MtgGuide_May2015 - Northern California S-Anon

Saturdays 10:00-11:00am
The United Methodist Church
250 California St. in Santa Cruz, near Bay
Ave. Take Hwy 1 North, continuing onto
Mission Ave (Hwy 1 North), turn left onto
Laurel St., turn right only California St. The
church is on the left. Go into the courtyard
and we are in the first room on the right, the
children’s room.
San Jose (South)
Saturdays, 10:30-11:45 AM
(10:00-10:30 AM Newcomer’s meeting on
the first Saturday of each month)
Evergreen Valley Church 2750 Yerba
Buena Rd, San Jose, CA 95121
From 101 Southbound- exit Yerba
Buena/Capital Expressway. Continue on exit
ramp past Capital to Yerba Buena exit. Turn
left onto Yerba Buena. Continue for 2 miles.
The church will be on your right, just before
San Felipe. Follow the parking lot to the left.
The meeting is in the yurt (large, round tent)
behind the church. *No restroom available
but you may use the one at Starbucks on the
corner of Yerba Buena & San Felipe – ¼
mile away.
From 101 Northbound- take the Blossom
Hill Rd /Silver Creek Valley Rd exit. Turn
Right on Silver Creek Valley Rd. and go 3.7
miles. Turn right on Yerba Buena Rd. The
church will be on your right, just after the
first light. Follow the directions above.
San Jose/Los Gatos
Mondays, 1:00 –2:15 PM
Calvary Church
16330 Los Gatos Blvd. in the little brick
house to the Northside of the church.
From 85 Northbound- exit Los Gatos
Blvd./Bascom Ave. and turn left onto Los
Gatos Blvd. The church is approximately 3
miles down on your left.
From 85 Southbound- exit Los Gatos
Blvd./Bascom Ave. and turn right onto Los
Gatos Blvd. The church is approximately 3 miles down
on your left
From 17 Northbound- exit Highway 9 East (Los
Gatos-Saratoga Rd.). Turn left onto Los Gatos Blvd.
The church is approx 1/2 mile down on your right
From 880 Southbound- exit at Lark Ave. left onto
Lark Ave. Turn right onto Los Gatos Blvd. The church
is approximately 2 1/2 miles down on your left
S-Anon is a 12-Step support group for friends
and relatives of sexually addicted people (similar
in format to Al-Anon). We share our experience,
strength and hope as we learn to cope with the
effects of sexaholism.
Northern California S-Anon Intergroup (NCSANI)
consists of representatives from each of the
S-Anon fellowships in the San Francisco Bay Area,
Central and Northern California. Its purpose is to
support these S-Anon fellowships. NCSANI meets
quarterly. Contact your local group representative for
meeting times and dates. All are invited to attend.
Contact via the NCSANON Help-Line
(510) 869-4884 (recorded message)
Or write: NCSANI
P.O. Box 1682
Cupertino, CA 95015-1682
NCSANON website:
For general inquiries from professionals and other
interested parties please contact the S-Anon
International Family Groups World Service Office as
S-Anon International Family Groups
P.O. Box 111242
Nashville, TN 37222-1242
(615) 833-3152
(800) 210-8141
S-Anon website:
Locations in the
Greater Bay Area
Central and
If you have been negatively
affected by someone
else's sexual behavior,
we encourage you to come
to one of these meetings to
learn about the
S-Anon program.
May 14, 2015
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM
Meeting is in a community center
1510 Oak Street, Upstairs Room, Alameda, CA
From Freeway 880- take the 29th Ave exit toward
Fruitvale Ave. Turn right onto Fruitvale and go over
bridge into Alameda. Fruitvale becomes Tilden Way.
Tilden becomes Lincoln Ave. Turn Left onto Oak St.
1510 Oak is on the left, a gray community center
building with a red door. Park on street or free in the
garage during evenings.
Saturdays, 4:30-5:30 pm
New Connections Counseling Center
4421 North Cedar Avenue, #202, Fresno, CA
(559) 800-8712 Fresno hotline
Fridays, 6:00-7:30 pm
Doctors Medical Center, conference room
1400 Florida Ave., Modesto CA 95350
From Stockton or Manteca- take HWY 99
South and take the Briggsmore Ave/Carpenter
Rd exit. Turn left onto Briggsmore. After 2 miles
look for McHenry Ave and turn right. Turn right
on Granger. The first street off of Granger is Florida,
make a left. Turn into the second drive way on the
right. Drive to the back and look for the parking
garage, it is on the right, and the conference rooms
are in a separate building on the left.
From Ceres or Turlock- Follow the same direction
as above, only turn right off of HWY 99 on to
Briggsmore From Riverbank or Escalon take
108/McHenry to Granger turn right. Left on Florida
and pull into the second drive way on the right. Drive
to the back, the parking garage is on the right and the
conference building is on the left.
Mountain View
Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
El Camino Hospital
2500 Grant Road, Room A, C, E, or G
lower level near cafeteria (check the sign for room)
Mountain View, CA 94040
Westbound Hwy 237 ends
at El Camino Real and becomes Grant Road.
Continue on Grant and turn R on North Drive.
Go short distance and turn L and turn L again
into the parking lot. Use main entrance. Take elevator
or walk down stairs to ground floor.
Walk past cafeteria to Room A, C, E or G.
From Hwy. 280 Northbound- exit at Foothill
Expressway. Go W to the 3rd light onto Grant Road.
Go about 1.5 miles and turn L or W on North Drive.
From Northbound Hwy. 85- exit at Fremont.
Turn left & go 0.9 mile, turn R onto Grant Road. 1
From 101- go south and take the Hwy. 85
exit (Mt. View). Take the Fremont Avenue exit and
turn right. Follow directions above for Northbound
Hwy 85.
Redwood City
Wednesdays, 12-1:15pm
Redwood City Library -1044 Middlefield Rd,
Redwood City, CA 94063
There are 2 metered parking lots on either side of the
library. This meeting is in the first floor conference
room, off of the main Reading Room.
Directions: Located at the corner of Middlefield Rd
and Jefferson Ave.
From San Francisco, take US-101 South or
280 South. Exit at Woodside Road and merge onto
Woodside Rd. Turn North onto Middlefield Rd.
Library is on the left. From San Jose, take 101 or
280 North and exit at Woodside Rd. See above
Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Liberty Towers Church – Room 120
5132 Elkhorn Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95842
From I-80- take the Elkhorn Blvd exit and go
westbound on Elkhorn Blvd. Go to 2nd traffic light
(Andrea Blvd) and turn left. Take the frist right into
the parking lot – follow to the right and enter the
classroom building next to the worship center (facing
Elkhorn Blvd).
Thursdays, 7:15 – 8:45 PM
Heritage Oaks Hospital
4300 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, CA
Heritage Oaks Hospital, Office Bldg. (Outpatient)
Take 80 East to Auburn Boulevard (one exit past
Watt Avenue). Heritage Oaks Hospital is located
straight ahead off freeway. Enter front left corner of
the left building, nearest the parking lot.
SA/S-Anon “Couples in Recovery”
Alameda/Union City*
2nd Saturday of each month 7:00-8:15 PM
Meeting is in a community center
1510 Oak Street, Upstairs Room, Alameda, CA
4th Sat of each month 7:00-8:15pm
Meeting is at Kaiser Permanente
3553 Whipple Rd., Union City, 94587
Building B, 2nd Floor, rooms 2A & 2B
Free parking
1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month
6:00 – 7:30PM
First Christian Church
3901 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, CA
39th and Folsom Blvd in Mid town.
*This meeting is sponsored by an S-ANON group,
but is not registered as a group meeting with the
World Service Organization.