Newsletter of Nor-Cal Woodturners, Inc.
A Non-Profit Corporation and AAW Affiliate
April 2015
Volume 28, Number 4
money please choose two, we could use the
Newsletter of the Nor-Cal Woodturners,
injection ofan
By Tony White
1(916) 206-9264
Hello everyone, I can't believe that it's time for
the meeting again, but here we are. I hope all
that were at the Guilio Marcolongo demo
enjoyed it as much as I did. He was very
entertaining and a lot of fun to be around. I
think he put on a great show. It was also very
nice of Woodcraft to allow us the use of their
facilities, so the next time you need some
woodturning supplies, please help us and
Woodcraft by supporting them.
Let's talk about the demo at the upcoming
meeting and at future meetings. The next
demo is going to be presented by Jay Richins.
If you have taken notice of Jay's work, it's
always thought provoking, interesting and has
a modest amount of "how'd he do that" thrown
in. I hope you're planning on attending. And
then there are the future demos at future
meetings, those are the ones that everyone
looks forward to. They are also the ones that
get their fair share of critique. I look forward to
the future demos, because I enjoy seeing what
the other members are willing to share with us
and I always appreciate what is offered. That is
not always the case. If you're not seeing what
you would like to see, I would like to suggest
multiple ways to approach it. One is to explain
to someone on the board of what you would
like to see. Two, volunteer to share your
abilities with an appreciative group of your
friends. Or three, enjoy the gift that your friend
and fellow club member has given. For my
I want to take this time to ask for any
volunteers to help with the task of getting the
video and lathe equipment to and from the
school and Woodcraft. Think of this, one
person has been involved with every one of our
demos for the last 4 years. For some reason
that just doesn't seem fair to me, so please
allow yourself the opportunity help out.
Well it's getting late and I think I've whined
enough. Like always I want to thank you for
letting me be president of our club.
Tony White
Herb Medsger
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Nor-Cal Shavings
Nor-Cal Woodturners
Membership Information
General Meetings
Dues for the calendar year are $35 per member and
$10 for spouse (if they desire to join) Commercial
memberships are available for $50 per year. This
membership includes yearly advertising in the
newsletter. Ads are to be business card size and may be
changed from month to month. Contact Treasurer
Richard Prima for more membership information.
Leo Palmiter School
2040 Ethan Way, Sacramento CA
Enter Parking lot off Cottage Way
4 Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
Board of Directors Meetings
Board meets at 5:00 PM the day of the General Meeting
in the General Meeting room or one of the nearby shop
or classrooms.
Members are invited to the Board Meetings
Roster of Officers 2015
Newsletter Information
Newsletter deadline is the 10 of each month. Send
submissions to
President: Tony White 916-206-9264
Cameron Park - Richard Bell
Hollow Forms
Vice-President: Jimmy Corbin
Davis - Dorothy Brandon
Secretary: Chris Smith 916-288-8447
Granite Bay - Tom Castaldo
Christmas Ornaments, Natural Edge Vessels,
Texturing and Boxes
Treasurer: Richard Prima
Newsletter: Craig Milliron
Librarian: Hank Wilson
Nevada City - Bill Juhl
530-265-0203 Bowls, general turning, vessels,
coring, tool sharpening, large work
Member-at-Large: Ted Young
Roseville - Phil Sargent
Natural Edge Vessels, General Turning
Lincoln - Neal DeVore
Bowls and Gift Items
Member-at-Large: Don Womack
Stockton - Corwin Jones
General Turning
Member-at-Large: Dwight Rutherford
Yuba City - Norm Hinman
Basic Bowl, Basic Spindle and Natural Edge
Member-at-Large: Judy Prichard
Member-at-Large: Neal DeVore
Member-at-Large: Phil Harris
Proprietary names which may be included herein are for
information purposes only, and no endorsement of any
particular product or supplier mentioned or criticism of
others not mentioned by Nor-Cal Woodturners is implied.
The Mentor program is available to members who have
questions or problems with turning and would like verbal
or hands-on help. Check in with the Mentor(s) in your
area of interest and get acquainted!
Woodturning Workshops
Sign up at the General Meeting for a three-on-one
workshop with Nor-Cal Woodturners’ Mentor, Norm
Hinman, held at his shop. Each member has use of
a full size lathe, plus expert instruction and
guidance for the day. Only $20 and includes
materials and use of tools. Phone: 530-673-5056.
Next class held Saturday, May 2nd.
Nor-Cal Shavings
Woodworking Club News
This section of our newsletter is to keep you
informed of news about activities relating to
turning and other woodworking.
Gold Country Woodturners
Meetings held at 6:30 on the 4th Wednesday of
each month at the Nevada County Fairgrounds
in Grass Valley. Check out their “video of the
month” at
North Valley Woodturners
Meets in Durham, CA. Contact Lynn Shoger at
Bay Area Woodturners Association
They meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month
in Pleasant Hill. Check out their website and
newsletters at
Segmented Woodturners
This is a “virtual” club you can reach at
Jim Rodgers, President.
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Calendar of Events
Apr 28 - General Meeting
7:00 pm
Leo Palmiter School, 2040 Ethan Way, Sac.
Jerry Hall demonstrates embellishing a
square bowl.
Board Meetings
5:00 pm
Held at Leo Palmiter School the day of the
General Meeting.
May 19 - Professional Demonstration:
Jason Breach
Sep 9 - Professional Demonstration: Glen
Phil Sargent Workshop
Call Phil at 916-789-1172 for signup.
Norm Hinman Workshop
See information and time for Norm’s class
on right-hand bottom of page 2.
Sacramento Area Woodworkers (SAW)
Meetings held at the Senior Center at 7:00 pm
the 1st Tuesday of each month
Newsletter Articles
Got a great idea you want to share with your
fellow Woodturners? Whether it is a turning
tool, turning technique, finishing process or
anything at all related to turning, your Nor-Cal
Woodturners newsletter can always use an
article. If you have pictures, all the better. If you
need help writing it up or taking pictures, we’re
here to help. That’s what our club is all about sharing.
Contact either the club president or newsletter
President Tony White
Phone: 1(916) 206-9264
Newsletter Editor Craig Milliron
Phone: 1(530) 409-9197
Share Your
One of the great things about Nor-Cal is the
wealth of knowledge our members have.
Another is that everyone is willing to share that
knowledge. If you have a "specialty" or even
just a turning project that has "turned out" well,
please consider sharing that by demonstrating
at one of our club meetings. It can be a ½ hour
demo (and we'll combine it with someone else)
or a one hour demo. For those who haven't
demonstrated before, we have added a page
to our website titled "How To for
Demonstrators”. It's under the Members Only
section at the bottom. Please consider helping
the club by sharing your knowledge. Just let
Tony or Jimmy know and they will get you on
the schedule.
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Nor-Cal Shavings
AAW Connects
The American Association of Woodturners has
announced a new feature on their website. It
is, at least for now, open to the public. You
do not need to be an AAW member and logon.
It is called AAW Connects Map. It is a very
powerful graphical search engine in the form
of a world map that you can selectively
display pin locations of woodturning related
events. You can choose to display from 1 to
all 7 of these categories:
AAW International Symposia
AAW Chapters
AAW Virtual Chapters
AAW Chapter Demonstrations & Events
Regional Symposia
International Woodturning
Woodturning Schools
River City Food Bank does great work. In 2014
they served 88,762 clients, including over
14,000 seniors and 24,000 children. They
distributed over 2 million pounds of healthy
Simply move around the world, zoom in and
click one of color coded pins that is of
interest you. Connects Map is great tool to
have while traveling. Most AAW clubs
welcome visitors and you might find that
symposium or woodturning school is not all
that far away.
This is what you see when you click on the
Nor-Cal Woodturners pin.
At Nor-Cal, we are doing a small part to help
their work. The wooden bowls we make are
donated to the Empty Bowls fundraiser that is
held each year in March. Last year we made
300 bowls and I'd like to see us match or beat
that amount this year.
Please consider turning a couple of bowls of
any shape or style and bring them to the club
meetings. We will accept them any time and
store them until next year's event. Remember
to sign your bowl. People really like knowing
who turned the bowls they receive!
Nor-Cal Shavings
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32 gallon
barrel of
mineral spirits
and then hand
rubbing in a
Shop Tour
Neal DeVore
I produce about
350 bowls a year
for galleries and
various retail
shows. My shop is
set up (not very
efficiently) for
turning, sanding,
and finishing. This
does not include
another 100 or so
wine stoppers.
The turning is done in a 10x16 converted third
car garage. I
utilize a Stubby
lathe which has
a swing of 30”
maximum. I
very rarely turn
pieces more
than 25”.
is done via
sprayer on
the other
using a
large lazy- Susan turntable mounted on a utility
cart in order to move it about. Most of my
bowls are sprayed with pre-catalyzed lacquer.
Since I shoot around 30 bowls at a time, hand
applied finishes are not practical for me. My
salad bowls are finished by dunking them in a
Since I buy
almost all
of my burl
wood, I
core most
of my
down to as
small as
3”, rather
leaving wasted
wood in the
form of
shavings. The
photos reflect
many cores
lying around,
as well as lots
of shavings. I
about two
barrels of
per week
while in
the turning
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Nor-Cal Shavings
You can
note about
tools on
my wall,
and then
realize I
only utilize
about twenty most
of the time. Moraldon’t spend your
money foolishly! I
utilize a 16”
electric Makita
chain saw for a lot
of stock prep,
since I live in Sun
City it doesn’t
arouse the
neighbors such as
my 32” Husky
would tend to do.
I can produce this volume of
work by production finish
turning a series of bowls,
from one
using a
3M air
taking the bottoms off that batch, then finishing
that batch with the HVLP, and then starting
over on another specie and so on, and so on. It
helps to develop the muscle memory by turn,
turn, turn, then sand, sand, etc. I can organize
tools, sanding discs, drills, etc. for best
efficiency. My work is signed, assigned an
inventory number and stored in boxes in
cabinets as shown in the garage.
Nor-Cal Shavings
My shop is open to
everyone who would like to
call ahead and stop by to
spit and whittle, or just trade secrets.
Neal DeVore
916 253 7208
876 Wildomar Lane, Lincoln, Ca 95648
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Nor-Cal Shavings
A Day of DemonstraƟon of Woodturning by
Sören Berger
Noted Woodturning ArƟst from New Zealand
Sponsored by Gold Country Woodturners
Saturday June 27th, 8:30 AM to –4:30 PM at
Grass Valley Elks Lodge
109 South School Street, Grass Valley CA
Sören Berger has been a woodturning artist for over 35
years. His studio is based in New Brighton, Christchurch, New
Zealand. He is regarded as one of the leaders of his craft
though out the global world of woodturners. Soren is and remains one of the most influential teachers of woodturning, with
an international traveling agenda each year.
In this all day demo, Soren
will turn a translucent Lamp
Shade from pine, a classic
Soren Berger multi-axis
scoop, and other items.
Register in advance ON‐LINE at
Price: $44.00 (members)
$49.00 others
Sören’s Statement: I have come to
see that woodturners are experiencing a rediscovery of a very
ancient art. Modern woodturning has some new materials and
technologies which make the processes quicker and more
pleasant. But when it comes to the way to get the best results
from our tools and raw material then there are very few skills
and disciplines that have not already been developed by the
masters of many cultures hundreds of years ago.
DirecƟons: In historic downtown
Grass Valley, take West Main Street,
west toward Rough & Ready. Turn Le
onto School Street. Elks Lodge is on
your le . The demonstra on is in the lower
level room, which can be accessed from the
alley on the south side of the building.
More Info:
Or Call 530‐802‐0454