NASTT No-Dig Show

NASTT’s 2015
No-Dig Show
March 15-19
Colorado Convention Center l Denver, Colorado
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Owned by the North American Society
for Trenchless Technology.
Managed by Benjamin Media Inc.
VISIT for more information
Program Committee
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19
Dear Trenchless Colleagues,
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show promises the industry’s best technical presentations,
trenchless product and service exhibits, networking and entertainment. There will
be something for every trenchless professional at the 2015 conference in Denver,
The 2015 No-Dig Program Committee, which is entirely comprised of your
trenchless industry peers, have volunteered their time to assure that this year’s program
reflects the current depth and breadth of the trenchless professional landscape. Paper
topics this year include overviews of challenging projects, information on the newest
technologies, equipment innovations and the latest trenchless research. You’ll find the
conference schedule lined out with tracks focusing on Condition Assessment, Pipeline
Infrastructure Rehabilitation including CIPP lining topics, Horizontal-Directional
Drilling, Tunneling, Water Rehabilitation and more. Be sure to join us for the Pipe
Bursting Forum this year, which will feature a lively, interactive panel discussion with
yesterday and today’s leading experts in the field of pipe bursting. Find out where
pipe bursting technology has been, where it is going next and get a chance to interact
with the industry’s best and brightest in an interactive forum discussion. All of these
educational opportunities are outlined in this conference preview, so check out the
schedule and plan your No-Dig Show experience.
In between all the educational sessions, you’ll want to take advantage of the many
networking opportunities during the Show. Visit with over 150 trenchless-focused
companies and organizations in the exhibit hall and learn about their newest products
and services. New this year, check out the Innovative Product Pavilion where the entries
for NASTT’s Joseph L. Abbott, Jr. Innovative Product Awards in Rehabilitation and New
Installation will be showcased. You’ll also want to join us for the Kick-Off Breakfast,
the always entertaining Educational Fund Auction & Reception, Gala Awards Dinner
and Closing Luncheon spaced throughout the week. Check out the schedule in this
conference preview for more information.
There are a multitude of reasons why you should come to NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig
Show - So, why do YOU come to No-Dig? Follow No-Dig on Twitter, Facebook and
LinkedIn, tell us why you come to No-Dig, and you could win a free Full-Conference
Pass! Visit for details.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Jeff Maier
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig
Show Program Vice Chair
Richard (Bo) Botteicher
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig
Show Program Chair
NASTT’s No-Dig Show Program Committee
w Denotes session leader
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show Program Chair
w Richard (Bo) Botteicher..........Underground Solutions Inc.
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show Program Vice Chair
Jeff Maier................................. C+L Water Solutions Inc.
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show Program Committee
Erez Allouche.......................................Stantec Consulting
Edward Alan Ambler............................ City of Casselberry
Samuel Ariaratnam.......................Arizona State University
Alan Atalah........................Bowling Green State University
Brian Avon......................................Golder Associates Inc.
Frank Badinski................................................ York Region
Ali Bayat............................................ University of Alberta
David Bennett......................Bennett Trenchless Engineers
Glenn Boyce.........................................Jacobs Associates
Dan Buonadonna............................................ CH2M HILL
Jack Burnam II................................................ CH2M HILL
Craig Camp...................................Hatch Mott MacDonald
George Cowan......................................................... HAKS
Will Craven...............................Pure Technologies US Inc.
David Crowder.............. R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
Mike Davison............Sanexen Environmental Services Inc.
Dennis Doherty.................................. Haley & Aldrich Inc.
Steven Donovan.. SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists
Brian Dorwart................................Brierley Associates LLC
Glenn Duyvestyn............................Hatch Mott MacDonald
Jennifer Glynn......................RMC Water and Environment
Sanjiv Gokhale.................................. Vanderbilt University
Jason Haas................................................. Hammerhead
Sahar Hasan......................................... Hazen and Sawyer
Paul Headland.................................... Aldea Services LLC
Tony Hranicka... Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Inc.
Brent Johnson................................................ CDM Smith
Larry Kiest............................................LMK Technologies
Brenda Kingsmill.....................................Region of Halton
Michael Kleespies...................... CETCO Drilling Products
Dan Koo...................................................................IUPUI
David Krywiak......................................Stantec Consulting
Bernie Krzys..................................... Benjamin Media Inc.
Jonathan Kunay.............................................. CDM Smith
George Kurz..................................Independent Consultant
Joe Lane.........................................SAK Construction LLC
Marc Lehmann................................................ CDM Smith
Joseph Loiacono.................................Sanexen/Aqua-Pipe
Jason Lueke..................................Associated Engineering
John Matthews.........................Battelle Memorial Institute
John Milligan.............................................Vermeer Corp.
Dorian Modjeski................................................. CARDNO
Cathy Morley....................................................RJN Group
Jim Murphy...................... Universal Pegasus International
Kevin Nagle.......................................TT Technologies Inc.
Mohammad Najafi..University of Texas at Arlington/CUIRE
Swirvine Nyirenda........................................ City of Aurora
Stephen O’Connell.......................... Black & Veatch Corp.
Peter Oram............................................................ AECOM
Collins Orton.....................................TT Technologies Inc.
The 2015 No-Dig Show is owned by the North
American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT),
a not-for-profit educational and technical society
established in 1990 to promote trenchless technology
for the public benefit. For more information about
NASTT, visit our website at
Ryan Otto........................................... City of Bloomington
Ed Paradis......................................................... Resiplast
Carlo Pilia........................................................... CARDNO
Ray Post..................................................... Michels Corp.
Derek Potvin.............................Robinson Consultants Inc.
Cindy Preuss.............................. HydroScience Engineers
George Ragula...............Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
Kaleel Rahaim........................................Interplastic Corp.
Ashley Rammeloo......................................City of London
Jim Rankin.................................................Vermeer Corp.
Jon Robison......................................... GeoEngineers Inc.
Camille Rubeiz................................ Plastics Pipe Institute
Piero Salvo......................... GAME Trenchless Consultants
Jason Schiro...........................................Interplastic Corp.
John Schroeder.............................................. CDM Smith
Chris Schuler.................................... Miller Pipeline Corp.
Chad Schwartzentruber........................Stantec Consulting
Ariamalar Selvakumar............................................ USEPA
Jim Shelton........................................................ARCADIS
Benny Siljenberg.................................Brierley Associates
Kimberlie Staheli............... Staheli Trenchless Consultants
Richard Thomasson............................................ARCADIS
Brenden Tippets..............................................BTrenchless
Srini Vallabhaneni........................................... CDM Smith
Craig Vandaelle.................................. Michels Canada Co
Matthew Wallin............. Bennett Trenchless Engineers Inc.
Dennis Walsh.......................................Woodard & Curran
Laura Wetter...................... Staheli Trenchless Consultants
Mike Willmets........................................................NASTT
Mike Willmets
Michelle Hill
Jenna Hale
Molly Margosian
NASTT Executive
NASTT Communications &
Training Manager
NASTT Marketing
NASTT Membership
Schedule of Events
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
7:00 am – 5:00 pm.........................................................................................................................................Attendee & Exhibitor Registration
8:00 am – 12:00 pm.................................................................................................. Trenchless Technology Short Course – New Construction
8:00 am – 12:00 pm.........................................................................................................Trenchless Technology Short Course – Rehabilitation
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm........................................................................................................................................ NASTT’s Annual General Meeting
1:00 pm – 5:30 pm....................................................................................................................................NASTT’s Regional Chapter Meetings
4:00 pm – 7:30 pm................................................................................................................................................ Student Orientation Meeting
Monday, March 16, 2015
7:00 am – 5:00 pm.........................................................................................................................................Attendee & Exhibitor Registration
7:30 am – 9:15 am....................................................................................................NASTT’s No-Dig Show Kick-Off Breakfast & Entertainment
9:30 am – 11:35 am................................................................................................................................................... Technical Paper Sessions
11:45 am – 3:45 pm...............................................................................................................................................................Exhibit Hall Open
3:45 pm – 5:25 pm.................................................................................................................................................... Technical Paper Sessions
5:30 pm – 6:15 pm...........................................................................................................................................NASTT’s Pre-Auction Reception
6:15 pm – 7:30 pm.................................................................................................................. NASTT’s 14th Annual Educational Fund Auction
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
7:00 am – 5:00 pm.........................................................................................................................................Attendee & Exhibitor Registration
8:00 am – 12:00 pm.................................................................................................................................................. Technical Paper Sessions
12:00 pm – 3:30 pm...............................................................................................................................................................Exhibit Hall Open
3:30 pm – 5:35 pm.................................................................................................................................................... Technical Paper Sessions
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm................................................................................................NASTT’s Pre-Gala Awards Dinner Reception (ticketed event)
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm...............................................................................................NASTT’s No-Dig Show Gala Awards Dinner (ticketed event)
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
7:00 am – 5:00 pm.........................................................................................................................................Attendee & Exhibitor Registration
8:00 am – 10:05 am................................................................................................................................................... Technical Paper Sessions
10:00 am – 12:30 pm.............................................................................................................................................................Exhibit Hall Open
10:30 am – 12:30 pm.......................................................................................................................Student Poster Competition in Exhibit Hall
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm................................................................................................ NASTT’s No-Dig Show Closing Luncheon & Entertainment
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm........................................................................................................NASTT’s Pipe Bursting Good Practices Course (Day 1)
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm...................................................................................................... NASTT’s Sewer Laterals Good Practices Course (Day 1)
2:30 pm – 6:00 pm.................................................................................. NASTT’s Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Good Practices Course (Day 1)
2:30 pm – 6:00 pm......................................................................................NASTT’s New Installation Methods Good Practices Course (Day 1)
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm................................................... NASTT’s Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Course (Day 1)
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm................................................................................................................................... NASTT’s Gas Good Practices Course
Thursday, March 19, 2015
7:30 am – 12:00 pm................................................. NASTT’s Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Course (Day 2)
8:00 am – 12:00 pm................................................................................ NASTT’s Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Good Practices Course (Day 2)
8:00 am – 12:00 pm....................................................................................NASTT’s New Installation Methods Good Practices Course (Day 2)
8:30 am – 12:00 pm......................................................................................................NASTT’s Pipe Bursting Good Practices Course (Day 2)
8:30 am – 12:00 pm.................................................................................................... NASTT’s Sewer Laterals Good Practices Course (Day 2)
NASTT’s No-Dig Show website at for more detailed information about these events.
Pre- and Post-Conference Courses
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | Colorado Convention Center
Pre-Conference Courses
Cost to Attend: $200 Regular/$100 Government. Includes attendance to the
course, course handouts and a Continuing Education Unit certificate issued by
Louisiana Tech University.
NASTT’s Trenchless Technology Short Course –
New Installation
Sunday, March 15, 2015 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Description: This introductory short course is ideally suited for both
newcomers to the industry and for anyone who is interested in seeking a
refresher course on trenchless technology methods. This session covers new
construction techniques – microtunneling, HDD, pipe jacking, auger boring
and pipe ramming.
NASTT’s Trenchless Technology Short Course –
Sunday, March 15, 2015 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Description: This introductory short course is ideally suited for both newcomers
to the industry and for anyone who is interested in seeking a refresher course
on trenchless technology methods. The rehabilitation session provides an
overview of the methods available to public works and sewer agencies to
rehabilitate water and sewer systems without the need for excavation.
Post-Conference Courses
Cost to Attend: $400 Regular/$250 Government. Includes attendance to the
course, course handouts and a Continuing Education Unit certificate issued by
Louisiana Tech University.
NASTT’s Cured-In-Place Pipe Good Practices Course
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm,
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Description: Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) technology is an effective trenchless
pipeline rehabilitation method that may help to address many of your city’s
water and wastewater problems. CIPP is one of the most widely used and
accepted pipeline rehabilitation methods. It significantly reduces infiltration and
ex-filtration. CIPP is cost-effective and increases flow capacity. And because
it is trenchless, traffic congestion and site disruption are significantly reduced.
Course Objective: The CIPP course provides an in-depth overview of
wastewater mainline and lateral pipe rehabilitation using CIPP from planning
and design to job completion.
NASTT’s Sewer Laterals Good Practices Course
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm,
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Description: Millions of sewer laterals — the portion of sewer networks that
connect individual properties to the public sewer network — exist throughout the
United States and elsewhere. Many laterals have not been maintained and as a
result, allow a significant amount of inflow and infiltration (I/I) into sewer systems,
which can lead to sanitary sewer overflows, increased costs and damage.
Consequently, there is a compelling need to solve I/I problems of sewer laterals.
Course Objective: This course offers a clear understanding of the problems
and relevant issues unique to the private lateral portion of the collection system
network, explains available options for inspection, evaluation and repair of
sewer laterals and address the financial and legal issues that affect the means
by which necessary work can be accomplished.
NASTT’s Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices
Guidelines Course
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm,
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 7:30 am – 12:00 pm
Description: If you have horizontal directional drilling questions or concerns,
then we have the answers for you! The HDD Good Practices Guidelines Course
presents a unique opportunity for you to learn the key elements of a successful
HDD project from planning to job completion, as well as to meet with a number
of HDD specialists in the field who can help answer your questions and
concerns not outlined in the course agenda.
Course Objective: The HDD Good Practices Guidelines course provides an indepth overview of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and covers six topics:
(1) operation and application; (2) equipment and materials; (3) planning,
including surface and geological investigations, utility surveys, bore planning,
and regulations and permitting; (4) jobsite safety; (5) risk reduction, trouble
shooting and mitigation; and (6) design.
NASTT’s Pipe Bursting Good Practices Course
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm,
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Description: Pipe bursting is the perfect no-dig process to replace an existing
line with a completely new, larger pipe — without excavating. This construction
technique is recognized as one of the only methods of trenchless rehabilitation
that replaces an existing line with a completely new pipe, providing a total pipe
replacement and allows for the replacement of an existing pipe with a new line
of equal or larger diameter — to maintain or increase flow capabilities.
Course Objective: The NASTT Pipe Bursting Good Practices Course provides
an in-depth overview of pipe bursting and covers four topic areas: (1) the types,
methods and application of pipe bursting; (2) planning and preliminary design
of a pipe bursting job; (3) design and construction considerations; and (4)
troubleshooting and problem solving.
NASTT’s New Installation Methods Good Practices:
Auger Boring, Pipe Ramming, Pipe Jacking and Pilot
Tube Method Course
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm,
Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Description: The trenchless methods used for grade and alignment control and
guidance; The limitations and advantages of each method discussed; The steps
you need to follow “to know the underground”; How to establish the invert for a
proper launch; The history, sizes, equipment options and process of excavating
through different ground types, pipe materials; Ways to track where the pipe is
located underground; Installation and jacking forces and ways to reduce these
forces; The best method to use through actual case studies, which are used to
illustrate what can go wrong if the project is not designed for success
Course Objective: The New Installation Methods Course addresses trenchless
methods commonly used to install new pipe and casing. These methods include:
(1) auger boring; (2) pipe ramming; (3) pipe jacking; and (4) the pilot tube
method. Examples and case studies will be presented to assist attendees in
determining which method is preferable to use under various project conditions
and requirements.
For more detailed information about these courses, visit
NASTT’s Award Program
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19, 2015
NASTT’s Awards program recognizes the commendable achievements and remarkable accomplishments of the individuals
and companies associated with the trenchless technology industry.
NASTT’s Hall of Fame
NASTT proudly announces the members of its 2015 Hall of Fame class: Avanti
International’s first President, the late David Magill, Jr.; leading figure in the
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) industry, Ron Halderman; and Cured-inPlace Pipe (CIPP) expert, Kaleel Rahaim. The ceremony will take place during
the Gala Awards Dinner.
Joseph L. Abbott, Jr. Innovative Product Awards –
Rehabilitation & New Installation
NASTT annually recognizes two companies with state-of-the-art products in
either new installation or rehabilitation for their achievements in advancing the
trenchless industry. All applicants will display their products and information
in the new Innovative Product Pavilion at this year’s No-Dig Show. The award
winners will be chosen on Tuesday, March 17 during exhibit hall hours and are
formally recognized during the Gala Awards Dinner.
NASTT Outstanding Paper Awards –
Rehabilitation & New Installation
Each year, NASTT forms a committee to select the Outstanding Papers of the
Year Awards in Rehabilitation and New Installation published and presented at
NASTT’s Annual No-Dig Show. The winners of the Outstanding Paper Awards
are selected also based on the feedback received on the completed evaluation
forms. Winners are formally recognized during the Opening Breakfast.
Rehabilitation Winner: The Three C’s of Water Main Rehabilitation:
Cooperative Agreements, Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining, and Competitive
Bidding by Dave Wasserburger, City of Marshfield, Wis.; Brad Marquardt, City
of Wausau, Wis.; Mark Kilheffer, City of Appleton, Wis.; James Wojcehowicz,
City of Wauwatosa, Wis.; and Paul Pasko, PE, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
New Installation Winner: Microtunneling Overcomes Design and
Construction Challenges to Accomplish Three Notable Firsts by Marc
Gelinas, Hatch Mott MacDonald; Shu He, The Regional Municipality of
York; John Grennan, Ward and Burke Microtunneling; and Armenio Martins,
McNally Construction Inc.
NASTT Chair’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Service
This award acknowledges individuals who have selflessly given of their time
and talents to enhance the Society and the industry. The person selected
for the Chair’s Award is the decision of the NASTT Chair at the time of the
conference. The award recipient is formally recognized during the Gala
Awards Dinner.
Trent Ralston Award for Young Trenchless Achievement
This annual award has been established to recognize a young individual who
has demonstrated excellence in the early stages of his/her career and who
has made a valuable contribution to the trenchless technology industry. The
award recipient is formally recognized during the Gala Awards Dinner.
2015 Hall of Fame Class
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | Colorado Convention Center
Ron Halderman
Ron is a Registered Professional Engineer and is the Director of Horizontal Directional Drilling for the Mears
Group. He is a leading figure in the Horizontal Directional Drilling industry and has helped innovate many of the
procedures currently being used by HDD contractors and consultants throughout the world.
David Magill, Jr.
David, who sadly passed away in January, was a pioneer in the chemical grout industry and the first President of
Avanti International, a company he championed for over 30 years. In 1990, David was one of the seven Charter
Members of NASTT providing the initial funding to start our Society.
Kaleel Rahaim
Kaleel is the Business Manager of Pipeline Remediation Polymers for the Thermoset Resins Division of Interplastic
Corporation. He has experience in many different aspects of engineering such as project and process engineering,
and he has been involved in the thermoset polymer industry for over 30 years.
For more information about NASTT’s Hall of Fame, including a
gallery of past inductees and applications to nominate someone
for the Class of 2016, please visit
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19, 2015
Networking Events
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | Colorado Convention Center
Kick-Off Breakfast & Entertainment
Monday, March 16, 2015, 7:30 – 9:15 AM
Enjoy the most important meal of the day at NASTT’s 2015 No Dig Show Kick-Off Breakfast!
Visit with colleagues, enjoy a delicious breakfast and catch the annual NASTT and
Trenchless Technology awards! This year’s awards will include NASTT’s 2014 Outstanding
Papers in Rehabilitation and New Installation, as well as Trenchless Technology’s 2015
Person of the Year and 2014 Projects of the Year.
Pipe Bursting Forum
Gala Awards Dinner*
Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 7:00 – 11:00 PM
Your presence is requested at the trenchless industry’s premiere awards dinner!
Join industry leaders and colleagues as we recognize outstanding individuals in their
respective fields. NASTT will present and recognize its Hall of Fame Class of 2015, as well
as the Chair’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Service, the Trent Ralston Award for Young
Trenchless Achievement and the Joseph L. Abbott Jr. Innovative Product Award.
*NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show Gala Awards Dinner is a ticketed event.
Closing Luncheon & Entertainment
Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Join us at the final networking event of NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show! Take this opportunity
to say a fond farewell to the connections you made in Denver, and hello to what’s in store
for next year’s No-Dig Show! At the closing lunch you will hear from our 2016 No-Dig
Show Program Chair, Jeff Maier, on what you can anticipate in Dallas, Texas!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
10:20 AM – 12:00 PM
NASTT is proud to present a Pipe Bursting
Forum during the educational session at
this year’s No-Dig Show.
This unique forum will cover pipe bursting
history, along with current applications
and materials and future applications and
This session will be moderated by Bo
Botteicher, NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show
Program Chair. For more information visit
Gas Industry Day
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 18, 2015
New this year!
NASTT’s No-Dig Show will feature a full day of education and
networking specifically for the gas industry. CEUs/PHDs will be
available for the Track Sessions in the morning and the Good Practice
Course in the afternoon.
Cost to Attend: $450 Regular/$350 Government. Includes attendance to the course, course
handouts and a Continuing Education Unit certificate issued by Louisiana Tech University.
Track Session 8:00-10:05 a.m.
• A Parametric Study of Pull Loads on a Pipeline Installed Using Horizontal Directional Drill
(HDD) Methodology
• Horizontal Directional Drilling: The Sustainable Solution for Crossing the Kissimmee
• Design Considerations - First Application of a CIP Liner in a 42-in. Diameter Gas Main
• Cost Effective Replacement of Gas Distribution Systems with New Pipe Slitting
• Keyhole Technology
Exhibit Hall 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
• Visit with nearly 150 companies in the trenchless industry.
Networking Luncheon 12:30-2:00 p.m.
• Network with trenchless experts in a casual setting
I go to No-Dig to learn
about solutions that will
help reduce my company’s
construction costs.
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show
Gas Good Practice Course 2:30-6:30 p.m.
• A four-hour course focusing on good practices for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) and Pipe Bursting
Colorado Convention Center - Denver, Colorado
March 15-19
Technical Papers
Industry Exhibits
Networking Events
NASTT’s No-Dig Show offers a first-rate educational program that rivals no other! Ask Georg
No-Dig is his go-to show for a comprehensive technical program, knowledgeable peopl
willing to share trenchless experiences and exposure to cutting edge technologies that all hel
him with technical solutions to reduce his company’s construction costs. Attend the ed
sessions at NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show and find cost-saving solutions for your company!
Pictured above: George Ragula, Distribution Technology Manager, Public Service Electri
(PSE&G), Newark, NJ
Mark your calendar and make your plans to attend NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show in Denver, Colo
Schedule at a Glance
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19, 2015
Monday Morning, March 16, 2015
Track #
Track 1 (MM-T1-01-05)
Track 2 (MM-T2-01-05)
Track 3 (MM-T3-01-05)
Track 4 (MM-T4-01-05)
Track 5 (MM-T5-01-05)
Track 6 (MM-T6-01-05)
Condition Assessment
David Crowder
Alan Atalah
Kaleel Rahaim
Pipe Bursting
George Ragula
Large Diameter Tunneling
Brenda Kingsmill
Water Rehabilitation
Mike Davison
9:30 AM
California Water District Verifies
Electromagnetic Inspection Results
on a 24-in. Steel Water Main
Horizontal Directional Drilling
in Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District's Diablo Sewer Renovations
Productivity and Cost Analysis of
CIPP Sewer Main Rehabilitation
City of Billings, Montana Water
and Sanitary Sewer Pipe Bursting
The Evolution of Tunnel Boring
Machine Requirements Over the
Course of a Project
Competition: Class IV Structural
Lining vs. Conventional Open Cut
9:55 AM
Covering All the Bases (Where the
Road Ends) - Internal Condition
Assessment and Leak Detection
for Live Small Diameter Potable
Watermains Case Study
King County uses Large Diameter
On-Grade HDD to minimize CSOs
The Inspector is the Gatekeeper to
Successful CIPP Applications and
Long-term Performance
Quadruple and Quintuple Upsizing:
Successful Project Completed in
Dallas, Texas
Baranmor Ditch Reach 6 Channel
Improvements - A TBM Approach
Structural Cured-In-Place Pipe Lining
for Water Main Helps Usher in a
"Riverfront Renaissance"
10:20 AM
Framework for a Standard Defect
Coding System for Potable Water
Pipe Networks
Grout Engineering for Directional
Drilled Bores
Rehabilitating Victoria, British
Columbia’s 150-Year-Old Brick
Storm Drains
The Path Forward for Pipe Bursting
Asbestos Cement Pipe
When You Just Can't Bypass
Pump: Trenchless Rehab of a Live
78-in. Tunneled Interceptor Using
Commercial Divers
Using Cured-In-Place Pipe
Technology to Rehabilitate Potable
Water Lines
10:45 AM
A Tale of Two Inspections: Using
Condition Assessment to Manage
Force Main Assets
Pushing the Limits: When Does It
Make Sense to Attempt a Longer Or
Larger HDD Installation?
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Pipe Bursting Under Buildings for
the City of Carrollton, Georgia
McOrmond Drive Sanitary and
Storm Sewer Trunks Project
Comparing Carbon Footprints of
Trenchless Watermain Renewal
Questions Answered by NDT
Inspection of In-Service
HDD Crossing of the Santa Maria
River and 110-ft High Bluff
Controlling Groundwater Infiltration
Prior to CIPP Installation and
Lessons Learned
Pipe Bursting - Replacing Water
Mains in Congested Areas
A Storm Drain Success Story: Two
Tunnels & A Landslide
Utilizing Trenchless Technology
to Achieve Water Main Asset
Management Objectives
Monday Afternoon, March 16, 2015
Track #
Track 1 (MA-T1-01-04)
Track 2 (MA-T2-01-04)
Track 3 (MA-T3-01-04)
Track 4 (MA-T4-01-04)
Track 5 (MA-T5-01-04)
Track 6 (MA-T6-01-04)
I/I & Leak Detection
Cathy Morley
Laura Wetter
Sliplining & Grouting
Mohammad Najafi
Pipe Bursting & Pipe Jacking
Tony Hranicka
Stephen O’Connell
Auger Boring & Pipe Ramming
Alireza Bayat
3:45 PM
Small Agency, Big Ambition - How
a Pennsylvania Township Authority
Chose New Technology to Begin
Addressing Its Infiltration Issues
Low Shear Viscosity and Dynamic
Gel of Drilling Fluids: Two Areas of
Rheology that Provide Greater Insight
for More Effective Fluid Design in HDD
Hillsborough County's Ongoing
Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation
Program Yields Success
Bore and Jack 48-in. and 60-in.
Combined Sewer Pipeline Through a
Congested Urban Environment
Watson Way Project:
Microtunneling Lessons Learned
or Revisited?
AWWD Uses Auger Boring to Keep
the Traffic Moving
4:10 PM
Cost-Effective Private Property I&I
Evaluation of Allowable Borehole
Fluid Pressure during Horizontal
Directional Drilling in Rock
Sliplining Solutions Utilizing a
1930's Transmission Main in a
Congested Urban Setting
Risk Mitigation Strategies for Pipe
Jacking in Cobbles and Boulders
River Road Sewer Tunnel
Trenchless Approaches to Overcome
Difficult Ground Conditions in
Downtown San Francisco, California
4:35 PM
Under Pressure
The First Direct Pipe in Canada
A Case Study for Advanced
Geopolymer Pipe Lining Rehab
Trenchless Solutions Render
Savings to Small Town America in
the Bakken
Microtunneling a 48-in. Sewer
Around and Urban Lake
Trenchless Potpourri in Burlingame,
5:00 PM
Demonstration and Evaluation of
Innovative Acoustic Leak Detection
Methods for the U.S. Military
Overcoming Risks of Frac-outs and
Cutting Settlements in HDD with
an Innovative Downhole Jet-Pump
Oakland Macomb Interceptor Drain
Contract Three: Rehabilitation of a
Large-Diameter Interceptor Using
In-Tunnel Grouting
Pipe Bursting and Horizontal
Directional Drilling in a Rural
Application - A Viable Option
Overcoming Cold Weather with
Direct Pipe
Threading the Needle: Lessons
Learned from the Construction of
a 10-in. HDPE Siphon Under an
Active Creek
Tu e s d a y M o r n i n g , 1 s t S e s s i o n , M a r c h 1 7 , 2 0 1 5
Track #
Track 1 (TM1-T1-01-05)
Track 2 (TM1-T2-01-05)
Track 3 (TM1-T3-01-05)
Track 4 (TM1-T4-01-05)
Track 5 (TM1-T5-01-05)
Track 6 (TM1-T6-01-05)
Condition Assessment
Marc Lehmann
Matthew Wallin
Jason Schiro
Pipe Bursting
Edward Alan Ambler
Project Planning & Delivery
Joe Lane
Joe Loiacono
8:00 AM
Reducing and Managing WetWeather Overflows in Puerto Rico
Using Asset Management to
Implement Trenchless Solutions
The Chinese Way: An Investigation
of HDD Pipeline Installation
Practices Used in China Mainland
Physical Properties and Flexural
Creep Retention Factors of
Reinforced CIPP Liners of Various
Bag Materials and Thermoset
Combining Proven Trenchless
Methods to Replace a Critical
Sanitary Sewer Line Collapse Under
Bronx River Parkway in Yonkers,
New York.
El Paso Water Utilities Paisano
Valley Transmission Waterline
Tunneling Lessons Learned: The
Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Inverted Siphon Rehabilitation
8:25 AM
Lessons Learned in Challenging
Water Transmission Main
Inspection and Condition
Assessment for City of San Diego
Pneumatic Hammers "Just Another
Tool in the Toolbox" on HDD
Impact of Cured-in-Place Pipe
Renewal on an Asbestos Cement
Water Main
Using Pipe Bursting to Optimize a
Sewer Capacity Upgrade
Morgan County Quality Water
District - Water Main Flood
Damage Repair Projects
Huntington Beach, California
Successfully Navigates Emergency
Repair of Fragile Storm Drain
8:50 AM
Salt Lake City Utilizes Advanced
Technology for a Comprehensive
Assessment of a Bar Wrapped Pipe
Head to Head - Open Cut vs
CIPP Liner Thickness - North
American F1216 Compared with
German ATV-M 127
Case Study of the Replacement of
Corrugated Metal Culverts Using
Pipe Bursting
One Network Owner's Point of
View on Improving the Efficiency
and Success Rates of Trenchless
Aspects of Pipeline Projects
Fully Structural Renewal of 39-inch
PCCP Water Transmission Main with
Swagelining and HDPE
9:15 AM
Pressure Pipe Condition
Assessment Across North Carolina
Balancing Trenchless Permitting
Requirements During HDD Design
and Construction
Growing Pains - A Retrospective
Look at 15 Years of Water Main
CIPP Installations.
Pipe Bursting Success in Large
Diameter Upsize in Charleston,
South Carolina
Submittals for Trenchless
Multiple Applications, One Solution
for Twin Pipelines Underneath a
Major River
9:40 AM
Coming Across the Pond - Live Non
Destructive Pipe Wall Thickness
Measurements for Small Diameter
Potable Water Mains
Are We Doing Our Due Diligence
Before Designing HDD Projects
Through Rock?
Tight Timeline / Congested Buried
Utilities / AC Mains on UNC
Campus - A Perfect Fit for CIPP
Water Main Rehabilitation
Pipe Bursting - The Good and
The Bad
Shaft Construction Methods
A Revolutionary City's Multi-Faceted
Emergency Repair Under the
Governor's Avenue
T1 = Track 1; T2 = Track 2; T3 = Track 3; T4 = Track 4; T5 = Track 5; T6 = Track 6
No-Dig Show - The Magic of
at a2014
a p r i l 1 3 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 - g ay l o r d pa l m s H o t e l & c o n v e n t i o n
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | Colorado Convention Center
Tu e s d a y M o r n i n g , 2 n d S e s s i o n , M a r c h 1 7 , 2 0 1 5
Track #
Track 1 (TM2-T1-01-04)
Track 2 (TM2-T2-01-04)
Track 3 (TM2-T3-01-04)
Track 4 (TM2-T4-01-04)
Track 5 (TM2-T5-01-04)
Track 6 (TM2-T6-01-04)
Asset Management
Ariamalar Selvakumar
Samuel Ariaratnam
Project Planning & Delivery
Dennis Doherty
Manhole Rehabilitation & Bypass
Jonathan Kunay
Brenden Tippets
Pipe Bursting Forum
Bo Botteicher
10:20 AM
What is Your CCTV Data Telling
You? Looking at Pipe Failure History
Is Not So Straightforward
Fuel Transfer Pipeline HDD
Crossing of the Brisbane River,
Brisbane, Australia
CN Railyard Sanitary Sewer
Relocation: Design and
Construction Challenges
Development of a Decision Support
System for No-Dig Manhole
Curved Microtunneling Along the
Seekonk River
10:45 AM
Modeling the Economic Life
of Large Diameter Iron Water
Distribution Mains
City of Augusta - A Positive
Experience Using Ductile Iron Pipe
for HDD Installation
Orange Street Sewer Truck Line
Rehabilitation Case Study
Sewer and Maintenance Hole
Rehabilitation in the Regional
Municipality of Niagara
The Importance of the Laser to
Guiding a MTBM
11:10 AM
Leveraging Trenchless Technology
for Asset Management of Industrial
and Commercial Facilities
New Method for Predicting
Pullback Force for Pipes Installed
via Horizontal Directional Drilling
Project and Program Alliance
Contracts for Microtunnel Projects
in Australia
The Practical Design Approach
to Coatings and Liners for the
Rehabilitation of Cylindrical-Shaped
Manhole Structures
A Recipe for Disaster: Installing
Heavy, Large Diameter Gravity
Sewer Pipe in Weak Soils, with
High Groundwater, and Site
11:35 PM
Condition Assessment of Concrete
Bar-Wrapped Pipe (C303)
Increases Reliability of City of
Calgary’s Water Infrastructure
Construction of Offshore
Stormwater Discharges Using HDD
High Flow Sewer Bypass Designed
to Support Large Diameter Sewer
Working Under the Rails
Pipe Bursting Forum
Tu e s d a y A f t e r n o o n , M a r c h 1 7 , 2 0 1 5
Track #
Track 1 (TA-T1-01-05)
Track 2 (TA-T2-01-05)
Track 3 (TA-T3-01-05)
Track 4 (TA-T4-01-05)
Track 5 (TA-T5-01-05)
Track 6 (TA-T5-01-06)
Condition Assessment
Will Cravin
Jim Murphy
Project Planning & Delivery
George Kurz
Pipe Ramming
Erez Allouche
Jack Burnam II
Sahar Hasan
3:30 PM
Implementation of Acoustic
Inspection Technology at the City of
Augusta, Georgia
Evaluation of Compaction Reaming
Process and Assessment of the
Associated Reduced Drilling Fluid
Usage During Horizontal Directional
Warning! Do Not Bid on This
Multiple Grade-Sensitive Pipe Rams
in Soft Soils
Design Challenges for the
Paradise Whitney Interceptor,
Project 669, Las Vegas, Nevada
New Calculation Module to Measure
and to Visualize the Heat Input of
CIPP Liner
3:55 PM
Quantitative Corrosion and Pipe
Condition Assessment with Pipe
Penetrating Radar
HDD Bundled Water and Sewer
Pipeline Beneath the Napa River Facilitating Trenchless Build-Out
in the Northern California Wine
Water, Sewer and Traffic, It's All
About the Flow
Pipe Ramming Shines in Rocky
Mountain 1,000 Year Flood Event
Cast-In-Place Watermain
Rehabilitation - What's It All About?
4:20 PM
Condition Assesment and Repair
of Large Diameter Tunnel at the
Bottom of Homestake Reservoir
Understanding the Role Mud
Chemistry Plays in Bore Planning
and Execution
Minimizing Community Impacts
and Lowering Costs Through
Trenchless Pipe Installation
Pipe Ramming Through Challenging
Subsurface Conditions in the Pacific
Big Lake Offsite Sanitary Gravity
Portion (W14) Project
Use of Aluminum Tunnel Liner Plate
to Line Large Diameter Culverts under
SR 6 in Clarks-Summit, Pennsylvania
4:45 PM
Pre and Post Sewer Rehabilitation
Infiltration and Inflow Assessment
for Rothman Road Sanitary Sewer
Discharge Control Project in Fort
Wayne, Indiana
Taking it to the Street: Horizontal
Directional Drilling Below Historic
Auburn Avenue in Downtown
Atlanta, Georgia
Dewatering - Time and Cost Relief
by Way of Trenchless Construction
Pipe Ramming Roundtable
Underwater Tunnel:
Microtunneling the ENMRWS
Raw Water Intake Tunnel at Ute
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
Through Rehabilitation of Corroded
PCCP with Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Polymer (CFRP)
5:10 PM
New Diagnostic Imaging Technique:
BCT, for the In-Situ Assessment of
Supporting Soil Around Corrugated
Metal Storm-Water Pipe. A Case
Study: System Wide Approach to
Asset Management for the City of
Guelph, Ontario.
Dig It, Drill It, Jack It or Hang It How to Get a Force Main and Water
Main Across a Stream
Design and Management of
Multiple Trenchless Crossings:
ENMAX Shepard Energy Centre
Reclaimed Water Supply Project
Trenchless Solution for Drainage
Under a Railroad Along the Hudson
Effectiveness of Microtunneling
Shaft Construction by Cutter Soil
Mixing Methods
Building a Database for Life Cycle
Performance Assessment of
Trenchless Technologies
Wednesday Morning, March 18, 2015
Track #
Track 1 (WM-T1-01-05)
Track 2 (WM-T2-01-05)
Track 3 (WM-T3-01-05)
Track 4 (WM-T4-01-05)
Track 5 (WM-T5-01-05)
Dennis Walsh
Brian Avon
Ashley Rammeloo
Dan Koo
Pilot Tube Microtunneling
Camille Rubeiz
8:00 AM
A Parametric Study of Pull Loads
on a Pipeline Installed Using
Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD)
The Use of Pipe Ramming for
HDD Assistance - Pipe Integrity
Extreme Tunnel Inspection - a
Horizontal Everest
Parametric Study on the Maximum
Allowable Pressure of Drilling Fluid
During HDD Based on the Cavity
Expansion Theory
Problems Realized with
Contractor-Proposed Pilot Tube
Auger Boring
8:25 AM
Horizontal Directional Drilling: The
Sustainable Solution for Crossing
the Kissimmee
Union and Platte Avenue Colorado
Springs 24-in. HDPE Horizontal
Directional Drill Steel Replacement
Addressing the Risks of In-Line
Inspections of Critical Pressure
High Voltage PVC Conduit
Installation with Trenchless Methods
Pilot Tube Microtunneling Assists
in the Re-direction of Sanitary
Flow at Depth
8:50 AM
Design Considerations - First
Application of a CIP Liner in a
42-in. Diameter Gas Main
Oil Pipeline Relocation via HDD
for a Grade Separation Project,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Applications of Pipe Penetrating
Radar to Plastic Pipe for Quality
Control of New Pipe Installation and
Condition Assessment of Existing
Engineering Geologic Conditions for
Trenchless Application in the Denver,
Colorado Metro Area
Extending Gravity Sewage
Services to R.M. of West St. Paul
9:15 AM
Cost Effective Replacement of Gas
Distribution Systems with New Pipe
Slitting Technologies
Using Alternative Project Delivery
for HDD Projects: A Case Study of
Performance Metrics
Adopting Appropriate Trenchless
Strategies for Watermain and
Sanitary Renewal Programs
Direct Pipe Levee Crossing Design Mitigating Hydraulic Fracture Risk
Pilot Tube Probes for Obstructions
in Advance of Microtunneling
9:40 AM
Keyhole Technology
Trenchless Installations on the
Lake Oswego-Tigard Partnership
Project: Use of Steel Water Pipe
and Steel Casing Pipe for HDD and
Integrating Temperature Sensor
Technology within Lateral Pipeline
CIPP Installations
UV CIPP Large Diameter Installations
2015 Paper Summary
M o n d a y, M a r c h 1 6 - A M S e s s i o n s
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Monday Morning
Paper Title
Track 1: Condition Assessment
Session Leader: David Crowder
In late 2013, Foothill Municipal Water District performed a condition assessment of 10,441 ft of 24-in.
cement mortar coated and lined steel pipe known as the "Altadena East Side Force Main." The assessment
included electromagnetic inspection, high definition closed circuit television, a structural analysis and
verification using ultrasonic thickness testing.
9:30 AM
California Water District Verifies
Electromagnetic Inspection Results on a
24-in. Steel Water Main
Nina Jazmadarian, P.E., Foothill Municipal Water District;
Justin Bailey, P.E., Foothill Municipal Water District; Craig
Daly, P.E., Pure Technologies US Inc.; Andy Dettmer, Ph.D.,
P.E., Pure Technologies US Inc.
9:55 AM
Covering All the Bases (Where the Road
Ends) - Internal Condition Assessment and
Leak Detection for Live Small Diameter
Potable Water Mains Case Study
David Gosselin, GAME Consultants; Soheil Nakhostin, A case study examining a live condition assessment and leak detection survey performed in the Innu
WSP Group
Community of Natashquan, Quebec.
10:20 AM
Framework for a Standard Defect Coding
System for Potable Water Pipe Networks
Rizwan Younis, University of Waterloo; Mark Knight, This paper will discuss an innovative new project to develop a standard condition rating system for drinking
University of Waterloo; Yehuda Kleiner, Yeda Consultants; water networks that will allow utilities to manage their systems in a more cost-effective and efficient manner.
John C. Matthews, Battelle Memorial Institute; Jian Zhang,
Water Research Foundation
10:45 AM
Water/Wastewater A Tale of Two Inspections: Using
Condition Assessment to Manage Force
Main Assets
Chris Garrett, PICA Corp; Dennis Dineen, Donohue and This paper is about two inspections that the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) has
performed over the last three years. These inspections used PICA's SeeSnake tool, and the goal of the paper
is to showcase how these inspections can be done in both tethered and free-swimming methods. Paper will
conclude with rehabilitation methods chosen, why they were chosen and cost savings.
11:10 AM
Water/Wastewater Questions Answered by NDT Inspection
of In-Service Force Mains
Dwayne Hofstetter, Conestoga-Rovers and Associates; Brad This paper will discuss condition assessment of HDPE with AUT Technology.
Marin, Conestoga-Rovers and Associates
Monday Morning
Track 2: HDD
Session Leader: Alan Atalah
The Diablo Sewer Renovations project renovated approximately 5,000 ft of 8-in. and 10-in. HDPE sewers via
horizontal directional drilling (HDD). This paper will discuss the planning, design and construction aspects of
the project and will also address the challenges that were encountered with HDD.
9:30 AM
Horizontal Directional Drilling in Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District's Diablo
Sewer Renovations Project
Damasio Zepeda Aragon, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District;
Mark Wenslawski, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; Sasha
Mestetsky, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
9:55 AM
King County uses Large Diameter OnGrade HDD to Minimize CSOs
Kimberlie Staheli, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; Shahrzad The case history details the design and construction of a pipeline built to reduce CSOs in King County,
Namini, King County WTD; Kevin Dour, Tetra Tech; Doug Washington. The 36-in. pipeline is 3,000 ft long and designed as an on-grade HDD and Direct Pipe
Genzlinger, Tetra Tech; Leon Maday, King County WTD
installation. Construction challenges for the on-grade bore will be presented and details on how grade was
maintained at depths of 100 ft.
10:20 AM
Grout Engineering for Directional
Drilled Bores
Brian Dorwart, P.E. PG, Brierley Associates
10:45 AM
Pushing the Limits: When Does It Make
Sense to Attempt a Longer or Larger
HDD Installation?
Glenn Duyvestyn, Hatch Mott MacDonald; Marc Gelinas, This paper and presentation will examine the current limits of the HDD industry and provide a framework to
Hatch Mott MacDonald
evaluate how to push the limits with respect to installation parameters. This includes length, diameter and
elevation difference, and will cover what factors need to be considered, how big of a step is too big, how
contracting strategy plays a role and more.
11:10 AM
HDD Crossing of the Santa Maria River
and 110-ft High Bluff
Norman Joyal, Jacobs Associates; Peter Sevcik, Nipomo This paper will discuss the 2,600-ft reach of 30-in. OD HDPE pipe beneath the Santa Maria River and up an
Community Services District; Jody Parish, ARB
adjacent 110-ft high bluff in Nipomo, California.
Productivity and Cost Analysis of CIPP
Sewer Main Rehabilitation Projects
Monday Morning
Track 3: CIPP
Grouting of HDD installations is becoming a more frequent requirement yet it still has a relatively low
success rate. Grouting has both a scientific and engineering basis that when applied can result in reasonable
expectations of a grouting plan and less program failures.
Session Leader: Kaleel Rahaim
9:30 AM
9:55 AM
Water/Wastewater The Inspector is the Gatekeeper to
Successful CIPP Applications and
Long-term Performance
Gerhard “Gerry” P. Muenchmeyer, Muenchmeyer Most utility owners and specifying engineers are familiar with cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), but seldom does
Associates, LLC; Amana Arayan, LMK Technologies
the owner, engineer or their onsite inspector posses the knowledge necessary to ensure the contractor
constructs the new CIPP in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended practices and industry
standards as described in the specifications.
10:20 AM
Water/Wastewater Rehabilitating Victoria, British
Columbia's 150-Year-Old Brick Storm
Christopher Macey, AECOM; Carla Coghlan, City of Rehabilitation of a 150-year-old brick storm drain inventory in Victoria, British Columbia. The inventory
Victoria; Matt Witchard, AECOM; Mike Brady, AECOM
is comprised primarily of non-circular pipes and the rehabilitation methods selected for use include
conventional CIPP, CIPP with reinforced felts and segmental GRP liners.
10:45 AM
Water/Wastewater Light at the End of the Tunnel
Dr. Dec Downey, Trenchless Opportunities Ltd; Dr. Dae This paper is a review of development and global experience of CIPP, focused on the increase in usage of glass
reinforced UV cured product and a projection of market penetration in established and emerging markets.
Hyun Koo, IUPUI
11:10 AM
Controlling Groundwater Infiltration Prior
to CIPP Installation and Lessons Learned
Raul Cuellar, Orange County Sanitation District; Eros Yong, This paper will discuss controlling groundwater infiltration prior to CIPP Installation and illustrate lessons
Orange County Sanitation District
Monday Morning
Susen Das,University of Alberta; Reza Navab, University of The paper presents a productivity and cost analysis of sewer lining using cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP), based
Alberta; Leon F. Gay, University of Alberta; Alireza Bayat, on information from several projects completed in Edmonton, Alberta. The projects include the relining of
University of Alberta
both sewer mainlines and laterals as well.
Track 4: Pipe Bursting
Session Leader: George Ragula
9:30 AM
City of Billings, Montana Water and
Sanitary Sewer Pipe Bursting Program
Scott Emerick, City of Billings Public Works
9:55 AM
Quadruple and Quintuple Upsizing:
Successful Project Completed in
Dallas, Texas
John Newell, No Dig Tec; Alan Goodman, HammerHead This paper will review the logistics, planning and execution of an IPBA "D classified" pipe bursting project
Trenchless Equipment
completed in Dallas, Texas.
10:20 AM
Water/Wastewater The Path Forward for Pipe Bursting
Asbestos Cement Pipe
Edward Alan Ambler, City of Casselberry; John Matthews, This paper details regulations and EPA conducted research on asbestos cement pipe bursting in conjunction
Battelle Institute; Lawrence Pultz, CPH Engineers; Ryan with execution of the largest asbestos cement pipe bursting project in the country. The paper will also
Stowe, Battelle Institute
describe lessons learned in the field by executing the project.
10:45 AM
Pipe Bursting Under Buildings for the
City of Carrollton, Georgia
Eddie Ward, TT Technologies Inc.; Ryan Lawler, 3 Rivers The City of Carrollton, Georgia turned to pipe bursting to replace a sanitary sewer line located under sensitive
Utility Rehab LLC
buildings and near sensitive equipment tunnels. The line required large dewatering systems and the 1,000-ft
line had to be replaced in one pull.
11:10 AM
Pipe Bursting - Replacing Water Mains
in Congested Areas
Jeffrey Miller, Citizens Energy Group; Ryan Taylor, Citizens The effective utilization of pipe bursting in heavily congested areas for water main replacement projects.
Energy Group
Monday Morning
Track 5: Large Diameter Tunneling
This paper will cover water and wastewater pipe bursting.
Session Leader: Brenda Kingsmill
9:30 AM
Water/Wastewater The Evolution of Tunnel Boring Machine
Requirements Over the Course of
a Project
Richard Harada, Wilson Okamoto Corporation; Steve Klein, This paper will discuss how the requirements for a tunnel boring machine (TBM) evolve over the course of a
Tom Pennington, Phaidra Campbell, Jacobs Associates; project. It will discuss who has the ability to affect the final design of the TBM and when he has the opportunity
Lizan Gilbert, S.J. Louis Construction of Texas Ltd.; Ray Post, to do so and what factors affect the type and design of the final TBM for these decision makers.
Michels Corporation; Desiree Willis, The Robbins Company
9:55 AM
Baranmor Ditch Reach 6 Channel
Improvements - A TBM Approach
Doug Williams, ICON Engineering, Inc.
10:20 AM
When You Just Can't Bypass Pump:
Trenchless Rehab of a Live 78-in. Tunneled
Interceptor Using Commercial Divers
Daniel Buonadonna, CH2M HILL; Jack Burnam, CH2M This paper demonstrates design considerations and case study for large diameter trenchless rehabilitation
in constricted areas where bypass pumping is not possible, including using commercial divers to install
rehabilitation technologies.
This paper will discuss lessons learned during the design and construction of three, 240-lf, 79-in. diameter
TBM's, constrained by minimal spacing and less than 5 ft of cover.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
10:45 AM
McOrmond Drive Sanitary and Storm
Sewer Trunks Project
Dave Krywiak, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; Craig Vandaelle, This project involved the installation of parallel 1,200-mm sanitary and 2,400-mm storm trunk sewers for a
Michels Canada Co.; Dan Willems, City of Saskatoon
distance of over 1,500-m using a two pass tunneling system. The project was completed as a design-build
approach for the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
11:10 AM
A Storm Drain Success Story: Two
Tunnels & A Landslide
Randall G. Berry, P.E., Harris & Associates
The Harris Team developed an elegant solution for the San Ramon Canyon Storm Drain Project using
trenchless technology. This required two tunnels and a gravity buttress fill design to divert the collected
stormwater to the ocean at the bottom of the coastal bluffs, shore up a deficient drainage system downstream
and stabilize an active landslide.
Monday Morning
Track 6: Water Rehabilitation
Session Leader: Mike Davison
9:30 AM
Competition: Class IV Structural Lining
vs. Conventional Open Cut Replacement
Matt Wassam, SAK Construction
This paper will provide two examples of structural water main lining projects recently completed by Colorado
municipalities. The paper will start with a technical overview followed by a discussion of how municipalities
are using structural lining to save money and finally an illustration of some of the cutting edge third party
studies that have recently been completed.
9:55 AM
Structural Cured-In-Place Pipe Lining for
Water Main Helps Usher in a "Riverfront
Nick Egger, P.E., City of Hastings; Paul J. Pasko III, P.E., SEH
Riverfront communities throughout the U.S. rely on a robust tourist-friendly Main Street. Yet they share a
unique challenge when rehabilitating their water main: they must do so with minimal disruption to Main
Street businesses usually close to the river's levy. This paper shares challenges and solutions discovered
when rehabilitating Hastings, Minnesota's water main pipes.
10:20 AM
Using Cured-In-Place Pipe Technology
to Rehabilitate Potable Water Lines
Patrick Anderson, Michels Corporation; David Rosenberg, Michels Pipe Services is successfully using cured-in-place pipe lining systems to rehabilitate water mains.
Michels Corporation
The method meets NSF/ANSI 61 standards for drinking water and adds about 50 years of design life to
underground infrastructure.
10:45 AM
Comparing Carbon Footprints of
Trenchless Water Main Renewal
Jason S. Lueke, Associated Engineering; John C. Matthews; This paper retrospectively compares the estimated carbon footprints from two asbestos cement water main
Battelle Memorial Institute; Ryan Stowe, Battelle Memorial rehabilitation projects; one completed by pipe bursting and another completed utilizing cured-in-place
Institute; Chris Lamont, Associated Engineering
methods. Estimates from three trenchless carbon calculators are compared for the projects.
11:10 AM
Utilizing Trenchless Technology to
Achieve Water Main Asset Management
Kristofer J. Knutson, Moorhead Public Service; Jade This presentation will focus on the utilization of multiple facets of trenchless technology to achieve asset
Berube, Apex Engineering Group; Chris Capecchi, management objectives. The presentation will provide practical lessons learned for municipalities looking to
Moorhead Public Service
increase their usage of trenchless technology for water main replacement.
M o n d a y, M a r c h 1 6 - P M S e s s i o n s
Monday Afternoon
Track 1: I/I & Leak Detection
Session Leader: Cathy Morley
3:45 PM
Small Agency, Big Ambition - How a
Pennsylvania Township Authority Chose
New Technology to Begin Addressing Its
Infiltration Issues
Mark Grabowski, Electro Scan Inc.
4:10 PM
Cost-Effective Private Property I&I
Don Rigby, Avanti International; Randy Belanger, Visu- The focus of the presentation is to show the step-by-step progression of a private property I&I reduction
Sewer Inc.
program in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The acting DPW for Wauwatosa decided on an investigative approach to
determine locations of leaks and the most cost effective means of eliminating infiltration.
4:35 PM
Under Pressure
Preston Creelman, Royal Building Products; David This paper discusses a case study involving PVC water main newly installed in three sections by three
Gosselin, GAME Consultants
separate contractors. Each of them had numerous unsuccessful attempts at being verified. In light of this
situation, GAME Consultants was contracted by Royal Building Products and utilized the JD7 LDS1000
technology to validate the integrity of the installed water main.
5:00 PM
Demonstration and Evaluation of
Innovative Acoustic Leak Detection
Methods for the U.S. Military
Gary Anguiano, Naval Facilities (NAVFAC) Engineering This paper will discuss a recent demonstration and evaluation project of innovative acoustic technologies that
and Expeditionary Warfare Center; Edwin Chiang, Naval have the potential to overcome the challenges with traditional leak detection tools used in challenging pipe
Facilities (NAVFAC) Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare types prevalent at military installations.
Center; Victor Medina, U.S. Army Engineer Research &
Development Center (ERDC); Scott Waisner, U.S. Army
Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC); John C.
Matthews, Battelle Memorial Institute
Monday Afternoon
Track 2: HDD
A small sewer agency in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania utilized new investigation methods and technologies
to attempt to solve their infiltration issues. One of those technologies is the Electro Scan ES-620, winner
of the 2013 NASTT Joseph L. Abbott, Jr. Award for Product Innovation. This paper discusses how the
technology was used and how success was achieved.
Session Leader: Laura Wetter
3:45 PM
Water/Wastewater Low Shear Viscosity and Dynamic Gel of
Drilling Fluids: Two Areas of Rheology
that Provide Greater Insight for More
Effective Fluid Design in HDD
Ryan Collins, Baroid Industrial Drilling Products; Preston An engineered drilling fluid is critical for a successful HDD installation, and one key consideration in the
May, Baroid Industrial Drilling Products
design of the drilling fluid, amongst several, is rheology. Although the importance of fluid rheology is widely
accepted, there continues to be areas that have yet to be evaluated for the fluids commonly utilized.
4:10 PM
Evaluation of Allowable Borehole Fluid
Pressure during Horizontal Directional
Drilling in Rock
Jason Buenker, Shannon & Wilson Inc.
4:35 PM
The First Direct Pipe in Canada
David Dupuis, CCI Inc.; Patrick O’Donoghue, Michels Canada; This paper highlights the first installation in Canada, utilizing the Direct Pipe method.
Peterson Brian, InterPipeline Fund InterPipeline Fund
5:00 PM
Overcoming Risks of Frac-outs and
Cutting Settlements in HDD with an
Innovative Downhole Jet-Pump System
Michael Lubberger, Herrenknecht AG
Monday Afternoon
Track 3: Sliplining & Grouting
This paper re-examines the soil models available to calculate maximum allowable borehole fluid pressure
during HDD, then adapts those methods to the evaluation of maximum allowable pressure in rock.
This paper presents a new HDD tooling series in conjunction with an innovative downhole jet-pump system
which has been developed to overcome risks of frac-outs and cutting settlements in HDD.
Session Leader: Mohammad Najafi
3:45 PM
Hillsborough County's Ongoing Gravity
Sewer Rehabilitation Program Yields
Richard C. Kirby IV, P.E., Hillsborough County Public Utilities This paper details Hillsborough County's multiyear program for trenchless rehabilitation of gravity sewer pipe
assets, as well as highlighting multiple materials and methods that the county has successfully utilized since
4:10 PM
Sliplining Solutions Utilizing a 1930's
Transmission Main in a Congested
Urban Setting
David Katzev, East Bay Municipal Utility District; George This paper/presentation focuses on the challenges and lessons learned of planning, designing and
Chiu, East Bay Municipal Utility District; Roberts McMullin, constructing a sliplining project in densely populated urban environment in the San Francisco Bay Area
East Bay Municipal Utility District
in California.
4:35 PM
Water/Wastewater A Case Study for Advanced Geopolymer
Pipe Lining Rehab System
Joseph Royer, PhD, Milliken Infrastructure Solutions, LLC; An advanced geopolymer lining system will be presented (material and application methods) including
Steve Henning, Inland Pipe Rehab, LLC
technical data related to the material and design. A case study for a complete project in McAllen Texas will
also be presented.
5:00 PM
Oakland Macomb Interceptor Drain
Contract 3: A Case Study of a Sinkhole
Jason Edberg, NTH Consultants Ltd.; Harry Price, NTH The Contract Three project involved the rehabilitation of several miles of a major interceptor sewer that serves
Consultants Ltd.; Fritz Klingler, FK Engineering Associates; more than 800,000 residents in suburban Detroit, Michigan. Rehabilitation methods included cementitious
Sid Lockhart, Office of the Oakland County Water Resources and chemical grouting from inside the interceptor, often more than 100 ft underground.
Commissioner; Jason Matteo, Office of the Macomb
County Public Works Commissioner
Track 4: Pipe Bursting & Pipe Jacking
Session Leader: Tony Hranicka
Bore and Jack 48-in. and 60-in.
Combined Sewer Pipeline Through a
Congested Urban Environment
Construction project to install 2,920 ft of large diameter combined sewer pipe (72 in./60 in./48 in.), including
770 ft of bore and jack tunneling and 2,150 ft of open cut construction. Challenges include caving soils,
adjacent light rail tracks, congested utility corridor, concurrent nearby construction and groundwater.
Monday Afternoon
3:45 PM
Dale Mathison, City of Sacramento, Department of Utilities
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
4:10 PM
Water/Wastewater Risk Mitigation Strategies for Pipe
Jacking in Cobbles and Boulders
Laura Wetter, LG, LEG, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; This paper compares two pipe jacking case histories where contractual baselines were developed by the
Joel Staheli, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; Juan Carlos design team as a risk-sharing strategy between the owner and the contractor to address challenging ground
Ramirez, P.E., Seattle Public Utilities, Paul Richart, P.E.; containing cobbles and boulders.
Alderwood Water & Wastewater District
4:35 PM
Trenchless Solutions Render Savings to
Small Town America in the Bakken
Lonni Fleck, P.E. LSIT, Interstate Engineering; Jordan Mayer, Ray, a small town located in western North Dakota, is currently under the duress of the Bakken's booming oil
EIT, Interstate Engineering
industry. Due to heightened costs associated with the oil boom and the demand for adequate infrastructure,
every effort is made to stretch a tight budget. Ray was able to utilize a 27 percent cost saving with trenchless
technology to replace their deteriorating water mains.
5:00 PM
Pipe Bursting and Horizontal Directional
Drilling in a Rural Application - A
Viable Option
William Bridges, P.E., Pryor Mountain Engineering; Jason This paper illustrates pipe bursting, directional drilling in rural Wyoming, asbestos cement pipe replacement
Spielman, P.E., Mountain View Buildings, Inc.; Patrick as well as bidding against open cut and pipe burst pulls exceeding 2,000 lf.
Laidlaw, P.E., Underground Solutions Inc.
Monday Afternoon
Paper Title
Track 5: Microtunneling
Session Leader: Stephen O’Connell
3:45 PM
Watson Way Project: Microtunneling
Lessons Learned or Revisited?
John Waggoner, Jacobs Associates; Mark Sullivan, MJS The Watson Way project met several challenges, including ground conditions, contractor proposed changes
Construction Management; Steve Jepsen, City of Vista, and issues with specification requirements. The heat of hydration of the annular grout became a particularly
important issue and was investigated with full scale field testing.
4:10 PM
River Road Sewer Tunnel
Lester Bradshaw, Bradshaw Construction Corporation
4:35 PM
Microtunneling a 48-in. Sewer Around
an Urban Lake
Troy Hotchkiss, Kellogg Brown & Root; Erick Steitle, Dallas This paper discusses design and construction challenges associated with an 8,300-lf, 48-in. Urban Sewer
Water Utilities
5:00 PM
Overcoming Cold Weather with
Direct Pipe
Wayne King, Innovative Pipeline Crossings Inc.
Monday Afternoon
Track 6: Auger Boring & Pipe Ramming
Bradshaw Construction Corporation recently completed a single 1,133-ft long microtunnel drive of 96-in. OD
Permalok steel casing for the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) of Louisville & Jefferson County, Kentucky.
Utilizing Direct Pipe in Canada's diverse climate comes with its own unique obstacles. As Direct Pipe
is relatively untested in North America, particularly in colder regions, the IPC's Stoney Trail NE crossing
highlights ability of Direct Pipe to perform in cold weather and the practices used optimize the benefits and
performance of Direct Pipe.
Session Leader: Alireza Bayat
3:45 PM
AWWD Uses Auger Boring to Keep the
Traffic Moving
Erik Waligorski, P.E., Stantec; Laurie Fulton, P.E., Stantec; Jeff This paper looks at the design and construction of four trenchless crossings of major highways in southwest
Clarke, Alderwood Water & Wastewater District
Snohomish County, Washington using auger boring technology to minimize traffic disruption to Boeing's
Everett Factory and the surrounding community.
4:10 PM
Trenchless Approaches to Overcome
Rusty Arend, Jacobs Associates; Norman Joyal
The North Shore to Channel Force Main project was undertaken by the San Francisco Public Utilities
Difficult Ground Conditions in Downtown Jacobs Associates; Chung Linh, San Francisco Public Commission to provide redundancy to an aging force main along the Embarcadero near downtown San
San Francisco, California
Utilities Commission
Francisco, California.
4:35 PM
Trenchless Potpourri in Burlingame,
Donald Chang, City of Burlingame; Tracie Sakakihara, Hatch This paper discusses multiple trenchless construction methods used to rehabilitate sanitary sewers in
Mott MacDonald; Thomas Grau, Hatch Mott MacDonald; Burlingame, California.
Nick Goodenow, Hatch Mott MacDonald
5:00 PM
Threading the Needle: Lessons Learned
from the Construction of a 10-in. HDPE
Siphon Under an Active Creek
Fan Kai, Brown and Caldwell; Charlie Joyce, Brown and Quito Basins Five & Seven project consists of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation work in Saratoga, California.
Caldwell; Alan Kam, West Valley Sanitation District; The WVSD project replaced approximately 20,000 ft of existing clay sewer lines by pipe bursting with HDPE
Jonathan Lee, West Valley Sanitation District
and several existing siphons were rehabilitated using CIPP. New redundant 10-in. siphons were installed in
20-in. steel casing by auger boring and pipe ramming.
Tu e s d a y, M a r c h 1 7 - A M S e s s i o n s ( 1 s t S e s s i o n )
Tuesday Morning
Track 1: Condition Assessment
Session Leader: Marc Lehmann
8:00 AM
Reducing and Managing Wet-Weather
Overflows in Puerto Rico Using Asset
Management to Implement Trenchless
Mark Wade, CH2M HILL; Juan Carlos Pérez Bofill, Puerto As part of PRASA's continuing program to improve and upgrade the system, a major asset management
Rico Aqueduct Sewer Authority; Alejandro Doble, CH2M initiative has been developed in order to identify PRASA's highest priority pipeline assets and implement
critical trenchless rehabilitation projects.
8:25 AM
Lessons Learned in Challenging Water
Transmission Main Inspection and
Condition Assessment for City of
San Diego
Wayne Pratt, Wachs Water Services; Justin Vangelista, Aging water transmission lines, infrastructure that needs to be replaced and limited funding are challenges
Wachs Water Services; Andi Corrao, P.E., Black & Veatch facing many communities. Learn how San Diego utilized pipeline condition assessment services to focus
and stretch their available funding.
8:50 AM
Salt Lake City Utilizes Advanced
Technology for a Comprehensive
Assessment of a Bar Wrapped Pipe
Charles H. Call, Jr., P.E., Salt Lake City Public Utilities;
Jason Brown, P.E., Salt Lake City Public Utilities; Adam J.
McKnight, P.E.; Pure Engineering Services; Andrew Dettmer,
Ph.D, P.E., Pure Engineering Services
Condition assessment of a AWWA C303 (BWP) utilizing advanced electromagnetics, visual, laser profiling,
FEA structural analysis of pipe deterioration, out-of-roundness (section geometry), engineering analysis and
the resulting targeted pipe repair and trenchless replacement program. The paper will also compare the
results of the SLC inspection to other utilities with BWP.
9:15 AM
Water/Wastewater Pressure Pipe Condition Assessment
Across North Carolina
Brent Johnson, CDM Smith
This paper will take a look at the effectiveness and cost of pressurized pipe condition assessment techniques
used by three different municipalities on force main, transmission main and raw water mains.
9:40 AM
Coming Across the Pond - Live Non
Destructive Pipe Wall Thickness
Measurements for Small Diameter
Potable Water Mains
Tuesday Morning
Piero Salvo, GAME Trenchless Consultants; Danny Krywyj, This paper will present existing condition assessment tools that provide pipe wall thickness measurement for
JD7 Ltd.
small diameter potable water mains up to 12 in. (300mm) using non-destructive technology (NDT) and in
some cases without the need to interrupt the service of the pipe.
Track 2: HDD
Session Leader: Matthew Wallin
8:00 AM
The Chinese Way: An Investigation of
HDD Pipeline Installation Practices Used
in China Mainland
Maureen Carlin, Arizona State University; Dr. Samuel T. This paper presents an overview of current HDD installation practices being used in China compared to the
Ariaratnam, Arizona State University; Dr. Baosong Ma, China long established methods utilized in North America. Ultimately, this study will provide an opportunity for
University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Chinese HDD methods to contribute to the world's knowledge for global best practices for the HDD method.
8:25 AM
Pneumatic Hammers "Just Another Tool
in the Toolbox" on HDD Projects
Collins Orton, TT Technologies Inc.
8:50 AM
Head to Head - Open Cut vs Trenchless
Chris Hunter, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited; Head to Head is about how original design was completed by open cut method and after award, the contractor
Brad Marin, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited; proposed an alternate HDD method of installation which required much less restoration, reduced impact to
Marek Kiedrowski, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates traffic and residents all at the same cost as the open cut method.
Limited; Afshin Nasari, York Region; Ghassan Ghali,
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited
9:15 AM
Balancing Trenchless Permitting
Requirements During HDD Design and
Chris Price, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; Bob Neil, This paper details the complex permitting requirements and design implementation for a challenging HDD in
Denver MWRD; Mary Beth Sullivan, Carollo Engineers
Denver, Colorado, focusing on the analysis of hydrofracture risk.
9:40 AM
Are We Doing Our Due Diligence Before
Designing HDD Projects Through Rock?
Abhinav Huli, Haley & Aldrich; David J. Scarpato Haley & This paper examines the importance of understanding the rock mass properties and recommends field
Aldrich; Dennis J. Doherty, Haley & Aldrich
characterization tests and procedures in order to mitigate the risks associated with HDD projects through rock.
Pneumatic hammers on HDD projects have evolved over the past 10 years and much has been learned.
Now more than ever, HDD contractors are trying to mitigate potential problems on their challenging HDD
projects by adding a pneumatic hammer to their job site toolbox in order to react quickly when challenges,
planned or unplanned, arise.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Tuesday Morning
Paper Title
Track 3: CIPP
Session Leader: Jason Schiro
8:00 AM
Physical Properties and Flexural Creep
Retention Factors of Reinforced CIPP
Liners of Various Bag Materials and
Thermoset Resins
Benjamin Hazen, Interplastic Corporation; Jason Schiro, In designing a Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) liner for gravity applications, thicknesses are many times predicted
Interplastic Corporation; David Herzog, Interplastic based on the interpretation of long term flexural mechanical properties. This paper reviews a common method
used in North America for predicting long term flexural properties using Creep Retention Factors (CRF).
8:25 AM
Impact of Cured-in-Place Pipe Renewal
on an Asbestos Cement Water Main
John C. Matthews, Battelle Memorial Institute; Ryan Stowe, This paper will present the findings of a CIPP demonstration project which evaluated the technology's
Battelle Memorial Institute; Sai Vaidya, Battelle Memorial applicability to AC pipe renewal and the environmental impact of implementing CIPP on a 16-in. AC water
Institute; Jian Zhang, Water Research Foundation
8:50 AM
CIPP Liner Thickness - North American
F1216 Compared with German
ATV-M 127
Ian J. Doherty, P.Eng., Trenchless Design Engineering Ltd.; This paper compares CIPP liner thickness by North American and German design methods for both
Michael Roeling, Dipl.-Ing., BKP Berolina Polyester GmbH regular and reinforced CIPP (such as UVC). Conclusions are presented regarding whether the newer, more
& Co.
comprehensive German ATV-M 127 design method provides more consistent, reliable and persuasive
results than the older, simpler North American ASTM F1216 method.
9:15 AM
Growing Pains - A Retrospective
Look at 15 Years of Water Main CIPP
Michael Davison, Sanexen / Aqua-Pipe; Ben Coté, Sanexen This paper will highlight and follow the growing pains in the development of a pressure pipe CIPP water main
/ Aqua-Pipe
rehabilitation product over the last 15 years. It will also follow the tests performed by multiple universities and
laboratories that have help in the development over the years.
9:40 AM
Tight Timeline / Congested Buried
Utilities / AC Mains on UNC Campus
- A Perfect Fit for CIPP Water Main
Stephen Leitch, Hazen and Sawyer Environmental This paper discusses installation of a CIPP water main liner in an existing AC water main on the UNC campus.
Engineers and Scientists, P.C.
Time restraints required completion of the work within the summer break. Due to congested buried utilities
and the existing AC material, CIPP proved to be the most suitable method for renewing the existing mains
in the three month break.
Tuesday Morning
Track 4: Pipe Bursting
Session Leader: Edward Alan Ambur
8:00 AM
Combining Proven Trenchless Methods
to Replace a Critical Sanitary Sewer Line
Collapse Under Bronx River Parkway in
Yonkers, New York.
Matt Timberlake,Ted Berry Company Inc.; Ken Traub, The City of Yonkers, New York Sewer Bureau is responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of 400
Hemlock Directional Boring
miles of combined sanitary and storm sewers. In April of 2014 a 12-in. VCP gravity sanitary line running
under the critical Bronx River Parkway failed and a solution was needed to restore service and that would
limit impact to the roadway and its users. A combination of trenchless methods and technologies would be
essential to successfully installing a new pipe with minimal impact.
8:25 AM
Using Pipe Bursting to Optimize a Sewer
Capacity Upgrade
Robert Allen, CDM Smith; Dustin Shitanishi, City of San This paper will provide a case study of the capacity upgrade design of the San Jose Bollinger Road-Blaney
Jose Department of Public Works; Dave Mathy, DCM Avenue Sewer Improvement Project in the City of San Jose, California, describing the use of pipe bursting to
Consultants Inc.
optimize the sewer capacity upgrade.
8:50 AM
Case Study of the Replacement of
Corrugated Metal Culverts Using Pipe
Simon Adamtey, Bowling Green State University, Ohio; The paper outlines the pipe bursting system and process that was used to successfully burst four corrugated
Lameck Onsarigo, Bowling Green State University, Ohio; metal pipes in Ohio. The paper also provides good practices, that when followed, increase the chances of a
Alan Atalah, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
successful bursting job, especially when dealing with CMPs.
9:15 AM
Pipe Bursting Success in Large Diameter Brian Hunter, TT Technologies Inc.; Forest Suggs, Hussey, Pipe bursting 1,200 ft of 8-in. VCP gravity sewer with a CIPP liner and pulling pack 18-in. IPS HDPE was
Upsize in Charleston, South Carolina
Gay, Bell & DeYoung Engineers; Jeff Greene, KRG Utility Inc. more than challenging. Hear about lessons learned in dealing with large diameter upsizes and what made
for a successful project.
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
9:40 AM
Water/Wastewater Pipe Bursting - The Good and The Bad
Tuesday Morning
Paper Title
Collins Orton, TT Technologies Inc.; Dave Mathy, DCM Pipe bursting success is dependent upon experienced engineering evaluation along with the design being
Consulting Inc.
executed by a competent contractor using thorough and complete plans and specifications. How do we get
there? What are the good and bad practices seen in today's real world?
Track 5: Project Planning & Delivery
Session Leader: Joe Lane
8:00 AM
El Paso Water Utilities Paisano Valley
Transmission Waterline Tunneling
Lessons Learned: The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly
Michelle Giaramita, Arcadis; Gilbert Trejo, P.E., El Paso Water This paper will focus on the benefits and lessons learned during the fast track design and construction of a
Utilities; Rudy Renda, Oscar Renda Contracting
waterline, specifically on the trenchless construction methods used to address multiple complexities along
the alignment which included: Complicated corridor, heterogeneous geology, immobilized TBM within a
railroad ROW and contaminated ground water.
8:25 AM
Morgan County Quality Water District
- Water Main Flood Damage Repair
Nathan Ferguson, Farnsworth Group Inc.; Mark Kokes, After 2013 flooding damaged three of four water mains crossing the South Platte River, Morgan County
Morgan County Quality Water District; Steve Austin, Under- Quality Water called on trenchless technologies to replace two of the three damaged water mains crossing
ground Solutions Inc.
the South Platte River.
8:50 AM
One Network Owner's Point of View on
Improving the Efficiency and Success Rates
of Trenchless Aspects of Pipeline Projects
Pierre-André Blais, Gaz Métro
One network owner's point of view on how to guaranty that the right trenchless methodology and drilling
method will be chosen by the general contractor. This paper presents eight different successful examples
in 2014.
9:15 AM
Water/Wastewater Submittals for Trenchless Construction
Craig Camp, Hatch Mott MacDonald
This paper will be of interest to project owners, engineers, suppliers and contractors entering the trenchless
market as well as those who have had difficulty in completing the submittal process.
9:40 AM
Water/Wastewater Shaft Construction Methods Comparison Khaled Elnabolsy, GHD
Tuesday Morning
Track 6: Lining
Inverted Siphon Rehabilitation
Shafts are the bottleneck of tunneling logistics when it comes to delivering material and tools in and out
the tunnel. The choice of a shaft construction method can have a significant impact on the project cost
and schedule. This paper will address the difference between the available methods and how they can be
evaluated against each other.
Session Leader: Joe Loiacono
8:00 AM
Frederick Wu, MWRDGC
This paper will examine the evaluation and rehabilitation of the an existing inverted siphon.
8:25 AM
Water/Wastewater Huntington Beach, California
Successfully Navigates Emergency
Repair of Fragile Storm Drain
Joe Cherry, AP/M Permaform; Chuck Parsons, Sancon The City of Huntington Beach, California discovered and successfully addressed extensive corrosion in 515
Engineering Inc
ft of fragile storm drain under 16 ft of soil and 5 ft of groundwater.
8:50 AM
Fully Structural Renewal of 39-in.
PCCP Water Transmission Main with
Swagelining and HDPE
Todd Grafenauer, Murphy Pipeline Contractors Inc.; Madhu This presentation will discuss the fully structural renewal of 39-in. PCCP water transmission main utilizing the
Kilambi, ARKK Engineers; James Vanderwater, Gulf Coast patented Swagelining technology. Compressive tight fitting HDPE pipe allowed the owner to maintain 100
Water Authority; David Kasper, ARKK Engineers
percent flow capacity while meeting required operating pressure rating of 125 psi for fully structural pipe.
9:15 AM
Multiple Applications, One Solution for
Twin Pipelines Underneath a Major River
Rick Baxter, Aegion Corporation; Robert Varkonyi, Insituform A brand new force main is constructed underneath a river using HDD, while an existing line is rehabilitated
Technologies LLC
using fiber-reinforced CIPP and FRP to create two twin force mains.
9:40 AM
A Revolutionary City's Multi-Faceted
Emergency Repair Under the Governor's
Nicholas J. Rystrom, City of Revere - City Engineer; Jona- The City of Revere, Massachusetts experienced a failure of critical sewer infrastructure in August 2013.
than Kunay, CDM Smith - Project Manager
The 100-year-old, 20-ft deep, 18-in. VC sewer collapsed during routine cleaning. This paper will detail
the challenges faced during the eight month project and will describe how a combination of trenchless
technologies were used to rehabilitate the century-old infrastructure.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
Tu e s d a y, M a r c h 1 7 - A M S e s s i o n s ( 2 n d S e s s i o n )
Tuesday Morning
Track 1: Asset Management
Session Leader: Ariamalar Selvakumar
10:20 AM
What is Your CCTV Data Telling You?
Looking at Pipe Failure History Is Not So
Jinny C. Huang, Long Beach Water Department, K. Eric
Leung; Long Beach Water Department; Robert J. Verceles,
Long Beach; Water Department, Ajit Bhamrah; MWH,
Nathan Griffin, MWH
10:45 AM
Modeling the Economic Life of Large
Diameter Iron Water Distribution Mains
Stephen M. Welling, Virginia Tech; Sunil K. Sinha, Virginia This paper recaps a research project that involved data collection and modeling the economic life of larger
iron water mains.
11:10 AM
Water/Wastewater Leveraging Trenchless Technology for
Asset Management of Industrial and
Commercial Facilities
Daniel Buonadonna, CH2M HILL; John Rogers, CH2M HILL This paper will discuss the ways that industrial and commercial entities are developing asset management
systems and leveraging trenchless technology to prioritize improvements across different utility systems, with
examples from select case studies.
11:35 AM
Condition Assessment of Concrete BarWrapped Pipe (C303) Increases Reliability
of City of Calgary's Water Infrastructure
Tim Ross, Pure Technologies; Joanna Fugler, City of After a recent rupture of a major 24" bar-wrapped feedermain in Calgary, the City of Calgary and Pure
Calgary; Andy Hughes, City of Calgary
Technologies began working together to develop a comprehensive condition assessment solution for
managing the City's bar-wrapped pipe inventory.
Tuesday Morning
Track 2: HDD
This paper discusses Long Beach Water Department efforts to find a relationship between age and
deterioration rate using historical CCTV data for sewer pipes. Discussion also includes discrepancies found
in its PACP scoring and how these discoveries have affected Operations and Engineering groups and sewer
Session Leader: Samuel Ariaratnam
10:20 AM
Fuel Transfer Pipeline HDD Crossing of
the Brisbane River, Brisbane, Australia
Robert Marszalkowski, P.E., URS Virginia Beach, Virginia; New HDD installation of a 250-mm diameter jet fuel pipeline beneath a 1.2-km crossing of the Brisbane River
Mathew Francis, P.E., URS Salt Lake City, Utah; Adam in Australia required evaluation of potential complex borepaths through rock, overburden and very soft low
Langman, URS Adelaide, Australia
energy deposits, identifying environmental and construction risks of each to aid the owner in selecting the
most cost-effective crossing approach.
10:45 AM
City of Augusta - A Positive Experience
Using Ductile Iron Pipe for HDD
Deanna Davis, P.E., City of Augusta; Ralph Carpenter,
American Ductile Iron Pipe/American SpiralWeld Pipe;
Scott Ayers, American Ductile Iron Pipe/American
SpiralWeld Pipe
11:10 AM
Water/Wastewater New Method for Predicting Pullback
Force for Pipes Installed via Horizontal
Directional Drilling (HDD)
Montazar Rabiei, University of Alberta; Yaolin Yi, University of This paper proposes and compares the predictions of pull forces required for the placement of steel or HighAlberta; Alireza Bayat, University of Alberta; J.J. Roger Cheng, Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) projects using a new method
University of Alberta; Manley Osbak, The Crossing Company based on the Large Deflection Beam Theory.
11:35 AM
Construction of Offshore Stormwater
Discharges Using HDD Technologies
Karyn M. Erickson, MS, P.E., D.CE.; Erickson Consulting The presentation will provide an understanding of the design basis, benefits and challenges that occurred
Engineers Inc.; Bobbi R. Claybrooke, BS, EI, Erickson during the design, permitting and construction of offshore discharge projects and the typical site conditions
Consulting Engineers Inc.
under which offshore stormwater pipelines are appropriate and may be constructed using HDD technologies
within the coastal zone.
CN Railyard Sanitary Sewer Relocation:
Design and Construction Challenges
Tuesday Morning
10:20 AM
Track 3: Project Planning & Delivery
The City of Augusta, Georgia is a strong proponent for the use of ductile iron pipe in water and sewer
applications. However, their experience using flexible restraint joint ductile iron pipe for HDD installations just
did not exist. The resulting experience was very positive and although this was their first HDD project using
ductile iron pipe, it will not be their last.
Session Leader: Dennis Doherty
Chris Jones, Stantec Consulting Ltd.; Dave Krywiak, Stantec This paper will discuss the challenges during design and construction of a sanitary sewer relocation across
Consulting Ltd.; Arjun Aryal, City of Edmonton
a CN Rail right-of-way. Open cut and trenchless construction methods were explored for various alignments.
Horizontal directional drilling under and parallel to a major highway was selected as the most feasible option,
but it was not without significant challenges.
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
10:45 AM
Orange Street Sewer Truck Line
Rehabilitation Case Study
Derek Velarde, Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities; This paper will present a case study on the planning, rehabilitation design and construction of the Orange
Chuck Call, Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities; Street Sewer Truck Line. The emphasis of this paper will be on the lessons learned, issues and successes
encountered during construction of the project, as well as the evolution of the bid and selection process.
Jason Brown, Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities
11:10 AM
Water/Wastewater Project and Program Alliance Contracts
for Microtunnel Projects in Australia
Marcus Weeks, GHD
The paper examines which aspects of the Alliance delivery strategy enabled key objectives to be achieved,
focusing in particular on the Pipeline Alliance and the delivery of micro-tunneling projects as an example. It
concludes by assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the Alliance contractual arrangements.
11:35 AM
Water/Wastewater Engineer, Procure, Construct (EPC) Type
Contracts- Are they good for Trenchless
Dennis J Doherty, PE, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
This paper will discuss what an EPC Type Project Delivery is and the advantages and disadvantages using
Tuesday Morning
Track 4: Manhole Rehabilitation & Bypass Pumping
Session Leader: Jonathan Kunay
10:20 AM
Development of a Decision Support
System for No-Dig Manhole
Mohammad Najafi, UTA/CUIRE; Alimohammad This paper presents an EPA/WERF funded research project to evaluate structural rehabilitation of manholes as
Entezarmahdi, UTA/CUIRE; Rashmi Jagadesh, UTA/CUIRE a part of the Innovation and Research for Water Infrastructure for the 21st Century Program.
10:45 AM
Sewer and Maintenance Hole
Rehabilitation in the Regional
Municipality of Niagara
Kevin Bainbridge, Robinson Consultants; Michelle This paper outlines The Regional Municipality of Niagara's program for the rehabilitation of more than four
Moore, Regional Municipality of Niagara; Patrick Moskwa, miles (2.5 km) of sewer using CIPP and more than 36 maintenance holes (MH) using a Spray in Place Line
(SIPL) in the Crystal Beach trunk sewers.
Robinson Consultants
11:10 AM
The Practical Design Approach to
Ed Kampbell, Rehabilitation Resource Solutions LLC
Coatings and Liners for the Rehabilitation
of Cylindrical-Shaped Manhole
This paper shows how coatings and linings work when installed inside vertically oriented cylindrical shaped
shafts; and the simplicity that this brings to the engineering design of coatings and liners.
11:35 AM
High Flow Sewer Bypass Designed to
Support Large Diameter Sewer Rehab
As with all large diameter bypass projects some stand out more than others with a higher level of technical
challenges. This is a review of lessons learned in the execution of a 156 MGD sewer bypass located in
Baltimore, Maryland.
Curved Microtunneling Along the
Seekonk River
Tuesday Morning
Ladd Gould, Sunbelt Rentals - Pump & Power Services
Track 5: Microtunneling
Session Leader: Brenden Tippets
10:20 AM
10:45 AM
Water/Wastewater The Importance of the Laser to Guiding
Glenn Boyce, Jacobs Associates; Lester Bradshaw, The traditional method of guiding a microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) is with a laser. This paper
discusses the various problems that occur with setting the laser, common mistakes and corrections made
Bradshaw Construction Corporation
during a microtunneling drive. Case histories will be used to illustrate what happens when a laser is bumped
and the associated corrective actions are taken.
11:10 AM
Jon R. Putnam, P.E., GHD
A Recipe for Disaster: Installing Heavy,
Large Diameter Gravity Sewer Pipe in
Weak Soils with High Groundwater and
Site Constraints
Richard A. Palmer, P.E., Northeast Remsco Construction This paper describes the design and construction challenges associated with a recent curved microtunneling
Inc.; John A. Purciello, P.E., Northeast Remsco drive in Providence, Rhode Island.
Construction Inc.
This presentation will review the planning, engineering, design and construction challenges for trenchless
construction utilizing micro-tunnel technology to install over 1,500 liner ft of 42-in. gravity sewer pipe in
some of the most challenging geologies in New York State, including environmental and site conditions.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
11:35 AM
Working Under the Rails
Kevin Juliano, BT Construction Inc.
This paper highlights the difficulties of working within the Union Pacific Rail Yard, including shoring
requirements, settlement monitoring, permitting and scheduling restraints.
Track 6: Pipe Bursting
Session Leader: Bo Botteicher
Pipe Bursting Forum
Join us for a lively discussion featuring a panel of pipe bursting experts.
Tuesday Morning
10:20 AM
to 04
Tu e s d a y, M a r c h 1 7 - P M S e s s i o n s
Tuesday Afternoon
Track 1: Condition Assessment
3:55 PM
Water/Wastewater Quantitative Corrosion and Pipe
Condition Assessment with Pipe
Penetrating Radar
Csaba Ekes, SewerVUE
This paper presents recent advancement of PPR inspection technology together with selected case studies
from the USA and Canada.
4:20 PM
Condition Assessment and Repair of
Large Diameter Tunnel at the Bottom of
Homestake Reservoir
Robert Martin, CH2M HILL; Ron Sanchez, Colorado
Springs Utilities; Tom Vidmar, Homestake Water Project;
Thomas Hankins, Homestake Water Project, Mark Rosser,
A manned entry condition assessment consisting of more than 28,600 ft of horseshoe-shaped concrete
tunnel roughly 9.5 ft wide by 11 ft tall was completed using innovative data collection methods due to
limited time constraints in the tunnel. Details of the assessment will be given presented as well as emergency
repairs to tunnel liner.
4:45 PM
Pre and Post Sewer Rehabilitation
Infiltration and Inflow Assessment in
Fort Wayne, Indiana Using the USEPA
SSOAP Toolbox
Srini Vallabhaneni, CDM Smith; Nathan Baggett, City of Fort This paper presents a case study on infiltration and inflow assessment through pre and post sewer
Wayne; Carl Chan, CDM Smith
rehabilitation efforts for a sanitary sewer discharge control project in Fort Wayne, Indiana through the
application of the U.S. EPA SSOAP Toolbox and related technical guidance.
5:10 PM
New Diagnostic Imaging Technique:
BCT, for the In-Situ Assessment of
Supporting Soil Around Corrugated
Metal Storm-Water Pipe. A Case
Study: System Wide Approach to Asset
Management for the City of Guelph,
Stephen McCormick, Inversa Systems
A project in the City of Guelph, Ontario will be detailed wherein an entirely new technology was used as part
of a full structural condition assessment protocol to prioritize the municipality's CMP storm-water assets for
rehabilitation, maintenance and/or safe replacement deferral. This protocol provides previously unavailable
information to optimize asset management programs.
Evaluation of Compaction Reaming
Process and Assessment of the
Associated Reduced Drilling Fluid Usage
During Horizontal Directional Drilling
Sarkar Sayem, Louisiana Tech University; Chris Bartlett, Louisiana
Tech University; Xuanchen Yan, Louisiana Tech University; Steven
Aaron, Louisiana Tech University; Erez Allouche, Louisiana Tech
University; Floyd Gunsaulis, Charles Machine Works Inc
This paper aimed at development and testing a new method that can reduce drilling fluid usage during
HDD installation by up to 33 percent. Data collected during installation included borehole geometry, pulling
force, borehole pressure, required thrust and torque, changes in the in-situ soil pressure immediately outside
the borehole path, characteristics of drilling fluids and cuttings, and discussed in the context of installation
time, risk and cost.
Tuesday Afternoon
3:30 PM
Implementation of Acoustic Inspection
Technology at the City of Augusta,
Session Leader: Will Cravin
3:30 PM
Alex Churchill, InfoSense Inc.; Jody Crabtree, Augusta The project involves the use of rapid acoustic inspection technology for sanitary sewer lines and its integration
Utilities Department; Kevin Joyner, Augusta Utilities into existing workflow at the City of Augusta, Georgia. Use of this technology as a preliminary screening tool
for cleaning operations has resulted in substantial cost savings and significant reduction in sanitary sewer
Track 2: HDD
Session Leader: Jim Murphy
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
3:55 PM
HDD Bundled Water and Sewer Pipeline
Beneath the Napa River - Facilitating
Trenchless Build-Out in the Northern
California Wine Country
Dru R. Nielson, Jacobs Associates; Wendy Ziegler, GHD; The paper shares lessons from investigation, analyses (e.g., pipe stress and hydrofracture), design, and
Rusty Arend, Jacobs Associates
construction of one of the largest and longest bundled HDD installations ever successfully completed in
Northern California.
4:20 PM
Understanding the Role Mud Chemistry
Plays in Bore Planning and Execution
Mark Kwilinski, Mears Group Inc.
4:45 PM
Taking it to the Street: Horizontal
Directional Drilling Below Historic
Auburn Avenue in Downtown Atlanta,
Bradford A. Miller, Haley & Aldrich Inc.; Dennis J. Doherty, This paper will detail geotechnical techniques used to characterize highly-weathered bedrock for the design
Haley & Aldrich Inc.; Mark R. Smith Georgia Power Co./ of an urban HDD drill path, and will convey planning information and successful lessons for other engineers/
Southern Co. Transmission
owners considering an HDD installation in a very congested urban setting.
5:10 PM
Water/Wastewater Dig It, Drill It, Jack It or Hang It - How
to Get a Force Main and Water Main
Across a Stream
Scott Haynes, PE, BCEE, ARCADIS U.S.; Michael Woods, This presentation will explain the design, construction, cost and environmental factors evaluated for several
Town of Wilmington, MA DPW; Michael Ragusa, ARCADIS options for crossing a stream with a water main and sewer force main, and why horizontal directional drilling
proved to be the most beneficial trenchless method for implementation. We will also show photos and videos
of the successful HDD operation.
Tuesday Afternoon
Track 3: Project Planning & Delivery
This paper focuses on a study of drilling mud in application.
Session Leader: George Kurz
3:30 PM
3:55 PM
Water/Wastewater Water, Sewer and Traffic, It's All About
the Flow
Mark Oberschmidt, Stantec
4:20 PM
Brian Whitehead, Colorado Springs Utilities; Bill Williams, The paper will cover the many challenges of installing a pipeline in a heavily-populated area and how
Garney Companies; Brendan Robless, MWH Global; Dan trenchless technology not only saved the owner time and money, but created a safer construction
Bryden, MWH Global
environment and minimized construction inconveniences to the surrounding area.
4:45 PM
Water/Wastewater Dewatering - Time and Cost Relief by
Way of Trenchless Construction
Benny Siljenberg, Brierley Associates
This paper will present how trenchless technology can save time and money when contaminated soils are
5:10 PM
Pete Griba, P.Eng., ENMAX Green Power; Darren Finney,
P.Eng., City of Calgary; Gabriel Jean, P.Eng., Associated
Engineering; Duane Strayer, P.Eng., Associated Engineering;
Gus Stamm, Whissell Contracting
This paper discusses the design and construction challenges of a 15-km reclaimed water line, and a 6.6
km cycled water line for ENMAX Green Power in Calgary, Alberta. The route traversed through developed
industrial and commercial lands and required the coordination of 17 trenchless crossings of utilities, roads,
canals and the Bow River.
Tuesday Afternoon
3:30 PM
Warning! Do Not Bid on This Project
Minimizing Community Impacts and
Lowering Costs Through Trenchless Pipe
Design and Management of Multiple
Trenchless Crossings: ENMAX Shepard
Energy Centre Reclaimed Water Supply
Track 4: Pipe Ramming
Water/Wastewater Multiple Grade-Sensitive Pipe Rams
in Soft Soils
Nick H. Strater, Brierley Associates; Brian C. Dorwart, This paper is intended to reinforce trenchless design standards and to help educate bidding contractors.
Brierley Associates
The paper and presentation will describe the process for selecting trenchless methods, HDD and
Pipe Bursting, to rebuild 90-plus year old water and sewer lines while keeping traffic flowing on a main
thoroughfare in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Session Leader: Erez Allouche
Michelle L Macauley, GeoEngineers; Anthony Sanich, This fish hatchery project involved three casing installations under Highway 162 in Orting, Washington. The
Washington State Department of FIsh and Wildlife
12-ft high roadway embankment required 120 ft long casings for three grade-sensitive crossings. The casing
diameters were 30 in., 36 in., and 48 in. All three pipes were installed successfully.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
3:55 PM
Water/Wastewater Pipe Ramming Shines in Rocky
Mountain 1,000 Year Flood Event
Paper Title
Dave Holcomb, TT Technologies Inc.; Kenton Moore, Last year's massive rain event in Colorado created an emergency situation where existing culverts could
Horizontal Boring & Tunneling Co.
not keep up with the heavy rains. In situations that require quick mobilization, effective casing or culvert
installation and extra care regarding surface protection in sensitive areas like roadways and rail lines pipe
ramming shines.
4:20 PM
Water/Wastewater Pipe Ramming through Challenging
Subsurface Conditions in the Pacific
Matthew Olson, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; Christopher This paper details two case histories of pipe rams in challenging subsurface conditions in the Pacific Northwest.
Price, Staheli Trenchless Consultants; James Hodges, City Design techniques used to address project risks associated with the challenging conditions are addressed, and
the effectiveness of the contract documents is described and compared between the two projects.
of Camas
4:45 PM
Water/Wastewater Pipe Ramming Roundtable
5:10 PM
Water/Wastewater Trenchless Solution for Drainage Under a David Howell, Midwest Mole Inc.; Urso Campos, Indiana
Railroad Along the Hudson River
University Purdue University Indianapolis; Dan Koo, Indiana
University Purdue University Indianapolis; Lance Rasnake,
AMEC Environmental
Tuesday Afternoon
Track 5: Microtunneling
Session Leader: Jack Burnam II
3:55 PM
4:20 PM
Water/Wastewater Big Lake Offsite Sanitary Gravity Portion
(W14) Project
Craig Vandaelle, Michels Canada Co.; Greg Tippett, Stantec This is a 2.3-km microtunnel project constructed by Michels Canada in West Edmonton, Alberta for the City
of Edmonton Drainage Services.
4:45 PM
Diana Worthen, P.E., CH2M HILL; Andrew Finney, P.E., GE, The paper presents construction challenges and on-site observations related primarily to the implementation
P. Eng., CH2M HILL; Stephanie Harrison, P.E., CH2M HILL
of a 60-in. diameter microtunneled intake tunnel with the successful subaqueous recovery of the tunneling
5:10 PM
Water/Wastewater Effectiveness of Microtunneling Shaft
Construction by Cutter Soil Mixing
Tuesday Afternoon
Design Challenges for the Paradise
Whitney Interceptor, Project 669, Las
Vegas, Nevada
Join our panelists for an interactive discussion on pipe ramming.
The paper will discuss a project along the Hudson River in New York State. It will discuss how the project was
designed (including H&H study), how permitting process went, how unknown ground conditions at bid time
are handled, how pipe hammering under an active railroad line with a just over 2-ft clearance from bottom of
tie to top of pipe goes and restoration/completion.
3:30 PM
3:30 PM
Rebecca Brock, Brierley Associates; Sarah Myers, Brierley Project No. 669 encountered numerous design challenges including complicated geology, close proximity
Associates; Robin Dornfest, Brierley Associates; Greg to sensitive underground utilities, limited surface access, contract document presentation between packages
Gould, Carollo Engineers
and trenchless drive lengths of up to 1,500 lf. The tunnels will be constructed using microtunneling methods
and ground improvement is required.
Underwater Tunnel: Microtunneling the
ENMRWS Raw Water Intake Tunnel at
Ute Reservoir
Michael Jaeger, The Covello Group; Mark Minkowski, Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) is a wastewater authority with a $450 million CIP that includes
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants; Teresa Herrera, Silicon Valley renovations to the 9-mile sewage conveyance system. Microtunneling was used to install approximately
Clean Water; Bob Donaldson, Collaborative Strategies
2,000 lf of new 48-in. HDPE carrier pipe in a 72-in. casing jacked under tidal water bodies. CSM shafts were
used for both jacking and receiving shafts.
Track 6: Lining
Water/Wastewater New Calculation Module to Measure and Ulrich Glombitza, OSSCAD GmbH & Co. KG
to Visualize the Heat Input of CIPP Liner
Session Leader: Sahar Hasan
The paper presents a new calculation module to measure and to visualize the heat-input of CIPP liner. With
this calculation module the operator gets a new powerful decision criterion to adjust the warmth input during
the renovation measure regardless of thermal irregularities at the outer skin of the installed liner.
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
3:55 PM
Cast-In-Place Water Main Rehabilitation
- What's It All About?
Gabriel Wong, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd.; Angela The examination of a case study on a cast-in-place (CIPP) water main lining project completed for Kitchener
Mick, Kitchener Utilities, City of Kitchener
Utilities, City of Kitchener, Ontario. The paper will outline and discuss the preparation of Tender/Contract
Document for the CIPP lining project and summarize a review on the constructed outcome, offering an
evaluation and review on lessons learned.
4:20 PM
Water/Wastewater Use of Aluminum Tunnel Liner Plate to
Hugh B. Mickel, P.E., Contech Engineered Solutions
Line Large Diameter Culverts under SR 6
in Clarks-Summit, Pennsylvania
4:45 PM
Water/Wastewater Reducing Our Carbon Footprint Through
Rehabilitation of Corroded PCCP with
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
Olley Scholer, HJ3 Composite Technologies; Eddie Geisel, New steel and concrete production contribute to significant greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water
HJ3 Composite Technologies
consumption and millions of tons of landfill waste in the United States each year. Rehabilitation of corroded
and leaking PCCP with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) can significantly reduce our carbon
5:10 PM
Shaurav Alam, Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech
University; Erez Allouche, Trenchless Technology Center at
Louisiana Tech University; Ray Sterling, Trenchless Technology
Center at Louisiana Tech University; Ariamalar Selvakumar, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Wendy Condit, Battelle
Memorial Institute; John C. Matthews, Battelle Memorial Institute
This paper describes the sample collection and testing program, the web-based tool and presents key results
from the data analysis of this innovative database.
The paper will present a parametric study of pull loads on a pipeline installed using Horizontal Directional Drill
(HDD) methodology.
Building a Database for Life Cycle
Performance Assessment of Trenchless
This presentation describes a unique and widely unknown technology to solve a common civil engineering
challenge: what is the best approach to analyze and fix a drainage pipeline that has served its useful life, but
would be very expensive and inconvenient to replace.
W e d n e s d a y, M a r c h 1 8 - A M S e s s i o n s
Wednesday Morning
Track 1: Gas
8:00 AM
A Parametric Study of Pull Loads on
a Pipeline Installed Using Horizontal
Directional Drill (HDD) Methodology
Anup Ghimire, CCI Inc.; David Dupuis, CCI Inc.
Session Leader: Dennis Walsh
8:25 AM
Horizontal Directional Drilling: The
Sustainable Solution for Crossing the
Maureen Carlin, Laney Directional Drilling; Jwala Swarma, In recent years, ASCE has promoted "the leadership role of engineers in sustainable development and their
Laney Directional Drilling; Alan Snider, Laney Directional responsibility to provide effective and innovative solutions in addressing the challenges of sustainability." In
coordination with this initiative, this paper discusses the HDD community's efforts to pursue sustainable practices
in an inherently sustainable industry.
8:50 AM
Design Considerations - First
Application of a CIP Liner in a 42-in.
Diameter Gas Main
George Ragula, Public Service Electric & Gas Co.
This paper will describe the engineering, planning, testing and design process involved with the first CIP liner
installation of its kind involving a critical 42-in. diameter high pressure leaking cast iron gas main operating at
15 psig with seven inaccessible bends, multiple grade changes and drip pot crossing under a major parkway
in New Jersey.
9:15 AM
Cost Effective Replacement of Gas
Distribution Systems with New Pipe
Slitting Technologies
Brian Cowles, HammerHead Trenchless Equipment
This paper will discuss using newly available technologies and the slitting method to replace gas distribution
pipe. Case studies will also be presented.
9:40 AM
Keyhole Technology
Dennis Jarnecke, Gas Technology Institute
This paper will cover the history and advancements of keyhole technology along with case studies on how
keyhole technology compliments trenchless technology.
2015 Paper Summary
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
Wednesday Morning
Track 2: HDD
Session Leader: Brian Avon
8:00 AM
The Use of Pipe Ramming for HDD
Assistance - Pipe Integrity Assessment
Honggang Zhou, Center for Reliable Energy Systems; This paper presents an assessment of integrity for a successfully installed pipeline using horizontal directional
Ming Liu, Center for Reliable Energy Systems; Yong-Yi drilling with ramming assistance.
Wang, Center for Reliable Energy Systems; Daniel D’Eletto,
National Grid US
8:25 AM
Union and Platte Avenue Colorado Springs
24-in. HDPE Horizontal Directional Drill
Steel Replacement Project
Dustin Langston, WL Plastics; Holly Link, Colorado Springs This paper presents the installation of 24-in. IPS DR9 HDPE pipe under a busy intersection/main road. An
overview of how to design and install HDPE pipe.
8:50 AM
Oil Pipeline Relocation via HDD for a
Grade Separation Project, Winnipeg,
Robert Marszalkowski, P.E., URS Virginia Beach, Virginia; The HDD installation of two oil pipelines beneath a railroad grade separation project in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Philip Drury, P.E., URS Lakewood, Colorado; Mathew stretches the limits of current industry practice for extremely high tolerance construction to avoid underground
Francis, P.E., URS Salt Lake City, Utah
utilities, pass through two steel sheet pile walls and coordinate with ongoing civil construction activities in
a logistically complex project.
9:15 AM
Using Alternative Project Delivery
for HDD Projects: DB and EPC Case
Studies on the Installation of High
Voltage Cables
Tober Francom, Arizona State University; Mark Kwilinski, This paper looks at case studies of trenchless projects that have used alternative project delivery methods. The
Mears Group Inc.; Samuel Ariaratnam, Arizona State objective of the paper is to show how alternative project delivery can impact commonly used performance
University, Mounir El Asmar, Arizona State University
metrics on trenchless projects.
9:40 AM
Trenchless Installations on the Lake
Oswego-Tigard Partnership Project: Use
of Steel Water Pipe and Steel Casing
Pipe for HDD and Microtunneling
Joel Komarek, P.E., City of Lake Oswego; Shah Rahman, This paper will discuss the use of HDD and microtunneling to install both steel water pipe and the proprietary
Northwest Pipe Company; Bill Austell, Frank Coluccio joint Permalok casing pipe, respectively, as part of the Lake Oswego-Tigard Partnership Project. Various
Construction Company; Greg Smith, Northwest Pipe aspects of the project will be discussed by the owner, the manufacturer and the contractor.
Wednesday Morning
Track 3: Inspection
8:00 AM
Extreme Tunnel Inspection - A Horizontal
Session Leader: Ashley Rammeloo
8:25 AM
Water/Wastewater Addressing the Risks of In-Line
Inspections of Critical Pressure Mains
Chris Garrett, PICA Corporation; Henry Derr, Brown and A common reaction from water and wastewater utilities to an in-line inspection of their critical pressure
mains is concern over the risks of plugging the main or of causing a main rupture. This paper describes
our approach to easing the clients fears through a graduated phased approach increasing risk gradually.
8:50 AM
Water/Wastewater Applications of Pipe Penetrating Radar
to Plastic Pipe for Quality Control of
New Pipe Installation and Condition
Assessment of Existing Installations
Tony Winiewicz, Cues Inc. Cues Inc.
9:15 AM
Adopting Appropriate Trenchless
Strategies for Water Main and Sanitary
Renewal Programs
Adam Campbell, City of Lethbridge; Travis Jensen, This paper reviews design, tendering and construction considerations for small diameter water and sewer
Associated Engineering; Al Duval, Getkate Construction main replacement programs.
(1976) Ltd.
9:40 AM
Integrating Temperature Sensor
Technology within Lateral Pipeline CIPP
Gary Rapp, ZIA Systems LLC; John Rinehart, LMK Pipe This paper discusses the benefits and use of thermal sensor fiber wire for the remote application of CIPP
Renewal LLC; John Vose, City of Naperville, Illinois
lateral lining through a case study where sewer service laterals are renewed using CIPP outfitted with thermal
sensing fiber wire to seal a collection system.
Steven Fiori, Aurora Water; Alyssa Freddy, Aurora Water
Inspection of the structural integrity and quantification of sediment material in Aurora Water's Tunnel No. 2.
This tunnel was built in the 1960's and is a vital component of the conveyance system that brings the majority
of water to the citizens of Aurora, Colorado.
This paper highlights a case study of two unique applications for Pipe-Penetrating-Radar (PPR) on plastic
pipe, and the pilot program conducted by Virginia DOT and the University of Virginia to evaluate PPR with
HDPE and PP corrugated pipe.
2014 No-Dig Show - The Magic of Trenchless
2015 Paper
Paper ID
Industry Segment
Paper Title
Wednesday Morning
Track 4: Research
8:00 AM
Parametric Study on the Maximum
Allowable Pressure of Drilling Fluid
During HDD Based on the Cavity
Expansion Theory
Ali Rostami, University of Alberta; Yaolin Yi, University of A parametric study has been conducted to investigate the impact of soil properties and borehole geometry on
Alberta; Manley Osbak, The Crossing Company; Alireza the maximum allowable pressure during drilling operations in cohesive frictional soil mediums using cavity
Bayat, University of Alberta
expansion method (Yu and Houlsby, 1991).
8:25 AM
High Voltage PVC Conduit Installation
with Trenchless Methods
Tom Marti, Underground Solutions Inc.
High voltage cables are being installed underground as a result of to the current social, meteorological and
security considerations. HDD and sliplining trenchless installation techniques are now commonly being
used. This paper presents the properties, installation techniques and case studies for fused PVC conduits
being used in these applications.
8:50 AM
Water/Wastewater Engineering Geologic Conditions for
Trenchless Application in the Denver,
Colorado Metro Area
Nathan Soule, Brierley Associates
This paper will provide insight into the challenges posed by the local geologic conditions as they affect
trenchless projects.
9:15 AM
Jonathan L. Robison, P.E., GeoEngineers Inc.; Andrew The authors will share results from a Direct Pipe (DP) regulated levee crossing project where calculations and
Sparks, P.E., GeoEngineers Inc.
modeling indicate the DP method offers promise as an option to reduce the risk of hydraulic fracture to levees
and/or other important infrastructure relative to the HDD method.
9:40 AM
Water/Wastewater UV CIPP Large Diameter Installations
Direct Pipe Levee Crossing Design Mitigating Hydraulic Fracture Risk
Session Leader: Dan Koo
Kevan Taylor, Superior Gunite a Tutor-Perini Company
This paper will discuss the technical details surrounding three separate installations of 54-in. diameter UV
CIPP to an old storm water CMP Pipe.
Wednesday Morning
Track 5: Pilot Tube Microtunneling
8:00 AM
Problems Realized with ContractorProposed Pilot Tube Auger Boring
Bill Zietlow, P.E., Brierley Associates; Rebecca Brock, P.E., Contractor-proposed alternate method of Pilot Tube Auger Boring, assisted with guided-pipe ramming, was
Brierley Associates; Nick Strater, PG, Brierley Associates
ultimately required when the contractor strayed from the original contract design tunneling methods.
8:25 AM
Pilot Tube Microtunneling Assists in the
Redirection of Sanitary Flow at Depth
Catherine Morley, RJN Group Inc
8:50 AM
Water/Wastewater Extending Gravity Sewage Services to
R.M. of West St. Paul
Robin Lorenzen, Akkerman; John Highmoor, Tri-Core The M.W.S.B. 1124 R.M. of West St. Paul Trunk Sewer project extends City of Winnipeg sewage services to
Projects Manitoba Ltd
the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul. A total of 9,468 ft of 30-in. and 36-in. ID RCP will be installed with
a pilot tube guided boring system, marking it as the second pilot tube guided boring project for the City of
Winnipeg and the largest in scale to date.
9:15 AM
Norman Joyal, Jacobs Associates; Don Ervin, Kennedy/ 11 pilot tubes probes totaling about 2,700 ft were installed above the tunnel alignment to clear the tunnel
Jenks Consultants; Ted Miller, NADA Pacific
horizon in advance of Microtunneling.
Pilot Tube Probes for Obstructions in
Advance of Microtunneling
Session Leader: Camille Rubeiz
The project describes the design and installation of an 8-in. sanitary sewer between 8 ft and 32 ft deep.
The main focus is on the deeper portions which included auger boring and microtunneling in the vicinity
of a busy state road.
List of Exhibitors
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | March 15-19, 2015
As of 12/03/14
3M........................................................................................................................ 801
ADS/ Inserta Tee.................................................................................................... 106
Agru America Inc................................................................................................... 817
Akkerman............................................................................................................... 806
Alliance for PE Pipe................................................................................................ 101
American Augers/ Trencor...................................................................................... 125
AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company....................................................................... 815
American Pipe & Plastics Inc................................................................................. 630
Ameron Protective Linings...................................................................................... 914
AOC Resins............................................................................................................ 906
AP/M Permaform.................................................................................................... 613
Applied Felts/MaxLiner........................................................................................ 1013
Aqua-Pipe/ Sanexen Environmental Services Inc..................................................... 601
Ashimori Industry Co. Ltd. (PALTEM)...................................................................... 631
Avanti International................................................................................................. 416
AWWA................................................................................................................... 118
Barbco Inc............................................................................................................. 716
Baroid Industrial Drilling Products.......................................................................... 714
Benjamin Media Inc............................................................................................... 833
Bid Ocean Inc........................................................................................................ 126
Bit Brokers International......................................................................................... 532
Brierley Associates................................................................................................. 216
BTrenchless Inc...................................................................................................... 206
Buzzi Unicem USA................................................................................................. 122
C&L Water Solutions Inc........................................................................................ 827
Carylon Corporation............................................................................................... 333
CH2M Hill............................................................................................................. 414
Channeline International......................................................................................... 626
CIPP Corporation................................................................................................... 819
CIPP Services LLC................................................................................................. 731
Contech Engineered Solutions.............................................................................. 1007
CUES..................................................................................................................... 816
CUI: Canadian Underground Infrastructure.............................................................. 128
Custom Linings Inc.............................................................................................. 1002
Derrick Equipment Company.................................................................................. 426
Digital Control Inc.................................................................................................. 306
Ditch Witch............................................................................................................ 219
Doetsch Environmental Services............................................................................. 818
Duke’s Root Control Inc.......................................................................................... 427
Electro Scan Inc..................................................................................................... 929
Ferratex Inc............................................................................................................ 120
Flowtite Pipe.......................................................................................................... 619
GAME Trenchless Consultants................................................................................ 533
Global Machinery................................................................................................... 207
Godwin a Xylem Brand........................................................................................... 314
GRACE/ DeNeef..................................................................................................... 218
Green Mountain International, LLC.......................................................................... 430
Haley & Aldrich..................................................................................................... 429
HammerHead Trenchless Equipment...................................................................... 225
Hatch Mott MacDonald.......................................................................................... 925
Hauser Laboratories A Division of Microbac............................................................ 528
Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems........................................................................... 213
HOBAS Pipe USA................................................................................................... 913
HTS Pipe Consultants Inc....................................................................................... 724
iMPREG International GmbH................................................................................... 329
InfoSense Inc......................................................................................................... 625
Infrastructure Repair Systems Inc............................................................................ 327
Inliner Technologies............................................................................................... 719
Insituform Technologies LLC/ Fibrwrap Construction............................................... 107
Interplastic............................................................................................................. 807
IPEX....................................................................................................................... 607
Jack Doheny Companies Inc................................................................................ 1012
Jackcontrol AG & VMT GmbH................................................................................ 214
Jacobs Associates................................................................................................. 217
Jet-Lube Inc........................................................................................................... 226
KEMTRON Technologies Inc................................................................................... 814
Laney Directional Drilling....................................................................................... 113
Laser Technology Inc.............................................................................................. 431
LiquiForce Services................................................................................................ 112
LMK Technologies.................................................................................................. 413
Logiball Inc............................................................................................................ 319
Madewell Products Corp........................................................................................ 232
McLaughlin Group Inc............................................................................................ 116
Mears Group Inc.................................................................................................... 615
Michels Corporation............................................................................................... 701
Midwest Mole Inc.................................................................................................. 907
Miller Pipeline....................................................................................................... 527
Milliken Infrastructure Solutions............................................................................. 713
NASSCO Inc.......................................................................................................... 632
NASTT................................................................................................................... 231
National Liner LLC............................................................................................... 1023
Nightstick by Bayco............................................................................................... 830
North American Specialty Products...................................................................... 1024
Perma-Liner Industries LLC.................................................................................... 501
Permalok................................................................................................................ 526
Picote Solutions Inc............................................................................................. 1033
Pipeline Renewal Technologies............................................................................... 629
PipeMedic by QuakeWrap Inc................................................................................. 912
PipeTech................................................................................................................ 117
Planned and Engineered Construction Inc............................................................... 916
Plastics Pipe Institute............................................................................................. 707
Premier Drill Pipe................................................................................................... 813
Prime Conduit Inc./Vylon Pipe................................................................................ 530
Pure Technologies.................................................................................................. 315
Quadex/ Interfit....................................................................................................... 418
Quest Inspar LLC.................................................................................................... 325
Raedlinger Primus Line Inc.................................................................................... 114
Rain for Rent.......................................................................................................... 313
RapidView IBAK North America.............................................................................. 326
Rausch Electronics USA LLC.................................................................................. 733
Raven Lining Systems............................................................................................ 715
Reline America Inc................................................................................................. 525
Resiplast US Inc................................................................................................... 1018
Rhino Traders......................................................................................................... 824
RS Technical Services............................................................................................ 119
RS Technik............................................................................................................. 200
Saertex multiCom.................................................................................................. 825
Sauereisen............................................................................................................. 919
Sekisui SPR Americas LLC................................................................................... 1032
Sewer Equipment Co. of America / RamVac............................................................ 124
Source 1 Environmental......................................................................................... 227
STORMWATER Magazine....................................................................................... 131
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES............................................................................... 317
Sunbelt Rentals...................................................................................................... 425
The Crossing Company Inc..................................................................................... 627
The Robbins Company........................................................................................... 617
Trelleborg Pipe Seals.............................................................................................. 901
Trenchless International.......................................................................................... 130
Trenchless Technology Center................................................................................ 129
TRIC Tools Inc........................................................................................................ 133
TRY TEK Machine Works Inc................................................................................... 433
TT Technologies..................................................................................................... 401
Tulsa Rig Iron......................................................................................................... 915
Tumbleweed Equipment LLC.................................................................................. 428
Underground Solutions........................................................................................... 301
Underground Tools Inc. (UTI).................................................................................. 832
Vac-Tron Equipment LLC........................................................................................ 115
Vaporooter............................................................................................................. 732
Vermeer................................................................................................................. 201
Warren Environmental............................................................................................ 726
Wyo-Ben............................................................................................................... 215
For more information
Please contact Brittany Maurer, Conference Sales Coordinator, Benjamin Media Inc. at 330-467-7588
2015 Floorplan
NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show | Colorado Convention Center
Visit for an up-to-date exhibitor floor plan.
For more information
Please contact Brittany Maurer, Conference Sales Coordinator, Benjamin Media Inc. at 330-467-7588
Hotel Information
Colorado Convention Center
Hyatt Regency
Denver at Colorado
Convention Center
650 15th Street, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303.436.1234
To receive the discounted room
rate, mention “NASTT’s 2015 NoDig Show” when you call to book
your room.
Directly across the street from
the Colorado Convention Center,
the Hyatt Regency Denver at
Colorado Convention Center is
convenient for show attendees
and an exceptional lodging
experience. The hotel features
welcoming accommodations,
personal service and an extensive
array of amenities. Its convenient
downtown Denver location makes
it easy for guests to access the
16th Street Mall, as well as an
incredible selection of arts,
entertainment and sporting events.
Standard Rates:
Standard (Single, Double) $179
Triple $204
Quad $229
+ Tax at 14.85%
Online Reservations:
Government Rates:
Government ID required at check in
Standard - $163
+ Tax at 14.85%
Room block rates are good through 1/23/15 subject to availability.
Trelleborg Pipe Seals Milford Inc
250 Elm Street / Milford, NH 03055 USA
Tel: +1 800 626 2180 / Fax: +1 603 673 7271
Attendee Registration Form
NASTT’s 2015 No-dig show
M A R C H 1 5 - 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 • C o l o ra d o C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r
4 Easy Ways to Register!
1. Register online at 2. Fax completed form to 330-468-2289 3. Call Benjamin Media, Inc. at 330-467-7588
4. Mail your completed form to: NASTT 14500 Lorain Ave. #110063 Cleveland, OH 44111
ATTENDEE INFORMATION Please print clearly to ensure proper spelling on your registration materials.
Name:_______________________________________________________________ Job Title:______________________________________________________________
City:___________________________________________________ State/Province:_______________________________________ Zip/Postal Code:__________________
Country:________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________
Please provide your personal and company Twitter Handles (example: @NoDigShow) Personal_____________________________ Company________________________
Opt me in to receive future email notifications from NASTT and Benjamin Media. I understand that I may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom
of the emails. The emails are sent from Benjamin Media Inc | 10050 Brecksville Rd. | Brecksville, OH 44141 | 330-467-7588 | and NASTT | 14500
Lorain Avenue #110063 | Cleveland, OH 44111 | 216-570-8711 |
❏ Yes, please opt me in
❏ No, thank you
❏ Check enclosed (Payable to NASTT in USD only.) Mail check with completed registration form to: NASTT 14500 Lorain Ave. #110063 Cleveland, OH 44111
❏ Purchase Order#_________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please submit copy of PO)
❏ Please charge my Credit Card: ❏ MasterCard ❏ Visa ❏ American Express TOTAL DUE:__________________________________________________________
Name on card:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Account #:________________________________________________________ Exp.:_____________________ 3-Digit Security Code (on back of card):_______________
City:____________________________________________________ State/Province:_______________________________________Zip/Postal Code:_________________
(After 2/6/15)
(After 2/6/15)
Gov’t Rate
Gas Industry Day (Wednesday)
Pre-Conference Courses, Sunday, March 15th
Gov’t Rate
Trenchless Technology Short Course - Rehabilitation
Post-Conference Courses,
Wednesday, March 18th & Thursday, March 19th
Gov’t Rate
NASTT’s Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Course
NASTT’s Pipe Bursting Good Practices Course
Ticketed Networking Events
Number of
NASTT’s Gala Awards Dinner, Tuesday, March 17th
Regular Conference Registration Options
Full Conference & Exhibition
One-Day Conference & Exhibition (Monday)
One-Day Conference & Exhibition (Tuesday)
One-Day Conference & Exhibition (Wednesday)
3-Day Exhibit Hall Only Pass
Trenchless Technology Short Course - New Construction
NASTT’s New Installation Methods Good Practices Course
NASTT’s Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Good Practices Course
NASTT’s Sewer Lateral Good Practices Course
Vacation Raffle Tickets $25 Each, or 5 Tickets for $100
Subtotal $
Subtotal $
Subtotal $
NASTT membership number (to receive NASTT member rates) $
Total Amount Due $
* Includes NASTT Individual Membership for 2015. If membership is paid directly to NASTT at the membership fee is only $250.
Pre & post conference seminars and ticketed networking events are additional options for conference attendees and are not included in a regular conference registration. You must register for a regular conference option to
add a pre and/or post conference specialized seminar or ticketed events. Registration and payment must be received by February 6, 2015 to receive the early registration discount. Must be a 2015 NASTT member to
receive NASTT member rates. Any cancellations must be submitted in writing by February 6, 2015 for an 80% refund. No refunds will be issued after February 6, 2015. Personnel can be substituted at any time.
For additional information, contact Benjamin Media, Inc. at 330-467-7588 or email
Thank you to our 2015 sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
For more information or to reserve your 2015 No-Dig Show Sponsorship
Please contact Brittany Maurer, Conference Sales Coordinator, Benjamin Media Inc. at 330-467-7588