National Federation of Press Women Request for Proposal FOR Management Services June 1, 2015 NFPW Management Services RFP 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY National Federation of Press Women (NFPW) is a 78-year-old 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization of women and men in communications professions — journalism, public relations, advertising, photography, corporate communications, broadcasting, books, and education. Governed by a national board and organized around affiliates at the state level, NFPW presently has more than 30 active affiliates and about 1,200 individual members, which includes numerous at-large members who are not members of an affiliate. In the fall of 2015, NFPW will engage a new management team to operate its executive headquarters. Its long-time management firm, American PressWorks, Inc., has given notice of retirement and will work cooperatively for a smooth transition. NFPW is looking for a full-service person or team that can handle all aspects of its corporate and business affairs. NFPW desires to engage in a minimum 1-year contract, with renewal upon satisfactory delivery of requirements and consent of both parties. Renewal will happen automatically upon the date of signing if no party gives formal notice of cancellation at least two months prior to the end of the term. Consideration of a longer contract will be given after satisfactory completion of the first year of engagement. Request for Proposal 2 NFPW Management Services RFP 2 BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS National Federation of Press Women is a dynamic nationwide organization of professional women — and men — pursuing careers across the communications spectrum. The membership base includes working professionals in journalism and social media, public relations, marketing, broadcasting, graphic design, book authoring and production, freelancers, editors, academia, as well as students and retired communicators. As a personal membership organization, NFPW offers its members professional development and networking, an annual conference, cost-effective libel insurance, a professional and high school communications contest, a grassroots First Amendment e-mail alert system, a newsletter, national advocacy on issues significant to the organization, professional advancement grants and more. Structure and Leadership NFPW is comprised of affiliate organizations across the United States. Together, our national and state officers provide the leadership and impetus for progress and dynamic change within our organization. NFPW Board and Management Team — On the national level, NFPW board members come from around the nation and reflect the personal and professional diversity of members. Most elected positions serve for nonrenewable two-year terms, while the elected treasurer can serve for two consecutive two-year terms. Elections are held on odd-numbered years at the NFPW Annual Conference. The national board also includes numerous appointed board members, who serve at the will of the president, including a parliamentarian, historian, contest chairs, membership chair(s), webmaster. All positions are volunteer. State Affiliates and Affiliate Officers — Each affiliate elects its own officers and conducts competitions, seminars and other activities for its members. Affiliates are independently governed but are bound by charter to the national organization. NFPW Education Fund — Established in 1981 as a separate nonprofit corporation organized to provide a channel for NFPW's educational projects, the Education Fund affords members and supporters the opportunity to aid educational and professional development projects through tax-deductible contributions. The Education Fund sponsors the annual high school communications contest and offers grants to NFPW members for professional development training or education. Request for Proposal 3 NFPW Management Services RFP Challenges Like many professional organizations, NFPW has seen a decline in membership and aging of its core ranks in recent years. The core membership is extremely loyal to the organization, but the decrease in companies willing to pay membership dues for employees as well as the large number of freelancers in the membership ranks have prompted the organization to keep its annual dues at a reasonable level. A minimal dues increase of $2 was approved for 2016, raising individual dues to $79/year. Retiree and student membership dues are $30 and $25 respectively. The annual Communications Contest, Communicator of Achievement Awards and national conference also provide a revenue stream for the organization. The contest is online (now entering its third year as such) and, like the decline in membership, has also seen a decrease in participation in recent years, although the online contest saw an increase in entries in 2015 and appears to be regaining its prestige. The national conference, held annually in August or September, is hosted by affiliates that bid on the opportunity to organize the program. The management team and national board handle much of the hotel and food services contracting, organization, and registration related to the conference, while the affiliate handles the programming and the volunteer staffing. Affiliates have agreed to host in 2015 (Anchorage, Alaska) and 2016 (Wichita, Kansas). Other affiliates have expressed interest in hosting in subsequent years and negotiations have begun, and several other sites are under consideration for future conferences. Request for Proposal 4 NFPW Management Services RFP 3 SCOPE OF WORK The management team is responsible for handling membership services, including dues renewal and receipt; accounting and budgeting of organizational funds; organizational support; contracting of conference facilities and services; assisting the elected president and board members in production and dissemination of newsletters; press releases and announcements and other duties. Expected total number of hours throughout the year is about 2,100. 3.1 WORK DETAIL Membership Services include maintaining an accurate and timely database of all members; maintaining and publishing a membership list; sending welcome letters to new members and thank you letters for renewing members; working with affiliate officers on membership issues and other work. Financial and Corporate Services includes handling annual billing and follow up to individual members; determining and disbursing share of membership funds to affiliates; provide reports to Executive Committee; managing NFPW investment accounts; providing support for outside auditor to file tax returns; managing accounts receivable and payable; maintaining bylaws and corporation registration; working with elected treasurer to create an annual budget. Program Services includes assistance in producing and disseminating quarterly newsletters and monthly e-letters; support for annual conference, including budgeting, on-site direction, registration, nametags, speaker support, hotel contract management, logistics, financial accounts, signage, and briefing book; support for annual spring board meeting; support for sales and marketing of libel insurance program (provided by outside vendor) to members and prospective members; support for annual communications contest; support for special projects as budget permits. Other tasks requiring less time include headquarters operation and marketing. 3.2 STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS The management team shall report to the organization’s President and elected board and provide the following: 1. Monthly and quarterly financial statements 2. Monthly membership statements 3. Monthly business activity reports to include number of hours worked, number of inquiries and other agreed upon metrics 4. Monthly conference reports The management team must attend the annual conference and provide the agreed upon services. Request for Proposal 5 NFPW Management Services RFP The successful bidder will be highly organized and able to multi-task while delivering exceptional customer service to NFPW members. The ideal candidate will have a passion for the issues important to NFPW. 3.3 MANAGEMENT TEAM REQUIREMENTS The individual or team taking on this responsibility must have a minimum of three years in overseeing operations of a similar membership organization or component of such operation, such as a national contest. The management team must be bonded, supply its own business and employee insurance, and be able to pass a background check. Management must be an independent contractor with appropriate licenses and current tax status in a US State. Contractors with other association clients will be considered, provided contractor can dedicate all or a significant part of a professional manager to NFPW. The management headquarters can be located in any US state, provided the office has reliable internet and telephone communication services. Request for Proposal 6 NFPW Management Services RFP 4 RFP REQUIREMENTS PROCESS Interested parties should include in their proposal the following: • The name and biographical information for each person on the team • The location and contact information for the office • A description of the unique qualifications, talents and skills the team would offer to NFPW • A description of how the team would plan to be responsive to the organization’s needs • At least three professional references to include the person’s name, title, relationship to bidder, email address and telephone number. 4.1 PARTICIPATION TO RFP This RFP will be circulated until June 30, 2015. Interested parties should respond to NFPW President Teri Ehresman, by July 1, 2015, at Responses will be confirmed upon receipt; if you do not hear from the president within 24 hours, send a follow-up email without attachments, and arrangements will be made to provide an alternative delivery method for large documents. 4.2 RFP SCHEDULE RFP key dates are the following: July 1, 2015 July 2-13, 2015 July 13-17, 2015 July 20-31, 2015 Aug. 3-10, 2015 Sept. 10, 2015 Proposals due NFPW team confidentially reviews the submitted proposals and selects candidates to interview Notification of those selected for interview. More detailed financial and operational data supplied to interviewees Skype interviews with selected parties Follow-up interviews and evaluation of additional information. Final decision for recommendation to elected officers. NFPW elected officers vote on formal recommendation 4.3 RFP RELATED QUESTIONS / CLARIFICATIONS / SUBMISSION All questions related to this RFP should be directed to: Teri Ehresman, Proposals will be accepted electronically through July 1, 2015. Request for Proposal 7 NFPW Management Services RFP 4.4 RFP TERMS & CONDITIONS 4.4.1 Proposal Process Management NFPW reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, to revise the RFP, to request one or more resubmissions or clarification from one or more bidder, or to cancel the process in part or whole. No bidder is obligated to respond to or to continue to respond to the RFP after the submission and closing date. NFPW will, at its discretion, award the contract to the responsible vendor submitting the best proposal. NFPW may, at its sole discretion, reject any or all proposals received or waive minor defects, irregularities, or informalities therein. 4.4.2 Bid Expiration Date Bids will be accepted until July 1, 2015. 4.4.3 Confidentiality & RFP Ownership This RFP is both confidential and proprietary to NFPW, and NFPW reserves the right to recall the RFP in its entirety or in part. Bidders cannot and agree that they will not duplicate, distribute or otherwise disseminate or make available this document or the information contained in it without the express written consent of NFPW. Bidders shall not include or reference this RFP in any publicity without prior written approval from NFPW. Bidders must accept all of the foregoing terms and conditions without exception. All responses to the RFP will become the property of NFPW and will not be returned. 4.4.4 Security – Nondisclosure Agreement Upon acceptance of their proposal, serious bidders will be asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement to safeguard the confidentiality of NFPW’s business information and data. 4.4.5 Contract Negotiations At the completion of the selection process, NFPW may enter into negotiations with the selected bidder. Request for Proposal 8
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