New Haven Intermediate SCHOOL—EACS 2015 5 — A p r i l / M ay ISSUE BULLDOG Bulletin IMPORTANT REMINDERS Delay Days: EACS will utilize a 1, 2, or 3 hour delay schedule if necessary due to weather related issues. If there is a 2 hour delay on a Wednesday collaboration day, then there will be NO early dismissal that day. If there is a 3 hour delay, then students will dismiss an hour later at 4:45 p.m. Please be sure to watch the news or check our school website at Email Addresses : Parents—Please be sure that your child’s teacher has your most current email address as we move to use more electronic means of communication with parents. This is a great means of communicating between the classroom and home. Parent Access: Please be sure you keep your username and password for parent access. You can use this to look up your child’s lunch account balance and check grades and attendance. You can also log in and update any phone number changes throughout the school year. Our school website is You can access RDS Parent Access by clicking on the button on the bottom right hand side of the screen. School Office Hours: The office is open daily from 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. If you need assistance, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Newsletters: Newsletters from both the classroom and the school will be emailed to the address you have given us/ updated online. CALENDAR ITEMS: April 8th-14th-Scholastic Book Fair April 16th-Third Grade Career Exploration April 17th-Fourth Grade Career Exploration Week of April 20th is ISTEP Practice April 23rd-Fourth Grade Spring Concert April 27th through May 7th is ISTEP Testing May 4th-PTO Meeting at New Haven Primary, 6:30 PM May 7th-Fifth Grade field trip to Kreager Park (with perfect ISTEP attendance) May 8th-Fourth Grade field trip to Kreager Park (with perfect ISTEP attendance) May 8th-Popcorn Friday 25 cents May 11th-Third Grade field trip to Kreager Park (with perfect ISTEP attendance) May 13th-TinCaps Game (for those who earned through reading) May 14th-ACPL visiting May 20th-Rocket Launch May 21st-Fifth Grade Awards Ceremony/Concert 6:30 at Park Hill May 22nd-Field Day May 22nd-Last Day of 4th Quarter/Report Cards Home MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to create a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and students can learn. Bulldog Pledge: We are Respectful, we are Responsible, we are Engaged, We do our BULLDOG BEST! 1 Results for the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart/Hoops for Heart: 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Total raised-$443.45 Total raised-$1,520.75 Total raised-$1.096.44 Highest amount raised was Highest amount raised was Highest amount raised was $75.00 by $270.00 by $150.00 by Ben Klopfenstein! Elijah McCormick! Blaise Macciomei! I am currently on maternity leave. Jeanetta Troyer will be substituting in the clinic while I am gone. You can contact her at or at 446-0190 ext. 5404. Thank you! Mrs. H., School Nurse Reminder Regarding Toys and Electronics: With school winding down, we have been seeing a lot of toys and electronics being brought in to school. Per page 18 of the NHI handbook, toys and electronics (including cell phones) are not allowed in school. For a first offense the toy/electronic will be taken away and brought down to the office, and the student can pick it up at the end of the day. A second offense will be the toy/electronic taken away and brought down to the office, and a parent will need to come into school to pick it up. We appreciate your help in this matter! 2 PTO Please Support Our PTO! Our PTO is responsible for providing many of the activities your NHI student participates in throughout the school year (Game nights, ISTEP & IREAD Incentives, Skating Parties, Book Fair, etc.). There are many ways to support this program! Please send in your Box Tops, Campbell’s Soup labels , and Tyson labels. You can place food orders through Market Day, or keep Scrips in mind the next time you need to give a gift or before your next shopping trip (Scrip order forms are available on the school’s website, Thank You! Book Fair: April 8th-14th PTO Board Members: Darla Kaiser-President 493-9149 Heather Hoover-Fundraising Coordinator NHI 418-1407 Our last Box Tops collection deadline is May 1st! Prizes are awarded to the top 3 collectors and to the top class each collection period! Makenzie Brockhaus-Fundraising Coordinator NHP 749-8942 Katie Wake-Treasurer 710-5635 Popcorn Friday Is May 8th! Jesse Logan-secretary 452-9314 New Haven Intermediate School 1065 Woodmere Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 Tel: (260)446-0190 Fax: (260)446-0193 3 Mrs. Carter Our last Character Counts Character Trait was Caring! Below is the list of students in each grade that represented their class as a Caring student! 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Bryleigh Eaton E Lia Colin Trystan Casey Will Graves Brittnie Gresham Isabella Davis Anton Guenin Delanie Junk Nickie Horston Alex Jennings Baileigh Ott-Schebig Rilie Metzger Shayla Johns Malaina Rorick Miranda Thomas Ben Klopfenstein Our next Character Trait will be Citizenship! 4 Congratulations to Mrs. Hope Norris, New Haven Intermediate’s Teacher of the Year 2014-15! Dear NHI Parents and Guardians: New Haven Intermediate School is offering Boomerang Backpacks to students who would like to participate in this program. Boomerang Backpacks is a local program designed to help families in NE Indiana that may be able to benefit at this time. Backpacks full of food will be available for participating families on Fridays during the months of April and May. You can contact us for more information or additional information about Boomerang Backpacks can be found online at If this program could help your student, please contact us at the number listed below. Thank You, Carolyn Richmond Family Group Specialist (260) 446-0190 X5451 You want to do whatever you can to make sure your child succeeds in school and in life. Do you know that means getting involved in his/her school. But where do you start? Here is a place to start: 5 Principal’s Honor Roll (All A’s) Barrett, Emily Jamili, Laci Rowland, Kylie Bock, Sarah Johnson, Cadence Same, Jessica Bostic, Mykasia Kaiser, Ava Schreiber, Jeffrey Burnside, Caitlyn Kemp, Abagail Scott, Isabella Simons, Annika Charles, Emma Knippen, Maddox Cuellar-Stanley, Ciara Logan, Kyliegh Sirk, Lucas Decker, Kyler Marks, Ethan Smith, Jessica DiGangi, Daphne McCraney, Aubrey Stevens, Averi DiGangi, Gwyneth Police, Eve Stomm, Olivia Gremaux, Christopher Pranger, Kaden Trimm, Aariyana Hope, Alexis Reed, Blake Turnwald, Jackson Isabel, Karrenton Rhoton, Delainey Watkins, Kaylin Jamili, Carter Rowland, Kendall Zimmerman, Kendyll Honor Roll (A’s and B’s) Ashby, Hannah Darling, Gabby Janes, Danica Paige, Sondra Barnhart, Jada Davis, Azlyn Johnson, Paige Pfeiffer, Mason Barrera, Alex Davis, Isabella Johnston, Heather Pio, Erin Barta, Dylan Delucca, Audrey Junk, Delanie Plumb, Brandon Bartley, Kanian Dubose, Libby Kaiser, Jackson Poiry, Matthew Baumgartner, Erin Elkins, Ivory Kaufman, Alyssa Police, Sophia Bennett, Brianna Faurote, Isaiah Kaufman, Kaylee Porter, Kyle Bishop-Martin, Natalie Fisher, Sienna Klopfenstein, Ben Powelson, Jacob Bodie, Aiden Fortman, Rebekah Kocks, Maci Ray, Dylan Bowling, Taylor Frederickson, Mikenna Kurtz, Landon Reader, Lillie Bowman, Zack Gage, Ella Lee, Destiny Robinson, Jordan Bradley, Brooklyn Geier, Clayton Lockhart, Mya Rogers, Jayla Branning, Damien Goldbach, Ava Lonsberry, Leilani Roller, Kori Brant, Alexandria Goodwin, Marissa Lyst, Reileigh Rumbold, Brody Brockhaus, Emmalyn Graves, Madeline Lyst, Sienna Seiman, Austin Brooks, Beau Gremaux, Alex Marshall, Ashyla Serres, Makenzie Brooks, Lucas Gresham, Kailee Mason, Zackary Shaffer, Trenton Buis, Emma Grim, Kayden McCagg, Lydia Sotelo, Sophia Burris, Kate Groh, Nicholas McCormick, Elijah Spillers, Alaina Cannon, Connor Guenin, Anton McDowell, Gretchen Stotlar, Aubrey Carter, Aidan Hankins, Rayleen McLimans, Audrey Tarlton, Jolie Casey, Trystan Harris, Myles Meyer, Adriana Thomas, Miranda Cayea, Katara Hatton, Kassie Miller, Elijah Tyler, Ashanti Clark, Amy Heller, Megan Miller, Leya Vasquez, Alison Colin, Isidro Hoeppner, Kathryn Morvilius, Aden Vaughan, Aidan Cook, Katilyn Hogg, Kaitlyn Mukensturm, Trinity Villa-Pennington, Sophia Cooper, Kyanna Hoover-Pelfrey, Hailey Mullins, Faith Ward, Kira Coulter, Trinity Horston, Nickie Newcomer, Larissa Weikel, Abby Cox, Ryeann Hunter, Lucas Nickell, Bailey Wheeler, Kaidan Cramer, Harmony Jamili, Luke Nofziger, Gabe Zent, Haley Crum, Mason Ott-Schebig, Baileigh 6
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