Welcome to the Learning Hub`s pre-login help page. If you can`t find

Welcome to Learning Hub’s pre-login help page.
If you can't find the answer you need, please don't hesitate to contact
support@learningpool.com or by phone on 0845 0744 114.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: What is Learning Hub?
A: Learning Hub is the main learning and development site for Norfolk County Council
employees and partners. It has a range of online learning resources plus the eBooker
system that allows self enrolment onto a range of tutor-led courses and face to face events.
Q: Who can access Learning Hub?
A: Learning Hub is for primarily designed for the needs of Norfolk County Council
employees. However, Norfolk Schools Finance customers (headteachers, bursars,
governors) also have access to a range of bespoke elearning courses.
Norfolk schools-based staff who need to book onto relevant Health and Safety courses
should contact HR Direct on 01603 222212 or email hrdirect@norfolk.gov.uk, who will be
able to assist with the booking request.
Q: I'm a Schools Finance customer- how do I log in?
A: You will need to create an account the first time you log in, based on your role and your
school/academy – just follow the login page instructions. Once you’ve created an account,
you’ll log in with this each time. To contact the Schools Finance team, please email
csfinancetraining@norfolk.gov.uk .
Q: I have forgotten my password - what do I do?
A: On this page, select the 'Forgotten login / password'. The system will request your
Learning Hub email address or User ID and send you an email confirming your password.
If you don't know your Learning Hub email address, please contact our partner Learning
Pool on 0845 0744 114 who will assist you to change your password.
Q: I’m an NCC employee and I can't log in – what User ID do I use?
A: NCC employees should use their employee (payroll) number to log in. Temporary staff
are given a different User ID when their account is first set up. If you aren’t sure of your
user ID, contact support@learningpool.com or by phone on 0845 0744 114
Q: How do I get a Learning Hub account for my volunteer or secondee
A: Please contact HR Direct on 01603 222212 or email hrdirect@norfolk.gov.uk who will
take the details and pass to the Learning and Development team to get the account set up.
Q: I work at a Norfolk school – what’s the cost of attending a tutor-led H&S course?
A: There is usually a charge for schools' employees attending a tutor-led course but this
varies depending on the course. Contact HR Direct on 01603 222212 or email
hrdirect@norfolk.gov.uk to find out more.