May 8, 2015 - North Muskegon Public Schools

Friday Flyer
May 8, 2015
1600 Mills Ave.
North Muskegon MI 49445
Steve Sanocki, Ph.D. Principal 719-4202
Elementary 719-4200
Attendance 719-4290
Tami Budd, Secretary 719-4201
Stephenie Ruple, Secretary 719-4206
School Hours: 7:55 a.m.—3:15 p.m.
Friday, May 8
Saturday, May 9
Monday, May 11
Wednesday, May 13
Thursday, May 14
Friday, May 15
May 18 - June 4
Monday, May 18
Tuesday, May 19
Thursday, May 21
Friday, May 22
Monday, May 25
Tuesday, May 26
Wednesday, May 27
Thursday, May 28
Friday, May 29
North Muskegon Elementary School
Calendar subject to change!
AM DK Musical, NM Fine Arts Center, 10:15 a.m.
1st grade Field Trip, John Ball Zoo, 8;15 a.m. - 3 p.m.
DI Movie Night, NM Fine Arts Center, 6 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Playing: "Despicable Me 2" @ 6 p.m. "Insidious" @ 8 p.m.
Paper Drive, Rite Aid in North Muskegon, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Board of Education Regular Meeting, MS/HS Library, 7 p.m.
AM DK Field Trip, Camp Pendalouan, 8:30 - 10:45
PM DK Field Trip, Camp Pendalouan, 12:30 - 2:45 p.m.
1st grade Field Trip, Camp Pendalouan, 8:15 a.m. - 3 p.m.
3rd grade Pool School, YMCA, 8:45 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
4th/5th grade Spring Concert, NM Fine Arts Center, 6:30 p.m.
ALL 4th graders perform along with 5th grade Strings and Band Students
Kindergarten Alphabop Musical, NM Fine Arts Center, 2 p.m.
3rd grade M-STEP Testing Window (Please check specific teacher testing times)
2nd grade Field Trip, Hackley & Hume Home & County Museum, 9:40 - 11:40 a.m.
PTO Meeting, Elementary Library, 7 p.m.
3rd grade Pool School, YMCA, 8:45 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
1st grade Musical, NM Fine Arts Center, 2:00 p.m.
No School, Memorial Day
4th grade Field Trip, Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery, 8:15 a.m - 2:40 p.m.
DK/Kdg New Parent Meeting, NM Fine Arts Center, 6 p.m.
4th grade Field Trip, White Pine Village, 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
LAST DAY of Elementary Tutor Room
Kindergarten Round-Up, No School for current DK & K students
2nd grade Field Trip, Dutch Village, 8:15 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Grace Sheler Will Mallon Ava Zubryd Sierra Sikkema Curtis VanderVelde Addison Falkowski Bennett Perri
Sidney Plichta Ethan Spencer Isabelle Feldpausch Sylvia Skujins A’liyah Cummings Cole Blastic Zoe Wiles
Bryson Petty Jordan Metz Leah Poulin Lily Kitchka Anna Beetham Ricardo Lopez Owen Rop Alyssa Morgan
Hudsyn Fielstra Zariah Adams Virginia Carefelle Orion Swirczek Kayleigh Hanis Alayna Bukala Abby Mount
Mim Wilkie-Jones Keira Daidone Drew Gabriel Ben Cramblet Luke Jones Saeben Fleming Emery Kevern
Chase Yeager Emily Kraley Luke Hall Jordan Thomas Kaden Vander Laan Bryce Colbert Kalvin Ginn
Mila VanTol Donovan Porter Owen Booth Tristan Thomas Delaney Young Riley Huff Cameron Rose
Ava Plichta Lidia Carty
From the Principal’s desk:
May 8, 2015
Dear NME Parents and Students,
Awesomeness is everywhere at NME! Thanks to everyone! Have a great weekend – and kids
and Dads, be sure to treat Mom right this Sunday! 
Some items to consider . . .
Moulton Playground – No Parking Request: Thank you for not parking in the Moulton
Playground lot during the school day (after 8:30 AM and before 2:30 PM as the signs on
the fence indicate). Thank you for helping to keep our kids safe. (I keep putting this
reminder in my letter because it seems to be effective as parents come to school for
events and field trips. Thank you so much for your help!)
Field Days:
o Field Days were a great time of fun and community-building once again! Even
the rain day for 1st and 2nd Graders didn’t stop the fun – as attested to by at least
two first graders who raced by me in the gym and said, “This is AWESOME!”
Thank you, Mrs. B. You make these days great for our kids and our community!
EPICS: NMPS was honored once again by having two of our outstanding employees
honored at an awards ceremony at the Lake House on April 28 th. Congrats to Mrs. B.
and Mrs. Willea (from food service/noon aides) for being Exceptional People in
Community Schools (EPICS) award recipients!
Field Trips and Events: Please continue to watch the Friday Flyer for dates and times of
events (and any changes if necessary).
A quote to end this week and begin the next . . .
“No person was ever honored for what (s)he received. Honor has been the reward for
what (s)he gave.”
~Calvin Coolidge, 30th Us President
Steven J. Sanocki, Ph.D.
North Muskegon Elementary Principal
News and Notes
Questions, please email the club at
Due no later than MAY 31
Name____________________________________ Date of Birth__________________________
Address__________________________________ Grade in the Fall_______________________
Phone_________________________________ Cell____________________________________
Email (will be used for main communication)_________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Names__________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact and Phone_____________________________________________________
Health Restrictions______________________________________________________________
My child_____________________________has my permission to participate in the NM Youth Cheer Club. I
understand and agree that the NMYCC, its officers, coaches and the City of North Muskegon shall be held harmless
and not held responsible for any injuries incurred in either on the field or off field activity.
Please circle the group your child will be included in:
*Mini-mite/Grades DK-2
Dynamite/Grades 3-4
Pee Wee/Grades 5-6
Middle School/Grades 7-8
Please mail registration form and $35.00 fee to NM Cheer Club, 1516 Loumilen Dr., Muskegon,
MI 49445 (additional uniform fee can also be included if applicable)
Do you need a uniform? New uniform style if moving from Dynamite to PeeWee
Minimite and Dynamite $66.00
(Uniform prices are separate from reg. fee)
Pee Wee and Middle School $75.00
You will be contacted for measurements
The numbers of cheerleaders participating depends on the number of volunteer coaches and assistants. We
cannot accept more cheerleaders than we have coaching staff for and registration may close early when we reach
full capacity. Please consider coaching this season. If no coaches are available, your money will be returned to you.
Hallie for Haiti
For the month of May and June,
Hallie Chandonnet will be taking
donations for the Children of Haiti
through Prince of Peace Catholic
Items can be gently used and include:
Small toys
Soccer and other balls
Beanie baby sized stuffed animals
Jump ropes and yo-yo’s
Small cars
Items can be given to Hallie or placed in
marked bins that we will have around school.
You can check with the office to find out bin
locations. Thank you for your help!