3000 giving day event grant - Community Foundation of the New

The Community Foundation of the New River Valley (CFNRV) is pleased to offer a variety of grants to
organizations participating in the Second Annual GiveBigNRV Giving Day on April 22, 2015. The $3,000 Giving
Day Event Grant will be awarded to the organization that has the most unduplicated attendees at an event held on
April 22, 2015. Please read the guidelines below in detail to participate.
Organizations holding a Giving Day Event must be registered with GiveBigNRV and have a completed
profile page (including logo, organization description, and updated donation box) by 5pm on April 18, 2015.
See the Nonprofit Toolkit at cfnrv.givebig.org for guidance on updating your profile page.
The event must take place on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
The event must be held in a physical location within the New River Valley (Floyd, Giles, Montgomery,
Pulaski counties or the City of Radford). Online events do not qualify. Events must be held in a previously
announced location(s) or contingency sites; a roving or mobile signature drive is not a valid type of event.
The event must be branded as a GiveBigNRV Giving Day Event.
o The GiveBigNRV logo must be displayed at the event
o All event promotions (online, print, etc…) must associate the event with “GiveBigNRV, an initiative
of the Community Foundation of the New River Valley” and include the website url
The organization must provide the CFNRV with the following information about the event by 5pm on April
15, 2015 via email to jessicawirgau@cfnrv.org:
o Name of host organization(s)
o Event time
o Location including street address
o Event description
o Contact person name, email and phone number
Organizations must have all attendees use both the online registration system and the onsite sign-in sheets
provided by the CFNRV to prove attendance. See Tracking Attendance for more details.
There will be a two-step process for tracking attendance at your event:
o Online Registration via cfnrv.org/events:
 Within 2 business days of receiving your event information, the CFNRV will include your
event in the GiveBigNRV Event Registration link at cfnrv.org/events.
All event attendees must register online for your event prior to or on the day of the event by
visiting cfnrv.org/events, clicking on GiveBigNRV Event Registration and providing their
name, email, phone number and the Giving Day event(s) they will attend or are attending.
 Only adults (ages 18+) may register as the primary attendee, however children
may be counted as attendees as long as they are also previously registered online
as guests of the adult attendee.
On-site Sign In Sheet:
 The CFNRV will provide sign-in sheets via email to the event contact person on April 21st
for organizations to print and use at their respective events
 All attendees (including children) must sign in and provide their email address and phone
number to be counted
 Adults may sign in for their children as long as those children were pre-registered
as guests of that attendee
 Following the Giving Day, organizations must submit their sign-in sheets to the CFNRV by
5pm on April 27th via mail to P.O. Box 6009, Christiansburg, VA 24068 or via email to
The CFNRV will match attendees registered via the online system to those who have signed in
using the onsite sign-in sheets. Only those individuals who appear on both the online registration
list and the onsite sign-in sheet will be counted toward the total number of event attendees.
The grant will be awarded via check by May 15, 2015.
As with all grants, the CFNRV Board of Directors has discretion over all grant funds distributed and
may withhold funds if it believes a participating organization violated the mission, values and
guidelines of the CFNRV and GiveBigNRV.
Does my organization have to hold a particular type of event?
o No, there are no guidelines as to the nature or scale of the event. You can hold an open house,
performance, movie screening, community meal…whatever best showcases your organization and
attracts attendees. The CFNRV reserves the right to reject an event as ineligible for the grant if it
believes the event does not meet the mission and values of the CFNRV or GiveBigNRV. If an event
is rejected, it may not be associated in any way with GiveBigNRV or the CFNRV.
Can I co-host en event with another organization?
o Yes, organizations are welcome to partner to host a Giving Day event with the $3,000 grant to be
split among the participating organizations. The CFNRV requires that one organization serve as the
contact to the CFNRV to receive the $3,000 check and distribute that money to the partner
organization(s). The CFNRV will not be responsible for determining the amount to be awarded to
each partner organization or for splitting the grant funds among those organizations. CFNRV will
award a single $3,000 check to a single organization.
Is there a time limit for the event?
o The event may be for as long as you like, but only attendees between 12:01 A.M. and 11:59 P.M.
on the April 22nd Giving Day will be counted towards your event total. Remember that only
unduplicated individuals will be counted toward the total number of attendees for the purposes of
awarding the grant.
What support will I get from the CFNRV to plan and promote my event?
o The CFNRV will not be responsible for helping to plan your event or to fund any food, venue fees
or materials required.
o The CFNRV will include your event on its website and promote the event via the CFNRV Facebook
and Twitter pages on the giving day.
o The CFNRV will provide templates for press releases and event flyers, as well as the GiveBigNRV
logo, for your use through the Nonprofit Toolkit link at cfnrv.givebig.org.
o All other promotion of the event is the sole responsibility to the participating organization.
Please contact the Community Foundation with additional questions at 540-381-8999 or email