C o u n ci l mem b er J os É H u i z ar ’ s 2015 - DEMOGRAPHICS 21 3 -4 73 -70 1 4 20 0 N . S P R IN G ST R EET, S U I T E 4 6 5 lo s a nge l es ca 90012 BASIC DEMOGRAPHICS Of the 95% California attendees, 67% live in the central Los Angeles area. L.A. VALLEY RESIDENTS Another 24% came from L.A. valley areas. More than 20% of all attendees live in Downtown L.A. and nearly 44% of those DTL A RESIDENTS who live in DTLA also work in DTLA. CENTRAL L.A. RESIDENTS Night on broadway saw a higher than normal turnout of the LGBTQ population * Although the attendees mostly identified as heterosexual (83%), 17% overall identified as LGBTQ – above the segment’s purported 10% in *56% of dtl a residents the general population. 26% of male attendees identified as LGBTQ. were male 6% 14% 35% 42% Attendees WERE rel atively young The median attendee age was 35, and 35% of attendees were in the age group of 18-30. No one group of attendees comprised a majority; 42% identify as Caucasian, 35% as Hispanic, with 14% Asian-American and 6% African-American Over half of attendees were single. 81% of attendees did not have kids. Of the 19% with kids, a third have kids in the 5 - 12 age group, and about a quarter each are in the 13 - 18 group and over age 18. EDUCATION, INCOME & EMPLOYMENT 67% H I G H LY E D U C AT E D 80% h e a lt h y employment r at e 19% Attendees are highly educated, with over 67% having completed a four year college degree. Two thirds are employed full time and 14% part time. An additional 5% were students who are employed full time, and finally, another 5% of students are employed part time. One third of attendees work within the Cit y of Los Angeles. E M P L OY E D I N D T L A 19% are employed in DTL A HIGHER THAN NORMAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME The median household income of attendees was $60,000 - well above the cit y median of $49,500. 23.7% H AV E A H O U S E H O L D I N C O M E O F 100K + 93% H AV E B A N K I N G R E L AT I O N S H I P S 1/3 bank with chase or bank of america 71% use a visa credit card 23.7% of attendees have a household income of $100,000 or more. 36.7% have a household income of greater than $75,000. Most attendees have banking rel ationships (93%) and most own multiple credit cards. One third of attendees bank with Chase Bank or Bank of America. A smaller number (15%) bank with Wells Fargo. The majorit y of attendees (71%) use a Visa credit card, while another 33% use MasterCard and 24% use Amex. PRODUCT OWNERSHIP Toyota, Honda and BMW are the most popular car brands amongst Night on Broadway attendees. which include share rides and taxis TO find out about the night on broadway event Attendees were heavy social media users drew in 1,000 posts across platforms LIFESTYLE 95% of attendees list “eating at a casual restaurant” as their most frequent activit y with a frequency of 3.33x per month Nearly as popul ar – at 80%- are “going to coffee shops” 3x a month, fine-dining establishments 1.5x a month, happy hour 2.23x a month performances f e s t i va l s ta g e 79% 75% 54% 49% 43% Reported the event was extremely or very enjoyable Came downtown specifically to attend NOB Watched performances in the historic Broadway theatres Went to the festival stage performances Attended art exhibits Ate at the food trucks food trucks c a m e for n o b 85.6% ar t v e r y e n j oya b l e and going to the movies 1.3x a month C o u n ci l mem b er J os É H u i z ar ’ s 2015 - DEMOGRAPHICS 21 3 -4 73 -70 1 4 20 0 N . S P R IN G ST R EET, S U I T E 4 6 5 lo s a nge l es ca 90012
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