Welcome to North Middle School (NMS) North Middle School Address: 350 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085 Telephone: Fax Number: (413) 572-6441 (413)572-1669 NMS Website: http://nms.schoolsofwestfield.org/ NMS Colors: Maroon & White NMS Mascot: The Polar Bear North Middle School Enrollment in Grades 6 – 8: Approximately 680 - 700 students School Day Start: 8:00 a.m. and the School Day Ends: 2:29 p.m. / After school is typically until 3:20 p.m. North Middle School Office Staff (Call the Main Office (413) 572-6441 and dial the Ext. of person): Principal: Miss Ross Assistant Principal: Mr. J. Baker Assistant Principal: Mr. Lurgio Special Education Supervisor: Mrs. L. Pierce Guidance Counselor: Mrs. Groom Guidance Counselor: Mr. V. Baker Adjustment Counselor: Mrs. Niedel She is in charge of the entire school building, staff, and students. Her office is located in the Main Office. Her email is ka.ross@schoolsofwestfield.org. He works with the entire 6th Grade and Team 72 students, and helps Miss Ross run the school building. His office is located in the Main Office. His email is j.baker@schoolsofwestfield.org. He works with the entire 8th Grade and Team 71 students, and helps Miss Ross run the school building. His office is located in the Guidance Office, but you must check into the Main Office. His email is p.lurgio@schoolsofwestfield.org. She is responsible for the Special Education Program at NMS. Her office is located in the Guidance Office. She can be reached at Ext. 303. Her email is l.pierce@schoolsofwestfield.org. She works with Mr. J. Baker with the entire 6th Grade and Team 72 students. Students may meet with her regarding Academic, Social/Emotional issues, and College & Career Readiness. She can be reached at Ext. 109 and by email c.groom@schoolsofwestfield.org. He works with Mr. Lurgio with the entire 8th Grade and Team 71 students. Students may meet with him regarding Academic, Social/Emotional issues, and College & Career Readiness. He can be reached at Ext. 110 and by email v.baker@schoolsofwestfield.org. She works with students regarding social/emotional concerns that are more chronic and require consistent meetings. She runs daily lunch groups and grief group. She can be reached at Ext. 108 and by email k.niedel@schoolsofwestfield.org. Special Education Office Paraprofessional: Mrs. Darling At-Risk Counselor: Ms. Page School Nurse: Mrs. Mullett School Resource Officer: Officer Paul Pellan Secretary: Mrs. Chapman (Ext. 301) She is the first person to greet anyone who comes to the Guidance Office. She assists in scheduling special education meetings and assisting students. She can be reached at Ext. 303 and l.darling@schoolsofwestfield.org. She meets with students when referred to her, and her office is located in the Guidance Office. She works half-time at NMS, splitting her time with SMS. She can be reached at Ext. 111 and s.page@schoolsofwestfield.org. She is available in the Health Office across from the Main Office and can be reached at Ext. 113 and r.mullett@schoolsofwestfield.org. Officer Paul splits his time between NMS and SMS. His office is located off the main lobby just after the elevators. He is often seen walking through the halls of NMS, at the crosswalk before or after school, and in the cafeteria. Secretary: Mrs. Pease (Ext. 300) Office Paraprofessional: Ms. Smith (Ext. 100) . Email Addresses of Faculty/Staff: first initial last name@schoolsofwestfield.org Homework Online: http://nms.schoolsofwestfield.org/ and follow the prompts to the Team Page Homework Hotline: Call 572-6441 after 4:00 p.m. and follow the prompts to the Team Message Check NMS Student Grades 24 hours a day/7 days a week: Power School Parent Portal https://ps.schoolsofwestfield.org. Lunch Cost: Full Lunch = $2.45, Reduced Lunch = $.40, Milk = $.45 (prices subject to change) Parent Email System for Periodic Information Blasts: Submit your email address to c.groom@schoolsofwestfield.org During school hours, visitors to NMS must ring the bell and enter the building through the Main Door. A photo ID will be required once guests report to the office. Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up is in the Upper Parking lot before the crosswalk to avoid bus drop off. Students may get dropped off or picked up in front of the NMS after 8:05 and after bus dismissal at approximately 2:50 p.m. After 8:05 a.m. students need to enter NMS through the Main Door and report directly to the office. Otherwise, students will enter through the designated grade-level areas: Grade 6 – Enter through the entrance around the right side of NMS Grade 7 – Enter through the Main Entrance Grade 8 – Enter through the doors on the left side of the Main Entrance We look forward to working with you!
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