On Time, Lower Cost - Newport News Shipbuilding

5 | 11 | 2015
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
USS Enterprise is escorted by six tugboats into Dry Dock 11,
the carrier’s original birthplace. Enterprise is the first nuclear
aircraft carrier to undergo an inactivation, which includes
defueling the ship’s eight reactors and preparing the hull
for its final dismantlement. Photo by Dar Deerfield Mook
On Time, Lower Cost
NNS Completes South Dakota’s AMR Module
More than 100 shipbuilders were recognized May 6 for completing South Dakota’s (SSN 790)
Auxiliary Machinery Room (AMR) on time and 10 percent below cost for the same work on the
last boat. The module is the 17th consecutive Virginia-class AMR that the team has completed on
time or ahead of schedule.
“This is a huge accomplishment for Newport News Shipbuilding,” said Rob Austin, construction
director. “The fact that the team has been able to successfully transition into the two submarine
per year build schedule is amazing. The team has been exemplary in looking for different ways to
speed up the build process while maintaining first-time quality.”
At the end of Austin’s remarks, he asked the team to applaud themselves and shake hands with
each other. “This accomplishment was a team effort,” said Austin. “Thank those around you and
let them know that you care about them and their safety.”
Lt. Steven Kemper, SUPSHIP, was in attendance and thanked the shipbuilders for their hard
work. “Delivering 17 AMRs on time is a testament to your outstanding craftsmanship,” he said.
“Big E” Returns to
Birthplace - Dry Dock 11
On May 2, USS Enterprise (CVN 65) was moved
from Pier 2 to her original birthplace, Dry Dock
11. Newport News employees will continue the
defueling process in the dry dock under the
current inactivation contract.
Six tugboats guided the ship about one mile to
its new location. More than 200 shipbuilders
assisted with the ship’s relocation, a two-and-ahalf-hour effort. Work will continue in the dry
dock until the fall of 2016.
“Our shipbuilders and Navy partners continue
to work closely as we accomplish this truly
unique contract,” said Chris Miner, vice
president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier
Programs. “Our shipbuilders’ slogan for the
inactivation of the USS Enterprise is ‘Honor a
Legend.’ The pride the shipbuilder and Navy
team have in being part of this legendary ship’s
history is demonstrated every day as they safely
complete each step of this challenging work.”
Watch a LIVE Webcast
of the Indiana Keel
Laying Ceremony.
CMSD Recognized
for Eco-Friendly
Builders to Host USCAA
Small College World
Series May 13-15.
... READ ON PG 2
... READ ON PG 3
... READ ON PG 4
5 | 11 | 2015
May is National
Electrical Safety Month
Newport News Shipbuilding’s Electrical
Department (X31) is taking part in
National Electrical Safety Month by
raising awareness about electrical safety.
The department has placed posters and
banners around the yard from Pier 2 to Dry
Dock 12 and at each of the nine turnstiles
in honor of the month.
“Raising awareness about electrical hazards
is the key to reducing home electrical
fires, injuries and even death,” said X31
Trade Director David Batdorf. “Whether
employees are at home or at work, electrical
safety is important at all times. Our goal
is to educate employees on small things
that they can do to improve the electrical
environment around them.”
The department also handed out lanyards
and released a short video that address’s
the problems that we specifically see in
the yard themed “Why I work Safe” to help
spread the word about electrical safety.
Watch videos highlighting Electrical Safety
Month on Yardnet.
NEW! Watch a LIVE Webcast of the Indiana Keel Laying
On Saturday, May 16, Newport News Shipbuilding will lay the keel for submarine Indiana (SSN 789).
The webcast will begin at 11 a.m. and will be broadcasted at huntingtoningalls.com/ssn789.
During the ceremony, NNS welder Heather Johnson (X18) will weld Ship’s Sponsor Diane Donald’s
initials into a steel plate that will be later be permanently affixed to the submarine.
Following the ceremony, the entire webcast will be available for viewing on the website.
During the Washington (SSN 787) Keel Laying Ceremony last year, Virginia-class shipbuilder Dustin Utecht welds Ship
Sponsor Elisabeth Mabus’ initials onto a steel plate that will be permanently affixed to SSN 787. Photo by John Whalen
“Big E” Returns to Birthplace - Dry Dock 11
The first super carrier powered by nuclear reactors, USS Enterprise is also the first to undergo an inactivation, which includes defueling the ship’s
eight reactors and preparing the hull for its final dismantlement.
USS Enterprise was built at Newport News and joined the Navy’s fleet in 1961. The ship aided in the Cuban Missile Crisis and operations Enduring
Freedom and New Dawn, as well as naval maritime security operations.
Visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/videos to watch a highlights video of USS Enterprise’s move into dry dock.
Tugboats escort CVN 65 to Dry Dock 11. Photo by Dar Deerfield Mook
5 | 11 | 2015
CMSD Recognized for
Eco-Friendly Practices
Continental Maritime of San Diego has been
recognized by the Industrial Environmental
Association for its environmental stewardship.
The association presented the shipyard with a
Pioneer Award in April, commemorating the
facility’s proactive sustainability program,
which has led to CMSD becoming the first “zero
discharge” shipyard in the United States.
“It’s great to know that Continental Maritime
is dedicated to continual improvement and
is reminded of some great achievements,
like being the first zero discharge shipyard
in the country,” said April McGinley, an
environmental supervisor at CMSD. “We are
committed to keeping our community clean and
safe, for both our neighbors and the wildlife
of San Diego. As a member of the Industrial
Environmental Association, CMSD makes
environmental stewardship a top priority.”
CMSD has worked to eliminate all discharge
from its facility for more than a decade.
Operating under a National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System Permit, CMSD committed
to becoming a zero discharge facility,
eliminating the discharge of storm water, air
conditioning condensate, boiler condensate,
pipe and tank hydrostatic discharge water, and
more. In 2004, the San Diego Regional Water
Control Board inspected the facility’s discharge
elimination system and confirmed that all
point source discharges were eliminated,
Don’t Become Victim of a
Over the past few months, Newport News
Shipbuilding employees have been targeted for
a scam of gaining money under false pretenses.
April McGinley (left) and Dewey Youngerman accepted
the Industrial Environmental Association’s Pioneer Award
on behalf of CMSD. Photo by Ellen Humpherys
making CMSD the nation’s first zero discharge
shipyard. By being discharge free, CMSD has
an annualized energy savings of approximately
In addition to addressing discharge, CMSD
has taken steps to limit its use of electricity
and hazardous materials and has promoted
recycling throughout its facility. The company
replaced light fixtures with more energyefficient lighting, leading to a 59 percent
reduction in electricity use annually. To cut
down on hazardous waste and emissions,
leadership banned overboard blasting and
coasting and now uses natural gas and electric
forklifts. In 2014, the company recycled 594
tons of cardboard, paper, wood, plastic, blast
grit, metal and electronic waste, representing
62 percent of the facility’s waste once
transferred to a landfill.
On Time, Lower Cost
Master Shipbuilder and Installation Machinist Herbert Young (X43) believes that the team has
been able to remain successful on each structure due to constant communication. “Communication
plays an important role in what we do,” he said. “We are constantly communicating between each
other and between teams. Whether we’re letting each other know about the status of the AMR or a
new idea we have to improve our processes – communication has kept us on track.”
X33 Painter Karisten Frazier said that teamwork has also played a major role in the team’s
success. “Everyone looks out for each other,” she said. “When we see something wrong, we let our
teammate(s) know. The teamwork mindset has definitely worked to our benefit.”
X31 Apprentice Craft Instructor Carmelo Collazo has been helping train and coach apprentices
building the AMR structure for the past year. “My job is very rewarding because I’m able to see the
progress of the apprentices,” he said. “They have so much pride in their work and are always trying to
find ways to make improvements or better themselves.”
Pictured on front page: Construction Director Rob Austin thanks an employee for his hard work on South Dakota’s AMR
module, which was delivered on time and 10 percent below the cost of the previous AMR. Pictured on right: Lt. Steven Kemper,
SUPSHIP, thanked shipbuilders for their work in delivering 17 consecutive AMR structures on time. Photos by Chris Oxley
The scam begins with an individual approaching
an employee and starting a friendly
conversation about working at the shipyard and
how they are currently stranded. The individual
(sometimes two individuals) ask for a specific
amount of money needed to get their vehicle
working again. The individual then gives them a
name of an active NNS employee and a correct
phone number for that employee.
If the employee decides to help the pretending
shipbuilder, and then tries to regain the
borrowed money by contacting the person from
the information given, the person called will
not know of the incident and more than likely
will have received several other calls of that
Turn to p. 4 to view a list of tips to help you not
fall victim to a scam.
5 | 11 | 2015
Mulherin to Speak
at L.E.A.R.N. Event
HOLA to Host After Work
Mentoring Event Thursday
The Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance (HOLA)
will host a “Speed Mentoring” event from 4:30 to
6 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) on
Thursday, May 14. Mentoring sessions will occur
in 10- minute intervals with attendees moving from
one mentor to another. The event is open to all
NEW! NNS Channel is Airing
This Year’s Highlights Video
The Newport News Shipbuilding Channel is now
airing on Cox’s On-Demand Channel 1886. Tune in
today to watch the 2015 Master Shipbuilder Highlights
video and an overview of the NNS 5K as well as
other videos from Focus NNS, to special events,
to shipbuilder features. NNS hopes the channel
will provide an opportunity for shipbuilders and the
community to learn more about NNS.
Apprentice first baseman Jordan Crowles keeps his eye
on the ball. Photo by John Whalen
Apprentice Baseball Team to
Host USCAA Small College
World Series This Week
The Apprentice School Baseball team will host the
2015 United States Collegiate Athletic Association
(USCAA) Small College World Series May 13-15
at War Memorial Stadium in Hampton. A Home
Run Derby will be held on May 12 at Woodside
High School starting at 7:30 p.m. The Builders are
the fifth-seed in the 10-team tournament and will
face fourth-seeded Rochester College (MI) at 6:30
p.m. on Wednesday, May 12. For group ticket and
sponsorship information, contact Shera White (O22)
at 380-7576.
The L.E.A.R.N. Program is back
and proud to host its first event of
2015. Newport News Shipbuilding
President Matt Mulherin will be
speaking on the current state of
NNS during an after-work event from 4:30-6 p.m. in
the James River Room (B520-6) on Thursday, June 4.
Prizes and refreshments will follow the presentation.
The event is open to all employees and by reservation
only. Visit the L.E.A.R.N. Yardent website to sign up.
“Lose2Win” Weight Loss
Challenge Begins June 2
Learn skills for long-term success in fitness and
nutrition through “Lose2Win” program challenges that
help make new habits stick. Participants will have a
chance to win prizes. A grand prize will be given to
the employee with the highest percentage of weight
loss. The program runs June 2 – Aug. 6 at various
locations throughout the shipyard. To register at
home, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/lose2win
Yardnet for more information or contact Emily
McCarley (O28) at 380-4578.
On May 13, The Apprentice Alumni Association will
be hosting Alumni Day at War Memorial Stadium. All
active alumni and up to four guests will be admitted
FREE for the day. Alumni Association will be hosting
a cookout in the picnic area for those Alumni and
guests at 4:30 p.m. Alumni interested in participating
in Alumni Day should have contacted Floyd Byrd
(O98) at 688-2667 or via email to RSVP.
Don’t Become Victim of a Scam
• Immediately remove your badge when leaving
the shipyard or any HII facility.
Pictured (L to R): Chris Owenby (X52), Nicole Nickell,
Operation Homefront representative, Floyd Byrd (098)
and Jerry Owenby (X36).
Propeller Club Presents
Operation Homefront with Donation
On April 24, the Propeller Club presented Operation
Homefront with a $1,000 check. The proceeds
donated were collected by the Propeller Club during
the organization’s annual Invitational Tournament.
• Understand that this scam could happen to you
at any time and anywhere.
• If possible, take pictures of the subject and
license plate of the car being driven.
• Ensure that the person you are speaking to has
identification to confirm who they are are.
• Do not allow the individual(s) to follow you to an
ATM or any other place. Do not offer them a ride.
• If you are on or adjacent to an HII facility,
contact (757) 380-2222.
Tom Gentry, right, presents Donna Tighe, Virginia
Peninsula Foodbank, with donations collected at the 2015
NNS 5K on behalf of the Apprentice Alumni Association.
AAA Donates NNS 5K Proceeds
to Foodbank
The Apprentice Alumni Association (AAA) collected
382 pounds of canned goods and $230 in cash
donations during this year’s NNS 5K on May 2. AAA
representatives delivered the canned goods and
money to the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank Monday,
May 4. Special thanks to all employees who donated.
5 | 11 | 2015
MAY 13
Information session for George Washington
University Master of Science in Systems
Engineering or Engineering Management will be
held from 12 to 1 p.m. at The Apprentice School
(Bldg. 812) in the Apprentice Alumni room (room
180). To RSVP, email cohort@gwu.edu by May 11.
For questions, contact Rex Parker (O35) at
688-7224 or Jennifer McClain (O35) 688-8439.
MAY 14
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will meet
from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Bldg. 812
(The Apprentice School) second floor conference
room. Guests are always welcome. Contact
Rose Brodie (K75) at 534-3382 or Donna Graves
(E08) at 688-6204 for more information.
MAY 19
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will
meet from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bldg. 812
(The Apprentice School) second floor conference
room. Guests are always welcome. Contact Rose
Brodie (K75) at 534-3382 or Donna Graves (E08)
at 688-6204 for more information.
MAY 28
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will
meet from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Bldg. 812
(The Apprentice School) second floor conference
room. Guests are always welcome. Contact Rose
Brodie (K75) at 534-3382 or Donna Graves (E08)
at 688-6204 for more information.
MAY 28
MAY 29-31
The Apprentice School Students Association
(ASSA) is holding an interest meeting for the
second season of the ASSA Softball League at
4:30 p.m. in the new Apprentice School gym
(Bldg. 812). View the flier for additional information
or contact the ASSA Activities Chair Tierra Jones
at 567-2440.
Newport News Shipbuilding is proud to sponsor
the annual Virginia Beach Patriotic Festival. This
year, all employees are eligible for a sponsor’s
discount. Tickets for the Andrew McMahon concert
are also available for 30 percent off by using the
promo code: SEVENTEEN. Employees interested
in volunteering at the NNS tent should contact
Jeremy Bustin (O29) at 380-4384.
MAY 30
The Progressive Club will hold its second event of
the year at 4:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus in
Newport News. Employees interested in attending
should complete the second outing form on
Yardnet and submit it to their club representative.
All guest or trial membership may attend at a cost
of $15 to be paid in advance (preferred) or at the
event. You must be a salaried or retired salaried
employee to participate in a trial membership.
For more information, contact Kenny McBurney
(X88) at 380-3659 or Loria Mooneyham (X42) at
Job Title
Mgr Engineering 2
Mgr Engineering 3
Mgr Radiation Safety 3
Mgr Industrial Security 1
Superintendent - Fabrication
Mgr Engineering 2 - KSO
Mgr Engineering 2 - KSO
Mgr Work Control 2
Mgr Cost Accounting 2
Requisition Number
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com for more
information on how you can build your career with
Newport News Shipbuilding.
E83 E84
Newport News
Newport News
Newport News
Newport News
Newport News
Ballston Spa, NY
Ballston Spa, NY
Newport News
Newport News
Reactor Services will host its annual Spring Golf
Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Club from noon
to 6 p.m. The cost is $75 per person and includes
green fees, 18-hole cart fee, prizes, food and
unlimited range balls. Reservations are required
by May 22. To RSVP, contact BJ Maben (X73) at
380-3957 or Kyra Kimmeth (X73) at 688-9408.
The International Compliance Office will hold
Annual Export Training-Basic from 9-10 a.m. and
1-2 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room).
Register via the Learning Exchange (LX) or contact
Sarah Williams (O19) at 380-3599.
The International Compliance Office will hold
Annual Export Training-Basic from 9-10 a.m. and
1-2 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room).
Register via the Learning Exchange (LX) or contact
Sarah Williams (O19) at 380-3599.
Employee Development
The Dale Carnegie Course: 12-week course,
where students learn to strengthen interpersonal
relations, manage stress and handle fastchanging workplace conditions. Course focused
on people/leadership skills, controlling stress,
memory development and improving self
High Impact Presentations: Two-day course, for
anyone who speaks in front of groups. Students
learn to develop a central theme, structure
presentations, persuade the audience with facts
and lead effective question/answer sessions.
Visit the O44 Yardnet website for information
about the courses available. Contact Kimberly
McCrum (O44) at 380-4706 or Tina Howell
(O44) at 380-7898 for questions.
Editor: Lauren Ward
Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News
Shipbuilding. Visit the archives.
(757) 380-4622
To submit a story, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents. The deadline for
submissions is COB Wednesday for publication the following week.
5 | 11 | 2015
SONY SUB/AMP - 15” 1500w subwoofer
with Sony Expod 800w amp. Comes with
box and wiring. (757) 334-0679
BLACKBERRY BOLD - 9930 Non-Camera,
Excellent condition. Case, charger comes
with (757) 376-3114
RECORDS - 1960’s Record Albums 78
Lynyrd Skynyrd, Second Helping & Best of
the Guess Who $38 (757) 898-9095
WEDDING DJ - Elegant and fun! Dance
lighting included. (757) 356-1166
EXPERIENCED DJ - customized playlists
suited for any event, lighting effects &
photography (757) 869-1876
07 JEEP - WRANGLER - Rubicon, 57K
miles, lifted, 2D, soft top, winch, tow
package, $18K OBO (757) 817-4807
LUGGAGE RACK - Cobra Luggage rack
was used on Suzuki cruiser, $40 for pic
call/txt 757-236-0789 (757) 236-0789
FREE CYL HEADS - Pair of stock Ford cyl
heads off a mid-80’s 5.0L out of a Mustang
GT. Will deliver to the yard or you pick up
(757) 334-3925
JNC 005 RIMS - 17x8.5” rims, 5x114.3 bolt
pattern. Comes with 215/45 Michelin tires.
$650 obo. Text for details. (804) 397-0533
COLLECTOR CAR - 02 Toyota Celica GT,
rare big wing, 5 spd, black. 42K miles, orig
adult owner. $8000. (757) 876-7073
13 VW JETTA - Silver Jetta in great
condition! 25k miles, & selling for 19k. Call
for details. Can text pics (757) 292-0099
Auto cont.
Auto cont.
TOW BAR - Tow bar brand new still in box
never used. $150 OBO. Can provide pics.
(847) 372-9808
MOTORCYCLE - 2013 Honda Goldwing
F6B, beautiful condition, garage kept,
10,000 miles. Many aftermarket parts.
$17,500 obo. (757) 274-3258
CONVERTIBLE - 97 mustang GT. 145k.
Excellent running condition. $3,500 OBO.
2 sets of wheels 20” and 17” factory.
(757) 503-1523
04 FORD RANGER - 4.0 V6 5sp 4x4 ext
cab with 102k miles. Runs great, needs
nothing. $6,500 (724) 557-3341
AUTO DETAILING - Basic Inter & Exter
packages, Full Detail Inter & Exter
packages and Inter shampoo packages.
Low prices (757) 933-1464
02 VW PASSAT - Good cond. 152,000mi.
1.8 gas turbo, auto, heated leather seats,
sun roof, monsoon stereo. $3,900 before
8pm (757) 369-3535
03 TACOMA - Red 4X4 extra cab 6
CYL,AT,AC,PW,TRD package, chrome
running boards. 162K miles $ 12,500 call
for pic (757) 876-3319
G8 GRAD GIFT - 2004 Toyota Camry SE, 4
CYL,AT,AC,PW,PD,CC Blue with beige int.
call for pic. $6,200 (757) 876-3319
TRAILER HITCH - New Curt Trailer Hitch w/
Hardware fits 1980-2001 Dodge Ram 1500
(757) 897-0298
78 MERCEDES - 280 SLC 4 speed manual
50% restored. $1,800 obo (757) 871-9555
JEEP- HOIST - Hard Top hoist used 3
seasons 2/4 door great cond. $325 obo
(no longer jeep owner New is $500+ cell
(757) 236-0789
Storage Bag For 07-15 Wrangler part
no. 82210325AD. Like new cond. $50.
(757) 236-0789
06 BOULEVARD - Suzuki c50. Great
shape, good tires, all maintenance done as
scheduled. 27k mi. $3,200. (757) 268-2316
LIFT KIT - Custom Solid Axle Swap and
Shackle Flip Kits to Lift or Lower your Truck
see GatsbyTrucks website (804) 815-4175
WHEELS - Bremmer Alum 18x8JJ 5x112
Bolt Pattern Fits VW Jetta EX Condition
Model BR01 $200. Call after 4pm only
(757) 509-3184
RAZOR QUAD - Razor Dirt Quad(electric),
Great condition, 2 new upgraded (9ah) 12V
batteries(24V), $250 (757) 880-0390
‘04 HARLEY - ‘04 HD Softail STD-FXST
23,000 mi, lots of xtras, new batt/brakes
last yr. VGC $6,500 obo. (757) 869-0767
70 VW CLASSIC - Beetle antique white,
new interior, rebuilt 1600cc, new hoses/
lines, auto stik shift, $6,995 obro (757) 8688050
66 IMPALA - 66 Impala w/454.Exc.cond,22”
rims/tires, lowered, shaved, new 750CFM
carb,too many new parts to list. $9,200
OBO (757) 343-1368
14 FORD FOCUS - 16,900 mi, garage
kept, special tuxedo black color, Microsoft
SYNS, Avg. 38 MPG. $15,500 obo
(757) 374-2334
HARLEY DAVIDSON - 02’ Fatboy Pearl
White 15,000 miles EC to many extras to
list. $10,500 OBO. V&H short shot pipes
garage kept. (757) 592-1100
BUICK LESABRE - 1998 Buick LeSabre.
65,500 mis. Good condition. No dents.
Maroon exterior, gray velour interior. 6cyl
$3,000 (757) 768-0447
AUTO FOR SALE - 1980 corvette good
condition. 70,000 original miles. asking
10,800 or OBO. (757) 342-4007
15 SUZUKI - DRZ400S street and trail bike.
Great bike with only 128 miles on it. I owe
$5560 MSRP is $6,600 (724) 557-3341
WHEELS - 2006 Corvette Alum 5 spoke
wheels,< 14K miles, OEM. $1,500 OBO.
(757) 273-2852
VIDEO GAME - EARLY VIDEO GAME Spiders Entex Boxed Video Game 1982
Model #906083 $95. (757) 898-9095
SURFACE 2 - Surface 2 - Loaded w/Office
2013 RT. Wi-Fi,32 GB and Key board. Like
New. $315. (757) 825-2244
Rosewood Supreme; Excellent condition;
Recent string change and Neck adjustment
(757) 647-8913
14th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Friday, May 22nd, 1:00 pm at Riverfront,
$100 per person. (757) 268-7504
BEAR RECURVES - Fred Bear Vintage
Bows; Polar and Kodiak Magnum ,very
good condition. (757) 880-1784
ARCHERY - Vintage 2 Leather Quiver /
Arrow holders , bow guards and other Bow
equipment, all very good to new shape.
(757) 880-1784
down my number and CALL me. 1-on-1,
novice–advanced (Midtown NN) Wk/bi-wk
sched Call/text (757) 528-7017
MATH TUTORING - Mathematics Tutor:
Algebra, Pre-Algebra, Calculus, Middle
School Math. Saturdays only. $20/hr
(757) 537-5659
POOL TABLE - 8ft slate pool table. Needs
refelting. comes w/2 sets of balls, rack and
cover. $600 obo. (757) 449-6771
virus removal, program reinstalls, etc. $85
+ parts (757) 329-6761
MODEL RAILROAD - HO Scale rolling
stock, passenger and freight, mostly PRR
but other roads available. Call for listing.
(703) 404-4483
CAROLINA SKIFF - 16Ft. with trailer. Motor
needs work. $2500 OBO. (757) 538-3669
CHEST FREEZER - Small white chest
freezer for sale. About 34 x 22 x 30H, works
great, 3 or 4 years old. $75 (757) 876-7073
08 SEA-DOO RXT - Supercharged Personal
watercraft 3-Seat, garage kept, all service
at dealer. trailer incl 70 mph $6,000 OBO
(757) 535-2802
20’SHAMROCK ’83 - Cuddy, T-top, trailer.
Newly rebuilt 351 inboard w/< 15 hours.
Nice bay boat. 10,500 obo (757) 369-3535
CHAPARRAL 2830 - 28ft Bowrider with
enclosed head. E/C, freshwater use only.
Tandem Alum trlr. 454 EFI. $24,000 OBO
(757) 357-5542
KAYAK - 13 foot Dagger, sit-in, yellow, with
2 dry/hatched compartments. $350 with
paddle. (757) 826-0474
entertainment center. Recliner still new,
best offer will consider package deal
(757) 504-5315
FURNITURE - China Cabinet, Excellent
condition $300 OBO. Complete LR set,
Excellent condition. Priced to sell. $650
OBO (757) 685-8111
PATIO TABLE - Patio table and 6 chairs.
Glass top and metal, good condition, $165
and another set for $100. (757) 589-7248
$300, hardwood
(757) 759-2549
desk/shelves $200
LEATHER RECLINE - Leather Recliner
(Value City) Call for pricing/pic. Leather in
excellent condition (757) 647-8913
5 | 11 | 2015
Furnishings & Appliances cont.
Real Estate cont.
Real Estate cont.
Miscellaneous Items cont.
DINNING ROOM - Table(2 inserts) w/6
chairs. (matching bookshelf) Value City.
Call for pricing/pic (757) 647-8913
HOUSE - 2BD/1BA 960sqft on .26acre, all
new appliances incl. Privacy fence. Near
Marshall Ave, $110K (757) 746-4611
HOME FOR RENT - 1500SF home 3 Bed.
1.5 Bath. $1,400 Located in the Denbigh
Area. Plenty of parking. Completely
remodeled. (757) 869-0039
HANDYMAN - Call for a free estimate
on fixing all of your home’s problems.
(757) 256-8131
ANTIQUE BED SET - 1890 Victorian
bed, marble top dresser w/candle
stands & mirror, chest of drawers $4,800
(757) 898-9095
OBX HOME RENTAL - 5BR, Oceanside,
Pool, Spa, Jacuzzi, Internet, Linens &
Towels, WetBar, GameRm, No Pets. Wkly
$995-$3295 (757) 826-0740
HOUSE FOR SALE - FSBO 78 springdale
dr npn 23608 4bed,2.5 bath all updated.
240,000 (757) 232-1299
GIRL BED-RM SET - 5-PCS, Captains bed,
headboard, hutch w/3 drawers, chest of
drawers, mattress, light beige w/flowers
(757) 357-7295
FOR SALE/OWNER - $119,900 Nice 3
bedroom, 1.5 bath ranch in Hampton
Open/airy living space! Fenced, Quiet
Street 1,150 sq ft (757) 675-9954
2bd/2ba, washer/dryer, abt 1500 sq ft, fire
pl, loft, patio, avail June 19, $1,300/mo
(757) 817-4807
SECTIONAL - New Sienna 2pc asking
$950 obo call/text for pics Sofa
35.5”Wx87”Dx38”H (757) 266-6882
RENT TO OWN!! - Nice 3 bdr. 1.5 ba ranch
on quiet street in Hampton 5 minutes from
shipyard. Open/airy living space! (757)
TOWNHOUSE - Hampton, 1500 sqft,
3BD/2.5 BA, Large kitchen and master,
near LAFB, 122K (757) 406-2256
BOOK CASE - White laminate book case,
71”x25”x11.5”, free to good home if you
haul. (757) 850-8738
FOR RENT - 3 bedroom,1.5 baths,open
and airy living area! Ranch with large front
porch. Quiet street! $1,150 month Nice
(757) 675-9954
REFRIGERATOR - Frigidaire refrigerator.
and works great again. $150 obo.
(804) 832-5567
BEDROOM SET - Value City Furniture...
(call for pictures and pricings. Excellent
Condition. (757) 647-8913
- Stickley Cherry
Bedroom w/Queen 4 post bed, triple
dresser, armoire, mirror, night stand $6300
(757) 898-9095
HOME FOR SALE - 3BR/1BA 1,074 sq.
ft.,detached garage, rear deck, fenced
backyard, all appliances, Hilton School
Dist. $123K (757) 869-2550
WATERFRONT LOT - Waterfront Lot.
Lake Gaston, N.C .47 acre waterfront lot.
Clearwater Subdivision Lot #1 $185,000
(757) 672-9895
Condo WMBG- 2nd lvl. Water included
and utilites provided. 850/mo Ready July
1,2015 (757) 846-7199
HOUSE FOR RENT - 4 bed rm, 2 1/2 bth,
liv rm, din rm, den w/fire pl, 2 car att gar,
Menchville zone, pets w/dep, $1,525/dep
(757) 508-1856
TOWNHOME - Beautiful townhome in NN
for sale. Two BR/2.5 BA w/ attached garage
1274 sq ft. Ideal for small family or single
professionals. $165,000 (757) 897-9999
HOUSE FOR SALE - Move-in Ready,
3BR/1BA near Langley. Completely
Remodeled, Security System, 15 min from
Shipyard. Only $105K (757) 235-1199
HOUSE FOR RENT - Quiet Downtown
NN Neighborhood. 1121 Marshall Place.
3br, 1.5BA, LR, Den, Central Air, Laundry.
$895mo/Deposit (757) 877-1400
HOME FOR SALE - HPT 3Bdrm/1.5Bath
CTL Air/Heat LG LR opens n2 Eat-In Ktchn.
XL Mstr Bdrm w/vnty area & big closet.
1575SF $135 (757) 202-0166
LR FamRm DinRm w2w carpeting, Cent
AC/heat Wash/Dryer HU Big yard on lake.
Lg Drive No pets (757) 340-6653
HOUSE FOR SALE - 224 Apple Ave. $109k.
2Bed/1B, gutted and remodeled, almost
everything is new! Granite and Stainless
(757) 880-2948
HOUSE FOR RENT - Henry St Hampton
near downtown, 3bd, 2full bath, 1500sf, off
street parking. $900/mo. (757) 218-2611
HOUSE FOR SALE - 1027 Birdella Rd
NN, VA 158k. 3B/2B + garage, on water!
Gutted/remodeled, everything is new!
Granite/Stainle (757) 880-2948
home in shore park NN! 121 Skipper Court
229K. Lots of upgrades!! (757) 846-0801
FOR SALE - Hampton, 3br/1ba 1061 sqft,
new trane hvac,tile,carpet less than year
old, deck & shed,large yard (757) 771-1703
MOBILE HOME - $48,500 3BD 2BA built in
2008, 1200sqft, whirlpool in master bath,
near Ft. Eustis in Americana Park East
(757) 303-8119
ROOM FOR RENT - Fully furnished $450/
mo plus $200 sec dep. Utilities included.
30th St Newport News (757) 810-7925
LAND FOR SALE - 1.3 Acre in York Co.
quiet neighb. cty water & sewer avail. 5
min. frm I-64, 3 min. frm YKT. Bch. 65,000
OVBO (757) 218-7418
HOUSE FOR SALE - Colony Pines (off
Denbigh Blvd) 3BR/2.5BA. Price Reduced!
Please call after 4pm (757) 719-0427
WORKOUT BENCH - Workout bench,
Olympic size bar, weights, two dumbells,
one curl bar, leg and curl mounts.
(757) 355-1214
RED WING BOOTS - Red Wing Steel Toe
Boots - Women’s size 7 1/2. Great condition.
Paid $150-selling for $40. (757) 879-2686
CHILDREN’S JEEP - 2-person electric Jeep.
Minimal use, ex condition, garage kept!
Includes radio. $100 obo (757) 660-0485
WEED EATER - Poulan gas weed eater, as
is, $10 (757) 851-2947
SNAKES - Have two snake racks and
nine snakes. All ball pythons. $200 for all.
(757) 355-1214
LAWN MOWER - 21” cut runs great, $30
(757) 851-2947
KIDS JACKETS - 2 kids Harley Davidson
jackets $150 for 1 or $200 for 2 call after
5pm for more INFO (757) 864-0559
Engagement Ring. Appraised at $2,000.
Make offer. (757) 812-2719
FREE CYL HEADS - Pair of stock Ford cyl
heads off a mid-80’s 5.0L out of a Mustang
GT. Will deliver to the yard or you pick up
(757) 334-3925
HORSE MANURE - Freedom Farm has free
horse manure and free loading. Located in
Carrollton just across the JRB.call for info
(757) 846-8183
POOL - 27x4.5 pool. 2yr old pump & filter.
Chemicals incl. 2 ladders. Needs new liner.
Best reasonable offer. (757) 867-8126
CHARBROIL GRILL - Stainless Charbroil
two burner grill. Good shape with cover.
$110. (757) 376-3114
EXERCISE EQIPMT - Ellipticals $50-250 &
exercise bikes $40- $250 recumbent Gym
quality stair stepper $250 OR small one $50
(757) 589-7248
SPIN BIKE - Spin bike $235.total gym
supra $150, Hedge trimmers $35, works
plus weedeater $75, Nutra Bullet, new, $85
(757) 589-7248
AIR COMPRESSOR - 60 Gal. Porter Cable
Air Compressor. Moving, must sell. $225.
Can text pics. (757) 817-7138
JOHN DEERE - 42” Lawn Tractor. Good
condition. 20 HP Brigs & Stratton.
Moving, must sell. $750. Can text pics.
(757) 817-7138
HAIR TOOLS - Full set Gold-n-Hot hair tools
w/electric oven. Used only 2 times on a
mannequin. Make an offer. (757) 371-3904
NFL BEARS - Signed NFL Authenticated
Urlacher jersey (w/papers) hung in NFL
Bears monogram frame. $550 OBO
(757) 236-0789
BABY SHOWER - planning a baby shower
or know someone who is? have a diaper
cake made, various sizes (757) 243-4395
PAINTING - Call Charlotte for all your home
painting needs. Specializing in interior
painting for over 11years. (757) 298-1733
BABY GIRL STUFF - I have s bumbo seat,
bouncer, infant bath tub & a play matt
for sale $50 for every thing text for pics
(757) 663-9845
JEGGINGS - Women’s Plus Size 2XL
footless tights/jeggings, 4 pairs multicolors $20. New in package, didn’t fit.
(757) 532-1205
KNEE BRACES - 4XL Knee Braces, Firm
Control, new in box, didn’t fit me. $15 ea.
(757) 532-1205
HANDICAP RAMP - Aluminum Handicap
Ramp Photos upon request $2,500 OBO
(757) 593-2314
DAYCARE - Childcare M-F 5:30AM to 6PM
ages 8wks-5yrs. 10yrs exp in nursing CPR
Cert. (757) 761-5222
LAWN MOWER - John Deer 5hp rear bag,
rear drive, runs great! $50. (757) 851-2947
WIRE SHELVING - New 12’L shelving 12”
& 20” deep. Save $$ putting in shelves.
12”D-$10/ 20”D-$25 - (757) 535-9279
5 | 11 | 2015
Miscellaneous Items cont.
Miscellaneous Items cont.
Miscellaneous Items cont.
Wanted cont.
LANDSCAPING - Mowing, Gutters, Fences,
Decks, etc. call after work hrs.-leave a
non-work # (NN & surrounding area
(757) 535-9279
ORGANIC BEEF - Beef - organically
grown!! Check us out on FB: “Soul Shine
Farm Grass Fed Beef” (540) 255-1292
LAWN CARE - Mow/Edge/Landscape/
Fertilize/1X or weekly/Detail Oriented/Call
for estimate (757) 871-4589
VAN RIDERS - Van coming thru
Franklin,Windsor and Smithfield. 3rd shift
(757) 653-8664
pressure washing homes, Roofs, Gutters,
Desks and Driveways. Licensed and INS.
Low prices (757) 933-1464
HOUSE WASHING - House, Roof and
Concrete Cleaning. Most of our methods
are used with less than 500PSI. Licensed
and Insured. (757) 810-5115
FASHION JEWELRY - Let me provide you
with all the latest Fashion Jewelry for any
special occasion... “Get The Glam Look”
(757) 303-1621
SELFIE STATION - Photo booth w/
attendant - Weddings, Graduation, Parties,
etc. (757) 359-0292
BUGS HATE US!! - Get a jump on all types
of critters this season. Professional pest/
moisture/termite control. (757) 873-4999
- Licensed Electrician
for large or small jobs. Fair prices and
quality work. Call today for free estimate.
(757) 272-2456
JOIN OUR POOL! - You can join
Beaconsdale Rec. A private pool for
members & their guests. In N.N. near
Jefferson & Harpersvill (757) 594-0981
EIT MANUAL - Engineer In Training Review
Manual Hard Cover w/Solutions Manual
$15 call (757) 898-9095
A/C SERVICE - Schedule your cleaning
and tune up. Keep your unit running
efficiently during these hot months.
(757) 771-3441
PM, FT-PT 20+ yrs exp. OY.PT, reasonable
rates. (757) 249-2624
CUSTOM TILE - Specializing in custom
kitchens, bathrooms/showers + flooring.
(757) 604-6814
CHILDCARE - 15+yrs, Fun filled backyard,
fun learning 95 a week, $20 off 1st week, 2
slots to fill, N. Hmptn (757) 947-4408
HANDYMAN - Licensed. For any home
repair/improvement inside out. Call/text
(757) 753-5961
ROOFING/SIDING - Roof repairs and
exterior renovations (757) 581-0075
A/C TUNE UPS - Reliable HVAC with
guaranteed best prices and great service.
from cleaning to a full change out.
(757) 525-0259
CLEANING - SPRI - Spring is here, go
outside and enjoy it! Let me do your
cleaning! Prices start as low as $75
(757) (757) 880-8519
LANDSCAPING - Looking for reliable lawn
service at great prices?Just a cut or full
landscaping. 100% quality! (757) 525-0259
MAKE-UP ARTIST - Certified Make-Up
Artist services include Bridal, Prom, Special
Events & more. Will travel (757) 325-5353
of quality laundry detergent $40 . 400+
loads. Last 4 to 6 mo. Also H.E. formulated.
(757) 589-7248
HELPING HANDS - General home
cleaning. Free Estimates. One time or
special occasion cleaning welcomed.
Licensed & Insured. (757) 371-3904
LANDSCAPING - Mow/edge, mulch,
tree removal, gutters, etc. Name it & we
will provide. Timely & dependable. Free
estimates. (757) 254-2773
LAWN & MORE - We provide timely &
quality care for all your lawn care needs
w/ free estimates. Satisfaction guarenteed!
(757) 254-2773
CHILDCARE - M-F, 1st/2nd shift available,
FT/PT, CPR & First Aid Certified, low rates,
smoke free, Foxhill area (757) 869-1876
JANITORIAL - power washing,carpet
cleaning, stripping & waxing floors, office
cleaning (757) 503-0934
PRIVATE TRAINER - Fully supervised
personal training fitness programs; all
levels. (757) 930-3372
TREE REMOVAL - Free estimate, licensed
and insured. (757) 592-6497
VAN RIDERS - Van leaving from
Belvidere, Chowan, Gates county (Hwy
32), Down town Suffolk to NNS 1St Shift
(252) 619-3117
ROOMMATE - Residential (Hampton, Fox
Hill), use of kitchen/laundry, wifi, $500/mo.
flat (757) 449-4799
TRAILER - 6x10 enclosed trailer wanted
,prefer older model. (757) 620-4472
LAWN MOWER - Push Mowers BrokenRunning that are in your way. Will pick up
for free. (757) 897-4737
BOX TOPS - Looking for Box Tops for
Education for my stepson’s school! I will
pick them up! (757) 755-5040
MOTORCYCLES - British Motorcycles
or parts wanted, cash paid. Also any pre
1980 motorcycle or parts, Any condition.
(757) 620-4472
VOCALIST NEEDED - Vocalist needed to
write lyrics and record original rock songs
for EP. If interested, text: (610) 781-5642
WASHER & DRYER - Broken washers &
dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for
free. (757) 812-2719
VAN RIDERS - Van comes through King
William, West Point and New Kent Counties
1st shift (540) 907-5811
VAN RIDERS - Leave Ahoskie, Winton,
Gates County and Suffolk 2nd Shift
(252) 287-7395
YARD SALE - Spring cleaning sale! May 16
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 50 Pine Chapel Rd.
next to Bluebird Gap Farm
YOU ROCK! - Thanks to our Service Desk!
For all their help with the folks displaced
from B600.