Clinical EDI 3 - Eating Disorder Inventory David M. Garner, PhD. EDI-3 Symptom Checklist aids in diagnosis The EDI-3 consists of 91 items organized into 12 An independent and structured self-report form, the EDI- primary scales: Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, Body 3 SC is easy to complete and provides data regarding Dissatisfaction, Low Self-Esteem, Personal Alienation, frequency of symptoms (i.e., binge eating; self-induced Interpersonal Insecurity, Interpersonal Alienation, Inte- vomiting; exercise patterns; use of laxatives, diet pills, and roceptive Deficits, Emotional Dysregulation, Perfectio- diuretics) necessary for determining whether patients meet nism, Asceticism, and Maturity Fears. DSM-IV-TRTM diagnostic criteria. EDI-3 Referral Form is designed for allied health professionals Yields six composites: one that is eating-disorder specific (i.e., Eating Disorder Risk) and five that are An abbreviated form of the EDI-3, the EDI-3 RF can be general integrative psychological constructs (i.e., administered in 5-10 minutes (and scored in 15 minutes) Ineffectiveness, Interpersonal Problems, Affective and includes behavioral symptom questions to help identify Problems, Overcontrol, General Psychological Malad- individuals with potential eating disorders or pathology, justment). including the three scales that compose the Eating Disorder The item set from the original EDI, as well as items Risk Composite (i.e., Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, Body from the 1991 revision (EDI-2), has been carefully Dissatisfaction). preserved so that clinicians and researchers can compare data collected previously with data from the Referral indexes are used to identify individuals who have EDI-3. or are at risk for eating disorders. These indexes are based on the individual’s body mass index (BMI) only; on BMI The EDI-3 has clinical norms for adolescents in plus responses to EDI-3 questions about excessive eating addition to U.S. and international adult clinical norms. concerns; and on responses to behavioral questions pertai- It also provides multisite nonclinical comparison ning to eating disorder pathology. samples. Did you know? The easy-to-use Percentile/T-Score Profile Forms include critical item sets that allow for the development of a more meaningful clinical picture. Price Introductory Kit (Professional manual, 25 item booklets, 25 percentile t-score profile forms, 25 symptoms checklist, referal form manual and 25 referal forms) 5073-53840 470,00$ Refferal form kit (refferal form manual and 25 refferal forms) 5073-53920 108,00$ Item Booklets 5073-53860 69,00$ Answer Sheets 5073-53870 86,00$ Percentile/T-score profile forms 5073-53890 51,00$ Symptoms checklists 5073-53900 72,00$ Refferal forms 5073-53910 78,00$ Professional manual 5073-53850 111,00$ Refferal manual 5073-53930 38,00$ SP CD-Rom 5073-53940 442,00$ Construct Summary Consistent with prior editions, yet significantly updated Provides a standardized clinical evaluation of symptomatology associated with eating Population 13 to 53 years old Administration Individual or group times 20 minutes
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