JAWAN Pakistan’s Raza Kars-Volunteers Jawan Pakistan is recruiting volunteer under the Jawan Pakistan’s Raza Kars (RKs) project. The eligibility criteria and role of the Jawan Pakistan’s RK is detailed below. What Is Jawan Pakistan? Jawan Pakistan (JP) is platform that is being used to generate a conversation amongst youth. These conversations will add up to the research being conducted for Pakistan’s National Human Development Report 2015. The primary aim behind is to stimulate a national level conversation amongst youth and other stakeholders, on the issues that matter to youth. Eligibility Criteria for Jawan Pakistan Raza Kars (RKs) RKs need to meet certain criteria as listed below: RK must be 18-29 years old. RK can be from any field of work who is willing to make a difference. RK is able to connect to a large network of individuals – whether it is a college/university network, youth groups, or other networks or community (preferably related to youth). RK is keen to show leadership within their community or organization. RK can speak and write in English. RK understands clearly issues of Pakistani youth especially in relation to education, employment and engagement. *We encourage women to participate. National Human Development Report 2015 Page |2 Role of JAWAN Pakistan’s RKs By becoming JP’s RKs, you are entitled to carry out the following tasks: 1. Conduct and Engage other youths in conversations about future a. Conduct informal Youth to Youth Conversations (Y2YC) at your university and localities, e.g. Youth to Youth Conversations. You’ll find the guideline to conduct these Y2YC in a separate document on the website. 2. Participate in Youth Forum a. Create and promote online discussions on youth education, employment, engagement or any other youth related issues on our Youth Forum, accessible via our GET INVOLVED Page. 3. Write Essays. a. Write essays on the three key themes: Education, Employment & Engagement and email it to us with your volunteer code and name. All the quality essays will be shared on our blogs. The quality will be assessed by our qualified judge’s panel. 4. Spread the word a. Talk to people (preferably young people) and spread the word about the National Human Development Report 2015 and the Jawan Pakistan platform. Encourage people to engage with the Jawan Pakistan Platform. b. Encourage people to share success stories concerning young persons (15-29 years old) with jawan.pakistan@undp.org. c. Try to reach out to under-privileged people in areas which you can access easily. Inform them about the NHDR and note any interesting comments or observations they have. 5. Screen the JAWAN Pakistan video a. Screen our 3 minute video on JawanPakistan at your university, to engage the widest possible audience. 6. Disseminate JAWAN Pakistan posters a. Place JawanPakistan posters in all relevant places to which you have access, e.g. schools, universities, youth associations and popular youth spots. UNDP will provide you with 20 posters (in Urdu and a few in English) for this purpose. 7. Web and social media participation a. If you are on twitter please follow us @JawanPakistan. Tweet about Jawan Paksitan or Retweet our tweets. Aim to become one of our top followers and to spread the word via Twitter in your social networks. National Human Development Report 2015 Page |3 b. Whenever you tweet about youth issues or policy suggestions, please make sure to mention us @JawanPakistan and use hashtag #PKNHDR in your tweet or comment. To enable us to gather the viewpoints. c. If you are on Facebook please ‘like’ our Facebook page “Pakistan Youth NHDR”. Actively participate on the page, share, like and comment on our posts; so that you can spread the word within your social network. Reporting by Jawan Pakistan’s RKs All the RKs will have to report back to NHDR Team. The reporting formats are attached in the Annex 1 as Part 1 & Part 2. Both need to be submitted to Jawan Pakistan at jawan.pakistan@undp.org. There are two sorts of reporting formats that are attached, one is for qualitative version and the other is for quantitative version. Outreach Progress Report - For the quantitative version please see the “Outreach Progress” table format. a. b. It is advised that whenever the RKs are activing as the advocates for Jawan Paksitan they keep this progress report along with them; as it becomes easier for them to note their progress. Make sure that you always include the names, ages and other specifics of the people you speak to in the Outreach Progress Report” Individual Measure of Success – for the Qualitative version please refer to the Individual Measure of Success” a. b. This will be the summary of your key findings. While you carry out the Jawan Pakistan activities, please take note of interesting insights concerning the education, employment & engagement topics on a sheet of paper. For instance: i. Education - What interesting issues or policy suggestions came up while discussing youth education in Pakistan? ii. Employment - What interesting issues or policy suggestions came up while discussing youth employment in Pakistan? iii. Engagement - What interesting issues or policy suggestions came up while discussing youth’s social, economic and political engagement in Pakistan. Please make sure you include photos as proof of activities. Essay submission List If you have written essays for us then give us a list of the essay topics you wrote on along with your volunteer ID. National Human Development Report 2015 Page |4 What Jawan Pakistan’s RKs get? 1. All Rks who fulfill the following criteria will be awarded with successful completion certificate of UNDP/Jawan Pakistan. a. Can prove they have conducted at least 5 youth to youth conversations (Y2Y) and have submitted quality reports as provided in the guidelines. b. Have participated in at least 5 Youth forums c. Engaged at least 100 people in different activities mentioned above. 2. The names of Most Active Volunteers selected according to the following criteria will be mentioned in the National Human Development Report 2015. a. No. of quality active forums they started and people engaged in those forums. b. No. of people reached to spread the message of Jawan Pakistan. c. No. of youth conversations held and quality of report d. No. of times the video was screened in different locations e. No. of quality essay written for Jawan Pakistan. f. Thinking out of box – Major consideration will be given if a volunteer engages people through an out of the box idea to gather useful insights for the report or helps organize 3. Most Active Volunteer will get a chance to be part of Youth Day Event Soon to be announced. How to Apply Are you Pakistani by heart? Between the age of 18 to 29 years? Do you feel the urge to make a positive difference in your country? Are you passionate about voluntarily working for your country? If yes, then come join hands with Jawan Pakistan. Become the agents of change – the Jawan Pakistan’s Raza Kars (RKs). Apply by emailing the following the documents to jawan.pakistan@undp.org. 1. A motivational letter - explaining why you want to become part of Jawan Pakistan 2. Your updated Resume 3. 1 ID photograph Deadline to Apply: 31st May 2015 Final RKs Announced: 10th June 2015 Deadline for submission of work: 15th July 2015 Let’s Begin the Good Work! National Human Development Report 2015 Page |5 Annex I Part 1 Outreach Progress Volunteer Name: City: Tick - Activity Engaged Date From which City Name Gender (F/M) Age Email Address or Contact Number Presence on Social Media (Yes/No) Youth Video Convo. Succes Selfie s Craze Stories Poster Location Added us on Social Media National Human Development Report 2015 Page |6 Part 2 Individual Measures of Success Monthly Report Summary: Activities 1. No. of active forums you started/participated. 2. No. of people reached to spread the message of Jawan Pakistan. 3. No. of Youth to Youth Conversations held. 4. No. of success stories shared with Jawan Pakistan. 5. No. of times the video screened in different locations 6. No. of blog pieces written for Jawan Pakistan. 7. Thinking out of box – A plus point if someone engages people through an out of box idea to gather useful insights for the report. Success Measure 1. Highlight the most interesting out of the box interactive activities you conducted. National Human Development Report 2015 Page |7 2. Highlight the top 5 discussed most striking youth issues you encountered in Youth to Youth Conversations (Please keep in mind that a more detailed youth report will have to be made and submitted as per the “Guidelines for Youth to Youth Conversations”.) 3. List the name of the Forum threads you created or participated in? 4. Highlight the most interesting comments received on the topics you started on Youth Forum. National Human Development Report 2015 5. List the names and the contact details of the success stories shared. Page |8
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