the May Newsletter here

Dear friends, Thanks for your prayers during our trip to Greece. Stepping on the ancient stones of the Via Igna;a and standing on Mars Hill observing the Parthenon was a surreal experience. But traveling with other pastors and wives was the highlight of the trip for us. Sharing ministry, sharing burdens, sharing these experiences-­‐
whether in the states or abroad-­‐that is one of the joys of being part of the Northeast Fellowship and we really love that. Another thing we love is connec;ng churches. Two new churches joined the NF at the Spring Conference (see back) and several more are interested. Also, two of our churches are beginning the revitaliza;on process soon and we are overjoyed at the possibili;es ahead for these ministries. Please pray for the revitaliza;on pastors, churches, and mentors. As always, we praise the Lord for your support and prayers for us. Your co-­‐laborers, Jim and Jeannie
Our Latest Itinerary
April 20-21 – NF Small Church Conference –
First Baptist, W Danby
April 23 – Consult – Bible Baptist, Williamson
April 26 – Sidney Center Baptist;
No Church Left Behind Seminar-201 at
Pines Brook Baptist, Walton
April 29 – NF Revitalization Strategy Meeting at
the Ministry Center
April 30 – Consult – First Baptist, Pulaski
May 3 – First Baptist, Belfast
May 4 – Consult – Calvary Baptist, Athens, PA
May 7-8 – SU (BBC) Trustee Meetings – Clarks
May 9 – Sidney Center Baptist - Women’s
Luncheon (Jeannie)
May 10 – Unadilla Forks Baptist, Unadilla Forks
May 12 – Consult – W Clarksville Baptist
May 14 – Preaching Practicum at
Tabernacle Baptist, Ithaca
May 17 – West Endicott Baptist, Endicott
May 22 – Consult - Peoples Baptist,
May 24 – First Baptist – Horseheads
May 26 - June 6 – NF Sr Adult Alaska trip
June 7 – Launch Sunday (Revitalization)
at Unadilla Forks Baptist
June 11 – Preaching Practicum at
Tabernacle Baptist, Ithaca
June 14 – First Baptist, Marilla
June 21 – First Baptist, Horseheads
June 26 – No Church Left Behind-301 at
First Baptist, Randolph
June 28 – First Baptist, Sherman
Upcoming Events
• August 18
NF Bus Trip to Sight and
Sound in PA on Joseph
• September 25-26
Ladies Advance at First
Baptist in Johnson City
Speaker: Sherrie Holloway
• October 3
Volunteer Youth Worker
Training Event,
cosponsored by BaYouCa
and the NF at the camp
• October 26-27
Fall Bible Conference at
Harvest Baptist in Bath
Speaker: Dr. Jim Lytle,
President of Summit
Theme: Church Unity
• November 14
Fall Deacon Forum (Level
One) at the Ministry Center
• December 28-29
Marriage Refresh
Speaker: Dr. Gil Parker,
Davis College
(Empire State Fellowship)
Plan to join us for the NF Ladies Advance
The Ride of Your Life!
Sept. 25-26, 2015
at First Baptist, JC
(Friday 6:30pm through
Saturday 4pm)
Featured Speaker: Sherrie Holloway
COST: $45 Fri and Sat or $35 one day price (postmarked by Sept. 8*) Ladies, start planning your craft tables!
Informa;on is on our website h[p://­‐advance
Church REVITALIZATION Ini;a;ves We conSnue to develop a two level approach to helping our churches move toward greater health and growth. • No Church Lec Behind Ini;a;ve – For churches that are viable but may need to move beyond a plateaued or declining ministry. The focus is on three workshops for pastors and leaders on: UpdaSng ministry wisely: strategic planning made simple; outreach acSon plan ideas. About 20 churches are currently involved in this program across the state. • New Life Ini;a;ve – Help for churches on the edge of viability through a strategy that brings together a revitalizaSon pastor, a mentoring pastor and church, NF partnering churches -­‐ to help facilitate new life and vitality in such a ministry. We are currently working on two sites for this level of help to be launched in the next few months. Please join us in prayer for Gods blessing and provision – and contact Jim for more info on how your church could help others as a mentoring or partnering church. We could use your help!!!!
Ministry Center Progress At our Spring Ministry Conference, our Council shared of God’s amazing provision through churches and individuals that allowed several major projects to be completed in 2014: enlarged parking area, new outside entrance building and stairway to lower level, lower level hospitality suite, and more. What remains is the flooring need and furnishings for these areas. The announced need was for approx. $7000 to finish these projects. Thank you for praying and considering a giN as God directs….
Contact Information:
Address: 2293 Grand Central Ave
Horseheads, NY 14845
Phone: 810-853-9204
Jim’s email:
We Have a New Part Time NF Administra;ve Assistant! – Michelle Forman (wife of Breesport BapSst Church pastor, Doug Forman). Please pray for her as she assists the Vogels with some organizaSonal work relaSng to our Network. Her email is Two New Churches Have Affiliated with Us! We voted as a Network to receive the two churches below into our Fellowship at the Spring Conference: • Grandview BapSst Church-­‐ 15 Washington Street, Ft Plain NY 13339 (Pastor Dan West) • Peoples BapSst Church – 364 Main Street, Newfield NY 14867 (Pastor Jamie Depue)
We have a slightly used (last year’s curriculum) Answers in G e n e s i s V B S ( co m p l ete program) available for free to a church that could use it. Contact Jim for more info.
Upcoming Trip to Sight and Sound We will go see Joseph on August 18 from 6:30am -­‐ 9:00pm. The cost is $120 per person for the show, bus, Sps, and dinner at Shady Maple. Brochures will be out soon!
Pastoral Changes
1. Jonathan Colby is the new pastor at Allegany Baptist
2. Ben Whittington is the new pastor at First Baptist in
3. Dan Brandon is the new pastor at E Pharsalia Baptist
4. Jeff Minniear is concluding his missionary ministry at
Grace Baptist, Guilderland
5. Jon Schultz is the new Student Ministry Pastor at First
Baptist, Johnson City
6. Mark Hurlbut is the new lead pastor at First, Marilla
Prayer Requests and Praises
1. Spring Ministry Conference last month. We enjoyed
good fellowship and practical instruction!
2. Pray for our 25 churches currently without pastors.
3. Pray for our need for partnering churches to help with
our revitalization works.
4. Pray for the financial needs at the Parsonage/Ministry
Center – as we continue to renovate the basement
training area, and start utilizing it for events. (see note in
left column)
5. Pray for the Vogels in travel/ministry in the churches.
6. Pray for our churches - for fruit this summer through
outreach events, VBS and youth ministries.
7. Pray for the camps that many of our churches support –
BaYouCa, Bethany, Lamoka, Moose River, and others –
as they gear up for a busy summer program intended to
impact lives with the Truth of God’s Word.