April 2015.compressed - Village of Nobleford

Village of Nobleford
2004, 2008 and 2010 Municipal Excellence Award Recipient
Box 67. Nobleford, Ab.T0L 1S0. Municipal Office, 906 Highway Avenue
Phone (403)824-3555. Fax 824-3553. E-mail: admin@nobleford.ca
Mayor Don McDowell , Councillors: Marguerite Wobick. Don Holinaty, Pete Pelley, Don Vincent
Administration and Staff: Kirk Hofman, Karen Feenstra, Tammy Liriano, Ernest Langridge, Logan Howes,
New Fire Truck donated by Nobleford Societies
Partners, Nobleford Ag Society,
Nobleford Fire Fighters Society,
Village of Nobleford, Nobleford
and District emergency Services.
Nobleford Agricultural Society
and Nobleford Fire Fighters
Society have partnered together
to fund the purchase and
continued service costs of a
Nobleford and District Fire Truck
(pickup). The truck, C105, was
received by the Village, and the
fire department officially put the
truck in service March 18, 2015.
Thank you to all those involved
in making this enhancement to
our emergency service happen.
Funding for this project would
not be possible without the
generous support of volunteers
and the Nobleford Societies.
Mayor’s Message
I am writing this on a day forecast to have a high of 14C. We will soon be out raking lawns, cutting grass
and planting gardens. Spring is always welcome; winters seem to be so long.
Spring is the time of year when your neighbours suddenly appear again; just like the new growth in the
flower beds. Neighbours are very important in our communities. Good neighbours help each other and that in
turn helps the community. Take the time this spring to cultivate a friendship with your neighbours. Do your
part by keeping your yard and area looked after. Trim your trees and hedges if they hinder passage on the
sidewalks. If you need help in the trimming department, call the Village office. Help is available.
We (Village Council) will once again partner with the Noble Central grade 11 and 12
students, helping to clean up our Village. On May 18th (Victoria Day), we will be out collecting yard waste and
generally helping anyone who needs assistance in cleaning up their yard. We will be going door to door in the
Village, starting at 2PM. If you have a large project in mind, please call the Village office (403-824-3555) in
advance so we can be prepared for it.
Spring is also the time of year that those of us with pets need to do a little extra pick-up in our yards so
we don’t have a health issue. A reminder here that all of our pets need to be licensed and kept in our own
yards when you are not out walking them. Please do not, for the animals sake, let your pets roam unattended.
Spring is also the time when every young (and old) person in a vehicle seems to find a need to speed.
Slow down! Please obey the traffic signs. One traffic mishap is too many. Maximum on Village streets is 50km
and you would be hard pressed to avoid someone at that speed. The school zone is 30km. You do not want to
be haunted for the rest of your life because you we trying to save 30 seconds.
In the last issue I asked what you thought of everyone in the Village paying the same Municipal Village
tax. Not one reply! We all pay taxes, but they vary greatly. Why? We all use the roads, parks, Community
Center etc. Why would we not all pay the same for the privilege? Let me know.
Don McDowell
Peter Harbers
Custom Hauling
Specializing in grain
Call me for all your grain hauling needs…..
Peter Harbers
1015609 Alberta Ltd
Phone: 403 380 2067
Cell: 403 332 3047
email: plharbers@gmail.com
I would like to thank the individuals
who left the Christmas care package
at my door. It was very much
Lydia, Robin & Daniel
Make a deposit or open a new ATB account at NOBLE
CENTRAL SCHOOL in the band room (lower level).
Open: 12:05 pm –12:30 pm
April 2, 16, 30, May 14, 28, June 11
Christian Reformed Church
Submitted by Patricia Konynenbelt
Sunday Services – 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. – Pastor Pete VanderBeek
Pre-school and Nursery Sunday School – meet dur ing the a.m. ser vice
Sunday School – grades 1-6 and Catechism Classes – grades 7-12 – meet after a.m. service
Gems – every other Monday – 4:00 – 6:15 p.m.
Cadets – every Monday – 6:45 – 8:30 p.m.
YPS and Young Adults – Sunday evenings for either Bible Study or Social
SPRING 2015 has arrived. We anticipate the lengthening of the days and await the warmth of the sun’s rays
to warm the earth; to allow new life to emerge from winter’s sleep. In a few weeks we will witness the budding
of trees; the emergence of plant life and grasses—all reaching for the warmth of the sun to bring growth and color
to the world around us. As God’s children we also reach for the Light of the Son and find Jesus who sacrificed
His life upon a cruel cross for us so that we might have life. As Good Friday and Easter Sunday approach
remember the “greatest love gift” given to us so that we might have life. To quote Martin Luther “Our Lord did
not only have the promise of the resurrection written in books but on every leaf in springtime.”
With the changing seasons changes also occur in the programs of the church. April will see the “wind down “ of
the various programs—Gems, Cadets, Coffee Break and Tot Time, Sunday School and Catechism Classes. By all
accounts the programs were well received. It is our prayer that all participants received a blessing and will be
eager to return when a new season begins in the fall. Many thanks to who gave of their time and talents to teach
and give instruction.
Congratulations to Dan and Moria Hummel with the birth of their second daughter, Anya, on Feb 1st. A sister for
Naomi. “Children are a reward from the Lord” - Ps. 127:3b.
Christian sympathy is extended to Charlene and Dave Heins and family with the passing of Charlene’s mother,
Nely Depooter, on Feb. 24th, in Wallaceburg, ON. “The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless
His people with peace” - Ps 29:11.
Upcoming events—Sat. April 11th—Annual Church Supper and Bazaar—5:30 p.m.
Sat. June 20th—Annual Burger Bash—more information in next newsletter
Mon.-Fri.—July 27-31—Daily Vacation Bible School—more info in next newsletter
As spring approaches the busyness of the season can be overwhelming. Rushing can lead to “spur of the
moment” decisions with disastrous consequences at times.
We oft grow weary in life’s race
But when we wait upon the Lord,
We’re driven by its hurried pace,
His strength becomes our sure reward.
We extend a warm welcome to everyone in the community to join us in worship each Sunday.
Library in Nobleford
Are you interested in Library services in Nobleford ? If so, lets us know.
We have had minimal response regarding improving Library service in Nobleford.
Would you like to see a Public Library in Nobleford ? Can you offer your opinion, ideas, skills and time ?
A community meeting is being organized to discuss libraries and you are invited to attend.
Please contact the Village office .
If you are interested in helping improve library services and form a Library Society? Contact the Village CAO.
The cost for Nobleford to belong to Chinook Arch Regional Library System would be over $10,000 per year.
UTILITIES for 2015, Nobleford Council has approved to keep Nobleford utility rates at the same rate as 2014.
The average Nobleford home water, sewer and Garbage utility bill is under $50 per month.
Rachel Moltzahn—Independent Beauty Consultant
509 Centennial Avenue, Nobleford, AB T0L 1S0 (403)795-3252
The last days of Jesus’ life have been identified as Holy
Week, which in from Sunday to Saturday the week before
Easter Sunday. In this one week Jesus rose to the height
of his popularity and then was doomed to death on the
cross. In the first day of the week, Jerusalem royally welcomed him as he entered the city. By the end of the week
Jesus had been betrayed by one of his friends, another
denied knowing him and his own people cried out “away
with him, away with him, crucify him.” It wasn’t until after Jesus was dead that a secret disciple came forward and asked for
Jesus’ body and he and the other disciples laid the body to rest in a tomb. In todays world let us not be like the disciples who
denied Jesus but let us be proud to know him and share that knowledge with others.
Sundays 10:00 AM
Worship Service with Pastor Bob Derrick
Sunday School during the Worship Service
Coffee hour following the service
Special Services
Palm Sunday—March 29, 10:00 AM
Good Friday—April 3, 10:00 AM
Easter Sunday—April 5, 10:00 AM
Mother’s Day—May 10, 10:00 AM
Bible Study: Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM every week at the church parsonage
Sunday morning at 11:15 AM every week at the church.
Minute to Win It Games Night—Sunday, April 12 at 7:00 PM at the church Everyone Welcome.
Thank you to all those who attended the Pancake Supper and for all donations of both food and money. All donations of money
have been donated to the Nobleford Volunteer Fire Department.
Gertie Hofman, wife of the late John Hofman, passed away on March 16, 2015 at the age of 87 years. Gertie, daughter of Gerrit
and Dora Harbers was born on December 21, 1927, grew up on her parents’ farm in the Monarch area and received her education
in the Monarch and Coalhurst schools. She was affiliated with Monarch Reformed Church throughout her life including infant
baptism, adult confession of faith and her marriage to John on January 23, 1952. Gertie and John made their home on a farm in
the Nobleford area. Out thoughts of sympathy to their children Wes and Teresa and family, and Pat and Brian and family as well
as to Gertie’s siblings and in-laws.
FIBER OPTIC, highspeed internet ( 25 Mbps) If you want this service you have to contact Axia and
express your interest. www.axia.com 1-866-773-3348. More response is needed.
It is up to you if Nobleford gets this service or not. Make the phone call or email to express interest.
If you would like to see high speed Internet (25Mbps) in Nobleford, here is the procedure!
Go to www.axia.com
 Scroll down to “Subscribe Now”
 Or you can phone 1-866-773-3348
 Click on “Order Now”
 Scroll down, fill in your address
 Ignore “We’re sorry” message
 Scroll down fill in contact information.
 You will receive a return email.
The Nobleford Parks & Recreation Society works to champion and enable the construction of parks and recreation
areas in our village.
We currently have two possible future projects on the table:
Refurbishment and upgrades to the skateboard park.
A small park in the designated green space in the new residential development phase.
We would love to hear your ideas for improving Nobleford`s parks and recreation areas.
Contact us through our Facebook page.
Sand & Gravel
Washed sand & Gravel
Specialized in:
Golf course materials
Henry Bennink
Box 420, Nobleford, Ab.
Property TAXES,
Council will be setting property taxation rates in May 2014 and is anticipating a slight reduction in
Municipal taxation for 2015. In 2014, Nobleford collected approximately $40,000 for Municipal tax from home
owners and $60,000 from business property owners.
The average municipal property tax that a home owner pays to Nobleford is under $120 per year.
In 2014 the province required Nobleford to collect $304,700 from Nobleford property tax payers for School
($290,500) and Seniors housing ($14,200) tax.
The province will inform Nobleford in April as to what amount is to be collected in 2015.
2014 rates:
Farmland /
Nobleford Municipal
Provincial Education
Green Acres Foundation
Mil rate
Multi- Family
Machinery and
According to Alberta Government, Nobleford is recognized has having the lowest tax rates in Alberta
Senior’s News
Submitted by Gisela Wise
Hello Seniors,
This is March and we have been rather spoiled this year by the beautiful weather we have enjoyed. At the
time of writing these notes we are still short of the first day of spring, but it certainly feels like it already.
Our decorating committee have exceled themselves once again with their efforts for Valentines and St.Patrick
day and are to be congratulated as our tables and walls always look beautiful. A group of Senior’s ventured
once again to the Raymond Theatre for a performance of “Anything Goes” lots of singing, dancing and
comedy, an excellent performance I think enjoyed by everybody.
On a more sober note we would like to extend our condolence to everybody who has lost loved ones in the
preceding months.
Our craft afternoons on Tuesdays from 1PM—3PM is still well attended as we each work on our own projects,
but everyone enjoys showing their finished items, and we can always rely on somebody’s help (Magdalena) if
we get stuck with dropped stitches of difficult patterns.
Wednesday coffee mornings are still as follows first Wednesday Blood pressure, second ordinary, third
meeting day and fourth Pancake Breakfast.
Also Friday afternoons from 1 PM-3 PM is still enjoyed by our men to play pool.
We are always looking for more new members, so please come and give us a try, you may be surprised what a
really nice lot of people we are.
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The Nobleford Ag. Society is pleased to present the
Mother’s Day Plant Sale
on Saturday, May 9, 2015
at Noble Central School
from 10 - 12
While parents shop, children can take part in the
Mother’s Day Mall where each child age 4 - 12 can
pick 1 free item for Mom, with gift wrapping
Coffee and refreshments will be available
Donations of plants can be dropped off on Friday
between 7 - 8 pm or Saturday between 9 - 10 am
For more information contact Susie at 824-3431.
**Non-perishable food items will be collected
to donate to the local food bank.**
The NOBLEFORD NEWSLETTER is an information bulletin published by the Village of Nobleford on a cost
recovery basis through advertisement fees and donations.
Please email your newsletter submission to news@nobleford.ca at the Village Office.
The deadline for submissions is the 20th day of the month prior to publication.
Due date is 20th day of January, March, May, July, Sept, November. Publication will be circulated the first week of
the following month in print and available on nobleford.ca web site. Late submissions will not be published.
Rates for ads and announcements.
-No Charge for Nobleford Societies and Organizations for ¾ of a page. Special requests for additional space at no
charge must be made to the CAO so possible approval can be made in advance of each
submission due date.
No charge for brief, business card size, citizen announcements related to Nobleford area.
-All submissions shall contain contributor name.
-Business card $10.00, ¼ page $20.00, ½ page $35.00, full page $60.00. plus GST.
* If you do not have the capability of email, please contact the Village office to discuss other acceptable electronic or
other forms for your contribution.
Next deadline is May 20, 2015
Is your hedge or trees overhanging the side walk?
Thank you for the great response from so many of you in trimming your hedges and trees back from the
sidewalks. The Village is again offering complimentary use of the dump truck to haul boulevard /sidewalk
hedge and branches away. Please contact the office to book the truck at no charge.
If you do not cut back your hedges and trees from the sidewalks, lanes or boulevards, the Village PW
crew may do the clean up and you will be charged the cost associated.
You may also book the dump truck at a cost of $40 for tree branches from your private property; this also
includes hauling the branches away.
Neighborly assistance with yard clean up. Monday May 18, 2015
On May 18, Noble Central School Students will go door to door offering to help Nobleford
residents with spring yard clean up of garden waste, there is no fee for this service. If you
would like to book some assistance in advance
please call 403-824-3817 or 403-824-3555
May 19 is spring yard clean up. The Village will pick up your small tree trimmings and garden
waste. Please place the waste in your alley or in front of your property. No other waste will be collected. If
you anticipate any larger loads, please book the Village dump truck before May 11.
GRASS COMPOST primary dump site is at the waste transfer station.
The Nobleford Waster transfer, 403 824-3232, site is open Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, for you to dispose your grass clipping at. North Railway Avenue.
When the waste transfer site is closed on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday,
Nobleford residents may dispose of grass clippings at the site on North Highway Avenue.
Please do not dump tree branches or garbage here, you will be fined.
Please report any information you have regarding this action to the Village office.
325 Highway Ave
Picture Butte
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Now Open!
Noble Mini & RV Storage Inc.
To arrange RV, boat or other storage in a
fully fenced and secure yard, please contact:
Rental Manager: 403-892-0969, or 403-824-3877
Alternate: 403-634-5933
email: nobleministorage@yahoo.com
Is a community-based group of volunteers that was created with one common goal in mind.
“To provide the students at Noble Central School with extra funds to assist in creating more
opportunities for field trips to science centres, extra curricular activities and various camps, just to name
a few”.
On April 3rd & 4th, the Nobleford Parent Association will be hosting a casino at Casino Lethbridge and
we are looking for volunteers to work these days and evenings. You must be at least 18 years of age
to volunteer. Shifts are from 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm and 8:00 pm – 4:00 am. We need 4 people for the day
shifts and 5 people for the evening shifts. All meals are supplied. No experience is necessary. This is
a great fundraiser and NCS will benefit. If you can volunteer please contact Brenda MacMillan @
403-824-3817 or brendamacmillan@pallisersd.ab.ca by January 30. (Due to paperwork purposes)
To find out how you can help, please contact:
Remember: This is for our children. We need your ideas and/or support!
Just over a month ago a casual discussion between members
from the Nobleford Ag Society and the Nobleford Fire Fighters
Society took place. The topic of a possible donation to assist in
a goal the members of the N.F.F.S had been talking about for
years came up, a pickup truck. Within days, a donation request
letter was drafted up by the N.F.F.S and delivered to the
Nobleford Ag Society. The fire society received news, hours
after the Ag societies last meeting, it was something that blew
us away.
The N.F.F.S received a donation that assisted in purchasing a
2012 GMC Sierra half ton pick up truck, and was outfitted with
lights, siren, radio and decals. The truck has been given /
leased to be used by the Nobleford Fire department. Within a
short period of time, ( and a lot of personal time and evenings
sacrificed ) the truck was purchased and set in service in just
over a months time. This truck will act as a command truck/
quick response unit, it is marked as C105 and is the 5th unit in
the Nobleford Fire Departments fleet. C105 is equipped with
certain equipment and fire suppression that can assist on
emergency calls, and will be utilized to haul equipment to and
from fire scenes.
We are all extremely grateful for what the Nobleford Ag
Society has done for this dept., the professional relationship
and friendship that has become over the years is appreciated.
If you feel the need to be involved in this great community,
contact any society or fire department member.
Ryan Wagner - Fire Chief
Nobleford & District Emergency Services
403-795-5544 - Cell www.noblefordfire.ca
Shelterbelt Tour and Workshop
The Nobleford Agricultural Society and Lethbridge County are offering a shelterbelt workshop. The
workshop will focus on the rejuvenation of windbreaks and shelterbelts. This will be a one day event with a visit to a local
shelterbelt and will focus on planting and maintaining trees, as well as highlighting both environmental and economic benefits
of windbreaks.
Nobleford Community Complex (Kipp Str eet Noblefor d, AB)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
5:00 - 9:00PM with supper included
Topics Include
Tree PlantingAir quality
how to design and what are considerations
shelterbelts around intensive livestock operation
site preparation and species selection
dust control in rural area
Windbreak maintenanceEconomics of shelterbelts
Weed control used in shelterbelts (chemical and non-chemical)
Real cost of establishing shelterbelt
Pruning, replanting,
Loss of agriculture crops
pests (major pest and pest management)
value added opportunities
Windbreak renovation – how to renovate shelterbelts –steps how to renovate shelterbelts
Capacity is 30 so register soon
This session is free and is targeted towards agriculture producers and rural residents residing in Lethbridge County. Speakers - from AARD
and the Mycological Society of Alberta
*Please wear applicable foot wear and clothing
We are the Heritage Society. A small group of eight volunteers; our only focus is the Heritage Day
Whether you’re: young or old, new to the Village or a lifelong resident, Canadian, Dutch, German, French
or Poka Dotted, we need you! No special skills required, just volunteers to help plan and make our day of
community fun happen.
THE TIME COMMITMENT: About two hours a month, and a couple hours on parage day.
Event ideas/suggestions
Party planners bring out the party animal in you!
Set up crew
Banner Carriers
Baton twirlers Balloon Benders
Bicycle, tricycle, and unicycle riders `Clowns, go carts and drivers
Storey tellers, poetry readers Kite builders, kite flyers
Clean up crew Water Carriers
Square dancers, belly dancers, poka dancers, ballerinas
Display tables of your drawings, coloring, needlework, woodworking, potted plants, baking
Musicians……….what have we forgotten to mention...you have it in you
Come along, bring a friend, meet new friend’s heck meet the neightbours
We need you; many hands make light work and its fun too
TIMES: Our next meetings are at 7 P.M. March 23, April 27, May 25 and June 29.
PLACE: Upstairs meeting room—Community Centre—Blue building on Kipp Ave.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Melissa: 403-359-0803 Peter & Debby: 403-892-0969
...We hope to see you there March 23 @ 7pm Community Centre
Noble Central School
What’s going on at Noble Central School
March 19- 2015 season -Girls Softball (Gr.9-12) will be starting up. We are in the East league (ie.
Milk River, Bow Island, Picture Butte, etc). They will be travelling for all of their games.
March 23- Start of Stuff the Tractor Food Drive- non-perishable food items wanted.
25- School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm – Everyone is welcome
April 2- 13 –Europe Trip- 9 high school students along with 3 supervisors will be leaving and flying to
Europe to visit 5 countries in 10 days. Berlin Germany, Krakow Poland, Budapest Hungary, Prague Czech Republic, and Vienna
Austria, are the destinations visited and explored on this once in a lifetime trip made available to Noble Central High School
students. We wish them safe travels and can hardly wait for their return to hear of their adventures.
April 3-12- No school – Happy Easter!
April 13- A r unning pr ogr am will be star ting in conjunction with Runner ' s Soul after Easter br eak for gr ades 1-6. It is
part of our Health and Wellness campaign. The program is called Little Soul's Marathon. It's a 6 week program, where students
run for a particular distance each day (0.5-2km). When finished, students will have run the duration of a marathon (42 km!).
April 17-18-Six NCS students, from Grades 9, 10 and 11, will be one of the sixteen Provincial teams participating in the 2nd
annual high school SLAM competition in Calgary. The Can You Hear Me Now? SLAM Poetry competition will take place
Friday, April 17 and Saturday, April 18 at Lord Beaverbrook High School (9019 Fairmount Dr. SE) and Robert Thirsk High
School (8777 Nose Hill Dr. NW) in Calgary. On Friday there are 4 preliminary bouts - there are 5 rounds in each bout and each
school will perform 1 poem in each round. On Saturday there are 4 more preliminary bouts and then 4 teams are selected for the
finals for afternoon. Come and support our students if you can.
April 23- NCS will be par ticipating in the 24hr famine in or der to r aise money for those in need. The pur pose of the
famine is to show children what it is like for those who live in third world countries who are less fortunate than us. We will be
handing out pledge forms for those who wish to participate. The Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes are allowed to participate
in the famine, but only during the school day for safety reasons. After the school day is done on Thursday, there will be games
and activities going on at the school, as well as a sleepover for the junior and senior high school students who wish to participate.
April 24- Stuff the Tractor- Pancake breakfast- admission- non-perishable food item.
April 28th - May 1st.-Scholastic Book Fair at NCS: Open Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Wed. 8:30 am - 6:30 pm, Fri. 8:30
am - 11:30 am (closed all days from 11:45 - 12:30 for lunch)
April 29- School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm – Everyone is welcome
May 19- No school – PD Day
May 22- Noble Central Grad 2015- Congratulations to all of our Graduates. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
May 27 – School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm – Everyone is welcome
Noble Central School Playground Countdown!!!!
NCS and the Nobleford Parent Association will be installing our new playground and we are looking for volunteers. Installation
will begin on April 30th until May 2nd. We are looking for approx. 30 volunteers to help. Volunteers are asked to being their
own rake or shovel if they can. If you can help us out, please contact Desiree Lamb or Brenda MacMillan at the school:
Noble Central School
For all the up to date information on Noble Central School go to: www.noblecentralschool.ca .Find all the latest news, notices,
events, links and pictures on the school website.
Nobleford Parent Association
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered for the casino in April. Your time and support for this event is very much
April 30 is quickly approaching. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to the Village of Nobleford, the County of Lethbridge, all the
business and all the volunteers for helping make the dream of a NEW Playground at Noble Central School, a reality this year!
Volunteers needed Apr 30 to May 2, to help install new school playground. Call 403-824-3817.
Noble Central School
Noble Central Student Council
The start of March has been crazy for athletes at Noble Central as basketball season
has come to an end. Our junior high teams had a fantastic season with our girls
finishing 4th. Our senior high boys had a good run as they faced tough competition all
season long. The senior high girls finished league in 4th place and lost out in their
second game at zones which took place at Lethbridge College. Towards the end of the
month Kelton Schlamp, Justin Harbers, Andrew Price, Makayla Hofer, Taylor Holtorf and Kaven Manyshots
will all be representing Noble Central in the 2015 All-star game hosted in Kainai, .
Other events occurring in the months of March and April ..... Senior High students leave for Europe on April 2nd and will be
gone until April 13th. Our annual talent show will happen on April 1st. Further information will be posted. On April 23rd our
school will take part in a 24 hour famine, followed by a stuff the tractor event (A food drive for our local communities). We
would like to start accepting food donations as early as March 23rd. There will be entry to a pancake breakfast for the
community with donation of a food item to start the event. Please check the school website for dates and times of the event
and if you are able to attend please sign up at the school office by April 17th.
*Taylor Holtorf
Student Council President
Letter from the Noble Central School Council
Well it feels as though spring has sprung, but as the saying goes in Southern Alberta. “Wait 5 minutes and everything can
change.” Just a few reminders, minutes from the school parent council meetings can be found on the school website and also
check out the Palliser Regional School website as well, as there is a lot of information for parents as well as a way to find out
what is going on in our district. Nobleford School Parent Council meets the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.
Colleen Jones
Nobleford School Council
Brooke Van Vliet
Lauren Mills
Ainsley Deboer
Haden O’Brien
The Awards were given at the
Coalhurst Legion on February 9, 2015.
The contest was in art, poetry, and
essay on Remembrance day themes.
Nobleford Centennial Society
Est. 2013
c/o Box 154 Nobleford, AB T0L 1S0
Submitted by Lee Moltzahn
Centennial Celebrations August 6-12, 2018
Hi everyone! I don’t have too much to report. Our March meeting was cancelled.
The Book Committee is still diligently collecting those family histories! Watch for
their booth at the Ag. Society Plant Sale on May 9th, 2015 at NCS. If you’re upset
you missed the one in October, there are plans for more “Write Your History”
nights, and the details will be made known at a later date. 2015 is the year to get your submissions in!
The members looking after the celebrations are narrowing down the details of the Centennial celebration timeline. So far so
good! If you have any ideas or suggestions you’d like to bring forth to the Society, please get in touch with us!
Our next Centennial Society meeting will be on April 20th, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Nobleford Area Museum. New members are
always welcome. Make a difference in YOUR community!
Happy trails till we chat again!
****** Sons of Wind and Soil Volume II ******
We continue to gather stories and histories for our local history book. This book will include everyone who lives or
has lived in Nobleford, Monarch and the surrounding rural area. We sure hope to receive more submissions as the
weeks and months go by because December 31, 2015 is our deadline for entries. We encourage you to write your
family's history and that of your organization, club, group, or business. We also welcome your submission and/or
photograph of an interesting happening or situation that you recall from the distant or recent past.
The next meeting of the history book committee is on Monday, April 13 at 2:00 p.m. in the museum.
We have planned another evening to help you get started on your story.
Tuesday, May 12 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Community Complex.
Join us for snacks and refreshments; talk to others about organizing and writing your ideas.
We hope to have a representative from the Galt museum present to give you suggestions
and encouragement about the importance of preserving our local and family histories.
Call Brenda 320-1931, Sharon 824-3601, Peggy 824-3560, or Bernice 824-3584 to register.
Do you have your family history written and submitted for the Nobleford /Monarch History book ?
If you need info or help, contact windandsoil@gmail.com
Send newsletter submissions to news@nobleford.ca due date, 20th day of Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov.
Please have your household garbage ready for 9:00 am Monday Morning Pickup. Garbage crews will be
operating two Garbage trucks that may result in earlier pickup times.
Est. 1989
Submitted by Lee Moltzahn
Contact: P.O. Box 505 Noblefor d, AB, T0L 1S0; (1)403-824-3909
225 Milnes Street
Open by appointment: Please call Julie Pike (403-824-3224), Peggy Campbell (403-824--3560), or
Clarence Sterenberg (403-824-3428) to book a time.
Check us out on FACEBOOK – “Nobleford Area Museum Society”
Well, the tulips are starting to peek through the soil at my house so Spring must be on its way! Either that or it’s all of one of Mother Nature’s
cruel jokes and more of the white stuff will be on its way. Sorry, the pessimist in me couldn’t resist!
The Museum Society has set the dates for our 2015 regular events, so mark them on your calendar:
Spring Tea: May 23rd; 2:00-4:00 pm
Native Wildflower and Grasses Seed Fundraiser: May 9th (at the Plant Sale)
Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast: J une 20th; 9:00-11:00 am
Heritage Day: August 8th (special sheep shearing-spinning-knitting demonstration)
Remembrance Day: November 11th; Refreshments after the Cenotaph Service (possibly)
Children’s Christmas: December 5th; 1:00-4:00 pm
Spring Tea (May 3rd): The theme was “dresser accessories”. Fourteen people signed the book. Wonderful goodies prepared and served.
Raffle was a flower basket from hilltop Greenhouse and a set of homemade cards.
Father’s Day Breakfast (June 14th): Twenty six signed the guest book. Wonderful breakfast! Scabby Butte tour was cancelled due to poor
Heritage Day (August 9th): Approximately 82 people attended. Temporary tattoo fundraiser was well received.
Film Premiere “A NOBLE VISION” (August 22nd): A huge undertaking by Museum volunteers going through photos, films, etc. for
material. It took almost a year to organize the material and contact former employees and organize their interviews. The premiere was
held at NCS on August 22, with an invitational and public screening. Local dignitaries as well as provincial government representatives
attended; 57 people at the invitational screening. The public screening in that evening had approximately 48 people. There were many
compliments. Guest enjoyed refreshments after both screenings.
Summer Hours: This year’s student was Kaven Manyshots. She did an outstanding job for the Museum. She was diligent, hard worker the
entire summer. There wasn’t anything she was asked to do that wasn’t done promptly and extremely well. About 150 people visited the
Museum during July and August.
Remembrance Day (November 6th): Poorer than expected turnout, we will be rethinking this event for 2015.
Children’s Christmas (December 6th): Over 30 children and parents attended! Hot chocolate and goodies were served and the children
enjoyed making cards, gift-bags, and garlands. The fishing pond went over very well again. Great event!
Museum members also attended meetings during 2014 for the SAMA and seminars such as the “Oral History Workshop” A wide screen
TV, stand, and blu-ray player have been purchased to show “A Noble Vision” at the Museum. The Museum also partnered with the
Centennial Society to apply for equipment on their behalf. This equipment is “on-loan” and will be used primarily for organizing family
histories for the history book.
Volunteers continue to work on Museum displays and cataloguing artifacts. Thank you to everyone for your dedication and hard work!!
As the Museum correspondent for the village newsletter, I’d like to encourage you all to send me suggestions for short articles pertaining to the
history of Nobleford and the surrounding area. What about the history of Nobleford has intrigued you and you would like to know more? I can
be reached at: leemoltzahn@gmail.com or 403-892-4929.
As always, the Museum is always open to NEW MEMBERS. Fresh ideas and faces are always welcome! Regular meetings are held the first
Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Museum (225 Milnes St.). Our next meeting will be April 6 th at 7:30 pm at the Museum. Not sure if
you want to join, but would like to VOLUNTEER?? Please contact us at the information printed above, we’d love to include you in our next
Till next time!
Nobleford Community Complex rental fees, 2015
Main gym $30.00 per hour or $300.00 per day, (between 5:00 am and 4:00 am)
Upstairs Room $30.00 per hour or $150.00 per day, (between 5:00 am and 4:00 am)
$100.00 per booking, dish clothes available at the Village office.
Rental includes use of built in 20 speaker quality P.A. system and use of microphone.
All Nobleford residents or property tax payers are eligible for a 30% discount.
Go to www.nobleford.ca for information.
Nobleford Spring
At the Nobleford
March 28, 2015
(serving Nobleford and County of Lethbridge)
Nobleford Community Complex - 403-320-1931
Strengthening families through:
PARENT PROGRAMS/PARENT LINK CENTRE – Brenda Rathwell – 403-320-1931
Parent education, family support, early childhood development, information and referrals.
TEEN PROGRAMS – Tanie Reid-Walker – 403-405-4466
Strengthen youth and their families by providing counselling services, educational programs, and youth/family activities.
COUNSELLING PROGRAMS – Lisa Vanden Dungen or Tanie Reid-Walker – 403-405-4466
Personal, marriage and family counselling services.
SENIORS’ WELLNESS PROGRAM – Kori Kuryvial -403-223-7230
Educates, supports and advocates for seniors and their families. The program assists seniors in making choices that will improve their health and well-being.
These programs are funded by provincial and municipal governments.
Programs are at NO CHARGE!
Check for current programs under Activity Calendars on our website. www.bewfcss.ab.ca
Nobleford Community Complex Rental, $30 per hour, with possible 30% discount.
Keep DOGs on leash, there is NO off leash area in Nobleford, clean up after your Dog. Fines are $100,
Heating & Air conditioning
$850.00 per month + Utilities
Look to the future - Rent with option to Purchase
6 appliances
990sq.ft. per unit,
Close to school, post office, convenience store, great new park
Rental Managers Pete or Debby
Call 403-824-3877 (home)
403-892-0969 (cell)
Follow us on Facebook for monthly giveaways.
Come On In! Join Us for an Explosively Good Time at
WHEN: July 27-31, 2015; 9:00-11:45 A.M.
WHO: Kids born in 2004–2010; Ages 4–completed Gr. 4
WHERE: Nobleford CRC, 522 Highway Ave., Nobleford, AB
WHAT: Music, Stories, Crafts, Games, Snacks and so much more!
WHY: Why not? It’s going to be great, so don’t miss it!
For more info, please contact Jennifer van der Kooij
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Public works laborers. July and August
The Village will hire 2 people to work under the supervision of the Public Works Foreman. Candidates
must be Minimum 16 years of age and be available for full time employment during the months of July and August.
Rate of pay is $11.00 to $12.00 per hour; 40 hr per week for 8 weeks, duties include maintenance of parks, Spray
Park, complex, soccer field, school ground, roads and general labor.
Public Works casual help needed in May, June, July and August. $13 per hour,
Summer Fun Program, July and August (Monday –Thursday 10am-3pm)
Program Coordinator, 7 week program operation, $3000 contract
Qualifications: Responsible, Creative, Accountable, valid Drivers License, training in First Aid preferred.
Assistant Program Coordinator. 20 hr per week for 7 weeks, @ $11.00 per hour,
Training in First Aid preferred.
Casual Activities Assistant, $10.20 per hr,
There are no guaranteed hours with this position and you will be called upon to work as needed.
In the past this employee worked 20 hours per week for 7 weeks.
Program Volunteers; All Ages are welcome to submit resumes to the Village CAO.
Submit resumes to: Kirk Hofman, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Village of Nobleford.
Nobleford Fundamental Objectives, Feb 17, 2015
3-Growth 4-Accountable
-Be accountable to Nobleford in maintaining quality, abundant competitively priced water as a priority.
-Nobleford shall continue to convey water to other municipalities providing Nobleford is not compromised.
-Maintaining low and fair property taxation or levies and Nobleford utility and service rates as a priority.
- Maintaining fundamental infrastructure including, water, sewer, waste management and roads is a
-Nobleford should continue to be creative, innovative, and competitive and consider responsible growth of
residential, industrial, commercial, institutional areas and population in and around the corporate limits.
Partnerships may be considered providing that there is no compromise to Nobleford.
- Acquisition or annexation of land for Residential, and Industrial subdivision use will only be considered
providing affordability and cost recovery can be maintained while minimizing bureaucratic processes.
- Growth shall be supported by adequate fundamental facilities and infrastructure by accessing Federal,
Provincial and other grants as well as consideration of private business initiatives.
A Multi Year Capital Infrastructure Plan shall be reviewed and maintained annually.
-Growth shall only take place at the overall benefit to the lifestyle of Nobleford.
- Nobleford shall be accountable to the Citizens of Nobleford as a whole, Provincial and Federal
-Regular Communication shall be maintained using; newsletters, utility inserts, internet and Nobleford web
site, council public relations and media.
-Nobleford shall regularly update and share information related to; MGA, Policy, Bylaw, Audit, Provincial
financial indicators, budgets, reports, MDP, IMDP, Sustainability plan, or other information that affects
Nobleford a whole.
-Special interests may be fostered, without financial or otherwise compromising Nobleford, or without
complicated process.
-Challenges for the future will be the outside pressures on Nobleford that continue to increase costs and
produce negative results that threaten Nobleford and rural Alberta sustainability.
- We shall continue with consistency in Governance and Administration vision, planning and action to
produce positive results, such as reduced bureaucracy and wasteful process.
-Nobleford will offer to work with other Municipalities and the Provincial Government in improving at
everything we and they do. Together we will continue to listen, learn and work with purpose with minimum
-Council shall focus on its strength of consensus in Governance. Administration will continue to manage
Nobleford effectively and efficiently. Operations will continue to be practical and diligent.
Temporary Job Opportunities with the Village of Nobleford, Summer fun and Public works. Stop
by the Village office or go to www.nobleford.ca for information. Please prepare a resume.
Thank you to TELUS for donating an IPAD to our Nobleford Fire Department.