Ministry of AYUSH Government of India 3rd Floor, AYUSH Bahwan B – Block, G.P.O. Complex, I.N.A., New Delhi - 110023 Website Tel:- 011 – 24651825 Dated: 11-05-2015 FOR GENERAL E-MAIL QUERIES MAIL US OR CONTACT US AT:S. No. 1. 2. Name of Officer/Consultants Ms. Meenakshi Negi Chief Executive Officer Dr. Lalit Narayan, Dy. Director (Medicinal Plants), NMPB 3. Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Assistant Director (Ay.) 4. Dr. Pawan Kumar, Research Officer Work allocated / Channel of submission a) All matters relating to medicinal plants Telephone 011-24651829 Fax E- mail 011 - 24651827 011-24651822 Head of Department b) All financial and administrative matters 011-24653803 c) Matters relating to Utilization Certificates d) All matters relating to Budget and Accounts e) Any other work assigned by CEO a) All matters in respect of Centrally 011-24651822 Sponsored Scheme National Mission on Medicinal Plants b) Any other work assigned by CEO a) All matters related to IEC 011-24651300 5. Dr. N. Padma Kumar, Research Officer 6. Dr. M.S. Rawat, Research Officer 7. Shri Sunil Dutt, Research Officer a) Organisation of Meetings of PSC/SFC 011-24651824 for Central Sector Scheme of NMPB b) All matters relating to screening/releases of grant-in-aid to SMPB’s and monitoring of projects c) Processing for obtaining of comments from identified experts / referees and Compilation thereof, on new R&D projects received under Central Sector Scheme for "Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants" which shall be further processed by ARO (Phcg.) for placement before Project Screening Committee (PSC) and Standing Finance Committee (SFC). d) Constitution of Monitoring Committees and Monitoring of major projects e) All matters relating to AFC for monitoring of Projects under both the schemes. f) All Old schemes of M.P. Cell g) Any other work assigned by CEO a) To finalize species wise Good Field 011-24651301 collection Practices and GACP b) All matters starting to release of funds pertaining to Forest Projects (Conservation & Resources augmentation through Forest Department c) Any other work assigned by CEO a) All works pertaining to Contractual 011-24651828 farming 8. Dr. Lily Mitra, Senior Consultant, NMPB b) Matters relating to International Cooperation for promotion of trade c) Matters relating to Biodiversity Act / NBA / State Biodiversity Boards/ Patents & IPR/ WIPO etc. d) To assist Assistant Adviser (Botany) in handling Parliament Questions, Parliament matters, VIP / PMO/President Sectt. references, Holding meetings of Medicinal Plants Board/ its constitution/reconstitution and other policy matters e) Any other work assigned by CEO a) Evaluation of “outcome” achieved under 011-24651300 Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" b) Inputs for new Schemes of NMPB c) Examination of Monitoring & Evaluation Reports of Evaluation Agencies for Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" and required follow up with agencies and States. d) Matters relating to drawing up the Cost norms of medicinal plants identified for cultivation under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "National Mission on Medicinal Plants" to be implemented as one of the component of National Mission on AYUSH (NAM) e) Compilation of information regarding “Nurseries” providing quality plantation f) 9. Sh. Shahidul Khair, Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy) g) a) b) c) d) 10. Dr. Kavita Tyagi, e) a) material in the country and preparation of inventory thereof. Finalisation of model structure for nurseries (small/ large), storage godowns, drying sheds, processing unit Any other work assigned by CEO. Liaison with organizations involved in 011-24651828 R&D work in medicinal plants sector in the country for promotion of Central Sector Scheme for "Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants" of NMPB. Receipt and maintenance of record of new projects received for grants relating to R&D on medicinal plants under the above Scheme Scrutiny and processing including comments from identified experts in association with Consultant (Agronomy) of R&D projects under the above Scheme for finalization thereof for placement before PSC / SFC Matters relating to implementation of approved projects under Central Sector Scheme for "Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants" including process for sanction / release / utilization of grants for approved projects under the scheme. Any other work assigned by CEO To examine the reports / files of previous 011-24651828 Consultant (Agronomy), NMPB b) c) d) e) f) 11. Shri. Akif Iqbal Alvi, Marketing Assistant g) a) projects sanctioned by NMPB for R & D under Central Sector Scheme for "Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants" and preparation of summary of research outcome achieved so far. Liaison with organizations for finalization of outcome on R&D under the projects sanctioned by NMPB. Setting up of medicinal plants gardens / herbal gardens under the Scheme of NMPB. Evaluation of outcome for grants released on setting up of medicinal plants gardens / herbal gardens under Central Sector Scheme for "Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants" of NMPB Providing of inputs for preparation of publicity material / publication, like separate brochures on medicinal plants time to time identified / prioritized for cultivation and development and publications on Agro-techniques of medicinal plants All works pertaining to proposals on Herbal gardens / Medicinal Plants Gardens, IEC of Govt. / NGOs. Any other work assigned by CEO. All work related to Herbal Gardens 011-24651824 (NGOs) and SMPBs 12. Dr. Lalit Tiwari, Sr. Research Assistant 13. Shri Praveen Kumar Wadhwa, Computer Operator, NMPB a) Matters relating to assessment of demand 011-24653803 / supply of raw material of Medicinal Plants origin for ASU drug manufacturers, and Studies / surveys in this regard b) Liaison with Mission Directors / Drug Controllers / Large Manufacturing Units in States for promotion of marketing cultivated medicinal plants material c) Finalisation of list of ASU drug manufacturers and traders of raw material of medicinal plants origin d) Matters relating to export / import of raw material of medicinal plants origin including the references received from other Ministries / Departments e) Matters relating to certification of cultivated / collected from wild sources medicinal plants though GAPs / GFCPs f) All works pertaining to proposals on Digital India with cooperation of Shri Praveen Kumar Wadhwa, Computer Operator g) Any other work assigned by CEO a) Timely updating of website of NMPB by 011-24651829 uploading all Orders, Sanctions, Tenders and Minutes of Meetings etc.; b) Timely attending to e-mails account and e-mail documents c) To Assist CEO/Dy.CEO in formulation of presentations for meeting and events of NMPB. 14. Shri S.K. Agarwal, Jr. Consultant (Accounts) 15. Shri R.K. Gupta, Jr. Consultant (Admn.) 16. Shri. Arun Pattathal Vijayakumar, Jr. Consultant (GIS) d) To assist Shri Lalit Tiwari, SRA on proposals on Digital India e) All purchases and maintenance matters pertaining to PCs, Laptop, Project, Scanner and its peripherals. f) Maintenance of Imprest Account. g) Any other work assigned by CEO. a) All matters related to Budget, Accounts, 011-24651825 UCs etc. 011-24651825 a) All matters related to Administration. 011-24651825 a) All matters related to GIS.
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