemistry and biochemistry, he
much more than an educated guess.’”
That includes Michael Fenn,
That sparked Fenn’s fascination
one of several faculty members at
asked this question: How could the
Florida Tech who are focused on
surgeon differentiate the normal
with cancer research, and
better ways to understand, detect
tissue from the tumor tissue?
particularly with cancer detection.
and, someday, defeat cancer.
“This silenced the normally
Now, as an assistant professor of
bustling operating room, and his
biomedical engineering at Florida
seven years ago, in an operating room,
reply was something I will never
Tech and associate director of the
as he observed a surgeon working on
forget,” Fenn recalled. “He said,
university’s Center for Medical
a tangerine-sized glioblastoma tumor,
in a very calm, yet very frank and
Materials and Photonics, one of the
Fenn had his moment about
major objectives of his research is
gold nanoparticles—also developed
to the cancer cells in a specific
developing ways to both diagnose
in his lab—to greatly increase the
patient in tandem with Raman
and treat cancers simultaneously,
Raman signal intensity and thus
spectroscopy to detect and help
in real time. The hope is that these
produce a significantly higher
determine the course of treatment
advances will enable doctors to do
sensitivity and specificity.
for cancer patients, would be a
microscopic exams of living tissue
These nanoparticles are amazing
major breakthrough and is one of
inside the body during surgery
in their own right: They can be made
and will help the accuracy of the
to release a therapeutic payload via
diagnostic process in general.
an optical drug delivery mechanism
or be used for photothermal
Julia Grimwade and Alan Leonard
Others at Florida Tech, including Julia
therapy, while simultaneously
have spent the past 25 years studying
Grimwade and Alan Leonard, and
yielding real-time monitoring of
cell growth and division processes
Kunal Mitra, are bringing their own
the biochemical environment
academic and scientific expertise
through continuous collection of
that are critical to understanding
continued on page 10
to cancer-related challenges.
data from the Raman system.
Fenn is not alone in his quest.
the primary goals in Fenn’s lab.
This technique, Fenn said, has
Fenn himself was surprised —
the potential for use as a highresolution, extremely sensitive in-situ
shocked, he said—by the surgeon’s
histopathology platform; that is,
answer to his question. “This
it could be used to perform tissue
moment, ingrained in my brain
analysis during surgical procedures,
almost as much as that of the patient
and thus be able to demarcate tumor
in the operating room that morning,
borders from normal tissue and
became my catalyst that sent me
differentiate cancer subtypes with a
back to school in search of a better
high degree of specificity in real time.
way to detect and diagnose cancer.”
No longer would that surgeon
Fenn began working for a
Fenn worked with years ago have
research group at the University of
to make an educated guess about
Florida Particle Engineering Research
cancer tissue and normal tissue.
Center helping to develop novel
“Such analysis capabilities
nanoparticles that could provide a
afforded by the nanoprobes, and
variety of imaging capabilities and
the ability to simultaneously then
highly specific cancer cell targeting,
deliver treatment via optically
as well as simultaneous delivery
activated drug release or heating
of therapy. In other words, finding
of the nanoparticles by a laser
the cancer and then treating it.
light source, would dramatically
That work has continued at
enhance the way we detect
Florida Tech, where Fenn is using a
and treat cancer,” Fenn said.
custom-made Raman spectroscopic
Furthermore, doing so on
imaging system and Surface-
a personalized level, by using
Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
antibodies attached to these
(SERS), which utilizes cell-targeted
nanoprobes that are specific
(top) This map shows a Raman/SERS spectral
map overlaid on a fluorescence image of NIH3T3
fibroblast cells on a tissue engineering PCL
polymer mesh treated with nanostars.
(bottom) A 3-D Raman spectral map of NIH3T3
fibroblast cells with overlay of fluorescence image.
Alan Leonard and Julia Grimwade
Kunal Mitra
continued from page 9
and, therefore, treating and even
these mutations to characterize
preventing diseases such as
the stages of initiation—the
“Optical Tomography System using
cancer and bacterial infections.
process in which cells begin
Short Pulse Laser for Early Cancer
division—and to understand the
Diagnostics,” which uses a short-
themselves in order to reproduce,
role of specific proteins in this
pulse laser to transmit optical signals
and normally that’s a really tightly
process. But as they’ve done these
toward various tissue, which can then
controlled process,” Grimwade,
manipulations, they’ve found
be reconstructed into 3-D images.
professor and chair, Premedical
that other proteins are changing
Biology Program in the department
their behaviors to compensate.
“All cells have to duplicate
of biological sciences, said.
Their more recent findings
He holds a patent for an
This noninvasive, quick
procedure is ideal for early
diagnosis of cancer.
“When it isn’t tightly controlled
have confirmed that even in the
in humans, we get things like
simplest of systems, the beginning
research is using this system to
cancer. In bacterial systems, if it
of chromosome replication is a
detect cancer at early stages and
isn’t controlled and they infect us,
very complicated process and is
then irradiate the tumor without
then we get infectious diseases.”
one best studied by asking simple
causing thermal damage to
By determining the key
questions and letting the answers
surrounding healthy tissues, which
lead to the next set of experiments.
occurs during such treatment,” Mitra
stages in the DNA separation
“One of the goals of this
said. “This will be like a combined
process, Grimwade and Leonard,
a professor of biological sciences,
system which is challenging to
are working to develop ways to
Kunal Mitra, a biomedical
build but unique in the field of
inhibit cell duplication, which
engineering professor at Florida
cancer detection and treatment.”
could prevent the growth and
Tech, focuses on the intersection
Mitra and his team have
spread of a number of diseases.
between lasers and optics and
had great results using these
biomedical engineering. He
technologies on animal models
Leonard developed an easy
started by developing models for
in the lab and hope to license it
method for placing mutations into
studying the way lasers interact
and develop a prototype system
DNA, simplifying the way they
with tissues. He said once he
to use as a screening system
looked at possible protein-DNA
started looking for applications for
for skin cancer detection.
reactions. Recently, they have used
this technology, cancer detection
In 2012, Grimwade and
seemed like an obvious choice.
Adam Lowenstein and Ashley Carnifax
A Murky Existence, in
the Water and Out
Florida Tech, DEP, Brevard Zoo Join Forces to
Better Understand Little-Known Turtle
“Pure turtle soup containing only genuine
turtle meats,” read one ad from the 1930s. “Special
Homemade Snapper Soup 25¢,” read another.
A century ago, turtle meat was more common in our kitchens.
Often in soups, but found in a variety of dishes, turtle meat was
a culinary trend that did more than get food on the table.
It also brought the diamondback
terrapin to the edge of extinction.
Marc Virgilio, formerly with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection’s Indian River Lagoon Aquatic
Preserves program, holds a female diamondback terrapin.
The only turtle whose exclusive
The quest to fill in those
habitat is the brackish region of the
gaps and better understand the
Atlantic coast from Texas through
key role these critters play in the
Florida and into the grass flats north
Indian River Lagoon ecosystem
to Massachusetts, the diamondback
led three powerful forces to unite:
terrapin had the unfortunate
Florida Tech, the Brevard Zoo
distinction of being among the
and the Florida Department of
most popular of the edible turtles.
Environmental Protection (DEP).
At its peak, the meat from
Marc Virgilio, a former
Malaclemys terrapin tequesta
environmental specialist with
was worth more than gold. In
DEP’s Indian River Lagoon Aquatic
addition to domestic consumption,
Preserves program, and Amy
these animals were also
Reaume, the zoo’s conservation
exported in huge numbers to
coordinator—both Florida Tech
Europe for the food market.
alumni, coincidentally—were joined
Since then, scientists,
by Grace and his students on kayak
conservationists and researchers
expeditions among the Thousand
have worked to develop a better
Islands, even as Virgilio and Reaume
understanding of the seven
undertake efforts more specifically
subspecies of the diamondback
tied to their respective organizations.
terrapin. However, like the murky
They are among a host of
water these reptiles call home,
community and state partners who
one subspecies remains largely a
have conducted field surveys and
mystery. It is the east-central Florida
other research for the last several
resident known as the Florida east
years to further our understanding
coast diamondback terrapin.
of these small critters.
“Efforts to save the species
“There is a complete lack of data,”
have led to studies in a variety of
said Reaume, who helped involve the
areas, but our own subspecies here
community in monitoring Brevard
in east-central Florida is probably
County’s terrapins by spearheading
the most poorly understood of
community reporting initiatives.
any,” said Michael Grace, associate
“The cause of diamondback
dean of Florida Institute of
terrapin declines are better known
Technology’s College of Science and
in other places. Once we understand
a professor of biological sciences.
their population dynamics here, we
Very little scientific work has
been done on this subspecies
to this point, Grace added.
“We don’t know how many
can help bring their population back
to a healthy level again,” she said.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife
Commission, Virgilio noted,
there are or where they live.
has designated the Florida east
We only know that they are
coast diamondback terrapin a
apparently very uncommon.”
“species of greatest conservation
This hatchling terrapin, named
Tequesta, was found in a
swimming pool and is now an
outreach ambassador for wild
terrapins at the Brevard Zoo.
From left, Florida Tech’s Michael
Grace, Rob Lara (rear) with
Brevard Zoo, Sherri Emer with
Florida Tech and Leann Winn,
also with Brevard Zoo, with a
female terrapin found on the survey
along the Indian River Lagoon.
need,” a testament to its declining
It is this kind of information—on
population. The agency also
population and nesting habits, for
acknowledges that terrapin status is
example—that will allow scientists
unknown but declining in Florida.
and environmental professionals to
Virgilio’s exposure to terrapins
goes back years to his time living
in the northeast, where there were
better understand, and therefore try to
reverse, terrapin population declines.
“We must start by learning the
substantive terrapin restoration
basics so we can develop strategies
and management programs.
for their conservation,” Grace said. “As
“But here in eastern Florida,
biologists, we’re very interested in
Want To Get Involved?
conservation/local to find a
section on the Florida east coast
diamondback terrapin conservation
we didn’t even know where
the turtle itself, but there are exciting,
the populations were,” he said.
broader benefits to our work. This
“But a new trail can be forged.
diminutive turtle is a great ambassador
information on the best way to
There is a lot of potential.”
for the Indian River Lagoon. Its survival
report terrapin sightings. Citizen
On one kayak patrol last summer,
threatened, it’s an important sentinel
program, including the “Have
You Seen Me?” flier with the latest
spotters are also encouraged to
the team found a young adult female
for the health and vitality of the lagoon,
enter sightings through the form
diamondback terrapin and four terrapin
and its beauty is inspirational to all who
found at
skeletons. They found seven nests, as
meet the little diamondback terrapin.”
well, and used GPS coordinates to add
their locations to a growing database.
Adam Lowenstein
Head’s Up
At Florida Tech’s Human-Centered Design Institute, technology is abundant.
Flight simulators fill one room. In another, an elegant MakerBot
3-D printer sits ready to make something, anything with its bright
plastic filament.
And here is a curved band of
updated instructions for
polished metal with a few plastic
fixing an unexpected
parts and two thin, metal strands
problem scrolled before
extending down from the middle.
their eyes, Doule said,
The most mundane looking of all
even as the readout
the gadgets at the institute, it is
allows them to monitor
potentially the most disruptive.
temperature, vital signs
But it’s not necessarily about
the technology embodied in Google
or other mission-critical information.
Called Integrated Display and
their transformation into a relevant,
innovative system that is wearable.
Glass, which is a trademark of
Environmental Awareness System,
Google Inc. It’s about incorporating
or IDEAS, the project’s goal is,
this system has to accommodate
and accepting that technology
according to NASA, “to enhance
and rapidly evolving technology,”
and allowing it into what we do,
real-time operations by providing
Doule said. “So our tasks also include
how we work, how we live.
various means of communication
broad research into technology,
and augmented reality data to field
interviews with future users, system
engineers here on Earth and in space.”
architecture definitions, generation
That’s where Ondrej
Doule comes in.
Doule, an assistant professor at
In addition to NASA’s Kennedy
“There are a high number of users
of operational scenarios and
the institute, known as HCDi, would
Space Center and Florida Tech,
identification of common and special
say Google Glass has a high maturity
other partners are center contractor
features of the IDEAS system.”
of technology but a low maturity
Abacus Technology and Orlando-
of practice. Equalizing that balance
based Purple Rock Scissors.
is why in October NASA’s Space
Technology Mission Directorate
agreed to fund a two-year proposal
KSC’s David Miranda, the project
lead, said the team is a strong one.
“These partners bring a mix of
Everyone on the IDEAS project
produces design requirement
documents in real time to allow the
end product to evolve. Already they
have created five concept versions
that involves Kennedy Space Center,
skills that will involve innovative
of the IDEAS product. Soon to come
Doule and other partners who will
and agile approaches, ensuring
will be 3-D-printed concepts.
explore how wearable technology
that a technology is developed
“That is our challenge,”
and heads-up displays like Google
with the user in mind,” he said.
Doule said. “How we can use this
Glass could eventually be a part
Though a seemingly simple
of the work done by spaceport
premise, developing technology with
technicians and even astronauts.
the user in mind is difficult to achieve.
Wearing a helmet equipped
Doule is part of the project’s
with a system embedded in the visor,
usability team. He supports critical
astronauts on a spacewalk could see
tasks related to user needs and
very sophisticated, miniaturized
technology? How we can leverage it?”
The answers could change
the way people work.
Adam Lowenstein
Ondrej Doule, an assistant professor at Florida Tech’s Human-Centered
Design Institute,
holds a Google Glass headset.
Coral Reefs and Warming Oceans
Providers of critical marine ecosystems for millennia, coral reefs are
disappearing at alarming rates.
“We are a step closer to predicting where
diseases are occurring because now we
know why they are occurring.”
Robert van Woesik | Professor | Biological Sciences
Two studies led by Florida Tech biology professor Robert van Woesik and published this year found that rising ocean
temperatures are hastening that decline, but encouragingly, also discovered that pockets of cooler water may
allow reef-building corals to survive well into the future.
The first study, published in the February issue
of Nature Climate Change, connected the warming
Atlantic Ocean with the dramatic decline of the iconic
elkhorn and staghorn corals of the Caribbean.
The results of the study also suggest that limiting
the rate of ocean warming, which would require
curbing greenhouse gas emissions, could support
the recovery of these critical reef-building corals.
Van Woesik and Florida Tech Ph.D. student
a cooling-off period, the effects of the hot summers
linger, and the disease is more likely to worsen.
Researchers have struggled to identify the
causes of the disease. The results of this study
are a critical step forward in our understanding
of white-band disease, van Woesik said.
“The discipline has been stumped for more than
20 years because the environment played a larger role
than we first anticipated,” van Woesik said. “We are a
Carly Randall, pictured left, studied the relationship
step closer to predicting where diseases are occurring
between ocean temperatures and white-band
because now we know why they are occurring.”
disease, a widespread coral disease that has afflicted
elkhorn and staghorn corals for decades.
Randall and van Woesik wanted to know if
changes in ocean temperatures associated with
Another Florida Tech study involving corals
answered another important question: Could corals
survive and even grow in certain ocean refuges?
Working with Ph.D. student Chris Cacciapaglia,
climate change have contributed to the spread of
van Woesik reported in the March issue of
the disease throughout the Caribbean. The answer,
Global Change Biology that in some pockets of
according to their research, was that the rising
cooler ocean water, corals were surviving.
temperatures did affect the disease’s spread.
“The idea was to identify regions that
“Our data show that climate change has
will experience little temperature change
helped drive down staghorn and elkhorn corals by
by the year 2100 —refuges where coral
boosting white-band disease,” Randall said. “We
survival is most likely,” Cacciapaglia said.
still don’t know if the disease is caused by a marine
Although their models show significant loss of
microbe, but now we do know that changes in
corals as the oceans warm, they also highlight 12 areas
the environment contributed to the problem.”
—five in the Indian Ocean and seven in the Pacific—
The study also found that the disease is more
common in places where the waters have been warming
where corals are likely to survive at least until 2100.
“These refuges should be essential for coral
most rapidly and where the waters stay unusually warm
survival into the future, and these locations
in the winter season. The scientists think that without
deserve protection,” said van Woesik.
Adam Lowenstein
The mask allows subjects
to breathe various
combinations of oxygen
and carbon dioxide
as Mitra and his team
collect data from sensors
to evaluate the effects of
concussion that cause
dysfunctional control of
cerebral blood flow.
Graduate student Stephanie Miller,
left, works on the Non-Invasive
Cerebrovascular Regulation
Assessment project with graduate
student Likitha Somasekhar, seated.
A Deeper Understanding of Concussions
Likitha Somasekhar, a biomedical engineering master’s student at Florida Institute of
Technology, sat in an oversized office chair, looking up from behind a modified scuba
mask as she inhaled an air mixture containing 3 to 5 percent carbon dioxide.
She nodded, indicating she was doing well, and continued to look around the room, breathing slowly and steadily.
to breathe various combinations of
of this threshold in an outpatient
participating in the early stages of
oxygen and carbon dioxide as Mitra
setting which will not subject the
an experiment being conducted
and his team collect data from sensors
patients to an uncomfortable or
by Florida Tech biomedial engi-
to evaluate the effects of concus-
clinically intolerable experience.”
neering professor Kunal Mitra.
sion that cause dysfunctional control
Somasekhar is one of 26 students
The researchers hope that by
of cerebral blood flow. During the
comparing the data from before
Isabelle Richmond and John Borgos,
experiment, Richmond oversees the
and after the carbon dioxide, they’ll
president of a small medical device
vital signs such as blood pressure,
have some insight into how the
company called Brain Check Medical,
heart rate, pulse and other impor-
body copes with this decrease in
received more than $90,000 from
tant measurements to ensure the
oxygen, giving them more informa-
the National Science Foundation to
students participating are not expe-
tion about the long-term effects of
develop a method for testing one of
riencing any undesirable symptoms.
concussions and similar brain injuries
Mitra, alongside neurosurgeon
the major effects of a concussion—
alteration of blood flow to the brain.
Called Non-invasive
Carbon dioxide is used because
it is a highly diffusible substance
that rapidly crosses the blood
in post-concussive individuals with
impaired cerebral blood flow control.
In addition to the scientific
Cerebrovascular Regulation
brain barrier and causes a strik-
contributions, the project is also
Assessment, the research may
ing increase in cerebral blood flow
providing a hands-on research experi-
help develop sensors and algo-
in human subjects administered
ence for many students. In addition
rithms that could serve as tools
that 3-5 percent CO2 mixture.
to the students who are participating
for initial detection, assessment,
The changes induced by short-
as subjects, Mitra enlisted the help
monitoring and rehabilitation of
term carbon dioxide administration—
of Stephanie Miller, a mechanical
individuals with concussions.
typically 30 minutes or less—are
engineering Ph.D. student, to assist
rapidly reversible with return to
in the data collection and analysis.
One of the challenges in
studying the effects of a concus-
breathing ambient air, Mitra said,
sion is finding suitable subjects to
adding that the use of the air mixture
this has enhanced my learning
observe—researchers can’t just
is essential for the research. The team
because it brings together the aspects
take measurements from someone,
will next develop an approach for
of clinical trials, commercial testing
induce a concussion and measure
testing in an outpatient environment.
and sensor development,” Miller said.
“In order to test our hypoth-
“It helps me get the full flavor of what
the difference. So, instead, Mitra and
“I can’t even sum up how much
his team developed a system using
esis that alterations in carbon
it takes to commercialize a product
a modified scuba mask, with parts
dioxide reactivity are a good
and do the research to get that done.”
created using the 3-D printers avail-
marker for post-concussive effects,
able in the Electronic Support Lab at
we will need to develop param-
Florida Tech. The mask allows subjects
eters which will allow evaluation
Ashley Carnifax
The View from Above
From growing protein fibers on the International Space Station in order
to better understand Alzheimer’s disease to studying the sun’s interaction
with the far reaches of our solar system to developing a camera to
improve space-based observations of other planets and stars, Florida
Tech faculty continue to strengthen the university’s heritage as a leader in
astronomical research.
Here’s a look at several recent projects.
PROTEIN POWER. Daniel Kirk, professor of aerospace engineering and associate
dean for research in the College of Engineering; Sam Durrance, professor of physics and
space sciences; and Hector Gutierrez, professor of mechanical engineering, have undertaken a project entitled, “Self-Assembly in Biology and the Origin of Life,” or SABOL,
which utilizes the weightless environment afforded by the International Space Station
to study fundamental biological processes such as protein self-assembly.
Sam Durrance
Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
After 25 days in the ISS, the
mechanism of ENA formation; they
predicting these interactions to help
experiment was returned to Florida
are believed to form when solar wind
avoid dangerous visual and physical
Tech this spring. Though the bulk
protons and interstellar gases collide.
hazards in future space missions.
of the analysis remains to be done,
According to Daniel Batcheldor,
Durrance reported that protein
associate professor and head of
fibers did grow during SABOL’s time
Florida Tech’s physics and space
in space. Those will be compared
sciences department, “Just as the
with a ground control unit that
Earth’s magnetic field protects us
was conducted in a nearly identical
from the damaging effects of some
manner to the ISS-based experiment.
of the sun’s radiation and particles,
The results of this work
the large-scale effects of the sun
the associate professor and department head, is leading a project that
will send a special camera up to the
ISS later this year, where it will be
installed outside the station for up to
90 days for testing.
will help define self-organizing
itself reach out past the boundaries
The camera is designed to handle
processes that are fundamental
of our solar system and protect
extreme contrast ratios where the
to the origins of life, and apply to
us from the potentially harmful
brightness ratio between a bright and
the understanding and treatment
environment of our own galaxy.
faint object is 1 billion, something
of neurodegenerative disorders
Determining precisely how the sun
akin to trying to spot a candle next
including Alzheimer’s disease.
interacts with the rest of the galaxy
to the beacon of a lighthouse. Being
could help us understand another
able to record such images is impor-
important role the sun plays in
tant for making observations of plan-
allowing life to prosper on our planet.
ets around other stars and for a range
Tech physics and space sciences
research professor Konstantin
of remote sensing applications.
Gamayunov has been studying the
DUST BUSTER. Hamid Hefazi, a
outer heliosheath, the region outside
professor and head of Florida Tech’s
Durrance and Zoran Ninkov, profes-
of the solar system where the sun’s
mechanical and aerospace engi-
sor of imaging science at Rochester
influence ends, thanks to a three-year,
neering department, was awarded
Institute of Technology, are joining
$310,000 grant from NASA.
nearly $25,000 from the Florida
Batcheldor on the project, which was
Space Research Program for his
selected for funding by the Center for
based approach to test a mechanism
project, “Discrete Element Modeling
the Advancement of Science in Space
of the IBEX ribbon formation in the
of Regolith During Lunar Landing,”
outer heliosheath” is the continuation
which focuses on the interaction of
of research by project leader
supersonic rocket plumes with rego-
Gamayunov and collaborator Ming
lith, a layer of loose material covering
Zhang, Florida Tech professor of
the surface of terrestrial planets.
The project, “Global system-
physics and space sciences, as well
as researchers from the University
of Alabama in Huntsville and the
University of New Hampshire.
Their work analyzes particles
called energetic neutral atoms (ENA).
These particles are visible using a
small satellite called the Interstellar
Boundary Explorer (IBEX) that
NASA launched in 2008. The goal
of the project is to investigate the
The test, to be undertaken next year,
involves building an extreme contrast
ratio camera into an 8-inch-long box
that will be installed in a cabinet with
When a spacecraft takes off or lands
other research projects. The cabinet
on the surface of a planet or another
will then be placed outside the space
object in space, rocks and particles
station for 90 days while research-
can fly off the surface and travel long
ers run their tests, which will include
distances, obscuring crew visibility
monitoring how the space environ-
and creating a hazard for the space-
ment affects aspects of the camera’s
craft and any nearby objects. Along
highly specialized sensor.
with a graduate student, Hefazi
will work to establish a scientific
Adam Lowenstein
methodology for simulating and
Research in Brief
Florida Tech has a long-standing history
of conducting cutting-edge research in a
wide variety of disciplines. The level of
funded research has steadily risen over the
years, and as such has served to solidify
Florida Tech’s reputation as a world-class
College of Aeronautics
Tabbed for PEGASAS
allow multiple organizations in both
The College of Aeronautics was
Patent Awarded to Ocean
Engineering Faculty,
Former Students
selected to be part of PEGASAS,
Ocean engineering professor
in their efforts to protect the
the Partnership to Enhance General
Stephen Wood and two recent
nation’s cyber infrastructure.
Aviation Safety, Accessibility
graduates, Kelly Dunn and Deric
Carvalho, who works in Florida Tech’s
and Sustainability. The 10-year
Hausmann, were awarded a patent
department of computer science
partnership brings together the
for their work on the GECCO, a
and cybersecurity, is the executive
top universities in aviation research
wave energy harnessing device that
director of the school’s Harris
to help the Federal Aviation
floats on the ocean’s surface and
Institute for Assured Information.
Administration improve the field.
converts energy from ocean waves
He is leading the research effort
Through PEGASAS, member schools
into easily used power. The design
with his team at the institute and
are assigned FAA-selected research
of the device also allows it to be
will support the design of new
projects that best fit with the
used to convert salt water into fresh
techniques and algorithms for the
schools’ research strengths. Florida
water via reverse osmosis, making
monitoring, control and coordination
Tech has been assigned to work
it a great resource for impoverished
of cyber sensors and defenses
on two projects: Angle of Attack
countries and disaster zones.
across multiple domains and across
civilian and government sectors
unprecedented levels of coordination
administrative boundaries.
Equipment for General Aviation
The proposed federated command
provide information to pilots about a
Homeland Security Awards
$730K Grant to Improve Cyber
Infrastructure Defense
specific aircraft’s angle of attack; and
Associate professor Marco Carvalho
response to cyber events across
Rotorcraft Flight Data Monitoring,
was awarded a $730,000, two-year
different organizations, a powerful
which focuses on helicopters
contract by the Department of
and important capability in efforts
and the study of Flight Data
Homeland Security, Science and
to improve the defense of the
Management systems to increase
Technology Directorate to design a
national cyber infrastructure.
safety in the rotorcraft community.
cyber-defense framework that will
Operations, which looks at installing
an instrument in the cockpit that will
and control infrastructure will
enable coordinated detection and
Upward Lighting Captured
by FIT Cameras
dean of the College of Science
Denis Botambekov ’11 and Sarah
and a researcher on the project.
Collins ’13, all of whom completed
their master’s theses as part of the
A team of Florida Tech researchers
led by associate professor Ningyu
Research Blowing in the Wind
larger research project. The results of
Liu captured rare video of hard-to-
Marine and environmental systems
this research are being published in
predict upward-moving lightning
associate professor Steven Lazarus
an upcoming issue of Weather and
discharges, allowing for the study
and research associate Michael Splitt,
Forecasting, a journal distributed by
of this phenomenon in a way that
joined by several graduate students
the American Meteorological Society.
has not been previously possible.
and members of the 45th Weather
The study and accompanying
Squadron, have spent the last
Tracking Glacial Melt from Afar
video, which were published in
seven years evaluating the National
Mathematics assistant professor
the January 2015 edition of Nature
Hurricane Center’s Tropical Cyclone
Nezamoddin Kachouie and several
Communications, focus on the
Wind Probability Forecast Product
collaborators have developed a
electrical activities of Tropical
and developing a tool that helps
method for tracking and estimating
Depression Dorian in August 2013,
decision-makers better understand
mountain glacier change via
which featured seven upward-moving
and evaluate weather risks.
satellite images. Ground-based
lightning events, each having unique
Understanding the meaning behind
measurements of the terminus
optical and radio signatures.
weather probabilities and being
point—the point where the glacier
One of the key findings from
able to interpret and react to them
meets water or ground—are available
these new observations was that
could help emergency workers
for some glaciers. However, ground
all seven events originated in
and other decision makers, such as
measurement requires scientists
the same thundercloud region,
the 45th Weather Squadron, better
to physically travel to mountain
suggesting that these different
prepare for dangerous weather.
glaciers, a near impossibility in some
kinds of events are generated by
That, in turn, could save lives.
instances with many mountain
the same physical mechanism.
The team received a series of three
glaciers inaccessible or extremely
“This latest observation represents
grants from NASA to complete this
difficult to visit. That limits the data
yet another exciting discovery that
research totaling approximately
to which researchers have access.
will help us better understand the
$56,500 over four years. The grants
As part of their research, which was
properties of lightning in all of its
were used primarily to support three
published in the March 2015 issue of
diverse forms,” said Hamid Rassoul,
graduate students, Jaclyn Shafer ’08,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing, Kachouie and his
Video of upward
lightning captured
by Florida
Tech cameras
during August
2013’s Tropical
Depression Dorian.
collaborators developed a suite of
techniques that allows researchers
to locate terminus points on Landsat
satellite images of mountain glaciers
and track the changes over time
by comparing these points and
evaluating them using a variety of
mathematical and statistical methods,
which they also developed.
Office of Marketing and Communications
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida 32901-6975
David Moreno, thermal spray
engineer, operates robotic
equipment in Florida Tech’s
Thermal Spray Laboratory.
If a key component of a turbine engine fails, the results can
range from inconvenient to disastrous. A team of researchers
is investigating how critical engine parts break down at
high temperatures and what kinds of coatings make those
parts safer and more efficient. Part of the National Center
for Hydrogen Research, the Thermal Spray Laboratory and
the High Heat Flux Test Laboratory create a specialized
environment to apply and test various coatings in extreme
heat. “There aren’t many sites in the country that provide
these services in one location,” said Mary Helen McCay,
director. For more information, visit
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