BHS LABORATORY SERVICES ANNUAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS 2013 Table of Contents Page Physician Letter…..……………………………………………………….….2 A. Medical Necessity (Out Patient Laboratory Testing)…………………..……...3 B. Preventive Medicine/ Approved Screening Tests……………………………..3 C. Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)……………………………………………..3 D. Medicare/Medicaid Fee Schedule and Review Policies……………………...3 E. Billing Requirements……………………………………………………..……....4 F. Diagnosis Information…………………………………………………………….4 G. Direct Billing……………………………………………………………………….4 H. Test Prices…………………………………………………………………………4 I. Ambiguous Orders…………………………………………………………………4 J. Patient Privacy (HIPAA)…………………………………………………………..4 K. Prohibited Referrals………………………………………………………………5 L. Inducements………………………………………………………………….…....5 M. Clinical Consultants..……………………………………………..……………….5 N. Compliance and Privacy Officers……………………………………………….5 O. New Tests and Description Changes…………………………………………..5 P. CMS Testing Panels…………….………………………….………………….…5 Q. Duplicate Ordering of Tests and Panels............…….………………………...6 R. BHS Reflex Testing..……………………………………………………………..6 BHS Laboratory Reflex Testing Algorithms………………………………7 S. Custom Organ and Disease Panels……………………………………………10 T. Test Substitutions/Order Clarifications……………………………………….....14 Commonly requested tests and resulting tests ………………………….14 U. New and Revised CPT Codes for Lab and Pathology, 2013………………...15 Page 1 of 15 ANNUAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS Laboratory Services 2013 Dear Physician: The Baptist Health System (BHS) Laboratories is providing this Annual Notice to Physicians as required by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS). The annual notice is in compliance with the regulations and requirements of the OIG and serves as delineated guidelines used by BHS laboratories for submitting reimbursement claims to Medicare/Medicaid for laboratory testing. This notice serves to educate, update and inform physicians on issues related to compliance, billing and coding practices of the clinical laboratory. In an effort to help laboratories comply with federal laws and regulations, the general information contained in this notice applies to all tests ordered within the Baptist Health System. If you have any questions concerning the contents of this notice, including questions related to medical necessity of testing, reflex testing, test name substitutions, etc., please contact me. Respectfully, Emily E. Volk, MD Medical Director Baptist Health System Regional Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Page 2 of 15 A. Medical Necessity (Out Patient Laboratory Testing) As a physician you may order any tests, including screening tests, which you believe are appropriate for the treatment of your patients. However, Medicare will only pay for tests that meet the Medicare/Medicaid definition of medical necessity. Baptist Health System requires that a diagnosis code accompany all outpatient diagnostic test requisitions. Panels should only be ordered when all component tests are medically necessary. All other laboratory tests should be ordered separately. B. Preventive Medicine/ Approved Screening Tests Medicare provides reimbursement for specific laboratory tests when all of the following criteria are met: 1. The test is reasonable and necessary for the prevention or early detection of illness, 2. It is recommended by the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) with a grade of A or B, and 3. It is appropriate for individuals entitled to benefits of the Medicare Program. In many cases, specific screening ICD-9 codes must be provided with the test order for benefits to apply. Tests with Preventive Services coverage are subject to frequency edits. Patients should be informed via an ABN when tests are ordered more frequently than benefits allow. Lab Test Description HCPC/CPT Codes Frequency Limitations Lipid Testing: CHOL,TRIG,HDL 80061, 82465, 83718, 84478 Once every 5 years Glucose Testing: Fecal Occult Blood 82947, 82950 82951 G0328, 82270 One per year 2 per year One per year PSA G0103 One per year HIV G0432, G0433 Chlamydia, Gonorrhea 87491, 87591 Syphilis Testing 86592, 8678 0 Hepatitis B surface Antigen 87340, 87341 One per year, if pregnant, 3X per pregnancy One per year , if pregnant 2X per pregnancy One per year, one per pregnancy 2X per pregnancy if at continued high risk One per pregnancy, 2X if at continued high risk C. Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) CMS requires Medicare carriers to implement policies to ensure that services paid by Medicare are medically necessary. Local carriers have established limited coverage policies under which Medicare can deny reimbursement for tests based upon the absence of medical necessity, routine health screening, investigational use only tests and frequency limitations. The patient is liable, providing that an ABN has been given to the patient prior to service. An ABN signed by the patient prior to service is necessary to document that the patient is aware that Medicare might not pay for the test and that the patient has agreed to pay for testing in the event that Medicare payment is denied. The Advanced Beneficiary Notice document will be generated, if necessary, at the time of patient registration. D. Medicare/Medicaid Fee Schedule and Review Policies Medicare/Medicaid will pay for organ or disease related panels only when all components are medically necessary. Medicare/Medicaid payments will be equal to or less than the amounts set forth on the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule. This Fee Schedule is available for download from the CMS web site at: PHYSICIAN FEE SCHEDULE The local coverage determination (LCD/NCD) can be viewed at: Page 3 of 15 E. Billing Requirements: All of the following information must be provided to enable our billing department to bill Medicare and/or Medicaid: patient’s full name; patient’s date of birth and sex; patient’s complete address, including city and zip code; referring physician’s name and NPI patient’s insurance ID number including suffix (Medicare beneficiaries),authorization number (Medicaid beneficiaries); and valid ICD-9-CM diagnosis code(s) for each encounter, not just for NCD/LCD limited coverage tests. F. Diagnosis Information: CMS requires an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code on all claims. Additionally, diagnosis information is required to establish the medical necessity of the tests ordered. Such information may be submitted either through the use of ICD-9-CM codes or a narrative description. Only diagnosis information obtained from the ordering physician is submitted on Medicare claims. The diagnosis information provided should reflect information in the patient’s medical record for the date on which the physician wrote the order for the tests. In the event an ordering physician does not provide diagnosis information, the physician will be contacted to obtain such information. Documentation of the receipt of such information will be maintained. Documentation must be authenticated by the ordering physician or authorized representative. All narrative diagnosis information received from ordering physicians will be accurately translated into the appropriate ICD-9-CM codes. G. Direct Billing: Medicare requires the laboratory performing the test to bill the program directly. Physicians may not bill Medicare for testing performed by a reference laboratory. Tests are reimbursed by Medicare according to an established fee schedule. Medicaid reimbursement is equal to or less than the Medicare fee schedule amount. H. Test Prices: Test pricing is based on the cost of each procedure or the component procedures included in a test panel (direct costs), the costs associated with providing laboratory services for different types of customers (indirect costs), reasonable accommodation of marketplace competitive pricing and a reasonable profit. I. Ambiguous Orders: Claims for reimbursements are submitted only for tests which have been both ordered and performed. If the laboratory receives a requisition without a test ordered or with ambiguous orders subject to multiple interpretations, the ordering physician will be contacted to determine what test(s) are to be performed before testing is conducted or a claim for reimbursement is submitted. Inadequate or unacceptable specimens will not be processed and no claim will be submitted. Claims are not submitted for results derived by calculation. J. Patient Privacy (HIPAA): Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), BHS Laboratory is a health care provider and a covered entity. It is our policy to comply with the letter and intent of these standards. BHS Laboratory will collect only the minimum necessary information and will treat all information collected in a confidential manner within the confines of treatment, payment and healthcare operations. A copy of the BHS Notice of Privacy Practices is available to physicians and patients on request. Any concerns involving patient privacy may be addressed with the BHS Privacy Officer at 210-297-8264. Page 4 of 15 K. Prohibited Referrals: It is our policy to comply with all aspects of the self-referral prohibitions and exceptions established by Stark I and II. The self-referral ban states that, if a financial relationship exists between a physician (or an immediate family member) and a laboratory, the physician may not refer Medicare patients to that laboratory, and the laboratory may not bill Medicare for services referred by the physician unless that financial relationship satisfies all requirements of a regulatory exception for such a relationship. L. Inducements: Medicare law prohibits soliciting, offering, paying or accepting any “inducement” to secure the referral of tests on Medicare patients. Only supplies and equipment necessary for the drawing, processing, storage or transport of specimens and subsequent reporting of test results referred to BHS Laboratories are provided to customers. No tests are provided to customers or potential customers free of charge or below cost as a professional courtesy or to secure additional business. Any form of kickback, payment or other inducement to secure the referral of Medicare specimens is strictly prohibited and should be reported to the BHS Compliance Officer. M. Clinical Consultants: The BHS Laboratories Clinical and Anatomic Pathologists are available to provide assistance in selecting appropriate tests for a patient, condition, or other clinical situation where a physician or other practitioner desires assistance. Clinical Consultation may be reached by contacting any of the pathologists at the BHS Laboratories. N. Compliance: You may direct questions about regulatory compliance and laboratory billing to the BHS Compliance Office at (210) 297-1292 O. New Tests and Description Changes The following new tests have been added to the laboratory’s test menu in the year 2013: New Tests: MRSA/ MSSA by PCR Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhoeae by PCR Methotrexate (serum) Description change: Reticulocyte Panel (previously Reticulocyte Hgb concentrate) Includes : Reticulocyte Hemoglobin, Immature Reticulocyte Fraction, Reticulocyte Abs Count, Reticulocyte Percent P. CMS Approved Testing Panels The following are the approved testing panels performed by BHS laboratories. BHS Testing Panel Name BASIC METABOLIC PANEL (BMP) CPT Code: 80048 Panel is composed of: Na, K, Cl, CO2, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Calcium BASIC METABOLIC PANEL, POINT OF CARE, IONIZED CA CPT Code: 80047 COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL (CMP) CPT Code : 80053 Na, K, Cl, CO2, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, ionized Calcium Na, K, Cl, CO2, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Calcium Total Protein, Albumin, Total Bilirubin, Alkaline phosphatase, ALT, AST Page 5 of 15 ELECTROLYTE PANEL CPT Code: 80051 GENERAL HEALTH PANEL CPT Code:80050 HEPATITIS ACUTE PANEL CPT Code: 80074 Na, K, Cl, CO2 CBC with differential, CMP, TSH Hepatitis A IgM antibody;, Hepatitis B surface antibody,Hepatistis B core total antibody , Hepatitis B surface antigen,(HBsAg) Hepatitis C IgM antibody Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT, AST, Total and Direct Bilirubin Cholesterol Total, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL Calculated CBC with differential, HBsAg, Rubella antibody, RPR, ABO, Rh, Antibody Screen Na, K, Cl, CO2, Calcium,, Albumin, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Phosphate, HEPATIC FUNCTION PANEL CPT Code: 80076 LIPID PANEL CPT Code: 80061 OBSTETRIC PANEL CPT Code: 80055 RENAL FUNCTION PANEL CPT Code: 80069 Q. Duplicate Ordering of Tests and Panels Every effort should be made to avoid duplicate ordering of tests. Examples are cited in the table, below: Incorrect Order CMP and Renal Function Panel CMP and Hepatic Function Panel BMP and Renal Function Panel Correct Order CMP and Phosphate CMP and Bilirubin, Direct Renal Function Panel R. BHS Reflex Testing Reflex testing occurs when the result(s) of a requested test automatically causes an additional test to be ordered. Under certain conditions the laboratory will reflex the tests listed below according to the criteria approved by the medical staff. Reflex testing is billed according to the individual test performed. Tests that are referred to reference laboratories may also have reflexed, billable tests based upon the guidelines of that reference laboratory. Two types of reflex testing protocols are identified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the National Correct Coding Policy Manual for Medicare Part B Carriers (3 rd Edition, 1997). The first type are laboratory tests which, if positive, require additional separate follow-up testing which CMS indicates is implicit in the physician’s order. Furthermore, the initial test, if positive, requires the additional testing to have clinical value. Reflex tests required by regulatory or accreditation standards are also considered to be of this type. The second type of reflex testing is those tests where the initial test result may have clinical value without the additional testing. It is this type of reflex testing where CMS anticipates that the physician will be able to use medical judgment in determining that for a specific patient during a particular episode of care, the initial test provides sufficient clinical information and that the reflex test is not needed. It is in these situations that hospitals and laboratories are required to offer the initial test without the reflex, if the physician so orders. Page 6 of 15 BHS Laboratory Reflex Testing algorithms Ordered Test: Criteria Required Reflex Testing Ordered: ANA with Reflex to ANA Panel Any positive or equivocal result ANA panel includes: Anti dsDNA quantative Anti Sm (Smith) IgG Anti SM/RNP IgG Anti SSA IgG Anti SSB IgG Anti Sci-70 Anti JO-1 IgG Anti RNP Anti Centromere B Anti Chromatin Anti Ribosomal P CBC/Platelet Count Platelet count less than 50,000 CBC/Hemogram LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT Screen Hgb <9g/dl and MCV <78 Positive result Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) Ret-HE DRVVT2 (Sure) DRVVTM 1:1 Prolonged PT/PTT Evaluation Pathologist selection: HIV-1-2 Screen Consultation Report (80500) Thrombin Time (85670) Hepzyme treated PT/PTT (85610 & 85730) PT/PTT Mixing Study(85732X3 & 85611X3) Lupus Anticoagulant Screen (DRVVT Screen & Confirm(85613x2)STAClot LA(85598) Specific Factor Activity & Inhibitors Factors II(85210), V(85220),VII(85230),VIII(8524 0),IX (85250), X(85260), XI(85270), XII(85280) vonWillebrand factor activity(85245) vonWillebrand factor antigen(85246) Fibrinogen(85384) Reptilase Time(85635) Pre Kallikrein Screen(85292) HMW Kininogen Screen (85293) Any positive or equivocal result Page 7 of 15 Western Blot Syphilis Screen (Syphilis IgG) Any positive or equivocal result UA dipstick with reflex to microscopic Result is: Patient < 16 years old Positive for occult blood Positive for protein Not Normal in color Cloudy Positive for leukocyte esterase with high specific gravity High Specific gravity and high glucose UA dipstick with reflex to microscopic and culture Positive for occult blood Positive for leukocyte esterase Positive for RBC’s Positive for WBC’s Positive for protein If positive an RPR titer is performed UA dipstick with microscopic UA dipstick with reflex to microscopic and culture Hbs Ag Any positive or equivocal result Hbs Ag neutralization Microbiology Cultures Identification of pathogen Gram Stain Anaerobic & aerobic cultures performed as appropriate for specimen source Antibiotic sensitivity where applicable. Sensitivity not automatically performed on all pathogens. Microbiology Stool Culture Stool Culture Positive for Shiga Toxin E.Coli O157:H7 culture Rapid Strep Group A Any negative result Streptococcal Screen Culture Group A Type and Screen Positive antibody screen Antibody Identification, Antigen Testing and Two Unit Crossmatch (this is going to change…the criteria for this would be based on whether or not the patient is going to surgery, has a hemoglobin <10 or has special conditions (i.e. sickle cell) Page 8 of 15 Rh on Mother and Baby Rh negative mother/ Rh positive baby Fetal Hemoglobin Screen Positive result Transfusion of any product without current order for type and screen CSF Bactogen Order for blood product transfusion with no specific order for type and screen Negative or positive result TSH W/Reflex Abnormal result Free T4 Protein Electrophoresis Urine 24 HR or Random Immunoelectrophoresis Monoclonal spike Possible monoclonal pattern Hgb Electrophoresis Presumed Hb-S Abnormal patterns Path review Immunoelectrophoresis Monoclonal gammopathies and possible reflex to IgA. IgM IGG and Kappa and Lambda light chains Acid Electrophoresis technique Flow Cytometry Leukemia/Lymphoma Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Breast cancer diagnosis made Metastatic colorectal carcinoma Metastatic or inoperable locally advanced gastric cancer diagnosis made Plasma cell neoplasm diagnosis made Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis made Diagnosis made of: All primary colorectal or small bowel carcinomas in patients below the age of 50 All primary colorectal or small bowel adenomas in patients below the age of 40 All primary colorectal carcinomas designated as “Mucinous” type All primary colorectal carcinomas designated as “Signet Ring” type All primary colorectal carcinomas exhibiting the so-called “Crohn’s-Like” medullary pattern All endometrial carcinoma diagnosis made in women less than 60 years old Order Rhophylac (300mg) Fetal Hemoglobin Scr.(85641) Fetomaternal Bleed by Flow Cytometry (86356) Type and Screen CSF Culture Pathology reviews blood smear prior to sending specimen for testing. Her2Neu testing by FISH and ER, PR, Ki67 testing by IHC KRAS testing by PCR Her2 by FISH and, if negative, Her2 by IHC Myeloma prognostic panel by FISH P16 by IHC Screening for HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome by IHC.: If staining for both MLH1 and PMS2 is negative, BRAF mutation with reflex to MLH1 Promoter Methylation will be performed. Screening for HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome by IHC.: If staining for both MLH1 and PMS2 is negative, BRAF mutation with reflex to MLH1 Promoter Methylation will be Page 9 of 15 Surgical and cytological pathology Metastatic melanoma diagnosis made Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology New myelodysplasia syndrome diagnosis made New acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) diagnosis made New myeloproliferative neoplasm diagnosis made Surgical and cytological pathology Surgical and cytological pathology BCR/ABL FISH positive myeloproliferative neoplasm New adenocarcinoma of lung or nonsmall cell Carcinoma, NOS diagnosis made performed. BRAF mutation analysis (Assay must be FDA approved for this specific purpose) MDS/FISH panel and cytogenetic studies AML FISH panel and cytogenetic studies Qualitative JAK 2 PCR and BCR/ABL by FISH with cytogenetic studies Quantitative BCR/ABL test ALK and EGFR Qualitative testing CBC Reflex testing A smear review and/or manual differential (85007) will be performed when defined abnormalities are identified. These are determined by the policies and procedures as approved by the laboratory medical director. S. Custom Panels and Organ and Disease Panels A custom panel is a physician specific group of commonly ordered laboratory tests or panels which have not been defined by the AMA or CMS that are medically necessary in treating a patient’s condition. Baptist Health System groups certain tests together for ordering convenience. These tests bill separately. BHS Custom Panel List (Bold Print indicates new Panel and/or new components) Panel # 1099 Test Listings DIC SCREEN 85049 85610 85730 85380 85384 PROTHROMBIN TIME ( INR ) PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN ( PTT ) PLATELET COUNT D DIMER TEST FIBRINOGEN 1712 MIXING STUDY PT 85610 PROTHROMBIN TIME ( INR ) 85611 PROTIME PLASMA FRACTIONS 1715 MIXING STUDY PTT 85730 PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN ( PTT ) 85732 PTT PLASMA FRACTIONS 1084 LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT SCREEN 85610 PT 85730 PTT 85670 THROMBIN TIME 85613 85597 DRVVT RATIO STA CLOT LA Page 10 of 15 Pathology Interpretation 1127 IPF (IMMATURE PLATELET FRACTION) 85055 IPF% 85049 PLATELET COUNT k/ul 1128 RETICULOCYTE PANEL RET-HE (RETIC HGB CONTENT) PG & 85046 IRF (IMMATURE RETIC FRACTION) % 85045 RETIC COUNT ul & RETIC ABSOLUTE COUNT % 2003 BACTERIAL ANTIGENS 86403 PARTICLE AGG SCREEN EA ANTIBODY Haemophilus influenzae Grp B, Strep. pneumoniae, Strep. Agalactiae (Strep Grp B), Neisseria meningitidis, E. coli K1. 2036 WET PREP SMEAR Q0111 GRAM STAIN 87205 WET MOUNTS, INCLUDING PREP 2056 INTESTINAL PARASITE SCREEN 87328 CRYPTOSPORIDIUM ANTIGEN 87329 GIARDIA AG 87336 ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA/DISPAR 2059 BORDETELLA PERTUSIS/PARAPERT CULT 87081 CULT, PRESUMPT PATHOGEN SCRN 2061 SMEAR CYCLOSPORA / ISOSPORA 87206 ACID FAST SMEAR 1100 CSF PROFILE 84157 82945 89051 87070 87205 2064 10812 PROTEIN OTHER FLUID GLUCOSE BODY FLUID CELL COUNT FLUID WITH WBC DIFFERENTAL CULTURE ROUTINE SMEAR FLUID GRAM (CYTOSPIN) INFLUENZA A + B AG ( RAPID TEST) 87804 INFLUENZA A + B AG ( RAPID TEST) RESPIRATORY PATHOGEN PANEL 87798 RSV 87502 INFLUENZA A INFLUENZA B 87798 CORONAVIRUS 87798 PARAINFLUENZA TYPE 1 87798 PARAINFLUENZA TYPE 2 87798 PARAINFLUENZA TYPE 3 Page 11 of 15 3044 87798 87798 87798 87798 87798 PARAINFLUENZA TYPE 4 RHINOVIRUS/ENTEROVIRUS METAPNEUMOVIRUS ADENOVIRUS BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS CK MB PANEL 82550 82553 CREATINE PHOSPHOKINASE CREATINE KINASE MB ONLY 3052 DRUGS OF ABUSE URINE Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, Barbiturates, G0431 Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Methadone, Opiates, PCP THC 3068 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 2 HR 82951 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE - 3 SPECIMENS 3069 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 3 HR 82951 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE - 3 SPECIMENS 82952 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE, EACH ADDL SPEC 3070 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 4 HR 82951 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE – 3 SPECIMENS 82952 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE, EACH ADDL SPEC 3071 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 5 HR 82951 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE – 3 SPECIMENS 82952 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE, EACH ADDL SPEC 3072 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 6 HR 82951 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE - 3 SPECIMENS 82952 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE, EACH ADDL SPEC 3147 IRON PROFILE 84466 83540 TRANSFERRIN IRON LEVEL 3190 IMMUNOGLOBULIN IGA IGG IGM 82784 IMMUNOGLOBULIN, IGA 82784 IMMUNOGLOBULIN,IGG 82784 IMMUNOGLOBULIN IGM 3197 ELECTROLYTES TIMED URINE 84132 POTASSIUM, URINE EACH 84295 SODIUM, URINE EACH 82435 CHLORIDE, URINE EACH 81050 URINE, VOLUME MEAS-TIMED SPEC 3218 SWEAT TEST 89230 82438 SWEAT COLLECTION BY IONTOPHORESIS CHLORIDE, OTHER SOURCE Page 12 of 15 3240 PEDI ED BASIC METABOLIC PROFILE 80051 ELECTROLYTES 82947 BUN (POINT OF CARE) 84520 GLUCOSE, POINT OF CARE, 3247 ELECTROLYTES RANDOM URINE 84133 POTASSIUM, URINE 84300 SODIUM, URINE 82436 CHLORIDE, URINE 3255 PH STOOL 83986 84376 PH FLUID REDUCING SUBSTANCE, STOOL 3260 OPEN HEART PANEL 82495 SODIUM 84132 POTASSIUM ( K ) 82330 CALCIUM IONIZED MEASURED 82947 GLUCOSE 85014 HEMATOCRIT 82803 LAB BLOOD GAS 3707 RT - CO-OXIMETRY 85018 RAPIDPOINT405 - HEMOGLOBIN 82820 RAPIDPOINT405 - HGB - O2 AFFINITY 82375 RAPIDPNT405-CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN QNT 83050 RAPIDPOINT405 - METHEMOGLOBIN QNT 3712 RT - ABG/LYTES/GLU/CO-OX/CA++ 82803 BLOOD GAS - BY RT 82330 RAPIDPOINT405 - CALCIUM, IONIZED 82947 RAPIDPOINT405 - GLUCOSE, QUANT 85018 RAPIDPOINT405 - HEMOGLOBIN 82820 RAPIDPOINT405 - HGB - O2 AFFINITY 82375 RAPIDPNT405-CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN QNT 83050 RAPIDPOINT405 - METHEMOGLOBIN QNT 3713 RT - ABG/CO-OX 82803 85018 82820 82375 83050 BLOOD GAS - BY RT RAPIDPOINT405 - HEMOGLOBIN RAPIDPOINT405 - HGB - O2 AFFINITY RAPIDPNT405-CARBOXYHEMOGLOBIN QNT RAPIDPOINT405 - METHEMOGLOBIN QNT 3714 RT - ABG/LYTES/CA++ 82803 BLOOD GAS - BY RT 82330 CALCIUM, IONIZED 3715 RT - ABG/GLU 82803 BLOOD GAS - BY RT Page 13 of 15 82947 GLUCOSE, QUANT 3716 RT - ABG/LYTES/GLU 82803 BLOOD GAS - BY RT 82330 RAPIDPOINT405 - CALCIUM, IONIZED 82947 RAPIDPOINT405 - GLUCOSE, QUANT 4048 ANA PANEL 86038 86235 86225 ANA Screen anti Sm (Smith) IgG, antiSM/ RNP IgG, anti SS-A IgG, anti SS-B IgG, anti Scl-70 IgG, anti-Jo1, Anti RNP, Anti Centromere B , Anti Chromatin , Anti Ribosomal P Anti-dsDNA 10058 ANTICARDIOLIPIN PHOSPHOLIPID PNL 86147 CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES IGG, IGM, IGA 10155 EXTRACTABLE NUCLEAR ANTIGEN, PNL 86235 anti SM IgG and anti SM/RNP 20064 TYPE + SCREEN 86900 ABO TYPE ONLY 86901 RH TYPE 86850 ANTIBODY SCREEN RBC 20069 CORD BLOOD WORKUP 86900 ABO TYPE ONLY 86901 RH TYPE 86880 DIRECT COOMBS, ANTI-IGG ONLY 20174 COOMBS DIRECT PANEL 86880 DIRECT COOMBS, ANTI-IGG ONLY 86880 DIRECT COOMBS, ANTI-POLY ONLY 86880 DIRECT COOMBS, ANTI-C3 ONLY 4055 VASCULITIS PANEL 83516 ANCA CYTOPLASMIC PR3 83516 ANCA PERINUCLEAR MPO 83516 GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE IgG T. Test Substitutions/Order Clarifications In order to clarify some commonly used abbreviations and terms, the following test substitutions will be performed: Commonly requested tests and resulting tests that will be performed When a physician requests This will be performed Type and Cross Type and Screen, pending order to transfuse Liver Function Tests or LFT Hepatic Function Panel INR PT/INR CBC with diff CBC with auto diff BNP B-Type Natriuretic Peptide. Page 14 of 15 U. NEW AND REVISED CPT CODES FOR LAB AND PATHOLOGY – 2013 CODE CHANGES Molecular codes have had numerous changes. Refer to website listed below. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid new tests and CPT/ HCPCS codes for 2013: Can be found with explanation at website: Hit Accept at the end of the agreement Select open on 13CLAB. Page 15 of 15
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