•Divine Mercy Sunday Chaplet on April 12 at 3:00 PM with

April 12 ~ Divine Mercy Sunday (Jn 20:19-31)
A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches, “Blessed are those who have
not seen and believe”. Accepting someone as they are, without
demanding they prove themselves or meet our expectations,
creates a rich relationship. Without acceptance, a home is only
a house and a family is just a group of house mates.
•Divine Mercy Sunday Chaplet on April 12 at 3:00 PM with
www.muskegoncatholic.org / Faith.Moving.Forward
•Job Postings at MCC for High School Principal, Food
Service Director & 7-12 Science & Religion Teacher.
For details, visit their website or contact Laurie
Parmelee, Business Manager 755-2201 or email
•32nd Annual Rainbow Auction on Saturday, April 25.
Visit www.mccrainbowauction.com to learn more!
Benediction to follow at St. Mary Church (downtown
Muskegon). All are invited to share this special blessing.
•Divine Mercy Sunday ~ April 12 ~ 3:00 PM ~ St. Michael
Church with Benediction & Novena. Novena daily April 3—
April 11 at 3 PM.
•Sacred Heart First Chicken & Steak Dinner on Saturday,
April 18 after 4:00 PM Mass. Tickets $15 in the office thru
April 14 (no ticket sales at the door).
•Jesus of Nazareth, A Gospel Portrait presented by Fr. Bernie
Campbell at St. Francis de Sales McCabe Center on Thursday
evenings beginning April 16, and 23 from 7-9 PM. He will
focus first on Jesus and his times with a particular emphasis on
the Jewishness of Jesus, biblical themes and texts. Free will
offering welcome.
•Baby Back Ribs & Perch Dinner on Friday, April 17 from
4:30—7:30 PM at KofC (2915 Fairfield). Delicious fall off the
bone ribs, real lake perch or combo plate. Adults $11.50,
www.ccwestmi.org OR 726-5341
Seniors $9.5 (perch only). Public welcome ~ take outs
• Our God's Infant & Toddler Pantry needs volunteers to
•ESL (English as a Second Language) Muskegon Third
help with families on Tuesday's or Thursday's from 9 am to
Annual Taco Dinner fundraiser will be held Friday, April 24
12:30 pm. If you would like to volunteer once a week or once
from 4:30-7:00 PM at Knights of Columbus (2915 Fairfield).
a month please call Diane Musk at 231-726-5341.
Adults $10, Senior $8 and kids $5. tickets sold at the door or
• Food Pantry Needs: Laundry Soap, Dish Soap, Deodorant,
231-571-7475. Proceeds to benefit ESL Muskegon, a nonShampoo/Conditioner, Toothpaste/Toothbrushes, Bar Soap,
profit providing free English language and citizenship services
Toilet Paper. Baby Pantry Needs: Sippy Cups, Diapers size
to adults in Muskegon County.
6, Baby Wash/Baby Lotion, Bottles, Pacifiers, Clothing size
•St. Francis Mass of Anointing and dinner. All are welcome
Catholic Charities West Michigan’s Real Alternative
to join us for Mass of Anointing on Wednesday, April 29 at
Program is a service provided to pregnant women who need
6:00 PM and light dinner to follow. Call 755-1953 to RSVP.
counseling and support during their pregnancies. Our
•Attention Eucharistic Ministers! Please consider donating
counselors can help pregnant women achieve positive
two hours a month at Mercy or Hackley Campus to bring
emotional and physical health during their pregnancies and
communion to those hospitalized. If you can share your ‘time
the baby’s first year as well as connect them with needed
and talent’, please call MHP Volunteer Services 728-4654 or
community resources. All services are provided free of
728-4711 to sign up for training. Thank you.
charge to the pregnant woman, the father of the baby and
their families. Contact us at (877)673-6338 or
pregnancy@ccwestmi.org to find out more.
• Do you know that there are more than 13,000 children in the
state of Michigan who are in foster care right now? These
children are in serious need of safe and secure foster and
adoptive homes. Find out how you can help by visiting our
Catholic Charities West Michigan website at ccwestmi.org/
foster-care-adoption or by calling (866) 857-1593.
•St. Joseph Federal Credit union will hold it’s 62nd Annual •Mt. Mercy Academy 50th Reunion: If you or someone
meeting on May 3 at 3:00 PM at Muskegon Catholic Central
you know graduated from Mt. Mercy Academy in 1966, a
Cafeteria. All members are invited to attend.
reunion is being planned for 2016. Please contact Jean in
•Medication and Sharps Collection on Saturday, April 18 from Grand Rapids at 616-361-0202 for further information and
9 AM-1 PM at Norton Shores Fire Department (1100 E.
to be placed on the committees mailing list.
Pontaluna Rd). To learn more visit www.mdmdp.com or call
•Are you looking to deepen your faith? Meet new
Carrie 231-672-3882 or Laura 231-672-3201.
people? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions,
•“The Longest Loss: Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
make plans to attend the upcoming Veritas weekend June
Program” on Wednesday, April 22 from 1-4 PM at Central
19-21 at St. Robert Newminster Parish in Ada. Veritas is
United Methodist (1101 2nd Street). For more information call open to all young adults ages 18-28. For more information
Elisa 728-3443 or Kelly 672-4663. Sponsored by Harbor
or to sign up, visit us at www.catholic-veritas.org or contact
Hospice, Mercy Health VNS & Hospice and EverRest Funeral
Greg G. Weekend Director at 616-970-4858 or
•All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet at Tatra Hall (corner of 6th
PRAY FOR AMERICA 64th Annual Observance Day
and Sherman) every 4th Sunday of the month from 8:30—
on Thursday, May 7! Keep watching for details.
Noon. Cost $8. Questions? Call 733-7525.