EDs and real-life reading_research

TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
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Eating Disorders and Real-Life Reading
This study, run by a researcher at the University of Oxford in partnership with the eating-disorders charity Beat, is
investigating the connections between disordered eating and the reading of fiction. The possible negative effects of
things like fashion advertising and music videos have been relatively well researched, but there is little research on
how the stories and novels we read in our spare time affects how we think about ourselves and our bodies. Study
participants may currently have an eating disorder, be in recovery or remission from an eating disorder, or never have
had an eating disorder.
The study is being conducted by Dr Emily T. Troscianko, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. The
study has been approved by the University of Oxford’s Central University Research Ethics Committee [CUREC ethics
reference: MSd-IDREC-C1-2014-219]. Participation is confidential.
Can you help?
Are you aged 18 or over?
Do you have half an hour to spare?
If you currently suffer from an eating disorder, or ever have in the past, are you medically and psychologically stable
enough to answer questions about your eating disorder and your reading habits without likely distress?
If you are currently in treatment for an eating disorder, are you able to ask your counsellor or therapist, prior to
participation, whether they think it advisable for you to take part?
What does the study involve?
If you choose to participate in the study, you can click on the link below, which will give you further information
about the study, and a consent form to complete. You will then complete a questionnaire asking you about your
reading habits and how these relate to some aspects of your mood and other habits.
What do I get from taking part?
There are no direct benefits to you from taking part, but you will be helping make a difference to our scientific
understanding of eating disorders and how they can be affected by cultural factors. You will also be benefiting Beat’s
service users by providing evidence about the impact of different kinds of reading on illness and recovery, which will
ultimately be used to guide helpline recommendations.
What should I do if I am interested?
If you are interested in participating in the study, please click on the link below to access the further information, the
consent form, and the main questionnaire. If you are currently in treatment for an eating disorder, please ask your
counsellor or therapist whether they think it advisable for you to take part before you begin. The survey should take no
more than 30 minutes to complete, but you can choose to pause and resume as convenient for you.
Access the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EDsandfiction_Canada
Alternatively, please email Emily Troscianko if you have any questions: emily.troscianko@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk.