COME VISIT The CVWG was founded in November 2008 with 10 charter members. From this small group of ten, the CVWG has grown to over 100 members. We now have a clubhouse with a well stocked workshop. Our members range from neophytes with an interest in wood turning to veteran woodturners. The Chippewa Valley Woodturners Guild has meetings at 7pm the first Wednesday of every month. We also meet at the clubhouse on the second Saturday of the month for our Coffee and Chips. Our meetings usually consist of a brief general meeting, followed by a demonstration, and finally our show and tell, where members can show off their work. CHIPPEWA VALLEY WOODTURNERS GUILD 1125 Starr Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54703 Chippewa Valley Woodturners Guild is a group of enthusiastic men and women from all walks of life, ages, and skill levels who come together to learn, educate, and advance the craft of turning a piece of wood into an item of beauty. If you have an interest in wood turning come visit us during our Coffee and Chips, which are from 8am to noon on every second Saturday of the month. Our members would be happy to introduce you to wood turning, and will help you safely turn your first piece. If you are a more experienced wood turning, and would like advice on any facet of wood turning from lathe selection, tool sharpening, to specialized techniques. There is no obligation to join, we always welcome guests, but should you decide to join the yearly dues are a very reasonable $25. The CVWG and it’s members are involved with programs to introduce wood turning to young people (Learn To Turn), including members of area Boys and Girls clubs. We also, as a club, produce many bowls to donate to the Feed My People charity for their Empty Bowls event.
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