Vendor Application - Niagara Art Trail

Antique Show Vender Application
2 Seasons ~ 2 Shows Per Year
Autumn tihne Arena
Antique Show & Sale
Friday, September 18, 2015
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2015
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Spring Fever
Antique Fair
Dates TBA
Both shows take place at the…
Over 80
Kenan Center Arena
433 Locust Street
Lockport, NY 14094
Presented by The Niagara Art Trail
For info call Jay Krull at 716.609.0433 or email
Niagara Art Trail Antique Fairs at the Kenan Center Arena
Show Dates:
Autumn 2015 - September 18-19, 2015. Friday Hours 5:00-8:00 PM (Early Bird Hour 5 PM Friday) Saturday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Spring 2016 - TBA
Admission for attendees is $3 per person (Children 12 and under are free). Early Birds $6 per person.
Kenan Center Arena, 433 Locust St., Lockport, New York 14094
Vendor Spaces:
Each booth area is 12’ x 12’ square. Cost per space is $50 for one booth or $40 each for 2 or more spaces. A limited supply of 8’
tables are available on a first come first serve basis for a rental fee of $10 each. A limited number of chairs are also available. Up
to 2 chairs per vendor will be provided at no charge. Electric is available for an additional $10 fee per vendor. This will allow access to
one extension cord drop for your rented area. Vendor is responsible for any additional extension cords or power strips needed.
Booth Requests: Specific booth requests will be considered on a first-come first serve basis. A map of the show’s layout is available on-line.
Additional space will be made available in the annex area of the arena as the show grows. Returning vendors are granted first right of
refusal before their booth number from a previous show will be given to another vendor. However, in order to claim said booth,
payment must be paid by July 1st for the Autumn Show and January 1st for the Spring show. If you desire a specific booth(s), please
indicate your top three choices on the application and we will do our best to accommodate.
Set-up hours will be 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM on the Friday of the show. Entry for Vendors on Saturday will be 7:30 AM. Please see Jay or
Alex Krull upon arrival. ALL Vendors must leave the premises by 8:30 PM Friday and will be allowed back in the building at 7:30 AM
Saturday. Any special accommodations for set-up must be arranged through the Niagara Art Trail. Vendors are responsible for all
aspects of their display area. No curtains, tents, or other dividers will be provided. Tables are not provided, but are available for rent.
The floor will be marked off to indicate your space. Although the show is in a covered building, tents are allowed if you wish to use
them to help define your space.
Security will be provided from 8:30 PM Friday through 7:30 AM Saturday.
Dealers are expected to stay for the full show hours, no early packing. All displays and product removed from the building by 5:00 PM
the day of the show.
Complimentary snacks & beverages will be provided to vendors in the concessions area during Friday set-up. Complimentary coffee,
water & sweets will be provided the morning of the show from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM. All other food & drinks are the responsibility of the
vendor. Food will be available in the concessions area for purchase throughout the day.
Emphasis is on quality antiques and collectibles. Reference & educational materials are welcome. All merchandise displayed must
be priced, offered for sale, and guaranteed as represented. Show management will be the final arbiter in any and all disputes.
The Niagara Art Trail, Kenan Center, Kax Solutions & Services, and the show sponsors & management assume no responsibility for
injuries or losses for any reason. By executing this contract, the dealer releases everyone, including the building owners, as well as
all employees and volunteers from all liability, for loss and damage of property and personal injury. You are responsible for set-up
and take-down of your display. The use of tow-motors or any other Kenan Center owned equipment is strictly prohibited. Please
consult your insurance provider to assure proper coverage.
A limited number of porters and other volunteer staff will be on hand to offer assistance throughout the day. If you need to use the
restroom or wish to get food, a volunteer will watch your booth for brief periods.
Please park away from center during the show and be considerate of others to allow equal access to all vendors for loading and
unloading purposes.
Failure to comply with the rules stated in this contract may result in removal from the show and not being allowed back to future shows.
A program will be provided to the attendees. All vendors registered and paid two weeks prior to the show will be listed. You may also
purchase a full color ad in the program if you wish. Direct all program questions, including advertising opportunities to Alex Krull of Kax
Solutions & Services at 716.909.8698 or via email at
All payments should be made directly to the Niagara Art Trail. Payment can be made by cash, check or credit card. Please do not
mail cash. Direct any questions about payment, this contract, or any other concerns to Jay Krull at 716.609.0433 or via email at
Door Prizes:
Door prize drawings as well as a basket raffle for charity will be featured at the shows. We will chose a different charity for each show.
If you have a suggestion, please let us know. If you wish to donate a raffle item, contact us. All donors will be listed in the program.
Drive business to your business after the show
If you wish to offer a special deal at your “brick and mortar” location to customers, we will allow a section of the program to list those
locations offering specials along with the details of the offer. Attendees will be instructed to show their program to receive their discount.
This service is provided at no additional charge to those vendors renting booths at the shows. an ad in the program to promote
your business or event. Great for future shows, estate sale & appraisal services, and auction services. Please call Alex Krull at
716.909.8698 for more information with program questions.
Vendor Application for Niagara Art Trail
2015 Autumn In The Arena Antique Show
Dealer Name ___________________________________________ Contact Name ___________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________ Phone ________________________
City _____________________________________ State ____ Zip Code ___________ NYS Tax Number ______________
Website ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________
Autumn in the Arena Antique Fair, September 18-19, 2015:
*Single booth 12x12 - $50 =
$ ______________
If more than one booth...12x12 spaces needed _______ X $40 per booth = $ ______________
Plus...Number of tables needed _______ X $10 per table =
And...Do you need electricity?
 Yes  No
$ ______________
If Yes, add $10
$ ______________
Total Fees
$ ______________
* Single booth price is $50. If renting more than one, booth price is $40 each.
Please make check payable to The Niagara Art Trail and mail along with this page to:
The Niagara Art Trail
P.O. Box 1164
Lockport, NY 14095-1164
If you prefer to pay by credit card or cash, mail your application and call 716.609.0433 to arrange payment by phone
or in person.
PLEASE NOTE: Your space is not reserved until payment is received.
My check is enclosed. Check Number ____________
I will pay by credit card or cash (as outlined above)
Booth Number(s) Requested: 1st Choice: _________ 2nd Choice: ________ 3rd Choice: ________
Space is limited and will be granted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please apply early to reserve your space. All vendors
will be listed in the event program. The deadline to be guaranteed a listing in the program is two weeks prior to each show.
After that date we will make every effort to accommodate a space for you in the show & list you in the program, but we cannot
guarantee either. If you are running late, please call for availability of space. You can contact us anytime via email at or by phone at 716.609.0433.
Signature of Owner
I have read the regulations and by signing above I agree to comply.
Please keep a copy of this form for your records
Antique Fair - Vender Application
2 Seasons ~ 2 Shows Per Year
The Niagara Art Trail
P.O. Box 1164
Lockport, New York 14095-1164
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Mark Your Calendar & reserve your booth today!
Autumn tihne Arena
Antique Show & Sale
Friday, September 18, 2015
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2015
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Spring Fever
Antique Fair
Both Shows at the…
Kenan Center Arena
Dates TBA
Over 80
433 Locust Street  Lockport, NY 14094
More info at N i a g a r a A r t T r a i l . c o m o r c a l l 7 1 6 . 6 0 9 . 0 4 3 3