The Proposed Gravel Pit and Its Impacts on Everett, Ontario “In continued environmental battles over clear-cut logging, mega dams, chemical pollution and so on, one side is invariably pitted against the other. The result is that there is always a loser. In each conflict, the beliefs and values held by opposing sides are strikingly different. Under these conditions, the choice becomes spotted owls or people, jobs or parks, the environment or the economy. But if we are struggling for a future for our grandchildren and all coming generations, we can’t afford losers.” David Suzuki, “The Sacred Balance” (Preface) The Everett Ratepayers Association (ERA): Why are We Here? Everett Ratepayers Association (ERA): Objective • working with all levels of government, other significant agencies and related groups within our township and county, we have as our core mandate the protection of the Township of Adjala Tosorontio’s rural and agricultural heritage. • “our Township is known for its picturesque landscapes and rural charm” (Adjala Tosorontio 2015 tourism pamphlet) Everett Ratepayers Association (ERA): Objective • Using an ecological and sustainable approach, our organization will strive to ensure that the aspirations of its people are met in the sustaining of a rural and agricultural heritage, and an excellence in health and a quality of life that is second to none. Gravel pits, which threaten sensitive environmental features and a community’s well-being, do not fit into our mandate nor do they fit the desires of most residents in the township. Everett Ratepayers Association (ERA): Objective • Promote and encourage the protection of our environment, resources, and the people of Adjala Tosorontio through the use of an “ecological environmental worldview” and the concept of “sustainability”. • Gravel pits reflect an “expansionist environmental worldview”; they are nonsustainable and; • they are known to have “adverse effects” and “negative impacts” on the natural environment, properties and the health, safety, quality of life and well-being of citizens. Everett will be no exception! ERA: A Voice for Residents In this capacity: • we are objecting to the gravel pit, being proposed south of Everett - the pit is too close to the residential area of this small hamlet • the pit is contrary to local public interests of the residents of Everett - No one should get to change the lifestyle or the quality of life in a community for their own benefits! • it will seriously change the present lifestyle and quality of life for residents within the community • there will be ‘adverse effects’ and ‘negative impacts’ for our environment because of the size, number, and frequency of truck traffic through the hamlet • air quality, safety, noise, increased traffic, water issues Adverse Effects and Negative Impacts of a Gravel Pit • we are against Nelson digging below the water table • results of doing so could result in a reduction in the ‘quantity’ an ‘quality’ of well water within Everett’s Community • There is a shallow aquifer in Everett at an elevation range of approximately 220 to 240 Metres Above Sea Level • Nelson plans to dig as low as 223 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL) Adverse Effects and Negative Impacts of a Gravel Pit “Water resources in communities, so vital to human life and living things, have been adversely affected and negatively impacted by pit and quarry operations, resulting in irrevocable changes to water systems and flows and degradation to the quality and quantity of water.” (Aggregate Pits and Quarries: Adverse Effects and Negative Impacts on Human Health and the Environment Guide, Introduction, p. 7) Adverse Affects? Negative Impacts? Everett with irrevocable changes to water systems, water flows and degradation to its water? This is What They’re Telling Residents Stephen Drew, Nelson Aggregates operations manager said “the number one concern residents have is protecting drinking water. • “he understands the proposal is a contentious issue, but the studies show the operation can be done without harming the groundwater or environment” • “has given (residents) 100% assurance that we would fix any problem for them if that happened” • “to ensure there is no adverse affect to the water once the operation is underway, the study recommends a well monitoring program.” WHAT? Want a sure thing? Leave things as they are in Adjala Tosorontio. Don’t mess with the water in the first place! This is What We Know • Nelson will use approximately 4,000 gallons of water/per hour in their operation • if Nelson paid what some Everett residents presently pay for their water, Nelson’s invoice would be over $19M/year • there is a potential for drying up the ‘sandpoint wells’ • therefore increasing drinking well-water consumption for residents • therefore more water user fees/costs (estimated $1 000.00 extra a year) for home owners At this point Nelson is not going to pay for any of the water they use in this gravel pit!!!! Who will? Everett Residents have an idea who will. Trucks and Dust and Their Impact on Everett and its Residents • Gravel trucks spew clouds of black smoke for all of us to breathe in at every intersection in the region → Everett will be impacted too. • Emissions will cause a reduction in air quality for residents of Everett and contribute to respiratory problems • Diesel exhaust is 5 X more carcinogenic than regular gas • at 500 trucks per day this will impact our air quality – the stop and go of trucks in Everett will further increase the amount of fuel use and emissions within the town • Dust released into the air through extraction and processing will go everywhere Truck emissions and dust will create backyard BBQs with different sights and smells! Trucks and Dust and Their Impact on Everett and its Residents • Fine particulate matter, 10 microns or less in diameter (PM 10) can be inhaled and is considered toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). • Recent studies show that fine particulates pose a greater danger to our health than better known kinds of air pollution, such as smog, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. • there is incontrovertible evidence that increased PM 10 is related to increases in cardiopulmonary disease, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumoconiosis and premature death in those with pre-existing conditions. – elderly and the young are most effected (Gravel Watch Ontario) • crystalline silica dust is common from processing sand and gravel and is a known carcinogen Everett residents don’t need to or want to worry about these things! Wakey-Wakey – Try A Truck Alarm Clock! Trucks and Their Operating Hours • operations are to begin at 6 am and end at 7 pm • up to 6 days/week, (trucks line up on road earlier than that) • noise and dust accumulation on an almost continuous basis in and around Everett • jake brake noise will become a common occurrence within the town limits • unpleasant loud noises produced by trucks and the gravel pit process are one of the most severe environmental impacts that nearby residents have to endure on a continuing basis Stephen Drew, Nelson Aggregates operations manager, has stated that gravel trucks will go to Barrie. How? • Come North on County Road 13 into Everett and go straight through Everett on County Road 13 to 15th sideroad or • Come North on County Road 13 into Everett and turn right on to County Road 5. This means Everett residents will be directly impacted!!! Did anyone bother to ask them if they wanted their quality of life and present lifestyle changed because of one company’s actions? Where Does This New ‘Expansionist Environmental Attitude’ Come From? Everett residents will be directly impacted by the decisions made on things like this proposed gravel pit, the proposed water treatment plant for Everett, and the proposed growth plan for Everett under OPA 15 !!! Our township seems to speak to a type of ‘ecological environmental worldview’ But our township, more and more, is acting with an ‘expansionist environmental worldview.’ Adjala Tosorontio at the Crossroads Quality of life – residents will experience a decrease in the enjoyment of their environment and have a lower quality of life. Quality of Life - Cost to taxpayers will not be offset by tonnage paid to township or for clean fill trucks. The math doesn’t add up! ($$$$) Quality of Life - real estate value for resident’s homes will go down ($$$$) Quality of Life - Reclamation centre will import potential contaminants. Water Quality? Quality of Life - expensive litigation for residents who don’t stand a chance to win against a large corporation if something goes wrong ($$$$) Quality of Life – heavy traffic with large dump trucks cause hazardous traffic conditions and produce dust, vibrations and noise Everett residents want their rural and agricultural lifestyle! Adjala Tosorontio at the Crossroads ? ? ? ? “We’re known for being good stewards of our environment” “Our policies respect our rural heritage, protecting our environment, and creating balance between our past and future. (Adjala Tosorontio 2015 tourism pamphlet) 2015 Adjala Tosorontio Council All eyes are on council tonight. We ask council to do the right thing. We ask you to ….. • take a stand on behalf of the people you represent → the majority of residents oppose this proposed gravel pit plan. • act on behalf of the residents on this issue • STAND BEHIND US, and WE’LL STAND BEHIND YOU!
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