Viewing this email on a mobile device? Click here to see the web version Just a quick reminder that you're receiving this email because you are a member of NMOHVA. Don't forget to add to your address book so you don't miss any of our newsletters. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. March 2015 The One...The Only...the 2015 Sipapu Shindig! NMOHVA is excited and proud to announce the 2015 Sipapu Shindig will be held on June 26-28 this year. Back for the 3rd year and better than ever, the Shindig is NMOHVA's "kick-off" summer dual sport riding event. The even is being held at the beautiful Sipapu Ski and Summer Resort in New Mexico's Sangre de Christo mountains. While advertised as a dual sport event and offering outstanding dual sport routes, Sipapu is literally a stone's throw from some of the best technical single track in the state. Moving the event to the end of June will allow more time for late-melting snowdrifts to disappear and the local riders to clear the trails of winter deadfall. The event headquarters also lies in the center of some of the best road riding in New Mexico. Rumor has it that there will even be some "just for fun" observed trials sections to enjoy. The Shindig has riding for everyone no matter what your motorcycle looks like! The resort itself has a full range of accommodations from cabins to the lodge to tent or RV camping on the premises. Registration remains at only $55/person and includes a dinner Saturday evening, a event T-shirt (sure to be a another collector's item) an event decal, and a chance for great swag at the big raffle. As with all NMOHVA events, all monies collected over and above the cost to host this event go directly to the NMOHVA Access Defense Fund! This year's event will be limited to the first 60 riders to register and registration will close at 10 am on June 17th. Accommodations at Sipapu are limited so don't delay. Sipapu (1-800-587-2240) is holding a block of rooms and campsites for the event until May 15th (ask for the NMOHVA event) but this block will fill fast. Registration is now open at NMOHVA's Event website. Great Article on the Colorado 600 in Dirt Rider Magazine Our Colorado friends and supporters, the Trail Preservation Alliance (TPA), hosts a fantastic week long trail symposium each summer in South Fork, Colorado called the Colorado 600. This event was recently featured in Dirt Rider magazine. What makes this article so great is that, in addition to great photography from the trail rides, the article highlights the outstanding access work that TPA is accomplishing. The magainze piece also does an excellent job of explaining why the motorized enthusiasts need to be involved if they want to ride and drive in the places they love. TPA has been a huge supporter of NMOHVA and shares NMOHVA's philosophy and strategy for keeping riders involved and routes open. You can check out the Dirt Rider article at this link. NMOHVA Meets with Washington DC Staff of the AMA As we reported in our January newsletter, NMOHVA is actively engaged with the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) with the purpose of better communication of information to the two organization's members. During a recent personal trip to the Washington DC area, NMOHVA Recreation Resource Director Mark Werkmeister was able to meet with key members of AMA's Washington DC office. Included in the meeting were AMA's VP for Government Relations Wayne Allard, AMA's Government Affairs Manager for Off Road Steve Salisbury, new AMA Grassroots Coordinator Josh Habursky, and AMA Legislative Assistant Sean Hutson. The meetings discussion centered on areas of shared interest where the two organization can help other, how to effectively share communications between the two organizations, and how AMA can take a more visible role in protecting OHV access in western states. "We have talked on teleconferences but it was really valuable to spend time face-to-face discussing what we are currently doing and what we can do in the future," Mark said. "I really appreciate the time they were able to give me and am excited about our plans moving forward." Former U.S. Senator and AMA Vice President for Government Relations Wayne Allard, AMA Government Affairs Manager for Off Highway Steve Salisbury, NMOHVA Recreation Resources Director Mark Werkmeister, and AMA Legislative Assistant Sean Hutson. Not pictured is AMA Grassroots Coordinator Josh Habursky. Don't Forget the NMOHVA Annual Meeting (March 14th)! A quick reminder....the NMOHVA Annual Meeting is Saturday, March 14th from 9am-12 noon. The 'business' portion of the meeting will be short (and includes the elections of Board members) so we can focus on planning for the coming year. NMOHVA will be furnishing a free lunch to attendees immediately after the meeting and some of our members will be going on an informal single track ride afterwards (weather permitting). The meeting will be held at the beautiful REDW, LLC building in Albuquerque. REDW is located at the corner of Jefferson and Masthead (7425 Jefferson NE), about halfway between Osuna and Paseo del Norte. Here is a link to a map of the meeting site. We look forward to seeing all of you on the 14th! Your NMOHVA Board of Directors We Can Finally Say, "...and follow Us on Twitter." We certainly won't be accused of being "early adopters" but NMOHVA has finally established a Twitter account. We plan on using it to provide "real time" updates to our members when things are happening too quickly for our email blasts or when we want to provide quick and useful information to our members and friends. Like our other means of communication, we have adopted a Twitter account to make it easier for NMOHVA and its members to stay in contact and provide an additional way to send and receive information. Don't hesitate to provide us feedback on how we can be more effective with this new (to us) technology. We also ask you to be patient with us. After all, we just entered the 21st century fifteen years ago! NMOHVA on Twitter Upcoming Events March 29 - New Mexico Trials Association Round 3 - Gallup, NM April 3 - Scoping Comments Due on Cibola NF Plan Revision April 8 - State of NM OHV Advisory Board Meeting, Santa Fe, NM May 3 - New Mexico Trials Association Round 4 - San Ysidro, NM May 5-9 - Burro Mountain ATV/UTV Jamboree, Silver City, NM June 26-28 - Sipapu Shindig Dual Sport Event, Vadito, NM See the NMOHVA Calendar for all the upcoming event details and contacts. Do you have a 2015 event to share? Contact NMOHVA at for a listing in the newsletter and on the NMOHVA website calendar. Forward this email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance | 13170-B Central Ave. SE | PMB #322 | Albuquerque | NM | 87123
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