Sydney Northern Beaches Woodturners Inc.Newsletter JUNE 2013 Contents: This Months Headlines Dig-In Club Members Forum Meeting Reports Show & Tell Demonstration Up coming events Vol. 7 No. 4 June 2013 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Jack Butler Vic Harvey Paul Cosgrave Rupert Linn Newsletter Editors: email: Graham Truelove and Lloyd Ross Correspondence: Attn: Paul Cosgrave 139 Prince Alfred Parade Newport NSW 2106 Workshop: Narrabeen RSL Club Nareen Pde Nth Narrabeen NSW 2101 Meetings: Tuesday & Friday 9:00am-12:00pm Saturday 9am – 3:00 pm Monthly: rd 3 Sunday of each month 9:00am-2:30pm Web: Demonstrator for the meeting was :Ken Cooper How to make legs for a small stool Wood-eze WOODTURNING SUPPLIES for all Woodturning Requirements ----------------------------------- Teknatool & GPW Chucks Do you have any questions, answers, tips, tricks, bright ideas, anything to do with turning, the club, or just want to have a good old fashioned whinge…this forum is for YOU! All submissions remain anonymous. email: The Editor About-Turn Newsletter Always write the name [if known] on a piece of wood with a marking pen etc., and the date when you add that piece of wood to your collection. If it is a dark wood, stick some masking tape to it and write on that. This will help you remember as time goes by as your stock of wood increases. To reduce subsequent wood movement on finish turned boxes, rough turn the top and bottom sections and let them rest for two days before you do the final turning and fitting of the lid. From Aaron Ehrlich Lathe Accessories Arbortec Products P & N Chisels Razortip Pyrography Products Pen Parts/Clocks Craft Supplies Reseller: Carba-Tec/GPW Leigh & Yvonne Ferguson 130 The Promenade Sans Souci NSW 2219 Ph: (02) 9593-4692 Mob: 0412 901 991 Trees For All Tree Surgeon Owen Crick All Aspects of Tree Work Fully Insured Mob: 0414 402 813 treesfor Wood Turning Blanks Timber Slabs Jet Tools Couger Chucks/Jaws Accessories Trend Timbers 15 Railway Road North Mulgrave, NSW 2756 Phone: (02) 4577-5277 Fax: (02) 4577 6846 Email: Woodturning Tools Pyrography Sharpening Tools U-Beaut Rustins Organ Oil Sunday Meeting June16 th Our meeting opened at 9:45 with twenty members and two visitors present – a small group again out of a membership approaching 100. No Correspondence as the secretary was away Treasurer Rupert reported a funds balance of $25,886 which included $400 profit from Bunnings BBQ in May. Guild report from Gordon McKenzie noted that Scott Rollo needs articles from members for insertion in the By Hand and By Eye Guild newsletter. Some of you must have something of interest to other Woodturners that could be shared via BH&BE. Send articles and photos to “”. Gordon also noted that there will be a chainsaw demo at the Guild 30th Anniversary function at Southern Woodturners on 28th Sept. Southern are located at The Cubby House, Como Rd. Oyster Bay (opposite Seylla Rd.) - see Gordon for details. Gordon still has half price tickets ($7.00) for the Timber and Working With Wood Show 26 to 28 July at Homebush - available until 25th June. For those who will be demonstrating or helping with supervision at the show reduced price parking will be available at $10.00 for duration of the show. Jack Butler reported on moves to secure a larger workshop. The club has been looking for a larger area to use as a workshop as we have been gradually outgrowing our present accommodation. Jack recently addressed Warringah Council re possibility of using the basement of the new Long Reef Golf Club but council voted against it. For members info, attached is a copy of Jacks address to the council. A copy of a Manly Daily article regarding the above is attached for those who did not see the article or do not live in the Manly Daily distribution area. Thanks to Peter Clouston for raising our profile and arranging meetings and media coverage. The search continues with council and others aware of our needs. Further discussions with the Mayor and councillors has resulted in other properties being put forward for discussion, and also the possibility of land at Ingleside being made available, a meeting will be held on the Ingleside site with the WSC Property Manager to look at suitability. There are still some power tools for sale at the club. Membership renewals began on 1 June 2013, Renewal forms have been circulated to members by email or post otherwise please find renewal forms next to notice board at the club. Please phone Paul Cosgrave (9973-1540) if you have any problem getting to the club. These must be complete no later than 30 June. Annual fee remains at $25.00. AGM and Elections for office bearers will be held on Sunday 21 July 2013, please attend for nominations and voting. A nomination form is attached to this newsletter as is a list of positions that need filling. Some existing office bearers will not be standing for re-election so please volunteer your services to the club. Blue Mountains Woodturners Inc. are hosting a “What can YOU do with WOOD” event on Sat October 19th at Glenbrook Village Green with a variety of events for both Clubs and the attending public. More info on Some discussion took place regarding the lack of items for show and tell and the possibility of resuming using a theme for each meetings show and tell. It was decided that we would go that way and so :the theme for the July Meeting will be to turn an item using a decorative finish. Show & Tell conducted by Aaron Show and Tell for this meeting was really poor with just 5 people with something to display, have you all stopped work for the winter? Rob Morton displayed a clock case that his son is making for his HSC yr12 project. The case has split turned decorative work on the front that was very well done. A work in progress, in Tasmanian Oak Meg Webster showed two pen/pencil stands, one in olive and the other olive and jacarandah. Each is made in three pieces. The mid section has a captured ball bearing and the pen holder section has a magnet in the base to enable it to take up a variety of angles. As usual very well done. Lloyd Ross showed a pen in African Wenge with his first attempt at a simple presentation case made in pine with a plastic cover. Ruperts pen made it’s ? appearance Aaron – always with something unusual, told us the story below about some really old turning. Aaron duplicated the bowl in three different sizes complete with captive rings using modern means. Great work. Demonstration :The demonstrator for the day was Ken Cooper. Ken demonstrated the steps in making a small stool with a simple round seat and beautifully turned legs and supports. At the last meeting Ken was able to take us through how to turn the seat, the best tools to use, how to achieve accurate angles and so on. Today he showed us how he turns the legs and rails and used this to illustrate the finer points of tool use to achieve good results off the tool with minimum sanding required. Ken had predrilled the leg blanks to suit the rails using the angle setout method that he described last meeting. Care must be taken in marking the centres so that everything lines up. Using a pencil gauge the features were set out after the blank was roughed down to size. The beads were shaped with a skew and the rest roughly shaped with a roughing gouge before being finished with a skew. Tip from Ken – round off the edges of the long point of the skew to prevent drag marks on the finished work and you can use the long edges of a detail gouge to get fine cuts like a skew. Be careful when sanding to preserve the sharp features on fillets etc. Finished leg Ken then made the rails in a similar manner to the legs. I noted his use of a roughing gouge at around 90 deg to the work to turn down the pegs at each end. The legs and rails were then assembled to the seat that had been previously turned. Ken then went on to give us some tips on faceplate turning using for example a piece which could be the base of a lampstand or similar work. He emphasised that there was no place for a roughing gouge or skew for this work. A bowl gouge or detail gouge are all that is required. planing cuts and therefore a good finish The aim here is to turn with the grain so that it is supported at all times and there is no tear out. Using a detail gouge the long edge can achieve Thanks Ken for a informative and well done demonstration Events Diary. Bunnings BBQ for 2013 Here is the list of the upcoming Bunnings BBQ dates for 2013. 12th July, 30 August, 21st September, 11th October, 22nd November, 20th December. Please advise Gordon Scott of your participation and if you would prefer morning or afternoon shift. St Ives Markets Sunday markets –6th July, 4th August, 1st September, 6th October, 3rd November, 1st December. Sunday Meetings 21 July, 18 August, 15 September, 20 October, 17 November, 15 December. General Ted Goodman wants wooden handled carpenters chisels. Made by Berg Sweden and stamped with a shark. If you have any then phone Ted on 9982-2259 and put the bite on him. Raffle Winners Rob Morton won the Diamond Sharpening kit Best Wishes Our best wishes go to:- Norm McArthur Birthdays For June :- Janet Austen, John Cottle, George Hatfield, Owen Holden, Peter Horsley, Paul Johnson-Walker, Anne Keogh, Rob Morton and Don Westlake. Happy Birthday to you all. New Members Welcome to :- Peter Whitaker and Peter Scott We hope you enjoy your time with us
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