T he B ell R inger The Newsletter of Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church June 2015 Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 605, 228 Crosby Blvd. Old Forge, NY 13420 Our Mission: To Live Out Christ’s Love By Nurturing Spiritual Growth and Fellowship and by Reaching Out in Faith and Love Pastor Rev. Lawrence Bartel Pastor Emeritus Rev. James L. Ulrich Organists Judith Barker Susann Rundell Secretary / Editor Mary Brophy-Moore Sunday Schedule Early Worship: 7:30 am Worship Service: 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Service Broadcast on WBRV-900 AM, 101.3 FM WLLG-FM 99.3 Online (live): themoose.net Office Hours Mon Fri: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Phone: 369-3475 Fax: 369-6172 E-mail: niccolls@frontiernet.net Web site: www.niccolls.org: Here you’ll find weekly worship bulletins & audio recordings of the sermon. Mountain Meditation by Rev. Lawrence Bartel The right words were so close and yet just beyond reach as I walked down Fern Avenue several years ago. I turned a conversation over and over again in my mind from Confirmation Class earlier that afternoon. Confirmation Class is an exciting time to engage the worthy questions such as, why are we here? What is God’s purpose for our lives? How may I live a meaningful life? What did Jesus mean when he proclaimed that he came that we may “have life” and “have it abundantly”? I kept striving for words of simplicity and gratitude that reflected my perspective that all life is a gift. As I walked, these words settled around me as if they had been present all along: Life is a gift. It is a gift that we didn’t ask for. It is a gift that we can’t keep. The more time that I walk with these simple phrases, the more perspective they reveal about the very preciousness of this gift of life from God. Just as significantly, these words also remind me that I will not live forever. I may not know the time or the manner when this earth bound life will come to an end. Yet, I know that I will die. I must return the gift of life as surely as I look forward to returning home into God’s presence. Few conversations are more important, and yet more difficult, than talking about our mortality with loved ones. In my role as pastor in this congregation and community, I’ve officiated at over 100 funerals and memorials. As I walk with families through the passing of a loved one, two observations stand out. First, a significant number of families acknowledge that their loved one passed away without a will, or survivors aren’t sure where to find the will. Second, a clear majority of families confess that they never talked about a celebration of life (i.e. a funeral or memorial service) with their loved one. Statistics support this first observation. According to a 2013 survey, 61% of Americans don’t have a will. Reasons include, “I haven’t gotten around to it,” “It’s not urgent,” and “I don’t have a lawyer.” Niccolls Church must be a gracious place where space is intentionally made for these vital conversations. As Christians, we affirm with joy and tears that life … is … a … gift! We will begin with worship. Sunday, June 7 will be “Wills Emphasis Sunday.” Worship on the 7th will offer each one an opportunity to consider the faithful legacy each one of us would like to leave in our families and the Niccolls Church family. If you don’t have a will or haven’t considered Niccolls Church in your legacy planning, we will have resources available from the Presbyterian Foundation for you to take home and prayerfully read such as “Guide to a Christian Will” and “Composing a Legacy.” (continued on page 2) June 2015 The BellRinger Mountain Meditation (continued from page 1) This conversation is not morbid and is really not about death. It’s about a life affirming experience that celebrates the people, values, and vision that we cherish most. Together, let’s encourage one another to live forward and give forward. Now, I’d like to add one more line… Life is a gift. It is a gift that we didn’t ask for. It is a gift that we can’t keep. By grace, life may be a gift that we share. Page 2 Transitions Each month we share “transitional experiences” within the Niccolls family. Please call the church for more information or if you have an individual to add. Compassion Marie Adams – home Kitty Blind – summer home on 4th Lake Dottie Hunkins – Sunset Condolences Larry Hogan Don Kress Per Capita By design and practice, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is a truly connectional body of Christ. To be connectional is a strength as we join together with Presbyterians across the US to support one another in ministry and mission. Congregations work side by side on ministries that are too big for any one congregation alone. Just a few of these joint ministries include: launching new communities of Worship and Christian Education communities across the nation, sending emergency response teams following natural disasters, and commissioning national and global mission co-workers to live out the Good News of Jesus Christ. The connectional ministry of the Presbyterian Church is financially supported by a contribution called Per Capita. With our church membership presently at 244, the impact of per capita (this year, $37.00) on our annual budget totals over $9,000. Every year the Session at Niccolls Church faithfully fulfills the per capita assessment for each member whether that member has contributed toward that amount or not. Again this year the Session has made the commitment to fulfill the per capita assessment and this year we want to be sure to ask every member to help. Your contribution toward your per capita not only connects you with the work of the church throughout the world, it greatly benefits the ministry of Niccolls Church. Each contribution toward the 2015 per capita assessment makes a real difference in closing the projected gap between income and expenses in our congregational budget. Thank you to all of you who have already paid your share of $37.00. By contributing your portion of per capita, you have freed up dollars in our regular budget for the work of our congregation in this community. If you haven’t yet contributed, we hope you will do so in 2015. Simply send your check to the church office with “Per Capita Apportionment” on the memo line or bring it to worship on Sunday. Stewardship Snapshot as of 04/15 April 2015 Actual Income & Expenses Income $ 8,462.01 Expenses 18,572.34 ($10,110.33) Fiscal Year-to-Date Actual Budgeted Income $134,665.82 $ 108,354 26 Expenses 119,610.84 123,314.52 $ 15,054.98 ($ 14,969.26) Non-pledged offerings, tithes and planned giving all help keep the ministry of Niccolls Church vital and our fellowship a sanctuary for so many in the Adirondacks and around the world. Next time you think of our church family, please consider how you may share your blessings of time, talent and treasure with our ministry. Save These Dates On Sunday, June 21st at 1:00 p.m. we will gather among the gardens of Bette and Joe Rintrona for a “Blessing of the Blooms.” As flowers open to the light and reveal their God given beauty to the world, this time will invite us to open our senses to God’s grace proclaimed by the “flowers of the field”. On Sunday, July 19th at 1:00 p.m. Star and Jeff Livingstone’s gardens will be the setting of a “Blessing of the Field and Table.” This cornucopia offers a wonderful location to engage our senses once again as we give thanks to the Lord for all who sow, cultivate, harvest, and process tomorrow’s food for our tables. June 2015 The BellRinger Page 3 A Mission Reflection by Trinity Liddle - Seventh Grader The youth group goes to Hope House once a year. Hope House is a place in Cornhill, Utica that gives three fine meals a day to people who can’t get enough. This year a group of the five kids including myself went on this trip to help prepare, serve, and clean-up at Hope House. We were running late, so we rushed in to help prepare the food. Before we can do anything we have to put on hair net and plastic gloves. Then Jack, Liam, and I (me being the only girl) set to work on cutting up cake. Meanwhile Lawrence, Cullen, and Skyler were cutting and buttering bread rolls. After my group was done, I helped make the salad with Amy’s guidance. We were done and now we had to pick what job we wanted. People were arriving a little early to get in line. The clock turned to 4:00 p.m. and it was time to serve! We took on the role of a lunch lady. Jack and Amy would ask what the person wanted and so on down the line. I was at the end of the line because I was in charge of desserts. But there was an important rule that had to be followed. It was that you could only give a person one of everything unless it was obvious they were getting it for someone. Hazel Delavia, Joanne Strike, & Anne Garbarino - Three Cooks from Old Forge who prepared the meal served by our youth group. I had a favorite moment when I was serving. A very old African American lady with big thick glasses was walking down the line with an ambiguous look on her face. Her facial expression was neither smiling nor frowning, but her deep dark brown eyes were taking in everything. She was now eying the desserts. I cheerfully asked her “What dessert would you like?” She pointed to a pumpkin pie slice. As I was putting it on her plate, I told her that I would have picked that one given the choice. Then I told her with a combination of cheeriness, sincerity, kindness, and care, “Have a nice meal.” And when she turned to get her drink, I saw her cheeks rise up into a real smile. That moment made my day and for the rest of my time there at Hope House. I was determined, even though life was rough, to hopefully make the people’s day a little bit more bearable by letting them leave my eye sight with a smile on their face. The smile that I put on that lady’s face warmed me right up till I was glowing with happiness! Youth Group servers at Hope House along with Charles, another Hope House volunteer. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 All children and adults are invited to Move, Act, Care, Follow and Share at G-Force: God’s Love in Action Vacation Bible School. Young people and adults will explore and experience serving God and others with active love! The fun starts on June 29th and ends July 1st beginning with a light dinner at 5:30 until 8:00 pm. The adventure includes music that will energize your ears, super science projects, cool crafts, hands-on mission work, delicious food, great games, interactive Bible fun and more! Pre-schoolers should be accompanied by an adult. To be part of this G-FORCE intergenerational program, please call Mary at 369-3475, email: niccolls@frontiernet.net or stop by the church. We can’t wait to see you there!! June 2015 The BellRinger Niccolls Women’s Fellowship by Ruth Brussel This month the group had a table for donating to the “Healthy Women and Healthy Families” of Africa sponsored by the Presbyterian Church USA. And again this congregation was very generous and we and the Mission Committee send our sincere thanks to all who participated. Some of us went to the Presbyterian Women’s meeting at Boonville Presbyterian Church and had a good time. Pastor Lawrence was the guest speaker who spoke about his trip to the Holy Land. We decided to wait for some of our congregation to return from their travels to plan our next meeting so it will be early in June and we will keep you updated by the church bulletin. We welcome all ladies in the church and we hope you will join us for our meetings. Page 4 Niccolls Elders and Deacons Elders serving on Session: Judy Barker Lois Lowenberg Letty Haynes Sue Mahoney Carol Hornick Roger Pratt (winter) Deb Langworthy Cindy Rose George Lapinsky Sue Rundell Shirley Lindsay (summer) Tom Ryan (summer) Jeff Livingstone (winter) Ken Strike Deacons serving on the Board of Deacons: Kelli Barcomb Jean Kull (summer) Debbie Brosemer Ann Powley (winter) Ellen Dreja (summer) Barb Proper (summer) Kristin Frymire Linda Rodríguez (winter) Paul Giessler (winter) Linda Ryan (summer) Cindy Hansen Nancy Venetz (winter) Vonnie Kinney (summer) Miles for Mission Please lift all of our church leaders up in prayer as they 1 mile, 2 miles, 20 miles, even 40 miles and more! We know of the Animals cultivate grace-filledBlessing ministry and mission throughout that individuals and families travel from near and far to find treasures Images from Sunday, May 17th at the entire Niccolls family. at the Mission Boutique. We know that all of the donations to the Moose River Farm Mission Boutique support mission partners here in Old Forge and around the world. As mentioned in the Tag Sale article on the next page, we are in the earliest stages of fundraising for the Mission Boutique addition. This addition will certainly help us grow in mission and outreach here in Old Forge and around the world. On Saturday, June 13, Marcia Macdonald and Pastor Lawrence aim to be among the 1,000 cyclists setting off in the “Black Fly Challenge.” This forty-mile race winds through the wilderness roads of the Moose River Plains from Indian Lake to Inlet. In recognition of those who travel many miles to the Mission Boutique, Marcia and Pastor Lawrence invite you to sponsor their race through a fundraiser for the Mission Boutique Addition called “Miles for Mission”. How about starting at a dollar a mile?! This is a particularly meaningful adventure for Marcia to bring her love of biking together with an opportunity to help the Mission Boutique grow for generations to come. Thirty years ago, Marcia’s mother, Helen Macdonald, was one of the founding team members of what was then called the Thrift Shop and now the Mission Boutique. You’ll find pledge cards at church for anyone wishing to make a donation or call the church office to have your donation counted toward their goal of $2000. Marcia and Lawrence assure us that every dollar pledged will go toward the Mission Boutique Addition. No administrative overhead will be taken out of the pledges. Oh, and they promise to do their best to finish ahead of the black flies. June 2015 The BellRinger Page 5 Every Time I Feel the Spirit … In the promise of a new day…outdoors under a large tent…with a passionate gospel choir leader and gifted musicians…Every Time I Feel the Spirit Moving in My Heart… I Will Sing! On September 20 at 8:30 a.m., Pastor Lawrence will lead a gospel service with the Rev. Shaun Whitehead as part of View’s Adirondack Music Fest. Born and raised in Chicago, Shaun began singing at a young age in the African American Church. As an adult, she worked in radio for many years before answering God’s call to ministry where Shaun and Lawrence were classmates at McCormick Theological Seminary. She is now a chaplain at St. Lawrence University, director of the community gospel choir, and pastor of the weekly gospel worship service. Not only is the gospel service at View on 9/20 absolutely free and open to the public, you are specifically invited to participate through two wonderful avenues. First, we need you to sing in our informal gospel choir. Youth through seniors who love to sing are enthusiastically encouraged to join this choir. We will be singing from the heart so you don’t have to worry about how many years have passed since you last sang in a choir or if you can’t read sheet music. We’ll also have a rehearsal or two before the Sunday morning service so we get to know the music deep in our souls. Yet these rehearsals aren’t required to sing in the chorus at View. Second, everyone else in the community is invited to join us for this gospel worship service on September 20th at 8:30 a.m. so mark your calendars now. Our first casual gospel choir rehearsal will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 14 following the Church Picnic and Ice Cream Social. If you would like sing in the gospel choir but are unable to join us for this rehearsal, simply let Pastor Lawrence know. Every Time I Feel the Spirit Moving in My Heart… I Will Sing! Tag Sale Results & Thanks The 2015 Tag Sale Team extends a huge thank you to all who made this kick-off fundraising campaign to build a new Mission Boutique wing a success. From those who donated the wonderful assortment of items, helped set up and organize the items, worked “on the floor” during the sale, baked for the Food Tent, patronized the sale, to those who cleaned up afterwards, it took a village of volunteers to make it work. We were blessed to raise nearly $2,600 to begin our building fund. Sales were also brisk in the Food Tent, with several hundred dollars raised for Leif Frymire’s upcoming trip to Belfast, Ireland as a young adult volunteer. June 2015 The BellRinger Page 6 Nickels for Niccolls, 2015 On June 21st, in the worship service, Niccolls will inaugurate the third annual Nickels for Niccolls fund raiser. Nickels for Niccolls was inspired by Cullen Rose who wanted to find a way to help provide clean water for those who lack it. This year, as in the past, Nickels for Niccolls will help support a joint mission trip of people from Niccolls and from First Presbyterian Church of Cooperstown to Honduras to install a Living Waters for the World water purification system in a poor Honduras village. This year a system will be installed in the village of Plan Grande. The team will also visit Las Delicias and San Miguel, the sites of two prior installations, to see how their systems are doing. Most Honduran villages have a local water supply. Typically it is not from a clean source. Sometimes water comes from a contaminated stream or spring. This water is often the source of water borne diseases, and it is especially hazardous to the health of children. The Living Waters system takes the water from such sources, purifies it, and bottles it. The water is then sold to local people at a nominal cost. Proceeds are used to provide such things as replacement filters and to provide free water to those who cannot afford the nominal cost. The Living Water team also provides instruction in hygiene to local mothers and children. If you would like to join the team for this year’s trip to Honduras and would like to work as an installer or teacher, please contact Ken or Joanne Strike. Here’s how Nickels for Niccolls works. On June 21st you may pick up a bottle with a Living Waters for the World label. You take it home and fill it with nickels. Other change, bills, and checks are also more than welcomed. On July 12th, in conjunction with the Alternative Fair, we will collect these bottles. (Or you can return them to the church office at your leisure.) On July 19th we will dedicate this offering along with the Bread for the World, Offering of Letters produced at the Alternative Marketplace. This year we hope to reduce the use of non-recyclable bottles for the Nickels for Niccolls program. It’s not too late to donate a bottle or two. And, of course, you may use your own – BYOB is in order! For the last two years the Nickels for Niccolls fund raiser has raised around $1500 to support the Honduras Living Waters installation. Hopefully, with your help, we can match that this year. Strawberry Social Niccolls Neighbors and the Christian Ed Committee would like to invite everyone to a Strawberry Social after the 10:00 worship service on Sunday, June 14th. We will be serving a light lunch with meat and cheese platters and veggies and dip with strawberries, ice cream and watermelon for dessert. There will be outside games for anyone who’d like to participate, weather permitting. Please come and help us celebrate the start of summer. Mark your calendar!! The date for the 2015 Summer Alternative Marketplace is Sunday, July12th! Come to the Fellowship Hall after either service to write a letter for the Bread for the World Offering of Letters, to purchase beautiful SERRV gifts from artisans around the world, to donate to Church World Service Tools and Blankets Fund, and to support our Hands of Mercy Mission by purchasing African beads and signing up to support the education of a poor African child. ~ June 2015 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 3 7 pm Finance Task Force 7 8 Wed 9 4 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program Food Sense Orders due 6 pm Fellowship Wed. 10 11 9:30 am Mission 10 am Staff Meeting Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship ServiceWills Emphasis Sunday Thu 7 pm Session Meeting 6 pm Fellowship Wed. 14 15 16 17 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 11:30 am Church Picnic & Strawberry Social 1 pm Gospel Choir Rehearsal 21 6 pm Fellowship Wed. Celebration @ Barker’s 22 23 24 Living Waters Sunday 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 1 pm Blessing of the Blooms @ Rintrona’s 28 18 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program 6:30 pm Dessert Gathering for MB Volunteers 25 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program 7 pm All Committee Meeting Night 29 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service Fri Sat 5 6 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 2 pm Memorial Svc. for Don Kress 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 12 13 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 7 pm Living the Questions Group 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 19 20 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 12:30pm Food Sense 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 26 27 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 1 pm Youth Group @ Livingstone’s 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 30 7:30 am Breakfast & a Book @ Livingstone’s DEACON OF THE MONTH: Vonnie Kinney 5:30-8 pm Vacation Bible School 5:30-8 pm Vacation Bible School AA meets in the Social Room: Sun. 5:30pm, Wed. 8pm, Fri. 9am & 8pm, Sat. 8pm. June Birthdays Ken Strike 6/3 Whitney Levi 6/18 Dane Daiker 6/14 Amanda Perkins 6/18 Jordan Levi 6/15 Kitty Blind 6/23 Katie Kelly 6/18 Anne Rundell 6/27 Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 605 Old Forge, New York 13420 Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church Our Mission: To Live Out Christ’s Love by Nurturing Spiritual Growth and Fellowship and by Reaching Out in Faith and Love Non-Prof US Postage PAID Old Forge, NY 13420 Permit No. 3
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